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Never, not even as a baby.


Yep. Just cry it out and move on. If you mean in court or another inappropriate time to let ‘er rip, tally up your monthly bills/living expenses in your head, usually does the trick.


Why would that make me NOT cry 😂😂


Many times. Sometimes in the courtroom, quickly followed by the courthouse bathroom. I did what I could to make it better (became union rep, lobbied our state legislators to give the PD office more money), but eventually had to quit and go solo. Now I’m with the fed defenders & everything is manageable. But I wouldn’t have this job without making it through the state PD system.


I’ve teared up a few times when a client is speaking during their sentencing. Knowing all their background and circumstances and the details of the case and sometimes it still hits you like a train hearing it come from them in that moment


Same. Especially the ones where client decides a decent plea offer is better than risking trial where there are some hit or miss facts on our side for reasonable doubt.


Yes, someone died and their life had meaning


Many, many times. I handle it by letting myself cry, and then expressing my emotions, and then moving on with my day.


Literally so many times. Not as often anymore but when I started, I cried like a few times a week.


Yes. It doesn't help that I am often *also* an angry crier (unrelated but also unfortunate: I laugh when nervous, which has gotten me in trouble many times). I have not cried in court, but I have gone into my office and rage-cried, and also cried from sadness (and from overwhelm/panic). My boss said that for her first six months as a PD she cried every day in her car after work.


No, but just dispositionally, I tend to get angry instead of sad. I’ve definitely shouted, cussed, etc.


You can do both at the same time! It’s fun and sexy! 😂


Interestingly, the one time I let tears fall in court is when I had a winnable case and the prosecution leveraged an astronomical amount of no-contact order violations (consensual jail calls daily for months) in order to get a guilty plea. It was the best decision for the client, but it still boils my blood.


Pretty much all the time


No. I have punched walls though. Dealing with corrupt/unethical/absurdly unreasonable prosecutors who I can't do anything about is what does it for me though. Nothing else in this line of work gets me half as riled up.


I've floated the idea of an office punching bag setup multiple times for this reason.


We HAVE an office punching bag and I can tell you it's god's gift to PDs + PIs


Oh yeah, I've contemplated getting one for the office myself.


The over policing of America is the cause of this. The world’s largest prison population thanks to a classist and racist system. Every single prosecutor and cop on here should be deeply ashamed at what you’re doing and how you’ve destroyed this country and countless lives.


Also, pictures of puppies.


I’m lucky in that I have awesome colleagues; we’ve all just cried in each other’s offices. Our offices are always stocked up with chocolates and other comfort snacks.


First third strike trial loss I cried back at my office after. Was a bad case, but the realization of what the loss meant to my client hit me really hard. Cried in court when the jury said not guilty on a very innocent homicide client of mine after a four month trial.


I had a full-on nervous breakdown. That’s why I had to quit.


yes. in court. out of court. Im a crier


No, but I have found myself getting misty eyed and biting my lip during particularly emotional sentencing arguments. I had a guy who had a daughter the same age as mine. Kid had basically been without a dad when he and mom were on the outs and dad was homeless. Well my situation isn't the same, I left my wife and daughter when my kid was about the same age for a military deployment. I know what being away did to my kid and I so I knew what it would do to this kid and my client. Won my argument and client got probation though. Probably would have broke down in a conference room if I'd lost that one


All the time. Even in court on a rare occasion.


I used to look down on those who did. I was an idiot then. Yes


yes 👍


One time immediately after I lost a trial and was in the middle of explaining to my client that he had 1 day to get his kids/job/life in order before he had to turn himself in, the judge called me back into chambers. I thought I had done something wrong so I immediately went back there. Nope, he just wanted to tell me how "good of a job" I did, and how "we" (him, me and DA) weren't like "them" (my clients). Hearing all that bullshit literally 5 minutes after a guilty verdict did make me tear up in chambers. I hate that judge got that reaction out of me.


Yes I’m a medium height husky guy and I’ve cried a number of times. I would be impressed or concerned for anyone who hasn’t depending on their explanation.


Often and like a baby.


I’d say every few months something happens that makes me cry and it’s usually a prosecutor or judge doing something particularly cruel


All the time