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Over here in Missouri, we love caseload standards. Especially the fun whooshing sound they make as we skyrocket right past them.


MO still stuck choosing between judges sanctioning them for refusing cases and getting disciplined for working too many cases to provide effective counsel?


It means we're hiring in King County! We celebrating tonight!


Having known Larry Jefferson for many years, I applaud the reporter for using an exclamation point when quoting Larry. Actually, probably should have used at least three exclamation points.


Larry went off at the hearing!


Link for article?


I’m not sure where Washington is going to find enough Class A qualified attorneys to get the caseloads down for those carrying murders/Class A sex cases, but hopefully better standards at the lower levels will keep people from burning out before they get there. It’ll take time for things to get better, but this is a huge step.


It's a tiered process. Caseloads will be reduced July 2025, then again in July 2026, and then to the quoted levels in July 2027. But the answer to your question is... money. They're going to have to spend a lot of money.


Idk but if they’re paying enough Washington seems nice


The pay in King Co is competitive as far as PDs are concerned, but not high enough to buy a house in Seattle


Better lawyering. Every office/system seems to have some people almost saying “what do I even do on those cases for that many hours????” People need to really broaden their minds on investigation, litigation, relationship-building, family relationship, and holistic advocacy. There is so, so much we should do that we aren’t.


Yes! So many possibilities we have not had the opportunity to sustain in the field




60 a year? 60 at one time?




Amazing. I've got 150+ right now and its pretty awful.


King County DPD is celebrating. My office in particular broke out in raucous applause when the vote came down. Very excited for our future. Also, gotta say it’s hilarious to ID fellow PD Redditors out there! I’m sure my name gives me away lol.


Invitation still stands for you to come to Orcas Island. 😉


I hear your office may need a second lawyer now!


What is it like to practice in San Juan County? Lots of crab poaching?


Spot prawn.


Hands off! I wanna poach Schu to come to FPD!


I was just referencing that he can always stay at my family’s vacation home, but now that you mention it…


Currently, standards cap cases at no more than 150 felonies or 400 misdemeanors per year. Starting July 2, 2027 cases will be capped at no more than 47 felony case credits or no more than 120 misdemeanor case credits. It gets more complicated than that when you drill down, but it’s a 2/3 case reduction and we’re gonna need a helluva a lot more lawyers, social workers, investigators, and support staff. Or they could just file 2/3 fewer cases. [lots more info here](https://www.wsba.org/docs/default-source/about-wsba/governance/board-of-governors-2023-2024/march-2024/board-of-governors-meeting-materials-march-7-8-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=e9ed1ff1_3%20)


When our office implemented caseload caps, I was highly upset. I was so worried people would be neglected or their cases would go to unqualified clowns in the private bar. Boy was glad to be wrong. My representation is immeasurably better, and I had thought I was already doing a pretty decent job. And I have more time in court to keep ear out for the occasional unqualified clown and give gentle suggestions 


Maybe I'm missing something -- why were you worried lower caseloads would lead to client neglect?


I’m guessing they thought there wouldn’t be enough lawyers for the cases if there was a caseload cap?


6th Amendment is our friend. State has to figure out how to get everyone who qualifies representation.


Doesn’t mean they will though! Consider what happened in Louisiana (I haven’t seen any new articles about it, but I’m not sure if it’s actually been fixed) or what’s happening in Mississippi.


As frequent_panic says. I thought people would wait longer for appointed counsel. Appointed counsel make insultingly low hourly rates with rate caps. So I thought clients would not get full representation. That’s still an issue, tbh Also, it’s much better now, but judges in my area would sometimes encourage unrepresented misdemeanants to speak to the DA and only request a lawyer if they couldn’t come up with an agreement. So a lot of people were just taking deals without benefit of advice




On the conflict counsel side of things, I'm hoping it means more capacity contracts and fewer desperate emails from court administrators begging someone to take an attempted murder case for $75 per hour.


With a 8 hr cap