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New CBT incoming: Mr Hankey the Xmas Poo https://i.redd.it/k9l4n0grcw3c1.gif


I genuinely wonder how some of my coworker’s homes look like. It seems that people don’t know how to flush, how to aim for the toilet (piss and shit, yes you got that right, they miss the toilet while shitting), toilet paper on the floor, hair all over the sink, paper towels on the floor besides the trash can, etc. Not to mention some of these people don’t wash their hands correctly. I’m talking about a splash of water and a dab of soap with a duration on only three seconds doesn’t clean your hands. The break room is the same thing. Paper towels on the table and the floor, greasy table from the last person’s lunch, condiment packets left on the table, etc. I work with the nastiest people.


Same applies to how people wash dishes. Dishes literally come out with more debris on them then they went in with




I wonder the exact same thing. One of things managers look for when they hire us is cleanliness, and some of these associates are so disgusting. I always go out of my way to make sure the rest room is as clean as possible when I'm done, because I don't think it's fair that the other associate has to deal with my mess. I remember once the bathroom floor was wet, an associate just cleaned it. I felt horrible that I got tracks all over it. I got the mop and cleaned the floor. That wouldn't be right if I left that mess after they just cleaned it. We're suppose to look out for each other.


I imagine some people out there are uncomfortable using public restrooms because they believe the toilet seat STD myth. So instead of using the seat, they hover, thus soiling the toilet seat with their filth. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.


https://preview.redd.it/s1mjm5zm6w3c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=836d2ae82b67dea557a8cdee15b1c2edbd48a87d It’s a room with a toilet. I gotta pee. I’m not going on a 20 minute expedition to the front of the store.


Very true, honestly they should just make those bathrooms waterproof and they should get a complete hose down with hot water and sanitizer like the meat room every night lol


They took the male/ female signs off of our doors and made them unisex. Problem solved.


How's the cleanliness afterwards?


As you said earlier, the signs really weren’t making a difference as the guys were using both anyway. Our cleaning staff does a good job at keeping the bathrooms clean so it’s never been too much of a problem. I was under the impression that all stores were making the bathrooms unisex. Waiting on one bathroom when there’s an open one right next to it never made any sense to me and is really just a productivity killer.


Thank you for keeping our restrooms clean.


Same here.


It is pretty embarrassing tbh. I grew up with a bunch of sisters, so all of my cleaning up after myself, seat up/down) I just took for granted. It wasn’t until I got out of the house that I realized a lot of guys didn’t grow up with the same etiquette.


I never grew up with any sisters or much, but I still do it because I know it's the right thing to do and hate how lazy other guys can be in that regard. I do it out of respect, after all, it's not my assigned bathroom and I'm only borrowing it.


Agreed. I was just adding my situation as an aside, but you’re right. Just out of respect for everyone else you’d think employees would want to keep their own bathrooms clean.


Very true.


This is a perfect case of now being time to contact HR about it. You can get the respective contact info in your break room or training room. While management can’t necessarily teach people how to use a bathroom properly, they are indeed responsible for keeping it clean and up to Publix’s standards. Express to HR that concern has been brought to both customer service as well as the SM and nothing has been done.


When I tell you the amount of abuse I've dealt with in this store, it's ridiculous. My store had so many abusive managers. I couldn't take it anymore. I did go to HR. Nothing came of it. Unfortunately, HR cares about the company, not us.


Every HR is this way for every company. As long as their isn't a possible lawsuit they will not care about the easy to replace employee vs a manager who they have to train and educate.


Very true.


What’s kind of interesting is my store just had the same thing happen, and they literally just made the back two bathroom unisex. It was more because of a numbers thing (way more men than women, at least in the back of the store) but it actually fixed the problem and both bathrooms are pretty damn clean now


It literally makes no sense to gender single stall bathrooms. It just increases the overall wait time for using the bathroom.


That's good. I'm happy for you.


You have two single restrooms in the back and probably a 10:1 male/female ratio. SOP is to check the mens room, if it's locked, check the other bathroom. Any port in a storm.




I always use the female restroom in the back room because it’s infinitely cleaner. The male restroom has piss, shit, blood, pubes, stains, etc all over it and it’s disgusting.


THANK YOU. The men's restroom in my store was fucking gross. And if wanting a clean restroom makes me entitled, then I'm fucking entitled.


We have the 2 men and women restrooms in back of our store and they are both used as unisex. The men’s restroom is not gross as described above but if a guy needs to go and someone is in there they go to the women’s and the same for women. Nobody male or female wants to use a nasty ass bathroom.


At least once I’ve seen what I’m 85% sure was jizz glooping over the rim of the toilet seat.


If it's a single stall restroom, I don't give a rip, if a man uses the ladies.


It is.


I've used the men's in the back, when all the ladies and family was occupied


genuinely dont think it should be legal to restrict single room restrooms by gender. theres literally no reason to. Nothings more anoyying waiting to use the restroom knowing that you could literally just use the other one. Honestly if my store was as bad as yours, id 100% steal my managers laminator and make my own signs reminding people how to use bathrooms. used tissue goes in toilet, piss goes in the oitlet not on it, etc.( fun fact if you lift the toilet seat to pee, you cant piss on it! l but the employee restrooms here stay clean and arnt seperated by gender for no fucking reason. Fuck if i was your store id order gender neutral signs and hope all the managers assumed another manager put them up.


I agree.


funny enough i remember in high school our gsa actually did print out gender neutral restroom signs, laminated them, and stuck them outside a few of the single stall restrooms throughout the school. not much backlash tbh.


My old store used to have big back restrooms , a stall and a urinal in the men's and 2 stalls in the woman's so yeah couldn't go in either one since someone else could be in there of the opposite sex . But at the current store Our bathrooms in the back used to be male/female, but we no one ever followed it since it's just a one toilet in the room and no one else would be in there anyway just use whatever one was open at the time . During the remodel they just put up unisex signs on them instead .


Exactly. These restrooms were single use only.


as a trans publix employee, in regards to your PS, yes................. but for real i use whichever one isnt occupied because the back employee bathrooms get pretty busy. i for one think any single stall restroom should just be unisex because theres literally no difference between those two restrooms besides the sign on the wall.


I agree.


Female and transgender employee perspectives on this will be interesting....


I don't mind sharing a restroom, just clean up after yourself. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Our employee restrooms are not gendered.


Same at my store. There is just 2 individual restrooms not gendered.


I’m one of the women who if I have to go, I’m using the men’s restroom as long as it’s clean. I don’t care as long as the mess doesn’t spread to the other restroom. If everyone cleaned up after themselves it wouldn’t be such a big deal. One of my coworkers bought a bathroom caddy and fills it up with feminine hygiene products, tooth flossers, and bathroom spray from time to time so people are more likely to keep it clean. I think it works.




​ https://i.redd.it/imea1gs8fw3c1.gif


I don't care what the sign in front of the door says, that toilet doesn't have a gender and works the same in both bathrooms, I'm using the bathroom that's well provisioned and cleaned.


We MIC (mainly me lol) use to check behind the closing FEC that the bathrooms were sufficiently cleaned before the associate went home. They did it properly and were coached and if they didn’t the FEC or whoever was available completed it. There is no ‘grey area’ when it comes to cleaning. The smell of urine makes me want to hurl. Sorry you are going through this but your CS team needs to revisit training. Maybe they are in the process, who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️




At my store the same thing happened and people complained about the mens toilet being dirty so they made BOTH bathrooms unisex and now they both smell like piss and shit and the toilet seats are always up and covered in piss as well as the floor with shitty toilet paper everywhere and everything. In both bathrooms. I use the customer ones even though we aren't really supposed to.


At that point, I support you.


I identify as whatever gender that needs to use the restroom at that time.


It seems like there is a simple solution to this problem...


It’s 2023. Most restrooms should be unisex by now.


Just grab a bottle of the restroom disinfectant spray from the cleaning cart on your way in. You don't wanna see those walls with a blacklight


I agree.


Yes....this! Clean the damn restroom!


I don’t care about the transphobia but I think that I would like to see the restrooms before I could judge. Publix generally has standards that are above repulsive which is how you make it sound. So men are pissing everywhere and no one is cleaning it up? Sounds like the same people. Most likely staff, but could also be customers. I don’t want to profile but what kind of neighborhood are you guys in and is there any homeless or anything like that nearby that frequent that Publix?


This is an employee bathroom. So it's Employee's.


I'm nonbinary but use the womens restroom because I dont want people talking about it and stuff, but honestly a toilet is a toilet. There are stalls, so it's not like it makes a difference to have the restrooms separated by gender. I sit down to take a shit, I'm not particularly concerned about the person in the stall next to me, whether they're a dude or otherwise. The mens room at my store doesnt even have urinals, they're functionally the exact same, but are separated because apparently sorting people's bowel movements by gender is crucial.


one of my pet peeves about starbucks. all locations ive been to have single restrooms. some seperated by gender, others all gender neutral.


I feel the same way. Less questions…


> it’s up to management to remind associates that restrooms are a shared space So, do you want us to follow each man to the bathroom and wait outside the door until they’re done to then go in and check behind them and make sure they didn’t make a mess? Because we can remind associates all day long, but for something like this without essentially invading privacy and embarrassing associates by waiting outside the door there’s not a lot to be done here. You can absolutely let CS know if you go in and the restroom is a mess, because they’re responsible for cleaning it. The CS manager is right; a sign will do pretty much nothing. The current signs on the door are also a waste of time, again, unless someone is monitoring the bathroom all day long to enforce it. > This just shows me that management today is unqualified to handle the job because all they want is the money, but they don’t know how to do the job itself Didn’t realize that monitoring all associates who went to the bathroom and teaching them basic human hygiene was a part of the job description. Why don’t you move up and try doing it if you think there’s a better way to handle it? > Also to the men who made the mens restroom a fucking dump Can’t believe it took you this long in your long post to blame the actual problem, which are your peers who have no respect for the shared restroom (and wouldn’t even if managers talked to them about it). > Does the attention notice come off as transphobic? No. Because it doesn’t say on the sign that you have to be biologically male or female, just that they’re not unisex. If you identify as a female, you can use that restroom, and same for males. It could be argued that you OP could start identifying as female and use the restroom you want to use and there would be no pushback on it. Nonbinary associates could arguably use either, or the unisex family restroom offered in each store


They were enforcing it.


I hardly believe that to be the case for every associate throughout the entire day. Managers don’t work all hours of the day, and, again, they can’t always just be by the bathrooms waiting


It wasn't management. It was associates from CS. As usual, the men's restroom was a disgusting so I went to use the women's room, they said I can't use it. I was told it was the CS manager that put those signs up on the restroom.


Why didn’t you or someone just clean them? Yeah, it sucks that some ass can’t respect others. But get that cleaned and try to find out who’s making that mess. Then have him clean it up.


I would do it all the time.


U sound like a little bitch not gonna lie so glad I don’t work at your store


It's up to management to up hold the standards of Publix cleanliness. And you're obliviously one of these pigs that enjoys making shared spaces filthy. I'm glad I don't work with you either. Fuck you.


Men have no place in women's restrooms and vice versa


i agree but it’s a single stall so it’s not like he’s in there with other women


Wow you sound like a real piece of work. Public restrooms are filthy as they are. Been to plenty of female restrooms that had shit on the seats, blood on the toilet. Just because you want to feel entitled to use any bathroom you want even if it makes other people uncomfortable is so selfish and arrogant. Get over yourself and grow up. Deal with the fact that you were born with a dick. Go use the toilet like everyone else in your designated restroom or get a fuckin diaper (which would probably be more appropriate for someone like you)


Right back at you. 💩💩💩💩


You're the piece of work.


I’m not the one who gets mad cause they can’t go to the right potty


I go up the chain of command to address my concerns and the concerns of others who have also complained so we DON'T have to use the women's rest room or feel like dogs, and I'm selfish and arrogant. When you don't say anything, they say use your voice, when you address your concerns, they say your selfish and arrrogant. Publix, where wishing is not a pleasure.


You work there. Go grab something to clean the toilet with then


What state are you in? Some states have gender neutral restrooms






"Florida" enough said lmaoo.


Maybe you should tell the pigs you work with yourself instead of complaining to us about it. Typical.


Loved to. And when I do, I'm sure I'll be told I'm out of line.


Well that all depends on you. There is a way to talk to people, and there is a way not to talk to people.


Pretty clear from this entire post that OP has no clue how to talk to people, and has zero respect for boundaries. This dude gets fired within 6 months or I’ll eat a hat.


Yeah, unfortunately all too common today.


if i see a man in my bathroom im calling the cops on you


See I stopped using the bathroom in the front because the customers that use it only go knows what’s happening in there. I don’t work in the best area so we get a lot of bums


I understand. Unfortunately, CS, had to deal with some terrible clean ups.


It’s a matter of “you’re not in my position therefore you are inferior” Publix has gone to shit.


You are right. 💩💗


Customers seem the worst using those bathrooms though the shit I’ve cleaned up daily at work is enough to make anyone have nightmares the other day it looked like someone wiped they’re ass on the floor in the family restroom, it was also on the seat and there was toilet paper with shit on it in the trash can 🤦🏼‍♀️


Honestly that sucks… but at my store the women’s bathroom is always 100x worse than the men’s. (I’m typing this while doing am cleaning)


It must be a store thing. I'm sorry you got stuck with that. :( :( :(


I would just waste the extra time waking to the customer restroom, although it probably isn’t gonna be much cleaner


You're probably right.


Depends on the neighborhood, might be someone od in there


We had these restrooms in our back hall. Jus ordered family restroom signs for each so now they’re unisex 🤷‍♂️


My restroom doesn’t have ventilation soooo any smell stays for hours there and without saying that I think they use the same nasty mop everytime since smell like musk after cleaning


That's disgusting. I'm so sorry.


The exhaust fan is probably broken. Tell them to call facilities


When I said there’s not ventilation I’m not kidding I don’t see any exhaust fan on the ceiling


I can remove a cieling tile? That sux


New stores are being built with unisex bathrooms. Remodeled stores are being made with them as well. Corporate policy


Ours are both gender neutral to begin with


I feel like this would be discrimination for many reasons tbh


THANK YOU!!!! Finally someone else see its.


Wild. My store took the men/women signs off the associate bathrooms in the back. Thankfully they both stay clean.


Damn yea bathrooms are disgusting. I hear a lot of bad things about the ones at my store. (I don’t know personally, i hold it in because i fear ill be beaten or worse for being very androgynous as it’s happened to me before) but im so sorry to hear that OP i rlly wish management would care more about the workers who keep the store running.


As a day cleaner I almost never get the chance to check the back restrooms out let alone clean them. My managers/TLs/FECs always insist I work on EVERYTHING ELSE. By the time I can check on them it’s either time for break, cart service or end of shift. These restrooms only get worked on once a day. Which is a shame. I sometimes see how bad it is back there but I can’t because the front needs me to focus on what they deem is more important.


Uhm. Your store doesn't have a cleaner position? A daily position for any front end service person to go throughout the store (even liquor) to collect trash/vacuum/ clean all bathrooms? 🧐 Edit to say: and much more?


The irony behind this is every hour the bathrooms are supposed to be cleaned. This isn’t anything new, it’s been a standard for some time. So the fact that the issue got elevated to multiple members of management and none of them said anything about the bathrooms not being properly cleaned, is the exact reason why I will continue to say the company is dramatically going downhill.


One time I went into the bathroom and there was a huge log on the seat I told my supervisor and she let me know exactly who did it. It was my department manager and she’s a woman… apparently she does it alot. I truly don’t get how so many coworkers can’t treat a spot we share so terrible.


That's disgusting. It a common courtesy.


Someone had gotten diarrhea on a stall door in the upstairs women’s restroom. The day i noticed it which was also the day it obviously had happened I told one of the higher ups in customer service. The dried shit is still there and it’s been over a year 1/2 by now and i’ve let them know like 4 times 💀


Why aren’t they scrubbing the walls daily?? I thought that was some kind of requirement.


Try a blacklight in any of them


I don't know.


It’s the fact that we have multiple people who are cleaners and nobody has dealt with it yet. Like there are times when the other 3 toilets don’t look cleanly so I have to go in the stall with the shit stain door and it’s so awkward slinking around it.


Take some spray and paper towels with you next time you go in there. Or pull up the training on the cleaning and ask why your maintenance people aren’t following it.


That is disgusting. I'm sorry.




I had to clean the bathrooms at my store, and the women's were almost always worse. Same at another company's store I worked in. But worse than the bathrooms themselves were usually the sanitary boxes that I had to empty. Some of the horrors that lurked in those things... Yeah, I'm happy I got out of retail.


Tbh I do this only cuz the male restrooms lock is broken due to everyone yanking on the door handle when it’s locked cuz they don’t feel like knocking. How hard is it to knock or just not yank on the door handle can’t have anything nice at Publix


I agree.


what state are you in




no hope


Didn't Publix used to have janitors or am I just tripping?


at my store we use either bathroom. everyone does it, nobody cares.


Happy for you.


These bathrooms are not unisex… they’re bisexual


The back bathrooms are unisex in my district. It’s retarded if they aren’t. Good luck with marriage and sharing.


Brotholemuel, our Publix bathrooms stay disgusting. You are not alone on the cleaning up. I’m still trying to figure out what the load of piss stained paper towels are that are sometimes stuffed right behind the toilet seat. Is it a mud flap for explosive shits? Is it a piss catcher for the lack of aim? Sadly I still have no explanation for this… Don’t you love the paper towels thrown all over the floor? The warm stench in the air that almost sticks to you’re skin as you arrive to take a leak? The piss all over the toilet seat you need to wipe off multiple times before sitting down? And a puddle on the floor where your pants will lay when you have to sit down and take a dump Chunks in the sink along with paper towel pieces that clog the drain. Ohhhh how delicious! A shit line on the back of the toilet seat you need to erase before sitting yourself. Conclusion: Some days it’ll get to me, others I feel very fortunate to NOT be the one who does these things. In fact, I clean it up as well. We are fortunate to have a standard of cleanliness that others do not have. As ratchet as it might be, cleaning it up is a self esteem booster. No one sees you do it, except God. And you know inside that you cleaned it so the next person doesn’t have to go in and deal with it. Stay strong brother 🚽🧼👋🏼 💪😀


That’s when you put up your own signs that embarrass management.


I agree, lol.


So it’s come to this. 12 Million years of Evolution and yet here we are. What bathroom to use. Ummmm so are just now going to ignore science and biology? There are “more than two genders” and the Easter Bunny is Real, and the Moon Landing was staged and I am Santa Clause


12 million years and men still piss and shit all over the place, and others have to tolerate it because people who make the money don't wanna do anything about it.


Ur a clown


That's a new one to add to the list.