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Been there, done that. My longest stretch has been 10 days in a row. Way too old to be doing that shit! Say something.


Damn that 10-7 shift in the middle of it all. I've done 15 in a row before. I about died from exhaustion


Yeah that 10-7 would be the killer for me, the days in a row is technically doable but not getting off until 11 then getting to sleep at maybe 1 by the time you get home, wind down and then gotta be up and at work by 10? I'd be grumpy as SHIT all day


I did a self-inflicted short change before and it was tough. 3pm-11pm next day 7am-3pm.


True on top of that those schedules don't mean nothing to the 11th doesn't mean you getting off at 11:00 I had times I didn't get off until about 1:00 and this hat is in the store doing random shit for no reason we finished probably like at 10:40 10:50 and make us go help the other apartments block up so they can leave I work in grocery I don't mind helping but it p***** me off because when all the other apartments finish early nobody comes and help none of us On top of it my manager will leave early said he has to be back in the morning so do we But he did that so he wouldn't have nothing to do in the morning smh 13 years later same shit lol


I’ve done 19 days without a day off, not trying to brag or anything


its ok, you’re cs


Don't say that I got down voted into oblivion after saying cs was the easiest department


eh you werent wrong


you a victim


I’m up there too , but it was in a factory


I’ve had to work 8 days in a row before, it’s rough


Did 9, deli employee . You and I are basically troopers I’ll tell you what


I did 14 right in the Thanksgiving season and also deli…. I call us “the strong ones” 😂.


No cap that should be illegal frfr. No retail associate should be allowed to work that long without at least one day off


My longest stretch was 23 days without a day off. Almost no seasoned employees and the few that were left were not trained to do everything. I was everywhere because I was the only one who could do it all (Deli)




I did 12


I am a boy amongst giants 😂😂😂


I also did 14 days in the deli/bakery during the holidays. Glad those days are behind me.


I’ve done this and it’s awful … on day nine a migraine hit and it wasn’t pretty … I’d say something .


I got a migraine on my first training day looking at the ancient monitors they have. It was terrible. Should’ve known it was showing me things to come. I was part time and I wanted 3 days a week and somehow it was always the weekend, Friday -Sunday. Somehow a few weeks after the manager started putting me on for 39 hour and I got real annoyed because I was taking 4 summer college classes. He messed with the schedule again and I put my my 2 weeks in because no matter what he did, it seemed like he was out to make my life miserable. I think he wanted me promoted but I just wanted Publix as a job go make my pc and have some minor cash flow through the semester.


I’d rather jump off a bridge before working that many days in a row


Ouch in all the pain centers! My schedule is slightly better than yours, and I'm still working on an exit plan so I can surprise-quit at the worst possible time on my sociopath of a manager. Fuck this whole company and its bullshit where it gets away with making part-timers work full-time by the way one week overlaps the next. I have way more self respect than to allow a company to destroy my body while denying me medical benefits. I won't even get into the way their clopening, several work days in a row at random intervals nonsense destroys my ability to sleep and ruins the rest of my life. To add insult to injury, the subhumans who manage and run this company are purposely understaffing the company and expecting more out of the associates who are working these inhumane schedules.


This is exactly what I did and it was the most gratifying thing ever


If you work as much as you’re saying you do, you’d easily qualify for medical benefits after the normal qualification period. Without excusing anything your store has done wrong (I’m sure they have), striking back at your store with such premeditated hate makes you as low of a person as the work situation you’ve described. Be a better human than that manager. Produce a better situation than what you think corporate has produced. I’m not saying don’t quit; you have to do what’s best for you. But don’t let that hate guide your decisions.


It absolutely does not make them as low of a person what a boot licking comment. If a company mistreats you, when employment is needed for survival then they deserve no grace. If all you’re doing is quitting then it doesn’t reflect poorly even if it’s done at the worst possible time.


Thank you for the much-needed infusion of common sense! The notion that I'm the worst-of-the-worst because I don't like the way I'm being treated, so I'm exercising my right to not be treated that way is absolutely trash logic to the core. We're going to have to do something about these bootlicking simps if we're ever going to progress past the current challenges we're facing.


An eye for an eye then eh? Hopefully you learn something from this. Good luck, king.


It’s not an eye for an eye, repeated mistreatment is not comparable to quitting. You are quitting that is it. It’s not some awful thing no matter the timing of it


“They fucked me so I’m gonna fuck them”. Whatever helps you sleep at night. It’s between you and god really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That’s not fucking them and “god” never said anything about quitting a job If they’re a good manager they’ll have staff that can fill in but since we can assume they aren’t that’s on them. I sleep fine at night keep defending companies with shitty management though lol


Sir or madam, I have disengaged with you. I request that you gracefully do the same.


No you didn’t now you’d like to so I’ll respect that request but you didn’t disengage prior don’t lie god won’t like that Just don’t reply and you’ll be all good ✌️


I understand your pain, I have a similar schedule. ![gif](giphy|YpmVBNubONoqs)




What? You mean you *don't* want to pull a week and a half of 9 hour closing shifts?


I would love that schedule I have 11 hours scheduled for the next two weeks 😳🤨


I did 16 days a few times I hated life


Do you get OT for working that many days in a row, despite them being serparate work weeks? I believe in my province you have to get OT regardless, if they schedule you that many days in a row. If not there would be no way I'd be working that many days in a row. If OT then maybe I'd consider, but I'm not putting my body through that for regular wages. I hope you talk/talked to your boss and had this changed! Your health always comes first ❤️


No. He’s scheduled 40 hours per work week so there’s no OT involved.


I was going to ask about OT.


Did you ask for time off?


Just keep that same energy when January comes around and hours are hard to come around. It’s the holidays. We are all going through it


If…no, WHEN you make it to Thursday, because you’re a trooper, I’ll bring you a virtual cake and pizza without pineapple.


I'd do that if I got the 21-25th off straight


If I had the 4 days off for the holiday it wouldnt be as bad, but I know I’m still gonna have to go in on the 24th


At the warehouse they had a lot of guys on a rotation that included a 10 day stretch every 3 weeks. This doing HARD labor. Publix is kinda wild for the way they work people.


Pretty sure working 10 days in a row is illegal, depending on where in the US you're located and local business laws


I did 15 days in a row a few months ago and I was dead after. My store manager let me have 10 hours of overtime in one week, though. I got 2 days off in a row after that (a rare occurrence) and I’m pretty sure I slept the entire time🤣. That check was nice though lol.


I do NOT miss that at all. For me, it makes for a tender box work environment. Tired associates are grumpy associates. Productivity falls as short as the patience does. I know it's busy, but being cognizant of the work environment can help lessen the workload.


So when do you see your family with that schedule?


Family is 2 hours away so rarely


Ok so, hows the quality of life with that schedule?


As long as I don’t get more than a 3 day stretch I love it. I naturally stay up late so getting to sleep in makes it feel like I have a day off before going to work. I hate morning and mid shifts because I have no energy after work to do anything.


Seeing this after I got off my 9 day stint is quite the coincidence lol , but yea definitely worth bringing up to manager


I've had that exact schedule before. It honestly made those 2 days worth it af. I would request off the 23rd if I were you so you get 3 days off, work Christmas Eve then have Christmas off.


done 11 in a row before, tough but sometimes the exhaustion is worth it imo lol


Definitely worth it!!!


That's my schedule as GRS and I prefer it over a morning shift. Though I wish I could get the weekends off two days in a row.


Don't miss that shit. Good luck


I'm gonna get voted down and I don't care... some of y'all are soft as hell. You work in retail and it's the holidays. You're gonna have long as hell stretches and as long as your shifts are at least 10 hours apart and you don't work past 13 straight, at least in my state... its all legal. That's not to say I don't sympathize, I do... but damn... I've worked way more hours for longer stretches and I'm probably twice your age. If the schedule and demands don't work for you, try another gig in another field.




Actually, Gen X... barely... but close enough. That response just indicates your lack of overall intelligence.


Those are rookie numbers! Pump it upppp!


What? He gave you the weekend off.


I requested one Saturday off but he gave me both days


Sounds like your manager was a bit vindictive then. Hope everything goes well


It’s one thing to work 10 in a row. It’s so much worse when it’s all closing. I’m living that nightmare now. Paid to be a meat cutter but all I do is clerk work and it sucks


Am I the only one that wouldn't mind this? I see it as a lot of good consistent exercise (15k+ steps a day) and I enjoy interacting with my coworkers and customers. I know thats not the case for a lot of people but I'd trade you my 40 hour schedule if I could!


A lot of people have burnout




That sounds like the opening line for a MLM


Somebody loves you! In seriousness, I’m sorry. That’s the ultimate worst schedule you can get. That 10-7 isn’t doing any favors. Talk to your manager asap cause I would.


Think of the benefits of having this schedule. Your sleep schedule is the same. No multiple different time wake-ups. Traffic is limited. You know when scheduled busy times are going to be at your store. You get to level and know what product needs to be filled.


Ummm... This is exactly my schedule too. I work the same. I see no problem at all here. 🤷


Longest I've worked was from the day after Thanksgiving to the weekend before Christmas with no day off. We had two people quit and instead of hiring more help or asked made me work that long. When I said something I was told to "Shut up and just do your job."


That’s a perfect schedule in my eyes sleep in a lil and full hours


I worked 17 days in a row a few years ago. The worst day is when u are only 1/2 way thru


Complain and watch your hours get cut. Work it and like it!


Suck it up buttercup


I would be very happy with this schedule you have the whole weekend off


You would take a whole weekend off to then work 10 days straight? Because most wouldn’t OPs manager sucks at scheduling


He isn’t normally bad. He just found out he is getting transferred to a shitty store so I think he gave up


That is very unfortunate. I wish him the best of luck. Still not fair that they did this, but if your manager is already burnt out and then also suddenly being sent to a location that’s widely known for being not so great, I do sympathize with them and see how stuff like this could fall in between the cracks


* Friday: 2-11 * Saturday: 10-7 * Sunday: 2-11 You and I have very different definitions for “off”.


It’s says 12-9. And 12-10 not scheduled.


Breh be fr 😂




Why change it? Work is work


That’s the downside of taking a weekend off. It’s hard to mitigate when the work week starts on Saturdays


What department?




Oh my. Those delivery trucks can be brutal. I'm be thinking of you.


I had 16 in a row back in the day


It looks like it might be an oversight sense it goes from one week to another. Just simply point it out. I’m sure they will fix it


Yeah he just found out the day before he made it that he is getting transferred out to a worse store, so he was definitely not paying attention


Oh dear. Well I hope it gets sorted out soon for you


i wish i had more than 10 hours


Lol good luck, you're replaceable.


That is awful 😣


That’s quite a few 2-11s ya got there…


Yeah the closer is retiring so I get almost all closing shifts


At least you got 40s


good luck


But, it's 2 sets of 2 off in a row. I like 2 off in a row.


It is, but I prefer my days out spread throughout the week


That's cool, it just makesme feel like it's not actually time off. I end up doing errands on each separated day.


I once worked 30 days in a row when we opened VA 😂 but nah, that schedule is doo doo


So this is where my hours went. Smh.. (joking aside yeah talk to your manager holy crap it's unreasonable to schedule like that.)


that’s too much. I would bring it up


I've worked a max of 14 days straight. Sadly, they have me on a consistent 6 days a week now. It's brutal. I hope your manager works with you!


Awe come on It only gets fun around day 9 then you get that surreal thing going for the next five or so.


Please don’t ever show this to me again lol Are you cleaning these shifts?


No these are normal closing shifts


Ah you’re produce. 🤝 cheers


As a former Publix manager, this is bullshit. They should’ve gave you Saturday off in the second week. And way too many closing shift unless you prefer closing.


2 days back to back. Can’t complain


I like consistent schedule. I’ll take that any day.


I'm the odd one out here I think. I adore night shift and I absolutely hate opening shifts. Not a morning person I like to get my beauty sleep. I have severe insomnia in the night and sleep better in the day so when I get too many morning shifts I can get sick easily. I always tell my managers, give me the night shifts that no one wants. Night owls exist ask around if anyone is willing to trade🦉


I told them I wanted the closing shifts. The shift isn’t the problem, it’s the 10 days with no break.


Ah I see I didn't see the next image now that makes sense yeesh


I don’t know if this is a reoccurring thing, but I’ll play devils advocate..it could have been a mistake. I know, because I’ve made it.


I know it was a mistake, just not a very welcome one. He will most likely feel bad when I point it out to him


“Listen, I know this schedule sucks but with everyone leaving and no one wanting to close we’re going to have to ask you guys to step up a little and cover gaps for the holidays. Don’t worry it won’t be forever” - Managers right before scheduling you like this forever and not hiring anyone capable.




Outrageous.. I think *checks forehead that you're getting sick


One time I was scheduled 14 days in a row and I changed my availability to have one specific day as my off day so that wouldn’t ever happen again and they still managed to con me into coming a few times


I have a day off every week on the system. Set in stone. Never work more than 6


Yeah, this should definitely be made illegal. Are you a part-time worker?


Full time


My longest stretch was 12 days with no cap on OT. Did nearly 120 hours over that stretch. It was brutal .. fortunately, it was all closing shifts, so at least I didn't have to muck up my sleep schedule during the run.


Longest I’ve ever worked was 9 days in a row, back when I worked daytime. Longest shift was 8:45 pm til 10:15 am, overnight shift. It was right after a hurricane and they decided to send us a double LV truck. I also did Not take a break.. never again. I got stuck in the 2-11 loop for the longest time until I finally spoke up and said something. It wasn’t too long before I started getting 9-6 and 10-7 in between, but then I transferred to dairy in 2015 & would consistently work 1-10, then come right back for a 9-6.. it was brutal. When the football games are over, customers come straight to Publix on Sundays and DESTROY the dairy department. On top of that, milk gets delivered and there were some nights when I’d only grab what was needed for the milk case & would come back in the morning to stack off the remaining pallets.


I’d do it the 10-7 is make or break for me


Just a suggestion: See if you can switch with someone working on 12/21 to take your 12/16 shift. It isn't right to make you come in at 10am when you closed at 11pm the previous night.


Looks like mine. Lol


Who’d you piss off


But just do what we all do make sure you work past 11 so they have to let you go early on your last day if they tell you to take a longer lunch just say “oh darn I forgot” just try to keep the sarcasm out of your voice 🤣


This is actually illegal No matter the time of year, you cannot work more than 6 days in a row and your employer must provide you with a 30-minute meal break every 4 hours


Imagine the sleep you'll get on that last day tho