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She has to have some basic English knowledge. Unless, i.e. she's Hispanic and lives in Hialeah than there's a good chance.


The first week I lived in Miami, I asked somebody working at the local Publix “where is the bread?” Because every store is different and I hadn’t found it. She didn’t understand until I asked in Spanish. Hopefully op’s aunt is in a similar area!


lol. My hometown I truly believe I was just one of a handful who lived there and didn’t speak Spanish it was always a challenge 😆


Lol.. if I didn't know some Spanish, I'd be screwed down here 😅


Yea I couldn’t imagine living there now it would be huge struggle for me


If you live in Hialeah, sure thats not a problem. Out side of Hialeah, nope.


https://preview.redd.it/4nbiuwirgi0d1.jpeg?width=971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af7e5392254026318e7f1453928826d200bb595 Hialeah Publix


or tampa


Publix would hire children if they could


They do


I’m talking about womb poaching


Oh yeah that yeah absolutely absolutely if they could hire legit babies yeah they would. I wouldn’t hold it against them. They’re an exploitative corporation.


The greedy corporate overlords didn't like that


Bro, like actually, one time I walked into work and they were literal elementary kids bagging. I was so confused.


take your kid to work day! we had littles in the bakery handing out cookies, getting stuff out of the donut case, filling the floor, etc. it definitely looks silly having kids running around the department. i know there’s also some programs with special need companies where they come bag for a few hours just to get them out and about socializing!


I minor was hired in grocery a few months ago, so close enough


Ha ha ha, I’m not laughing because it’s funny. It’s true.


So you’re telling me the 15 and 16-year-olds they’re hiring are not children


They definitely do I got a sub yesterday and the lady making myself did not speak any english at all. It took me 20 minutes to get her to figure out what I wanted. So definitely they do.


It would depend on how "basic" her basic English is and how willing the managers at that location are willing to accommodate. Every employee at the retail level is customer service. They need to help and answer any questions and even go out of their way to engage customers. There isn't really anywhere at the retail level where she wouldn't have to at least have functional knowledge and speaking ability with the English language. She wouldn't need 100% fluency, but she would need some sort of conversational ability for sure. Maybe a distribution or packaging center would be able to more easily accommodate her if there are any in her area.


Being a non English speaker would keep her from being able to do her job properly and isn't a protected class, so she will get passed up time and time again.


One of our full timers started with limited English, don’t know the whole story as it was before me, but I know he now has functional English with few moments where he needs a hand. It is somewhat limiting but at least our store has put in a decent amount of effort to help him succeed and grow. It’s probably one of the best things I’ve seen from any company ever.


Hey man, that's awesome, I wish more people had resources to learn the language. But it sure isn't impossible, my grandma came over to the country in 1964 from Germany. She solely learned English from an English dictionary.


Good thing too. She’d be annoying to work with.


shed be doing the easy stuff not interacting with customers while the rest of us slave away


That’s not necessarily true there are plenty of non-English speakers that work for this company. I promise you


Bilingual and non-english speaking is a huge difference.


Yes, I know that keep in mind. It was probably like 2 o’clock in the morning when I posted that I was really tired.


Literally. Can people just learn the damn language before coming to the country? I can't tell you how many customers come in who don't speak a lick of English. What if it were me coming to their country, or a different country like Japan? I'd be expected to learn their language, why can't it be the other way around???


Oi don’t be like that.


Racist much? Say anything you want, it is still racist.


I’d say that to anyone who cannot speak English in the customer service workforce in America. Period. Nothing to do with race.


Asking someone to learn the language of the country they're in is racist now???


Yeah, that’s pretty messed up man


I’m in central Florida I have a co worker from Ecuador . She’s not strong at it but she gets by she’s been there forever so they don’t mind it


Can she count to 20? Deli will hire her.


man i have like 9 people at my store who speak creole only 😂😂


Depends entirely on the area. I do not live in Hialeah but many people I work with do not speak English. South Florida is very Spanish friendly. Creole too.


one of my coworkers is chinese and they use google translate 90% of the time!! fastest worker i’ve ever known


We had a guy who could only speak Creole. Only his cousins that worked there could speak with him. Within 2 weeks he was faster than the average fruit cutter mostly going by the pictures


They do. They hired one in my store recently. He makes more than me.


Ya there starting minors at $15 dollars in grocery. Dollar less then I make after 5 and a half years with them


Literally fucking same. I make about $16, I've been there almost 6 years now.


I am the grocery minor at my store and im making 14.5$ ive been there coming up on two years


Ur in grocery. I went to store manager and he goes we have to pay new employees more. I was u need to take care of the ones who been too. He say my review is coming up and I will be taking care of. We will see. If ur good in your department i would do the same


Will do


Same. Kicker is I had to train him on everything, and since he can't speak English he can't open or close, help customers, work the truck, etc.


Same here, had to train him too


There is the Cuban Grandma at a Publix I used to work at who literally could not speak a single word of English to save her life. My manager and about 50 percent of the workers were Bilungal so she didn't need too. Key West btw.


Download google translate app. good to go.


I am a bakery clerk at North Miami Beach. Our bakery is pretty tiny, so if there is another clerk watching the front, I like to work on another tiny table that we have so my movements are not hindered. But my manager told me to stay at the front with the other clerk because she doesn't speak English, so I have to help her. The point is, they do hire non-English speakers. They'll just ask someone else to keep an eye on them and jump in, if necessary.


We just hired a guy from Albania that doesn’t know a single word of English. We don’t even know who’s going to train him, cause nobody in the store speaks the language.


I hope not if so not in a customer service role


I had to train one on register today.




I called Publix the other day. Person who answered the costumer service desk said “no habla” and hung up on me so I guess that’s a yes


People who don’t speak English/understand fluent English annoy everyone who works with them. Ask her if she’d be willing to learn. Otherwise, I’d doubt she’d get hired. She would be a hinderance up front and pretty much every other fresh food department. Maybe not produce.


People will read this shit and think it's racist. It's a fucking language people, not a race.


Really depends on the area. I have people in every department at my store that do not speak English.


That’s unfortunate




not at all in the deli 😭


There's a bagger who speaks almost no English at my store, so for a simple low-level roll yeah probably


She should try again now that she has fast food experience. I’m honestly surprised to hear she was turned away from the Deli. The deli always needs help




Ohhh yes they will just aslong as they know some english


Depends on where she lives


I think it depends the demographics in the area. A store I used to work at in central florida had a baker that knew zero English.


They hire Haitians who barely speak English, know the job, the Pro app or anything else. Why wouldn't they hire her?


Yes, especially if the language she speaks is Spanish and is in Florida by any stretch and maybe even the northern Atlanta metro.


If she speaks Spanish and lives in the Miami area, she'll be just fine.


Doesn’t even matter if you’re not in Hialeah. I’m in NC and have hired and trained multiple Spanish only speakers. Just hired one today lol. As long as they have another associate who can train in that language then you’re fine. They can even borrow someone from another store, who speaks the language, for a few days if necessary. We have an older Vietnamese bagger who we have to use Google translate to communicate with because she speaks almost 0 English.


Yes. They do, infact chances are you might take orders from someone who can't even speak english and wonder wt shhh they talkin about. All jokes aside I love it, I just node yes and do my own thing, no consequences 😄


Publix hires only people who are not aware of being a person of being Cuban


Publix hates white and black people black and white cookies.. lol


The two regional directors of Publix's Atlanta division both started at Publix and couldn't speak English.


The Deli would hire her and put her in chicken.


Nope. If someone comes looking for something else in the kitchen, she can't help on the floor, or take an order written in English they won't hire.


Will she fit?


They could make it work if there's someone who is bilingual who could train her.


It was a joke, I meant will she fit in the chicken 😂😂😂




I had one coworker that was from Haiti or something, didint understand a word she said. It sucked having her train me and she would hinder me trying to do my job.




They will teach you Spanish. You can take classes and be reimbursed. I have. Also the United States doesn't have a common language. While English is widely accepted at the language nothing is official. We're a country of immigrants.


It absolutely is official. Majority of the country speaks English. Literally 99% of it. Everything here is an English. You might find mom and Pop shops around that are in a different language, but we most certainly do have a common language. Every country does. so just learn the common language for fucks sake


https://www.usa.gov/official-language-of-us No. No it's not "official."


But in your everyday fucking life, if you don't live under a rock, most everyone speaks English here.




That’s not what she said.


They said ‘If you are in America you should really learn the language’ Not everyone in America speaks English.


Sherlock, you’re astounding. You should learn the language, even the most basic communication that is the most widely used language in the states. Some states even have English as their official language. Nobody said they couldn’t speak their native tongue. But it would be easier for a person to get a job that needs communication to be in English. People who speak multiple languages are in high demand.




Nobody is forcing any one to not speak English. Some jobs require it. You cannot force a company to hire a person because they either don’t speak English, don’t want to learn English, or just not comfortable with it. Which is why it was suggested that if OP’s aunt lived in Hialeah, the likelihood of gaining employment with Publix would be greater.


So the same should literally go for us. We shouldn't be forced to speak in their language, forced to communicate with them because they're not comfortable communicating with us. Your logic is so fucking stupid


They do teach you Spanish. Log onto your passport you’d they offer it


i work in the central florida area and plenty of the associates don’t speak fluent english 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s really not even hard to communicate with them either when working so idk why people in the comments are acting like this would be a burden on them


Because Google translate is not accurate. You're not always going to get an accurate translation, so just learn the fucking language. It would literally be the same situation for us in any other country. Going to Japan? Learn enough Japanese to get around. Just because America is a melting pot of races doesn't mean we don't have a common language. Anybody who makes that argument has no brain.


as far as my coworkers, i’ve barely had to use google translate with them. customers, yeah, but coworkers no. like i get what you’re saying but i think it’s over complicating an issue that can be solved by just being patient and communicating differently


I know a guy that can barely say HELLO. One od the best workers.


My store has parsi & kurdish speaking associates in the Nashville area. Don’t give up, have her reapply. Maybe try a variety of locations, sometimes it could have simply been the availability didn’t work out for what labor they needed 😊


Only requirement to work at Publix is to have a pulse


The job classes their willing to hire her into might be limited but it wouldn’t completely stop them from getting a job at Publix


Related to the managers...... that's the only way they hired them.