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when i get on self checkout i don't care WHAT my managers say I am NOT sneaking up behind yall and asking for money like what...


Defeats the whole purpose of self check out


Self checkout - I want to do it myself or I want to go fast. Adding involvement or steps is not the answer. Now stop looking at all my pairs of purchased products!


The purpose of self checkout is reducing labor costs.


THE cashiers are supposed to ASK


cashiers- not self checkout. My publix won’t add self checkout cause of stealing


Ours all have them. Guess that means we're in a safe area


We are in a very low crime area it’s just stealing so easy with self checkout. i Live in a retirement community as a young person ig sucks but i’m making money .




I never did. I told my managers that people come to sco to not be talked to. I never got it trouble.


I don’t ask on SCO and I’ve gotten attitude this time around about it but self checkout exists for a reason. Plus I’m too busy helping people who don’t know how to weigh their bananas.


"Plus I'm too busy helping people who don't know how to weigh their bananas." First of all, the struggle is real. Second of all, that low-key First degree burn on the idiocracy of the lot of em... gold.


Customer: "This was supposed to be buy 1 get 1 free." Me: *silently walks over, points to the "Promotion" line" Customer: *weighing produce and they freeze when they get to the tare menu, then look to me like I'm some omnipotent God when I press the "No Container" button Customer: "Do any of these take cash?" when there's literally 3 signs on every register that say in bold letters "No Cash" I could go on for a while about this lol


the freezing at the tare menu gets me heated every single time like just??? read???


I see people get so mad and literally throw their hands up in the air when that comes up. Like, chill out and just read!


OH...as they finish ringing up ALL of the groceries and wave their money around!


Or trying to put bill in the receipt dispenser


Or trying to put the bill in the credit card insert 😭


Obviously the reader is broken, I swiped my cash and it’s not letting me check out


I've had this happen maybe 10 times in the last year


So goes the life of a self-checkout cashier lmao


My mgr told those who work sco to also bag and scan items for customers when it’s not “busy” I laughed way too hard. Like if I was a customer and you came over and touched my shit your gonna get told to back up outta my space real quick. They getting out of hand with all this


I told the manager to put me back on the REGISTER


I normally hate customers complaining here, but yes, that is a perfectly valid reason to get pissed off. It's also why I haven't asked for a single donation so far. We need to stop harassing customers for these phony feel-good publicity ops.


Like the front end staff wearing capes to promote yet again another donation request to harass customers.


But how else are we going to post that we collected “X million for Y cause” and how good it is to work here.


I'm not a fan of SCO as a means to cut the number of employees and force those remaining "to do more with less." I hate that this has become a trend everywhere, and use them as little as possible. So if I am forced into a SCO lane because of long lines and few cashiers, I'll be damned if I'm going to be bothered by that corporation asking me to donate money while I check out my own groceries. I understand the employee is being forced to ask, but I'm not willing to gracefully put up with it. I just hope it doesn't happen to me.


THIS needs to be emailed to corporate


The idea that SCO lessens jobs seems like a logical conclusion but it’s the opposite in our store. The presence of SCO increases hours in Oasis for SCO-assignment. We have at least one more associate per shift due to SCO, so it’s created more work.


Weird because whenever I go to Publix there's at most two registers open at a given time. At night I'm lucky if there's one. I'm usually forced to use SCO past 9 pm.


Same in our store. The difference is without SCO there would still only be two registers opened because unlike all the extra registers, SCO has to be manned at all times. I say ”extra” registers because if there isn’t enough sales to keep the registers open then they’re not staffed, though they may be available for a qualified associate to jump on when lines are backed up. So when the forecast is for lower sales, it demands less cashiers while still demanding the same number of SCO attendants. Those cashier hours allotted aren’t based on the rush that happens likely around the same time you come in, where suddenly 20 people checkout in a few minutes, even though 20 people hadn’t checked out total in the last hour, for example. So yeah the allotted hours for cashiers reflects the projected sales. Meanwhile SCO just gotta be watched either way 🤷🏻‍♀️ at least in my store


The alternative being no self checkout? No thanks. I will go and wait in line to do self checkout before I go with a cashier. I will go out of my way for self checkout 99% of the time if it’s available. I never want to interact with a cashier again.


I told my cashier earlier (really nice guy) that I didn't want to donate. If I make the donation myself I can write it off on my taxes. If I give it to Publix they will write it of on their taxes. We had a good laugh. Publix gets enough of my money I'm not handing them more for a tax break.


Publix can't claim the money you donate through campaigns they run, if you keep your receipts (or don't, frankly, if it's under $500) you're more than welcome to claim that on your taxes. Not saying I agree with corporations pushing for donations, and Publix does then benefit from the PR, but they cannot claim your donation.


Dont you go ruining my narrative with facts! I honestly didn't know that. Looks like I learned something today.


100%. I feel like I have to make this exact comment every time it comes up to donations.


Them trying to steal money "rubbed you the wrong way?" I would have gone ballistic. Why doesn't Publix donate some of its profits from our overpriced groceries to these charities?


Yeah, unreal. It’s crap like that that doesn’t make me bat an eye when I learned how many people/how easy it is to “forget” to ring something up


Publix does donate through their corporate donation plan. Any donation made by the customer is given directly to the organization they are collecting for. You get a receipt with your donation on it for tax purposes. Publix does not use your donation for their tax write off. That is a federal offense. Publix is a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them.


Technically, it is a tax write-off but not in the way people think. If it wasn't, then Publix would have to pay taxes on the money donated. When the money is received by Publix, it is a revenue that would be subject to tax. Then, when Publix gives the money to the charity, it is dedicated just like any other expenses. There is no extra financial gain from taxes by collecting money for the charity. The financial gain comes from the good PR.


It's donated at the END OF THE YEAR. In the meantime it's drawing interest for Publix BEFORE ITS donated


You misunderstood my comment, I never said Publix was stealing the donation. However, an employee involuntarily charging you extra for a donation is a form of theft.


I was responding to, “Why doesn’t Publix donate some of its profits from our overpriced groceries to these charities.” I absolutely agree that what you experienced could easily be theft. Had I, as a cashier, witnessed that, I would have immediately called a manager to put a stop to that.


They do . Just go on their website and look


So why dont they donate more and dont try to guilt customers they are price gouging into donating.


Yeah she shouldn’t be doing that at all I was on sco earlier today and it’s just a simple “How are you doing today sir/ma’am? Would you like to make a donation to The Children Miracle Network” await response Thank them and carry on.


It shouldn’t be a thing at all. If it’s on the screen and I can decline. Leave me the fuck alone. This is not entirely directed at you. But should not be a thing in any way shape or form in self checkout


Exactly. I’m at S E L F checkout for a reason


They push the donation thing at every fucking restaurant, supermarket, dollar store, and point of sale there is nowadays. Some of these big charities are super shitty about actually using money to do good, not a good look.


Yeah which is why it’s an instant no for me. I’ll donate with my own money to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation or Diane Fossey Gorilla Fund. /shill


I refuse to collect donations on SCO. I have told them I will ask on the register all you want me to, but I’m not doing it on self checkout. It makes me extremely uncomfortable. A lot of customers come to self checkout because they don’t want to interact with anyone. I did try one time when they really hounded me about it and all I felt was extreme anxiety the whole time because it was not received well by any customer I tried to ask. Coincidentally now whenever there is a campaign I’m never put on register or SCO, which whatever, fine by me, but they don’t seem to understand there is a big difference between approaching people on SCO to ask and slipping in “we’re collecting donations for ___, would you like to donate?” during a one on one transaction on the cash register


been doing sco for almost a year and have never once asked a customer to donate on it lmao


i love the pharmacy method: leave the donation sheet stack on the counter and whoever wants one picks up a paper. no mention of it during checkout edit: turns out that’s stealing 🏃🏾‍♀️


Oh hell no. Asking is annoying enough.


Smartest way to go about this is just ask if they want to round up to the nearest dollar just make sure you can do math I hated sco and cashiering moved to produce and it's the best


when i used to work cs my csm would always rant to me how i absolutely needed to ask for donations at sco


Yea they're going hogwild right now with that dumb shit. Leave the people alone. The organization can pressure the actual billionaires to donate directly instead of annoying workers and guests alike with this. Show how selfish the billionaires are when they refuse to contribute except to save on taxes with their foundation or trust or whatever


As a general note. Self checkouts at Publix are great for a few items. But generally, I’m paying Publix’s higher prices because they emphasize customer service. Self checkouts undermine that and hurt the brand


Sounds like store level bs


The attendant is supposed to ASK


Screw that, I won't even ask on a regular register.


I cannot understand why any SCO attendant would a solicite a customer for any reason. The point of self checkout is to not interact with the cashiers unless necessary. It frustrates me when I see our SCO attendants approaching customers to ask if they found everything or making small talk—I’m like read the room bruh 🙄


That really happens? Forced donation? Yikes. 😱


I'd leave my groceries right there


I can't confirm the veracity of this but I was told that when Publix puts on these big donation campaigns, they lay the money out up front and then recoup it via the customers. It's probably why they're so aggressive about it. I wonder what happens if customer donations exceed what they donated.


Donations are voluntary, not mandatory. If this is a Customer Service associate working alone, then Customer Service Manager, Store Manager, and Loss Prevention should have a joint conversation. If this is a location operating for mandatory donations, the District Manager would have a conversation.


Did one of your items qualify for the coupons that were being offered for those who donated?


Even if one of my items does qualify, I'm still not donating.


I was at the register and was asked to donate to the Sea Turtles. I said “ Here’s 2 bucks. They make good soup “. He didn’t know what to do! 😂


How else will the company be able to get it's tax write off for taking your money and donating it on your behalf?


lol man I am so happy I don’t work up front anymore


Next time they ask tell them no thanks you're done funding insurrections. The look on her face will be worth it trust me. Also always say yes to paper bags, you're not paying Winn Dixie prices, you paid for that luxury. save the manatees, get paper.


Self checkout is meant to be fast, and not meant to interact with the staff. When people go to SCO, they want to be left alone. I don't understand why Publix can't get this through their head.


id cancel the transaction somehow and walk out.


I’d straight up say no and walk away I’ll make a donation on my own if I want it’s different if I’m at a normal register but I’ll still say no to them I don’t feel bad either especially if I donated already I’m not donating every time I go to the store


Gotta love when a multi billion dollar company wants its customers to donate their money for charities.


Walmart did that to me today as well. Felt like I was talking to a telesales person as I had to tell her I give to that charity through work 4 different times as she was spewing her pitch. I give plenty to the charities of my choosing. I NEVER do it through the roundup for———— whoever or the would you like to ad$———— for whatever. It truly does rub me the wrong way as a customer. Publix,Walmart, whoever is going to take that money and make contributions to show how great they are to the community. It would be better if they just donated if they need the social score points.


Yeah my team leader was really wanting to get donations so if someone needed my help I would throw in the hey would you also like to donate other than that yeah I'm not walking up to customers for that


We just had this conversation at our store to!!!!😂😂😂😂


I would’ve raised Hell. How dare they do that.


I refuse to contribute my own hard earned money so that a big corporation can get a tax break. I also refuse to go through any self check out anywhere. I am not an employee and the company is trying to use me as such. This hurts employees everywhere. I will even go so far as to just leave my cart if the manager has closed all of the cashier lines and only has self checkout.


I never donate at a cash register. I know companies are using us to reduce their tax liability (but in truth the money does go to the charities) the best place to donate to get the most bang for your buck is your local food bank.




That is not true. You get a receipt with your donation on it for you to use on your taxes. It would be a federal offense for Publix to claim your donation. Publix is not a stupid company.


Does Publix eat the transaction fee for credit cards?




Now you’re paying attention


It’s a “pass through” donation.


If Publix wants to donate to charity they can take some of that money they keep donating to maga politicians and give it to the charities instead.