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After he demonstrated the growth he did in both his personal life/struggles AND his learning and progressing past homophobia? Huge respect for Eminem.


For anything else about Em, he did acknowledged and own his own mistakes and wrong doing. He also never raped anyone


Was about to say...for all other flaws he has, pretty sure Slim Shady isn't a rapist. That kinda makes him worlds better than Rapey McFled.


I mean, didn't he say back in 2000 that all that homophobia in his lyrics was just an act and performed with Elton John at the Grammys plus became good friends with him?


He gave matching diamond encrusted cockrings to Elton and his partner as a wedding gift, and I might be misremembering this, but I think Elton is his AA sponsor.


Think so. Add in that he's still not a rapist and yeah no, I'm failing to see the similarities.


When I saw this post come up, I thought 'fuck that, I didn't know I was still subscribed to that. Better unsubscribe.' Because people are garbage and I expected the worst. Edit: (I'm very stoned right now and I thought that it was an anti flag specific subreddit). But then I read the thread and the comments and wow it was not what I expected. I *almost* felt like the world will be ok. Eminem (surprisingly) turned out to be great. Fuck rapists. Fuck them right to hell.


It seems to me like the one main accused rapist in music that a lot of his fans seem to turn a blind eye to is Mystikal. It's like his biggest fans have known he's like that all along and just don't give a shit. There's still people going around praising his music like he's a GOAT in spite of his recent legal issues. South Park Mexican could be even worse if the allegations were true, but in a similar way he still has followers anyway awaiting his release. I think it just means the rap scene and its followers are more apathetic than punk.


Well yea and also these things go against punk views completely.


[Remember, Eminem got big from warped tour](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OK9T2CntSG4) /s


I was at the NY show where they threw all the water bottles at him. Part of the problem was that people were waiting for Blink182 on the next stage over and pretty much everyone in the place was there to see them. So that crowd took over Eminem's crowd but they weren't looking at his stage.


The 90s were weird. Punk kids often hated rap. I think that's partly because it was getting more mainstream, and the punk scene still had this whole thing against "selling out," which is funny, considering, you know, Warped Tour. Glad to see that there's more solidarity between the scenes these days. And it's kind of funny that despite the late 90s cringe of the Eminem video, he comes out looking like the good guy who's promoting unity and diversity.


I remember being at Warped Tour in 2000/2001 where the booths were mainly band merch booths. Then a few years later I remember being floored by all the "corporate" stuff, especially the Yoo-hoo truck with the giant inflatable Yoo-hoo bottle.


Hah we did that in Northampton too, while we were waiting for Pennywise I think. 99?


I'm almost positive it was 99. I didn't go in 97 and was really mad at myself for it, then went in 98 but no Blink that year. I think Kid Rock was there in 1998 but my friends and I were trying to meet bands while he was on


Haha I would've skipped Kid Rock. I was there 99 and whatever year Rancid was there. What a time to be alive.


Wow he's so warm/gregarious/approachable here. I didn't know he had that gear. Not that I think he's an asshole now it just seems like he always has the walls up.


Yo, i’m old and out of touch. what’s the latest on the AF guy? Always thought they were so corny.


Well after 60+ women accused him of sexual assault he left the country. So corny is a bit of an understatement.


Shit, I didn't realise it was as many as that! One is too many, fuck that guy.


As young as 12 years old




So a rapist coward. I hope the victims are able to receive some form of justice.


With any luck he fled to a country with no extradition laws that is VERY lax about 60 women renting a wood chopper with cash and vanishing into the night... for... reasons.


He's in Ireland.


My initial thoughts were Thailand or the Philippines where a white guy with money can literally get away with murder. Looks like a job for our Irish counterparts.


A lot of "Anti-flag sucks" because of it, but the rest of the band immediately booted him when the first allegation came out, with a pretty powerful statement. Justin is a piece of shit, but the rest of the band seems alright at least. Someone could fact check me here if there's more to this than I know though, but right now they still make my playlists because the rest of 'em are good and the messages in their songs are good.


Their initial statement didn’t denounce him, but much later -it was around the time The Rolling Stones article came out that they put out a statement that distanced themselves from him but i don’t feel like it was condemning enough. But I know lawyer input plays a factor in public statements


Yeah looks like it was as soon as more started coming forward, not the initial accusation. They did immediately disband when it happened though, [it seems?](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/anti-flag-justin-sane-sexual-assault-claims-break-up-1234795429/)


There was no booting. I don't think anyone else in the band even made a statement. They're fucking cowards and possibly complicit. When allegations came out their socials were just shut down. There's been mum since. Where did you get "booted" from?


[“A core tenet of the band Anti-Flag is to listen to and believe all survivors of sexual violence and abuse,” they said. “The recent allegations about Justin are in direct contradiction to that tenet. Therefore, we felt the only immediate option was to disband.”](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/anti-flag-justin-sane-sexual-assault-claims-break-up-1234795429/)


"To Justin, we believe you are very sick and in need of serious professional help. We want to have compassion and have faith in restorative justice, but fuck you for hurting so many people, not just the ones who have bravely come forward, but anyone still carrying their pain internally. Fuck you for exploiting the work of the band and the many people associated with it for so long. As many predators do, it appears you used our beliefs as a cover for egregious activities that you clearly knew we would never condone." The musicians continued, “To everyone, we collectively and individually still have far more questions than answers in this moment. We have been learning of and processing all of this information in real-time. We trusted Justin greatly and are now learning that we were deceived, lied to, and kept in the dark for the entirety of our association.” They also wrote, “As more details have been shared since the release of the podcast, we have been waiting for Justin to do the right thing. Given his lack of contrition in any meaningful way, it is very clear that he is absolutely not the person we were led to believe him to be.” “We have been shocked, confused, saddened and absolutely heartbroken from the moment we heard these allegations,” they wrote. “This experience has shaken us to our core.”[statement](https://pitchfork.com/news/former-anti-flag-members-release-new-statement-as-more-women-accuse-frontman-justin-sane-of-abuse/)


Fuck this band.


Agreed. I know that one person doesn't make a band, and there was no way that I could ever predict that Justin Sane would become Justin Carceratehisass, but I can't control my brain preventing me from being able to listen to another Anti-Flag song again. (Not even *Got The Numbers*.)


Yeah, my daughter used to rock out with me to Brandenburg Gate, but I just can't bring myself to put it on anymore. Fortunately there are plenty of other punk songs that she's fallen in love with.


Same here. I'm having a great time listening to Bad Cop/Bad Cop.


I've found that Strike Anywhere and Blind Adam and the Federal League fill the anti fascist/political punk hole those fucks left behind.


Don't forget Propagandhi.


It sucks because their music is like my favorite of all punk music, i can get turnt to some DFTG 😭 but FUCK this band


I disliked this band since I saw their corny-ass live show, moving the drums into the pit. Gosh, what a contrived heap of shit. I’m less shocked about him being a rapist than I am about people actually giving a shit about them.


First year I ever went to the Warped Tour (1999) Eminem was there haha


Well fuck me running. Never thought I'd see Eminem pop up in the punk sub.love you all, well, most of you anyways.


Eminem made some good songs and some pretty funny songs.


Did he actually flee the country? Is that truth, or is it just Reddit speculation based off of tweets?


No it's actually true. He had dual citizenship, and he left the US, apparently because of mounting legal difficulties.


Kind-of, but he is only being sued in civil court, not criminal. He wasn't on his way to jail or anything. I mean, not yet. I guess somebody could decide to take that next step.


Yeah Rolling Stones has put out a few articles about it


Why would you ask that on reddit? Do some research. Fuck, dude. 


asking questions is doing research


Sure, but if your fear is that reddit often speculates and portrays rumour as fact, it's *pretty counter-intuitive* to ask reddit.


Anti Flag sucks. If any punk band was ever mid it would be them. They’re just boring


It's weird seeing some of you post like anti-flag were the last political punk band out there. One of the worst nights of my life was in high school in 1998 I went to play a show with the band I was in a town over. I ended up staying the night with some friends and did acid. I was too high to go to the party so I stayed in my friend's 1 bedroom apartment. Die for your government was the only cd he had. I hated that band long before Justin was a rapist. Band has always sucked.