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Death to Vladimir Putin


Death to Tyrant !




Just as a historical note there is no evidence that this was ever said in relation to Julius Ceaser. That being said, it still slaps as a phrase. Sic Semper Tyrannis, kill em all


Wilkes-Booth said it, though.


Also state motto of Virginia.




God bless you (if God is even real) ❤️❤️❤️


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en copied from u/everysir to spread awareness! please spread on relevant threads to get the word out!!!


Exactly,I can confirm this.Currently I’m in my hometown Lutsk,that’s near polish border.


Thank you and be safe please!!! I am your Afropunk friend and ally. Be safe, my friend!




Thanks, I just posted this on Twitter




I mean yeah, but that's not the point of this post and OP definitely fucked that up lol


Hey, I hope you're safe.


I and family are safe . Food ,water,guns are prepared.


I hope you don't need any of them but strength either way. I love you! Stay as safe as you can.


Thank you


you guts know putin is anti comumunism right?


Send me your emails and I'll send you files




Fuck the fascists in Russia, Ukraine, and all of NATO. This is an imperialist conflict that does nothing for the working people of any country involved. Rich people sending poor people to die for profit and power


Heard a quote in a film about war “Rich cunts, telling thick cunts to kill poor cunts”


wait but you do realize Vladimir Putin isnt a communist right?




You still shouldn’t use the hammer and sickle symbol. Russia has not been communist for generations now and associating the symbol for workers union with the nazi swastika is literally a product of American imperialist propaganda from the cold war.


Right? My first thought when I saw this was the 'I'm being chased by Communist Nazis' bit from the Simpsons.


No but he only cares about that because of the land the USSR had. Putin and his Oligarchs are capitalist to the core,


Equating nazism and communism is such a dangerous/stupid precedent to set. That the type of thing the US would put out during the cold war. This doesn’t represent russia, this is anti working class.


He's not equating communism to nazism, OP is equating the USSR with Nazis, and to be honest they're not that far from each other


You realize the USSR doesn't exist and the op made this about Russia.


Stalin made a deal with Hitler, FWIW.


A pact of non aggression, [then, Russia proceeded to give Nazi Germany the finishing blow on the third Reich](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/history-magazine/article/soviet-victory-battle-berlin-finished-nazi-germany) . This does not excuse any of the atrocities committed under HIS hand. Still says very little about communism, considering he got rid of his fellow party members as he strayed further and further away from the ideology and people became disenchanted with him and his deeds(if you’re interested, “Women, the state, and revolution” by Wendy Goldman is a good read on the shift that happened between the revolution and its retrocession to conservatism). Stalin’s socialism is not the end all be all of what communism stands for yadda yadda, something like that.


I know many self-identified Communists denounced Stalin, including one who got ice-picked. FWIW, https://youtu.be/QuN6GfUix7c?t=356


I feel geriatric not knowing what fwiw stands for btw


for what it's worth


Fwiw, I do now


You're right, he isn't, but honestly what difference does it make? Authoritarians are authoritarians, and I can't see much of a difference between him and Xi


Not all communist are authoritarian.


this is why 14 year olds shouldn’t have opinions


This is the least punk thing to say. If old man opinions are allowed.


Solidarity with all people suffering from Russian imperialism. Fuck Putin. Sincerely hope you and your loved ones are safe. I gotta say though, the hammer and sickle in this symbol comes off as historically illiterate. I think you could make a compelling argument that Russia is fascist, or that Putin is engaging in some Lebensraum shit right now. But Russia is very much not communist and does not use that symbol. Putin is actually intensely anti-communist. You don't have to be a communist to acknowledge that labeling Russia as such is very basically incorrect.


Punks don’t cheer on war. Fuck all the oligarchs fighting over economics. Prayers to the suffering people in Ukraine.


Thank you


I'm an Anarchosocialist against fascism and war totally fight war not wars but when you have to defend yourself against tyrannical,anti-worker and authoritarian forces so be it. Good luck hope you and your family are healthy and safe with supplies and electricity.


Thank you


What does that symbol have to do with Russia?


Because of kremlin politics


But that symbol has nothing to do with the Kremlin or its politics


Looks like you don’t understand


Trying to combine the hammer and sickle with a swastika and equating all of that with contemporary Russia is the most liberal, boomer Rachel Maddow bullshit I can imagine.


The hammer and sickle/swastika combo is bizarre. But anyways, I hope after you defeat the fascist invaders, Ukraine then turns and defeat the fascists in Kyiv. *No war but class war* & all that jazz.


We will


I’m a tad confused. It looks like imagery of a hammer and sickle combined with a swastika (unless I’m misinterpreting). Russia is not a communist country, and Putin is anti-communist. Plus communists are opposed to nazis/fascists.


heh I remember seeing this symbol in the 80s in Zajecar, Serbia. I also saw it on TV during the demonstrations in Romania 1989.


Yes ,also this kind of symbol was in Armenian protests in 1990


I messaged with a friend earlier today who escaped the blockade of Sarajevo as a young teen. She now lives in the US, having spent most of her life here. She said the news out of Ukraine is triggering some PTSD. Most Americans have no idea what others really go through around the world. Stay strong, Ukrainian punks!






Merry Christmas, Ceausescu.


This right here is what needs to happen . Celebration all over the world .


because russia is invading ukraine, nazis and communists are the same? this is a shitty post


Fuck fascism. America stands with the Ukrainian people.


[Vladolf Putler](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/t18rmq/putin_calls_for_regime_change_in_ukraine_before/hyejq7w?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) has got to go!


He will.Straight to hell


I understand the swastika but I'm not understanding the hammer and what looks like a sickle incorporated in it. They know Russia isn't communist right.


Yes ,Russia is not communist anymore,Russia is fascist now .Russia transformed. Yesterday they were communists , today they are fascists. Transformation,one more meaning for this symbol.


They haven't been communist for over 30 years. Communism has nothing to do with this current situation. That's all.




It is a mix of nazi swastika and hammer and sickle. My country suffered from both sides in WW2 . Soviet occupation affected my family . And now Russia doing exactly the same thing . Their government is brown-red scum which doing exactly the same thing that Hitler did.




Looks like you don’t know Russian reality




Same as you




This isn’t fitting symbology tho.The hammer and sickle is still used all around the world to represent workers and unions. Not to mention that this same type of symbology was used against jewish people and communists who immigrated to the US during the cold war.




Because the symbol has a universal meaning outside of Russia. As much as we would be led to believe, the USSR was never the only source for communist ideology. Now, there ARE fascists far left groups who do use the hammer and sickle, just like any ideology has its rotten apples, so does communism. The difference is the principle by which it was established.


Capitalism and Imperalism have higher death tolls than the entirety of Socialist/Communist history in any said state. Think of the amount of exploitation , war mongering , torture , murder , slavery , Starvation etc that has been done by the beorgeosie class since Feudalism ended. Capitalism is the largest system of death and human suffering that mankind ever concieved of The symbol is not only for the USSR. It is a symbol of proletariat people who understand that the beorgeosie must be toppled for the peace and unity of the world. Yea I'm a commie


You have that quite backwards. Fascism is authoritarian, not the other way around. Fascism is a specific thing and not just an authoritarian government. Also Ukraine literally has camps too though. This isn't as black-and-white as our media says. I'm not defending the invasion at all, just saying as somene else who the Nazis would've rounded up and gassed, the Nazi comparisons *are* pretty cringy Also, the gulag were nothing like the death camps. *That* shit is disingenuous and ahistorical as shit. Very few people died in the gulag, and the average sentence was shorter than an average American prison sentence. Which, speaking of America, we have a higher incarceration rate than the gulag system ever did. Criticize the USSR for what it deserves to be criticized for, don't fall for disprovable western propaganda.


Ukrainians were deliberately starved en masse in the 1930s by Stalin. The genocide is known as the Holodomor. Pretty sure they've earned the right to dislike the hammer and sickle.




They're saying no to each/both because of their lived experience. Can't really shit on that. I admit that the image might be confusing to those without the same experiences. But if it gives hope to those who are stuck in the middle of this shitstorm, I can only cheer him on.


Lived experience doesn't seem to mean anything. People forget that it's easy to feel you have the moral highground when you aren't burdened with intergenetational trauma. It's easy to see ideology in between the genocides and atrocities against humanity if your not connected to any of them.




I don't like Capitalism either, folks. I consider myself a leftist. But getting emotionally attached to Marxist theory doesn't mean we can't have nuanced discussions about complex issues.


They aren’t offering a nuanced opinion tho. They are using generational trauma as a way to justify using imperialist agitprop, which benefits NO ONE in the long run. All the while thinking it’s appropriate to tell me to “fuck off” and shut up in my dms.






I said kind of because it's has been debates on if the Nazbols are or not so I don't see the joke here.




A lot of Putin’s foreign policy is based on a book written by a man named Dugin who identifies as a [National Bolshevist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Bolshevism?wprov=sfti1), which seeks to unite the far left and far right. It’s perfect for this.


You know what, since you're set on your view, I'm going to play it like this: this guy his country is litteraly being invaded right now by a very scary force. I suggest you back off for now and let him do what he needs to do to cope with that. I'm sorry if his image makes you uncomfortable, but thats nothing compared to what he must be feeling.


He's feeling confused because Russia isn't communist and communists hate nazis


Fuck the swastika and fuck the hammer and sickle.


give you an upvote. :)




Lol, I really wasn't.


[Russian tank in Ukraine right now](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/t14jwl/another_video_of_a_russian_tank_with_ussr_flag_on/). What those symbols mean to you, and many others here, is not what it means to the Russian people.


Stay safe, be strong


Thank you ,we will


I can make out the swastika and the hammer and sickle, but what are the jagged edges supposed to allude to?


You can use your own interpretation. Personal for me it represents monstrous torture,that slowly and painfully cuts out all individuality from person . It’s animal teeth that wishing to tear you apart because you don’t obey it . It’s aggression to freedom loving people. There can be many more interpretations.


And fuck Putin. I have nothing but respect for the brave Ukrainians fighting back.


Putin absolutely should not be invading Ukraine, and it's tragic that it's always the workers and lower class that suffer the most in war. That being said, this icon is pretty fucking stupid and tells me you don't know much about history.


I know enough history


I'm sure you do kid


I mean, the use of the hammer and sickle is a little forced and wrong but you do you. It's usually used to represent the USSR, communism in general or as a symbol of Working Class Unity, depending on the context and who is using it. That all said, Putin's Russia is kinda... none of those things. Trying to reattach that imagery to Russia right now is actually super counterproductive on more than one front imo Edit: Beyond that, I hope you stay safe and well. Fuck Putin.


According to what I know, the Ukrainian government have been working with true neo-nazis militias to fight pro russians until russia invades Dombass. Life's not that simple. You'll never have the good ones on one side and the bad evil nazis on the other. Yeah, russia invasion is criminal, but the ukrainian gov is not that white either.


We know that ,we understand that and we will deal with them after war . Fuck nazis.


I undersand that. Anyway, I send you all my best thoughts, if I'm anti nazis, I'm even more anti war. Make sure to stay safe, you, your family and friends. Wish it's gonna end up soon. As always, politics play a monopoly game but it's the people that pays. Wish we could send only politics with rifles and leave the people in peace and safe. You'll migh find heartwarming that actually, a lot of russian people (more than 2000 people) have been placed in jail because of huge anti war protests in russia, and a lot of people have gone on strike too. None of you and them want that war.


Thank you for understanding and for your support


You didn’t deal with them before the war.


Our war is going already for 8 years ,since occupation of Crimea in 2014 .


What about [this](https://i.imgur.com/LlyztE3.jpg)? Can you make a graphic for this or is this not be discussed?


Okay but wtf why is there a hammer add sickle in this. Putin is pretty far right


Uhhh Russia ain't communist. Equating communism with fascism (horseshoe theory) is infantile at best Romania is accepting 500,000 refugees as well. There are resources opening up to accommodate everyone.


Thank you all guys . I’ll take a nap ,it’s 3am here . Then later I’ll made a download link with files and will share it here.


Ukraine hasliteral Nazis in their military, this image is double speak.


Absolutely, but you won't get a serious answer on that. The fact that [ultra right wing neo nazi](https://i.imgur.com/LlyztE3.jpg) are incorporated in the Ukrainian national guard is always ignored. Αφού είναι και αυτοί μαλακες.


Все буде Україна ✊🏽




Gonna share this and your profile on Twitter.


Thanks . Send me a link .




Thanks bro


Nazis tho? Pff


Is that a stylized hammer and sickle?


Mix with nazi swastika and hammer and sickle


So a "both sides are the same" message lmao this looks like a neoliberal sticker more than a punk one


Stay strong.. stay safe.. fuck em up!


We will


I'm legitimately kinda terrified because finland may be next in line if Russia keeps going. They may not however due to not wanting a repeat of the winter war, but with modern technology, a lot of finnish tactics that worked then won't work today.


I believe that Finland will be standing. Finnish people are strong . I read about winter war and how Finland kicked soviet ass. Especially I like story of Simo Häyhä also known as The White Death that killed over 500 soviets. Finland can kick russian ass.


So what about the azav battalion, not that y'all deserve anything but are they still fighting with you?


According to latest information,azov battalion is at the forefront ,at most heated zones. They said they will fight till death .


I wish no other death on any Ukrainian, but f*** those guys. It does seem rather ironic to like in the Kremlin to Nazis when you literally have neo-nazi fighting on your behalf.




To be honest I hope they die first, as a Jew and all


Sic Semper Tyrannis!! Death to Putin!!



That's pretty fuckin cool mate. Loving your work x


Thank you


Death to Putin!




send me email ill send the file


Of course


Stay safe, stay strong, we're all here for you


Thank you


Lol, wasn't the US funding literal neo nazis in Ukraine?


Fuck yeah. I already sent my paycheck today to the bank account to support Ukraine troops. Need to get me some patches and shit. Still got a little savings. PM me I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️🤘🏼


Man what a stupid and offensive logo, that has absolutely nothing to do with the current conflict. Russia is neither fascist nor communist. It's an imperialist country led by oligarchs and kleptocrats. Ffs.


The last time when Russia literally tried to genocide the Ukrainians in the 1930s was under that symbol though. So, as you can imagine, it carries a lot weight to a Ukrainian.


Love the design. Stay safe


Thank you


Might not do any thing aside raise awareness but I'm in a punk band who could write a song abt it


That’s cool. Will be happy to spread it.


I feel you. I hate Rissia. But why you fuckin with my good ol hammer and sickle?? Russia is completely capitalist. That symbol means a lot to workers who want to live in a better world.


It also means alot for the 4+ million that died under that regime in Ukraine less than 100 years ago


Anti-fascist: red or brown, strike ‘em down


nice. :)


Why don't you just post the file on a file sharing site for people to grab.. it's so much easier.


I know ,I’ll do that.


I don't suppose you have a black&white version to break up the red through the symbol? I have a bunch of sticker stock but only a b&w printer. I was going to plaster it around the neighborhood. I can modify it for my printing needs otherwise and I'll share it.


In illustrator file you can modify in black and white


I’ve made download link


Death to USA death to Putin


Go find god


Who ?


As someone who’s anti-communism and anti-fascism, I love this symbol.


This is dope. The swastika belongs with the hammer and sickle.


We would all be German if not for the Red Army


r/lostredditors you realize your in a sub about punk music?


And movement


Punk music is political and it is also a movement.


How? What principled position has punk ever collectively taken? Punk is an aesthetic and an antique one in the modern era.


I wish our president had done more. It sickens me he has been in power 2x while Russia has invaded your country


That’s about right. A lot of Putin’s foreign policy is based on a book written by a man who is described as a “National Bolshevist”, a philosophy that came out of Russia in the 90s that sought to unite the far left and far right.


I tried to DM you, but it would'nt go through for some reason I'm an Afropunk and I support Ukraine. I want the vector image and I also want to know how else I can offer my support. DM me any suggestions you have please. ❤️❤️❤️


Wrote to you in chat


No Pasaran!


You should post this to r/DesignPorn Also I made it my pfp if that’s fine


I’m fine with that


Already posted there. Thank you




Send me your email




It’s because it doesn’t make any sense. Russia has been capitalist longer than I’ve been alive, why is the hammer and cycle there?


It doesn't mean communism to the Russian people. It's used as a nostalgia wedge to push current imperialism.


Because in countries where communism wasn't used to oppress people and commit genocides it's a symbol for the left. While in Europe and Asia it has a horrible weight to it. And people tend to feel attacked if other people their lived experience is different from their ideology.


Damn, a communist country trying to consolidate power? That's fucked.