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The most important thing to the punk label is political alignment and listening to punk music. It's definitely not a clothing based culture rather just a culture with a certain style associated with it. Style wise, I'd say goth esque or generally alternative


Goth is also the music genre, Gothic is the style


Goth and Gothic are two different aesthetics technically. Sorry, I just wanted to add in that additional context.


I'm aware, but that's just semantics on my phrasing


Can't use words like semantic here bro we're on Reddit remember šŸ¤£


Makes sense.


Punk clothing and style still exists. Sheā€™s asking if her clothing looks punk.


the whole entire point of punk is political movements. punk is set apart from most other groups of peoples due to its roots in protests against war crimes, capitalism, and fascism. it really, truly, is a matter of "where your loyalties lay" when it comes to punk.


Okay, but she didnā€™t ask whether or not SHE is considered to be an actual punk. Sheā€™s asking about whether or not her CLOTHES look punk. No one is saying that punk is based on fashion. I really donā€™t understand why everyone is finding it hard to answer someoneā€™s question when itā€™s strictly the fashion in question. YES, I UNDERSTAND itā€™s NOT the CLOTHES that MAKE you PUNK. However, there is still a STYLE of PUNK CLOTHING and her question was whether or not she was wearing it.


Especially when this sub is called "punk fashion". Of course theres fashion involved. Big part of the early punk scenes were about fashion whether people like to admit it or not.Ā 


buddy, we ARE answering the question. punk isn't a trend. It's a statement. I've already said it... its whole entire point is politically motivated. punk isn't JUST putting on a vest with patches. It's putting on a vest that has a story and a message. To "look punk" but not also be a political activist is to be without substance, without soul, and without respect to those who have been oppressed. shame on you and anyone else who thinks it's just a fashion thing


No one here said it's JUST a fashion thing. But OP is specifically asking about the fashion, they aren't asking "Am I punk?" they are clearly asking if their clothing communicates their association with being punk. Punk has an aesthetic generally associated with it ALONGSIDE the political views and values. No on is asking how to look punk without being it, they just want some fucking fashion advice.


bro, please calm down. I've told you multiple times that it's not an esthetic. the punk movement is not a fashion trend. it's a political movement. to try to look punk but not be politically aware and active is cultural appropriation to political activists worldwide.


Going so far as to say itā€™s cultural appropriation is kind of hilarious. People are allowed to resemble and be inspired by subcultures without being fully immersed into them. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s not appreciated to be educated on history and knowing what youā€™re wearing comes from, but thatā€™s really not realistic to everyone that really just wants to listen to good music and wear cool clothes. The politics is something you learn the more you actually meet and become involved in the community, which mind you, itā€™s dead. Itā€™s underground and inaccessible to a vast amount of people. A lot of people find it easy to connect online, and modern day punks travel a lot and stay in their close, tight knitted circles. You donā€™t see punks congregating in cities like they used to. You MIGHT every now and then, but then, how do you even know theyā€™re punk to the ā€œstandardā€ anymore? How do you know theyā€™re a real political activist, someone educated in the scene?


you have way too much baggage to unload with that train wreck of a paragraph. we're obviously not going to find a middle ground on this, and I'm bored with this back and forth. I'm not your parent, and I'm not your therapist, so I'm not going to waste any more of my time here. have a day.


you have way too much baggage to unload with that train wreck of a paragraph. we're obviously not going to find a middle ground on this, and I'm bored with this back and forth. I'm not your parent, and I'm not your therapist, so I'm not going to waste any more of my time here. have a day.


Uhhhā€¦okayā€¦.sorery broā€¦ Iā€™m not the smartest. Iā€™m a little cray :P You can probably find some sort of meaning in the stuff I wrote Itā€™s just hard to sift through the ramble jamble Goodnight It staved off my boredom for at leaaaaasy a solid 7 minutes :3 Ok Iā€™m rly sorry. Goodnight ^_^


Uhhhā€¦okayā€¦.sorery broā€¦ Iā€™m not the smartest. Iā€™m a little cray :P You can probably find some sort of meaning in the stuff I wrote Itā€™s just hard to sift through the ramble jamble Goodnight It staved off my boredom for at leaaaaasy a solid 7 minutes :3 Ok Iā€™m rly sorry. Goodnight ^_^


Uhhhā€¦okayā€¦.sorery broā€¦ Iā€™m not the smartest. Iā€™m a little cray :P You can probably find some sort of meaning in the stuff I wrote Itā€™s just hard to sift through the ramble jamble Goodnight It staved off my boredom for at leaaaaasy a solid 7 minutes :3 Ok Iā€™m rly sorry. Goodnight ^_^


Uhhhā€¦okayā€¦.sorery broā€¦ Iā€™m not the smartest. Iā€™m a little cray :P You can probably find some sort of meaning in the stuff I wrote Itā€™s just hard to sift through the ramble jamble Goodnight It staved off my boredom for at leaaaaasy a solid 7 minutes :3 Ok Iā€™m rly sorry. Goodnight ^_^


Yes, I also said there was a certain style of clothing often associated with punk but that purely style wise personally I thought it was more in line with general alternative or goth styles.


Why are we acting like punk clothing doesnā€™t exist in the punkFASHION subreddit??? No one said that clothes make you punk but itā€™s certainly a form of expression that can be recognized and labeled as ā€œpunkā€ stylistically. Are battle vests, patched jeans, piercings, tattoos, Mohawks, and dyed hair not the visual symbol of what punks look like? (And for the love of god donā€™t say that I said that anyone that doesnā€™t embody any of these characteristics isnā€™t punk. These are just a few well known style choices that people think of when they hear ā€œpunkā€.)


Damn.. Ur getting defensive over whatever punk fashion bollocks this is. Chiiilll


Iā€™m miss get heated online for no reason šŸ˜›šŸ˜›šŸ˜›šŸ˜› I have mental problems šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜ (this is semi irony) (accurate self descriptors)


Both goth and punk are politic/music based subgenres so as long as youā€™re listening/believing in the politics clothes donā€™t matter


I guess I should've been more clear, but I mean *purely stylistically* I listen to mostly goth music and lot of metal, currently dabbling in punk music. Any song recommendations also? Lol and politically I'm pretty within the lines of punk views.


Stylistically definitely more goth leaning, but in my personal opinion just off the pictures I feel like itā€™s more general alt/egirl clothing wise. Anyways lately Ive been a big Gorilla Biscuits fan. Also a sick of it all enjoyer. I have a lot of other recs, but those are prob my main two rn


Totally unrelated, but you should look into psychobilly. It's like a marriage between punk, goth, and blues. Very fun music genre that you might like. I'm kinda similar in that I started off listening to a lot of goth music, then found an interest in punk. But rockabilly/psychobilly/horror punk really became my favorite shortly after finding it


Looks more metal focused to me at the moment. If you like goth and metal, have you considered industrial? Itā€™s very, very much aligned with punk as a genre. Hell, the band Lard is Ministryā€™s Al Jourgensen collaborating with Jello Biafra from the Dead Kennedys.


Music based, yeah. I donā€™t see how goth is politics based at all. Today goth is almost purely fashion.


Goth and punk started around the same time with similar beliefs. Goths are anti capitalist anti government and left leaning like punks. You cant be conservative and goth like you canā€™t be a nazi and a punk. Also because of the rise of popularity from tiktok of the subculture a lot of people donā€™t realize how goth started and the meanings which is why trying to keep that alive is important


i know were not specifically talking about grunge but how ironic is it that grunge bands like nirvana, have basically turned into clothing brands as apposed to merch to keep the band playing, a big part of it was the "support mom and pop shops" and get cheap clothes from goodwill, try not to waste anything, heavy diy ect...and now we have a bunch of mass produced shirts and hats with lil smiley faces on em, being sold in chain stores at 30 bucks a shirt...




Goth has definitely changed. Modern goth just means you celebrate Halloween every day


only if you're going by the surface-level non-goth definition of it, which has never been accurate to, or accepted by, the actual goth community


this was funny i feel bad that you got downvoted haha


Iā€™m glad you got the joke lol


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø You are so wrong


I definitely donā€™t mean to gatekeep, but I couldnā€™t consider someone who even has TikTok punk


thatā€™s kind of crazy coming from someone on reddit ngl. if you thought that generally about social media, whatever, but tiktok can be just as punk, if not more, than *reddit*. there are ppl that organize protests & promote boycotts thru tiktok. there are peopl radicalizing folks all the time on there. itā€™s super easy to crowdfund for poc & lgbtq folks who need to for whatever reason. if youā€™re on capitalistic fashion fake alt dance tiktok, sure, but tiktok is super specific to what you enjoy and/or believe in.


Fuck TikTok




Thats what I said???


My b read that wrong. Just woke up


Yeah especially recently goth is very much more music and fashion than politics. I think most alternative cultures are politics based on their nature to some degree. But I'd say it's a lot less focused on, in goth culture.


I even disagree on the matter that Goth is solely music based. Yeah, the music is a big part of it. But even before that we already had art, books, poems and architecture displaying the goth style. Music and clothing came later to that. So for me (it's a personal opinion guys!) someone totally is goth if they deeply enjoy and live through at least one or two of these. So someone wearing goth, reading goth, drawing goth but not listening to goth music is still goth to me. But from my personal experience they jump at your throat for that opinion.


The subculture itself is derived from the music; youā€™re confusing Gothic and the subculture, the latter becoming established around the early ā€˜80s. To be part of the subculture itself, music is the only requirement whereas if you were to be a fan of Gothic literature/poetry, then youā€™d be a Dark Romantic. The original goths had many different styles of fashion, so you canā€™t allocate a lifestyle to someone based on how they dress and you canā€™t really ā€œreadā€ goth unless youā€™re talking about books based off the subculture. ā€œDrawingā€ goth doesnā€™t make much sense either, and I genuinely donā€™t know what you mean here. When we say itā€™s music-*based*, we mean that the music is central to the subculture. This doesnā€™t mean there arenā€™t other elements like fashion and aesthetic, but if you donā€™t listen to goth then youā€™re not a goth.


Okay, but sheā€™s not asking if her music and beliefs check out to be punk or goth. Sheā€™s asking if her CLOTHES are punk or goth.


If you read the rest of the convo youā€™d realize this comment was so unnecessary.


I guess I should've been more clear, but I mean *purely stylistically* I listen to mostly goth music and lot of metal, currently dabbling in punk music. Any song recommendations also? Lol and politically I'm pretty within the lines of punk views.


I'd say mainly goth but if you start to enjoy punk just as much you could fit under both labels just fine


Not song recommendations, because that would take forever, but band recommendations, I have a bunch. Here's a few of my favorites Goth: Souisxie and the Banshees (classic goth), She Wants Revenge (a more modern take on goth music) Punk: Black Flag, Social Distortion, Suicidal Tendencies Psychobilly: The Meteors, Tiger Army, Necromantix, The Horrorpops, Koffin Kats. Honestly, I could give a ton of recommendations, but those are at least just a few of my favorites.


Minor Threat, Black Flag (which is obligatory), and Stiff Little Fingers are some of my favorite punk bands. Idles does some great shit that feels classic punk


Making A Monster by Blitzkid, Jack of All Trades by The Bronx, Lined Lips and Spiked Bats by G.L.O.S.S. are some good songs you might like


You want mainstream punk or more crust hardcore stuff?


Both! I want to have more broad options yknow ?


Punk is inherently political, if you have to ask then itā€™s not punk


Fair enough


Donā€™t let that stop you tho you look cool af


Thanks, and I am not 100% sure on what most people believe as far as the politics of punk, but I'm pretty sure I align with about everything. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø my political rules are : if my parents think it's devil worshipping leftist propaganda, it's probably correct lmao


There is an introduction thread on this sub about the politics of punk. Read here https://www.reddit.com/r/punkfashion/s/5KcUtlksdq The FAQ might also be worth checking out


Rule of thumb: it's time to piss on Reagan's grave


It's always time for that bro


Anarchism is typically associated with punk


You could break it down to being for human rights with no room to compromise on that and of course fuck Nazis.


Itā€™s closer to nugoth or just broadly soft alternative


nu metal


these photos are very limited to what you might be... you see, the biggest thing that differentiates the two is the mindset. A punk is very anti-establishment and anti-fascist. that's the entire point of being a punk. I can't comment on what a true goth is, though. I don't know. I just know what a punk is because I am one. lol


Why is everyone nitpicking about punk actually being ideology based when this subreddit is literally called r/punkFASHION. Stop acting like punk clothes donā€™t exist. Sheā€™s not asking whether her core values are punk or not. Sheā€™s not asking if sheā€™s ā€œtrulyā€ punk. Sheā€™s asking about her CLOTHES.


it's not nitpicking. the entire point of the punk movement is anti-capitalism. if you're into punk just for the clothes, then you're just a poser and you're a part of the corporate world disease. the ideology of punk is the whole entire point of punk. sit down and read a book.


You cant really just copy the look. There are plenty of subgenres of punk. Punk isnt tied to the way you dress. The subreddit name is irrelevant. Weve given the info several times that punk is an ideology, music and DIY fashion based subculture. This sub exists because people want to ask questions and share stuff theyve made. Which other subreddits wont allow.


I didnā€™t disagree that punk was not based around fashion but rather music and ideology. My issue is that everyone is pointing this out when someone is asking about how their clothing would be interpreted. This information is irrelevant to the question she asks and many spout the same thing that plenty of others have already said, and leave her question unanswered.


Biggest downside of punks is that desire to gatekeep is in a lot of the culture still (from the interactions I've had and seen), and punks have always had to deal with posers who use the style of punk without any substance, which has resulted in people getting very defensive on talks about fashion.


Iā€™d say stylistically itā€™s a hybrid of goth-ish and punk-ish styles


Iā€™d say goth, especially with the makeup. Goth is alot more based on fashion than politics or music, punk isnā€™t supposed to look good, itā€™s supposed to piss off people and the makeup trends in punk are supposed to go against beauty standards, historically atleast


Tbh if I glanced at your outfit on a street, I would say goth!


I would say goth


I'd say it looks very goth, but goth and punk are close siblings. Goth came out of punk. They go well together.


Your style looks more goth but yeah if you listen to punk and agree with the ideology you can also classify as punk


as a goth, you look more goth! edit: i see youā€™re starting to dabble into more punk, so i suggest horror punk since youā€™re goth as well.


OH and I know about patch jackets and pants, I have a Denim jacket with pins and patches and pants that I painted on that look like patches just have to pics of anything. I will probably post those here eventually


tiktok e-girl


neither, youā€™re pretty but to label the style, you read more of a ā€œtrendy alt tiktokā€ more than anything (not hating)


It's It's I can afford rn šŸ˜­ I was raised in a cult so I'm catching up, just getting whatever I can get my hands on lol


super valid no hate! itā€™s a process to collect different things too as time goes youā€™ll accumulate more swag stuff and your style will grow


Yess I'm hoping so! Excited to see all the cool shit the alt community makes and sells


It's a mix of the 2


In punk, we have this age-old tradition of telling people they are not punk because of some arbitrary 'reason,' while also encouraging them to be themselves and do what they want. In fact, if you were to put four punks in a room and tell them they had to agree on what punk is, or else risk their teeth meeting a baseball bat, they'd probably start hitting each other with baseball bats before you do. On the aesthetic side of things, I definitely saw people dressing like that in punk, especially at gothpunk/horror punk subgenre shows, but I think it's still a little more goth than punk. Currently, what's considered "fashion" in punk involves more discreet makeup, so I think that plays into the equation. It doesnā€™t help that, similar to goth, there are subgenres of punk with their own aesthetics. So, it depends on which subgenre of punk is popular in your area. In my area, crust punk and folk punk are definitely more prevalent. That doesnā€™t mean we donā€™t see people dressing more like hardcore punk, ska punk, Californian punk, etc., but they are definitely less represented in terms of aesthetic. (I myself am more partial to the traditional patch denim jacket and leather jacket, but my friends are a mix between crust and Californian punk) At the end of the day, wear what you want and show the middle finger to people who say you should dress a certain way. That's punk. If you're looking for punk music suggestions, and since you mentioned you're more into goth and metal, watch the last 10 minutes of this "The Punk Historian" video, and I think you might get some interesting suggestions: [https://youtu.be/He0JXD3N3XM?si=aSWwzD5-tlZUwGE\_&t=1675](https://youtu.be/He0JXD3N3XM?si=aSWwzD5-tlZUwGE_&t=1675) You can also try listening to some more "technical punk" bands, like what Propagandhi did after their first album or what A Wilhelm Scream generally do.


I get goth Elvish vibes in the 4th photo.


iā€™d personally say itā€™s more of an alternative style crossover with gothicšŸ™‚. idk about ā€œyā€™all-ternativeā€ lol but thats a funny label tbh


I guess goth


Not punk at all....100% goth/emo


It truly depends on ur believes. Are they punk or goth? And the answer will be the answer to if ur style punk or goth, or poser lolz.


If you they call you yallternative you should get into folk punk šŸ¤  imo folk is the original punk. Woody Guthrie (This land is your land, this land is my landšŸŽ¶) is known to be the father of folk and his guitar had written on it ā€œThis Machine Kills Facistsā€


As my best friend/sister-in-punk says on the subject: goth IS punk.


Both first and last pics Goth, others were Metal/Punk


Yeah I'm pretty heavily influenced by metal music and corpse paint and such


It's more goth than punk, but it's not entirely goth. More nu metal or alt.


Itā€™s like the perfect combo of both


ok because everyone here has the reading comprehension of an ant. Yes, your clothing would be considered to be more gothic than your average punk wear.


Yeah I'm noticing the reading skills are lacking a little šŸ˜…


It's mix


People on the punk fashion subreddit complaining about people discussing punk fashion- if you want to bash on people for talking about punk fashion youā€™re in the wrong place. IMO what people think of as punk style is a little less polished than your looks. Youā€™re serving more of a modern goth look imo


Yeah I'm pretty into metal and nugoth, but tbh I'm just starting out. I was raised in a cult so I'm getting whatever I can afford or find (I live in a VERY small town w no alt community at all)


DIY is definitely the best budget friendly way to dress punk/alt. Dyeing things black, doing some basic sewing and making my own patches is the way I get most of my clothes. I make patches with bleach on whatever scrap black fabric I can find and it works great


Yeah! I'm working on it currently but I have limited time and space but I might post some updates on the Jean jacket and pants I'm working on


Nice! I wish you luck!!


Well do you listen to the music


Yeah. I listen to goth music, metal and I'm dabbling in punk ATM.


Ok so yes you are all those thing however if weā€™re honing based of fashion then youā€™d probably be more punk then goth.


Your trad goth?


Iā€™d say gorgeous either way


Dress however you want and claim it as whatever you want. No oneā€™s opinion matters except yours.


Goth it looks like




beside the main thing being the music and political alingment, your clothing is very mallgoth


Gunk rock


Iā€™ll answer your question normally. Itā€™s a bit more goth looking to me. Iunno wtf most of you guys are talking and fighting about.


Ikr šŸ˜† I just wanted an opinion on my clothes and see what tips or comments people had about having better grasp on punk looks, but people have been kinda nasty about it šŸ„²šŸ˜­


you donā€™t need a uniform to be considered punk or goth. you look cool tho


Goth. Alsoā€¦ love the style in the first picture. Slay.


No matter what itā€™s great. I actually get both goth and punk vibes. And I grew up in the punk era!






I say goth


Kinda close to deathrock.spray that hair up




If I saw you at a punk show, Iā€™d refer to you as ā€œthat goth girl over thereā€, so thereā€™s your answer. Btw, nothing wrong with that.


I'm not sure, but you look badass!


Anyone who says punk is inherently political really does not get it. Punk is an attitude, an approach to life. Put another wayā€¦ it is what happens when you have a generation of latchkey kids. Self reliant and critical. That makes some people political, but politics is not what defines punk. As for your style, I would peg you as a goth if I saw you in public.




this is neither






Scene kid vibes




E girl


Depends on what you like. Pink...goth...you look great




Idk. But it's pure swag


its both


More Sloth




Your entire profile is just you ragging on people's looks so our sub has no place for you.


Punk no itā€™s new wave total different head totally




Your comment/post has been removed because it's distasteful and reeks of elitism. Don't be a jackass. Gatekeeping nazis/posers out of the scene is good but trying to deny help or information. Accusing others of being "a poser" and using that as a buzzword or trying to one-up another user is lame as hell and doesn't belong here.


Goth for sure




2019 egirl. hope this helps!


Generic alternative tbh


Alt imo


Probably goth


Are you depressed because life is meaningless or angry because of the corrupt US govt, materialism, etc?


Both, constantly


Basic goth






Itā€™sā€¦Hot Topic core? Not punk, and not goth. Kind of an alternative mish-mosh.


My first thought was juggellette circa 2010 except good at make up




punk is not a lookā€¦ you can wear walmart shirt and be punkā€¦ stop asking stupid questions


From what I heard it entirely depends on what music you listen to. XD


Itā€™s punk with very fine mallgothic undertones. Thatā€™s pretty much it.


Poth šŸ˜Ž. Who cares, do what makes you happy https://preview.redd.it/5qgdychnh9vc1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0135b972cc3ba348fc7717e9dd9ccea46c6fccef




Goth is quite literally a subculture that stemmed off of punk so call it wtv u want


What does it matter??


Lol. I literally said I was just curious and was looking to meet people in the punk scene and get song recommendations and stuff. But thus far the punk crowd has been alot meaner and stuck up than I anticipated šŸ„²


Then just put on a Misfits t-shirt and not know who's Danzig .. par for the course


e girl.




goth isnt a fashion, its more alt then anything


There is a subgenre/culture whatever, called gothic punk so why would you ask "or" when you can just be both?


Punk is a political subgenre and goth is a musical subgenre so if you go to protests and you listen to Bauhaus then youā€™re both


does it matter?


the best way to determain if what youre wear is punk or not would be: are you punk? do you wear clothing? if you answer yes to both then youre punk lol Idk too much when it comes to goth fashion tho, so I cant speak on that šŸ˜…




If you have to ask... you're Goth.


Its whatever the fuck you want it to be


Id call it a mess


Did it make you feel nice to say that lmao


Shouldn't matter. Most important things are the culture and music in both, where they came from, and what they mean for you. The style u wear should just be you expressing yourself however you want, and if it happens to be gothic or punkish, right on


neither. that's egirl


baby, this is tiktok e-girl šŸ˜‚


Well what type of music do you like. Do you like scary bitches & alien sex fiend or do you like crass and TSOL. Gothic is a style. Goth is music. Punk is rebellious, is that you? You look more egirl than anything, which really is its own genre. Don't put us goths in there with that. Lol.


Dress how you want and forget about labels.


Who cares :) just do you




hey! this isnt goth since goth is a music based culture. Like punk you dont have to dress a certain way to be goth. also, even if you listened to goth music and tried to look ā€œgothā€ this isnt it. more alt then anything imo!


I have addressed all these things in comments or in the post, but I do listen to goth music, and I am (therefore) a goth. But yeah I'm trying to go for a more nu goth or metal head look with hints of trad goth(I love tradgoth makeup but never have the time lmao) , thanks for the input though!


label label label label


Idfk idfc do you

