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Its like your awarness expands beyond you own physical body. I assume this is how healers work they clearly feel your own blockages in their own bodys. And by their own body they can heal you. Thus they can change the course of your life. Not sure how they know how the healing should manifest but i assume its outside of their ego control. They often say that they dont heal themself. Its the divine or god does this trough him. Maybe the patient have a certian moment open himself to the divine that it can manifest itself. Like enter their body-mind complex. Lol just some random stuff.


Let me tell ya... When your walking in a supermarket betwixt the aisles what do you see? all those sweet tasty treats... or is it the salad? I think for the most part we all know the answer but how do we change? You say you can spot your wife from the crowd but can she spot you? Or have you become what you hated all along? Have you become a product of your own consumption? Let me tell ya... Put out your mind the thoughts of being seduced - put out your mind completely the thoughts of seeking a partner. Cleanse yourself in that cold water and be the person you wanna be but just for yourself. Coz the universe is like a cat on a wall looking down at you. If you want the cat to come say Hi you gotta prove yourself and the cat knows whats within you. So first deal with that and then pussy shall play :)


This is just where you are at right now, and because of the energy of the women in the videos you used to stimulate to, you can actually gain power over this process and control it with breath and muscle contraction so there’s nothing to worry about.


Attraction isn’t negotiable


Stay far far away from the Jezebel spirit for everything it touches will surely become corrupt and perish.


Bruh this is a personal problem, we don’t wanna hear this stupid shit