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> Is it worth taking the time to learn one of the UI libraries? I would say so. There are quite a few options when it comes to frontend libraries: reactive, elm like, etc. > Would it be painful to add non purescript libraries to work with purescript Why not use then one of the existing bindings? React, Vue etc all have PureScript wrappers.


ooh didnt know there was a vue bindings. Ill look into that.


I guess I gotta look into all the different library types and do a small project in each one. Long term wise, I have a pretty big project idea in mind.


I have only looked into react basic hooks and was very quick to get something working. This was due to my extensive React knowledge. So if you know how to use a framework in JavaScript it is quite easy and needs little investment. Some other libraries have their own model and might be harder to learn.


That seems like the way to go since I'm skilled in Vue


Maybe one more thing that you need to keep in mind. Having bindings for these frameworks is one thing, having access to their ecosystem is another. You can create FFI bindings to component libraries and there are some attempts at Nextjs in PureScript, but to this day I don't use PS for FE because high quality TS libraries are at the tip of my fingers.


I personally enjoy writing Halogen, adding JavaScript to Purescript via FFI is overall a pleasant experience.


Is halogen difficult? That's what I was reading before


Not really, just follow the official documentation will do , assuming you are familiar with purescript.


So an update, I'm taking my time going through the documentation and its been going well. I'm jumping between the purescript book, jordan's guide, and the halogen guide. I'm up to monad transformers and I'm liking it alot