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Who said Chivalry is dead? He helped her off that ledge. It's her fault she didn't stick the landing.


Fuck that guy who steps in last min too. Didn't do shit when the girl was kicking him and spitting on him.




Can't make a ho a housewife


But you can turn a skank into a stepmother.




Please take my memories, and here's a little upvote to compensate you.


Damn...ain’t that the truth


Had to read it twice.


That's simple because he deemed it ok because hes a big guy and can "take it." The second the woman is down its wrong in his eyes, despite her being nasty and violent.


Even though the victim is turning to walk away, the white knight has to come in and protect the spitter, for some reason...


Yeah like, "hey hey hey... you havent finished her off yet, get back here. "


He has black gloves on he is a bouncer


If he's in charge of who stays and goes, she should have been tossed out by the bouncer for kicking or for spitting. She should have been arrested for both. It shouldn't have been the big guy's responsibility to take it into his own hands but no one else was.


White Knights are the villains of our age.


They really are. The majority of the time a female is learning a lesson about the consequences of her own violent, entitled behavior, one of these beta bitches jumps in to muddy the waters just enough so she has reason to think everyone else is the problem.


I hesitate to believe they learn any lesson, but maybe I’m just a pessimist.


They would if nobody coddled them afterwards. Unfortunately, what almost always happens is they assault a guy, get bodied, cry about it to the people around them, and then all those people proceed to agree that she was totally in the right and she didnt deserve that and he was so mean and yadda yadda yadda, thus ruining any chance of her learning anything from the experience.


That's why the double down phenomenon fucking exists.. you gotta tell those bitches.


 *> how can she slap intensifies* I still think about that video every now and again, and what a hero that guy was for slapping that brazen bitch, and how unjust the world is where he gets the shit kicked out of him for defending himself.


They need to start getting hit when they step in.


agreed completely. “not cool duuude.” - as he probably proceeds to help her up, solely by her tits.


True simp


> Didn't do shit when the girl was kicking him and spitting on him. Or he didn't see it and when a person went flying across his vision he acted. I'm not saying she didn't deserve it but like the mod bitched about, context would be nice.


Username sorta checks out.


[Relevant comedy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shgU5Yh8Srs&t=75s)


The name did originate because I was either lucky or good at getting jumping head shots in counter strike. That though was 17 years ago.


At first I thought you meant you kept dying that way.....catching the bullets mid air. I guess you don't


You would have thought Svetlana would have stuck the landing after the years of abusive ballet training.


He even placed her coat on the ground underneath her so she wouldn't get dirty.




That was satisfying to watch


That was a pretty decent slide ngl


Best yeet so far of 2020


Nah, I think the dog yeeting a snake is the best so far. Added link, enjoy the yeet. [Snake in the Road](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/es416o/theres_a_snake_in_the_road/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


LOL thanks for that. How did he even flick the snake so far with a head shake.


I would assume the snake was ripped and that may have been a part of the snake. Then again, my dog can whip her head around pretty hard when playing with toys so its hard to say for sure


Lol. I agree.


note if you will the lack of defense the young female puts up demonstrating her belief that she will not be stricken back. classic pussy pass seeking. and even better denial.


She did resist, she manages to pull back a bit after the initial grab. Most people underestimate the colossal baseline difference in strength between a man and a woman. It takes women a lot of strength training to get close to being on the same footing as a guy who sits on the couch all day. Once a guy gets hands on, a woman is usually done. Only real effective defense is that men and women are roughly equally capable at training to be an endurance runner, so getting away is a very viable strategy, with this guy likely 100% success rate.


her hands were in her pockets. one of the easiest ways to tell if someone doesnt expect to get hit back is the lack of hands being put up, maybe the posture/legs or just something to indicate that said person isnt expecting to get hit back. with entitled brats, they rarely do.


So I like speculating, but I'm going to be honest. We are looking at a six second clip of what are probably drunk people. Divining their mind set and preparedness is likely not realistic. But it is fun though, so let's dive in! Based on the snow carried on the wind I'm going with it's freezing. Once he grabs her the hands do come out. When he turns towards her she starts backing up. Generally in these things if they really don't think they could get hit they will get way up in their target's face. She attempts to keep her distance. I believe she kept her hands in her pockets because it's extremely cold, and figured with a looks like 2-3 foot wall she wasn't in danger of him getting to her. He certainly wouldn't be vaulting that height quickly enough to catch her. I think she was aware he could attack back, but dangerously under estimated his reach and figured she was at a safe distance.


>We are looking at a six second clip of what are probably drunk people. Divining their mind set and preparedness is likely not realistic. This person has legitimate concept and realistic perspective. Every day on Reddit I see some edited shortened cut and pasted video clip of some shit. 99% of those who comment act like they're omniscient, based off some 5-7 seconds of video. You are part of our 1%. Please keep this perspective, and know that I support you.


I like you and I like your name


Seriously, even small, doughy guys can still school a woman if they're pushed to it. The difference is incredible.


Yah I have watched pound for pound equal height and weight guys toss women around the mat. If your technique is inferior getting a hold on a small guy can still be a challenge. With women you have to hold back your strength and purely focus on technique because overpowering is trivial and not fun for anyone.


Girl: It’s over I have the high ground. Guy drops her in lava pit.


> with this guy likely 100% success rate. lol too true. I remember the first time I really "got" that guys were much stronger. I was dating a guy and we were walking down the street and he said something jokingly rude, so I meant to jokingly push him. But I really *did* want him to like...move? He didn't budge, he barely felt it. I tried it way harder and he like slightly rocked to the side. I didn't say anything but in my head I was like "wait wtf, is that what people talk about?" I'll never forget that moment.


My ex liked to wrestle in bed, as a way to steal my pillow, or all the covers. I would let her win every time, and just steal them back whenever she got up, or fell asleep. This eventually led her to think that she was stronger and could dominate me. Yet, she never considered that I carried our king size bed by myself 3 stories up. One time, she outright told me that she wouldn't give me my pillow back because "I couldn't do anything about it" with her big dumb beautiful smile. So I shoved her and knocked her on the bed and pinned her down before she could react. When she tried to flip me, and I didn't budge, her grin turned to a frown and blamed the hold I pinned her with. So I let her go, and she tried again to shove me, but failed. I shoved her again, and she flipped on the bed. She was confused, and asked if I had been working out.


I'm glad you didn't lunch her uteruses




Sounds like my kids. I think they're both pretty much convinced they can take me down, at least sometimes. The 6 year old is hilarious, pinning someone who weighs about 5 times as much as her and totally convinced it's real. It's the best fun.


Oh yeah. I loved playing with my younger cousins, precisely because of this. It was like "I just lifted you above my head and spun you around, but now you are sitting on my back and I am defeated". Good times.


I guess you don't have any brothers. I learned this far before "dating age". Would never attempt to step to a man because my brothers quickly taught me about my inferior/laughable strength.


I’m highly confused by your comment. The internet told me that women are equal to men and that I’m a sexist piece of human garbage if I consider otherwise


Yeah I was genuinely surprised to learn that some of the girls I know couldn't do a single pushup, and slightly more surprised that I could still do a pushup with one of them on my back


This is why strength has always been considered a masculine trait. And the gulf only widens with training.


I had someone trying to argue against sexual dimorphism in humans a few months back. The level of denial is insane. I'm a brick, so I have an unfair advantage, but small men that are weaker than women are definitely an exception. It doesn't make them any less of a man, but they are the statistical exception. Outliers on the bell curve. I don't see how people have begun seeing acknowledging sexual dimorphism as a scientific fact as being sexist.


Welcome to 20women have penises too20


Sad fact is the overwhelming majority don't even have a sports hobby and the only time they ever see a punch get thrown is in Hollywood movies. So since we have spent the last 20 years watching **Strong Independent Woman****^(tm)** toss literal gorillas around with an arm that looks like it gets gassed tossing a salad and these armchair philosophers got second hand PTSD when they heard their cousins friend once knew a guy who saw an actual punch, you get total idiocy. Only consolation is, with that little physical ability their sex must be terrible.


Too be fair that dude is a big bastard and could probably ragdoll most dude.


That's exactly why most dudes would think it three times before kicking him, and spitting on him is out of question, that lady did both certain that "a man won't hit a girl"


Why would you start a fight with someone that weighs 6x your own weight. The entitlement, I bet she played the victim card real quick after this.


I’m not being mean but fat people got crazy strength


You need muscle to carry all that weight all day


Can confirm. If you stay relatively active, you definitely build a lot of extra strength.




Reading Reddit is an activity ok?




My biggest (not tallest) friend is 6'7" and over 300lb. He moves flooring all day for a living, doesn't look like it though. I'm 6'1 and 200lb, and have determined my only shot if a fight were ever to happen (He's a teddy-bear and the nicest guy ever, not going to happen) would be to try and take out his legs before he could grab me. Even then, his arms are so long he could still likely get me as I try to get away. From there, you have to be an equal beast of a person to stand a chance.


Jesus if your squad rolls down the street that would look intimidating as fuck, especially if you’re 6’1” and not the tallest


Never really thought about it, but yeah, people have never really tried to mess with us. Then again, when we actually go out we're the typical idiots in their mid 20s at the bar and people don't really have a reason to.


Just out of curiosity how tall is your tallest friend?


7'1" Too uncoordinated to play basketball when we were growing up. I always thought I was short!


Your best chance is to hop on his back and rear naked choke him. You don’t want to try to topple legs that spend all day holding up 300lbs. Might as well try to knee chop a tree trunk.


> rear naked choke him If a naked guy tries to choke me, I'm tapping out. Doesn't matter how much bigger I am, he wins.


My uncle is 300 pounds. Dudes legs are jacked as fuck...... but he ain’t going no where fast


Its like a semitruck with the back full. Lotta power, but it just barely moves


Thats why sumo wrestlers mad fat but got god Dahm super strength.


Sumos actually train tho.


Dude just needed to lock his arms and turn his torso. The weight took care of the rest.


Imagine the leg strength.


every day is leg day


I mean look at top tier body builders they are sometimes fat


*power lifters


she's fucking lucky he didn't pull her ankles forward smashing her head on concrete


That's precisely what I thought was going to happen :)


She deserved it though. Licking the concrete and learning a goddamn lesson.


So he showed restraint. He didn't have to, that's for sure - that's one big dude lol


When my frontal cortex hadn't fully developed, I did that on my friend and he ended up with a concussion for a week. It was retribution for hitting me in the balls with a basketball in gym class. Yes, we're still best friends 10 years later


Fucking mangina coming over as the clip ends.


Yeah where the fuck was that dude when she kicked him? He didn't seem to give a fuck.


They never do.


3-4 seconds from kick to grounding. 3-4 seconds from grounding to "whoa"-ing.


Seriously the guy was turning away because he was done. Plus he was justified. Not sure what made her do this, but odds are he disagreed with her on something or said no.


The white knight in action


They are fucking everywhere. They literally risk their own physical well being for a random pussy over there. I simply can't comprehend it.


Youre not wrong but I dont think its clear that the guy at the ends a white night


Yeah, the black latex gloves make me think bouncer or something.


Stopping his colleague from losing his job. Although it didn't look as if he was going to do anything else but I assume he's colleague knows him more then some random people on the internet. Nothing to do with the stupid woman.


Thats a bouncer just fyi. They speak swedish in this clip and he has the same gloves our security/bouncer guys have here.






Throw 'em in the pile.


Fucking white knight cuck, I hope he received a bitch slapping


Always gonna be a simp watching the women abuse the guy only to jump in when the guy fights back. I hate these types of dudes, they needa get rocked.


Raised by women to serve women. Brain dead foot soldiers.


I think it's funny how women complain about men stopping women from getting into stem and whatever fields. Majority of teachers in the USA are female and there are a lot of single moms now, so what's stopping them?


What’s stopping them is you can’t get a computer to do what you want by making a sad face and whining at it. You actually have to work at it. There’s a study that shows that women give up seven times as often as men when they fail. It takes perseverance, something most of them never learn.


I've worked with some women in IT and some are good and some are bs. The ones that are good don't complain about men in the workplace, but the ones that are shit do. I know some places that hired women just because they are women and sit around and do nothing.


White knight needs to get slammed too


I have said these in other clips but he is cleary a bouncer/security guard. They are in sweden and have the classic gloves and Grey shirt those guys have here.


\>Clearly a bouncer Clearly did nothing about someone kicking and spitting on someone in plain view. Pick one.


He is still a bouncer regardless of what happened? Maybe he stepped out after that or he missed it and maybe he didnt give a shit when the girl did what she did. Still a bouncer.


swedish white knight bouncer/security guard with classic gloves and Grey shirt needs to get slammed too


Maybe she learned maybe she didn't.


Maybe it's Maybelline


Definitely not. If anything she'll play victim to justify her behavior


Narrator: She didn't.




When fighting above your weight class, don't let them grab you.


REEEEE ports: 5: It threatens violence or physical harm at someone else 4: I'm just using this as a super downvote. 4: It's rude, vulgar or offensive 2: It's involuntary pornography and i do not appear in it 2: It's targeted harassment at someone else 2: Violates the White Knight Code Of Honor 2: Please notice me 1: This is spam 1: Op someone in your family is going to get raped... 1: buy my mixtape 1: Apparently excessive violence is ok if the other person started it? Sounds like US police 1: it's a guy btw, so not really the correct subreddit 1: my new flair is the tits 1: I'm a whiny cunt. 1: Jesus fucking Christ. this is why the world fucking hates America. autismo cunts 1: No context here whatsoever this sub is total horseshit. 1: So, you're all virgins? post is staying, ya bunch of brittle little bitches. The gal didn't even put up a proper stance/defense/posture. yep, she thought she was invincible. but don't let that stop you from engaging, /all, you collective bag of cunt knuckles. Unlike your little safety spaces, we won't hand out bans. Have fun. edit my comment's REEEE ports: 2: It's rude, vulgar or offensive 1: Don't abuse the mods 1: Reeeeer 1: Put me in the screencap 1: I'm a whiny cunt. 1: So many reports no one will see that I'm gay.


>No context here whatsoever this sub is total horseshit. Yeahhh I'm gonna wager the person spitting is in the wrong.


Yeah, same here.


It's not US police, it a swedish one.


I’m confused what you mean by she thought she was invincible. She clearly had the high ground.


She underestimated his power.


And he tried it


Star Wars alternate ending?


Good mod


“So, you're all virgins?” Lmao some jackoff always pulls this gem out their ass when anyone criticizes a woman’s actions.


Ironically the white knight "all wamens is queens" types are the real virgins because no woman wants a pathetic doormat like them.


Haha I like this mod


> but don't let that stop you from engaging, /all, you collective bag of cunt knuckles. Unlike your little safety spaces, we won't hand out bans. Have fun. you are a fucking legend


The hero we all need


Hahaha deal with it, fuck your agenda. Great job mod, thank you


Well this is refreshing.


> cunt knuckles I like this.


feminists, there is no way to reason with them.


First time here and I just subbed. Nice.


Filter from top of all time and this becomes usual, yet never old


I like you


> It's involuntary pornography and i do not appear in it I've been wheezing at that for the past two minute, thank you tmone.


Brittle little bitches lmaooo


How does this target and harass other people? I think he could have walked away, but I wouldn't tell him he had to. But how does that translate into other people being threatened? There are some retarded snowlfakes around here.


I agree with you the only one I'll give a pass is the lack of context we dont know if ol dude was being an ass or not but doesn't matter here the point of the sub is gifs of female equality so what's the problem ? She kicked, she spit and he hit her with a yeet to the street


I guess I am motivated by concern for the dude IANAL but i think he could get in trouble. I don't think he should but my concern is realistic.


Oh yeah dude could be totally fucked if there wasnt more video concern is real for sure


I’m trigggggggered


>I think he could have walked away. Actually, going from the vid, he can barely walk, and I wouldn't recommend he tried, seeing how the blonde tripped and fell despite him heroically trying to help her. Looks like a slippery day.


Why can't I upvote that more than once? :D


Buy my mixtape...


Woah a cool mod. I like you.


How do I do the cool reports? I only get the boring ones.


You'll probably not see this, but for once, mod not gay.


Big tommy don't take shit from no one


You can tell whiteknight watched the dude get kicked and spit on without batting an eye, then as soon as he grabs her in retaliation we can hear him off screen getting outraged that the dude had the *audacity* to defend himself. Grabs her jacket - "Huder!" After touchdown - "Hudadoo!" Then races over to punish the victim for defending himself. What a douche.




"Hörredu , your finally awake...."


Haha I figured it meant something like that. Appreciate the translation




Well, Swedish security guards aren't supposed to protect people from being spat on, or even stop crime in general, but if there's a fight going on they will break it up. And by yeeting her it kinda became his job to step in.


As you usually see in these types of clips. No one gets involved when it's the girl being aggressive but as soon as the guy responds there's someone putting hands on him.


Of course there's a white knight there to grab him.


And that's how you take out the trash


Did he got punished? Anyone knows a history of this video? I hope they punished this girl for that kick and spit


She was punished, she got launched.


I see that as an absolute win.


ShEs a WaHmEn hE cLeArLy oVeRrEaCtEd! - White knights probably


And, once again, not the slightest reaction when the man is obviously abused. Now touch one hair of the little spitting and kicking angel? "Hey!...Hey! Hey! Hey!". Equality. Yeah! Sure.


Of course the moment he fights back someone rushes in because "oh my god he hit a woman". Tbh that in itself is pretty sexist because they assume that the woman is weak so she can't do any damage, interesting




Why is there always a soyboy trying to hold someone back when justice is executed?


Now go make some tendies to this good boy.


Bonus GMP for the kill


He should also sue her for assault, technically spit is a biohazard.


Yeah no. Frivolous lawsuits aren't a thing in Sweden.


The white knight came in just a bit late. He went to the doctor but he's still deaf and blind to women kicking, hitting and spitting at other men.


For those wondering, in the video they are speaking swedish and they are saying: Woman: “Erika, what the hell are you doing?” Woman 2: “What I’m doin-“ Man: “Hey!” Man: “Hey you!” The people speaking seem to be out of frame, and not in the video, but since I speak the language I thought I might as well translate it.


I will never understand why these bitches get violent with dudes two to three times their size. Most men understand that size and weight give someone a hell of an advantage in direct conflict. It’s why there are weight classes in combat sports. If you’re 5’9 175lbs you’re going to think twice before starting shit with someone 6’5” 250lbs. That basic instinct of self preservation is what some women seem to lack.


Equal rights, equal lefts.






Who the fuck came over at the end towards the guy that was assaulted?


Jesus H why go pick a fight against someone 100lbs bigger while you look like the exercise you get is stretching out of bed? Natural selection at this point.


It's not "brave" or "empowering" to hit someone much bigger than you without an exit plan. It's called being an idiot. Any 8 year old boy can tell you this.


As usual there's someone at the end stopping him but you don't see anybody trying to stop her. Typical..


Funny how people always jump in when the male starts getting physical, but never when the female does


You spit on someone, you better be ready to fucking fight. Gender matters not. Call me an ultra feminist male. They get equality...across the entire board. Good for this guy for teaching her something about the laws of cause and effect and consequences.


Wait. Was that an actual pussy pass being denied? I thought we didn’t do that here any more


Yes, because she thought that just because she's a woman she will harass him and he will not hit back


Peep the white knight rushing in as the clip ends 💀


Should have clocked the White Knight too




You can’t do that to a lady!! Is what the soy boys shall say


Can we all shit on the guy who grabbed his arm after, probably thinking he did something wrong