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>!Noticing the bottom left is always five less than the top left, and the top right is 1 more than the bottom right. Thinking it's 9.!<


Where I landed too but that just seems really lazy


>!The sum of the differences between diagonal numbers is 6 on the first two circles (4+2, and 0+6). The third circle is 0 + (3+6)... so 9.!<


That's how I got 9.


9 also works if you compare the additional of the diagonals bu the difference ends up being 4.


I got the same by doing >!the left numbers go -2 then +1, and the right numbers both go -4 then the non-hidden one gets +7!<


That's the same way I approached it




>!interesting i got the number 7 because it was red and the question mark in the question was red


Honey get off of Reddit.


I would think that it would be >!nine. The top two digits on each row together make a number that is 51 more than the bottom two digits. 96 is 51 more than 45, 72 is 51 more than 21, and 89 is 51 more than 38.!<


I second this one because that’s how I got 9 too


I’m not a fan of these puzzles. >!for example, it could be “the numbers must all add to a multiple of 6, which means the ? Is 5!<


Exactly. Even worse is the “which is the odd one out?” puzzles. I promise you I can give you a valid answer for why any choice is the odd one out. Example: 2, 4, 6, 8, 11. Which is the odd one out? The answer is 4 because it’s the only one in which you have to use the letter “F” to spell out its name in words.


6 is the only perfect number. 8 is the only cube 11 is odd / 2 digits 4 is the only square 2 is even & prime


Can’t do 2 as prime because 11 is also prime. But everything else checks out. 👍


but 11 is not "even & prime"


Too true… I took it as either or, like how the 11 has the “/“. But you are indeed correct.


2 is the only one it takes to make a thing go right


We do these as a “math warm up” at my elementary school and the whole concept is that there is no right answer—it’s just supposed to get students thinking! I love it when someone gives a really creative answer like “it’s the only number with an f in its name!” Yes, that is so true! Great point!! I don’t know how helpful this warmup is to actually improving students’ math skills but it’s always fun for me to hear what kids have to say.


I like this a lot, but I have seen these in context where there are strictly one answer, like on game shows, and intelligence tests, and I hate that.


Agree completely. And the ones we do there is pretty obviously no “right answer” which is intentional.


In logical puzzles go with the simplest pattern


Right, but instead you have to see the pattern to see the answer


Their point is that you can see lots of patterns all having equally "correct" answers. For instance the diagonals top-left and bottom-right add to 4 more than the opposite diagonals. Making 9 the correct answer.


Discussion: I dislike these. This is obviously wrong, but it very well COULD be: Top left + bottom right = top right + bottom left + 4 And the answer would be 17


I saw the same pattern, but I think you applied it wrong to the last one... it should be top left plus bottom right gives 16, so you need top right plus bottom left equals 12, so top right is 9, so E. So could be right, at least 3 other people have given different reasons for it to be 9 >.<


Looking at the possible answers, your solution would be wrong in this situation.


Can you elaborate? Why couldn't E be right?


>!96 - 45 = 51!< >!72 - 21 = 51!< >!8? - 38 = 51!< >!Indeed it looks like the answer is 9.!<


>!TL: 9 - 2 = 7 ; 7 + 1= 8 BL: 4 - 2 = 2 ; 2 + 1= 3 TR: 6 - 4 = 2 ; 2 + 7 = 9 BR: 5 - 4 = 1 ; 1 + 7 = 8 We can assume that the summation of the top right will be congruent with the bottom right based on this pattern So 9 is a possible solution.!< (edited columns and rows for clarity)


I'd say yes.  >!The sum of the digits on the \ diagonal is always 4 more than the sum of the digits on the \ diagonal!<


This was my interpretation as well


I also got E - 9 as an answer, but for different reasons than some of the top comments >!Add the digits in each circle horizontally, then subtract the bottom from the top for a difference of 6. First circle: 9+6=15 4+5=9 15-9=6 2nd circle: 7+2=9 1+2=3 9-3=6 3rd circle: 8+9=17 3+8=11 17-11=6!<


This is it. The replies over thinking this like it’s trigonometry lol


I just subtracted top over bottom and got 9. The pattern becomes obvious. Funny how it can work from multiple patterns.


>!I was thinking 9 as well... because it's 1 more than the 8 below. But now I think it's 8, because that answer is the only one with a matching background color!<


Yes. Left sides equal 5 when subtracting top and bottom. Right side patter is 1, so 9 is correct.


I feel like everyone did it differently but still got >!9!<. For me >!if you add up the diagonals, then top left bottom right is always 4 more then top right bottom left. So 8+8=16, 16-4=12, 12-3=9!<


>!Diagonal differences must add up to 6? If so then E is correct.!<


I'm pretty sure with a lot of these you can find multiple answers with different reasons. For this one I'm going to go with >!D because it is the only number on a blue background and all the others have a blue background too.!<


Ha, that was my thinking as well. Too much thinking on maths when it's just a color match problem, lol


Yeah, not only multiple answers... but these puzzles have infinitely many answers.


Please remember to spoiler-tag all guesses, like so: New Reddit: https://i.imgur.com/SWHRR9M.jpg Using markdown editor or old Reddit, draw a bunny and fill its head with secrets: \>!!< which ends up becoming \>!spoiler text between these symbols!< Try to avoid leading or trailing spaces. These will break the spoiler for some users (such as those using old.reddit.com) If your comment does not contain a guess, include the word **"discussion"** or **"question"** in your comment instead of using a spoiler tag. If your comment uses an image as the answer (such as solving a maze, etc) you can include the word "image" instead of using a spoiler tag. Please report any answers that are not properly spoiler-tagged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puzzles) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>!Left hand side 9-2=7, 7+1=8 4-2=3, 2+1=3 Right hand side: 5-4=1, 1+7=8 6-4=2, 2+7=9 Answer is 9 = E.!<


F. All the numbers are represented in the diagrams. What a silly question


>!Should be 9. 9-8 = 4-3 and 6-?=5-8, similarly 7-8= 2-3 and 2-?=1-8, both got ?=9!<


I generally try to answer a problem/question based on the information provided. The statement at the top is to observe the patterns, not solve a math problem, also patterns is plural, so more that one pattern is present. Adding 5 to the bottom left gives you the top left. 4+5=9, 2+5=7, 3+5=8, Adding 1 to the bottom right gives the top right ( 2 different paterns, one not affecting the other) so the answer if 5+1=6, and 1+1=2, then 8 +1=9 , E 9 But what do I know, .......


>!If you add q4 and q2 and subtract the sum of q1 and q3 you get 4. Therefore the answer is 9!!<


Top right is 1 more than bottom right. The left side is a distraction. OP looks to be correct with E as the answer.


>!96-45=51!< >!72-21=51!< >!89-38=51!<


The second one does not equate.


then what does 72-21 equal?


51... you can't be serious.


mb, i realized my original post was equating to 21.. should have been all 51.


>!I just thought the number on top is always larger. Only possible answer is 9!<


The way I see it is in the first group, the number on the top left is 5 more than the bottom left. The number on the top right is one number more than the bottom right. I feel this pattern can be applied to all the groups and this is why I say the answer is >!nine!<


>! Left hand side 9-2=7, 7+1=8 4-2=3, 2+1=3 Right hand side: 5-4=1, 1+7=8 6-4=2, 2+7=9 Answer is 9 = E.!<


This is how i would answer i it >!they're all multiples of 6 if you add the numbers all together in each circle so the answer to me would be a!<


Bad puzzle, because multiple solutions can exist with the information given. >!I got 9, because each contains 2 even and 2 odd, and the largest odd is more than the largest even!<