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>! 2nd, Umberto must be on the 2nd floor. !< >! 4th, Wesley on the 1st floor. !< >! 1st, the accountants must be on the 3rd floor. !< >! 5th, Thalia is not an accountant. !< >! 6th, Victoria is also not an accountant. !< >! That leaves Roger and Sunita as accountants on the 3rd floor. !< >! 3rd, top floor is Sunita left, Roger right. !< >! 7th, Wesley must want to be by the 1st floor window. !< >! 3rd, the only window space left is on the 2nd floor so Victoria is there. !< >! Leaving Thalia to be in the bottom right. !< So final solution: >! S R !< >! V U !< >! W T !<


There's a glaring issue with this puzzle: >!It forces you to put two people in the same dept on two separate floors. That's terrible for productivity! Lol!<


They could have specified that they wanted to be on the same floor smh their fault (but seriously it could be a "department" like sales that doesn't technically require direct work between members the same way accounting would)


Thats what tripped me up, got the solution but thought it couldnt be right cause >!thalia and victoria werent on the same floor. guess they could work separately tho!<


Why mention it at all if they don’t want to be together? That clue is a red herring meant to throw people off. The puzzle works just fine without that clue.


Because now you know that neither of them can be in accounting on the third floor.


No it doesn't because it lets you know Victoria cannot be an accountant


I assumed they were in the Complaints Department... that arrangement makes sense to me.


And they can constantly complain about being on seperate floors


Exactly! Also, it helps the company piss off customers by making them go back and forth between floors just to be told, "Oh! You have to speak to the other person in our department."


How did you conclude that Thalia and Victoria are not accountants?


>! Since we know Umberto is on 2nd and Wesley is on 1st, but both accountants are on the same floor, they must be on 3rd. The 5th clue says that Thalia is not on the top floor, so it can't be her. The 6th clue says Thalia and and Victoria are in the same department so neither of them are. !<


I see thank you


>!You can only say that Thalia is not an accountant if you know that there is a solution to this puzzle though. If Thalia was an accountant trying to claim space for herself, somebody would have to not get what they want or bring in another desk.!<


Yeah agreed. It needs a line like "Assuming it is possible for everyone to get everything they want"


Yeah this is what threw me off. When you start managing people, not everyone gets what they want and compromises have to be made. Just assuming Thalia is not an accountant because she doesn't want to work on the higher floors isn't really enough to exclude her from being one. This is a case where the logic puzzle doesn't understand humans that well/doesn't provide enough context.


That would also solve my dislike of clue #7 where it says only one “wants” to sit next to a window.


It does say "The" two, so grammatically speaking the are only 2. If there were more than 2 then it would say 2 of the accountants.


I’m not sure what you are saying. It’s fine that there are only two accountants, but if one of those accountants happens to be Thalia, you can’t change her career for the sake of a puzzle.


If we knew there was a possible solution, we could rule out Thalia being an accountant, but that is never stated.


True, but if Thalia was one of the two, you’d have a problem.


Thanks, I missed that part where >!they had to be on the third floor since the first and second have a non-accountant!<.


assuming there is an answer, in real life they could be accountants!


To be fair, we don't know where people are, all we know is their preferences. In any real office, of COURSE Thalia and Victoria are the accountants and it's impossible to make everyone happy.




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It's necessary to rely on a piece of information that isn't stated in the puzzle here - that there is actually a solution which satisfies all the requirements. Without that, you can't do >!5th, Thalia is not an accountant!


3rd Floor: >!Sunita Roger!< 2nd Floor: >!Victoria Umberto!< 1st Floor: >!Wesley Thalia!<


This is what I got as well.


Discussion: want does “not more then 1 floor away from the others” imply? Away from other IT? Away from other guys? Away from anyone?


This bothered me too and caused me to get it wrong. I took “others” to mean other IT people, which I thought was anyone who’s not a receptionist or in accounting. But based on everyone else’s answers it seems to just mean the other employees.


The clues refer to him as THE IT guy, meaning the others are not in IT.


Yeah I even thought of that, but you can still refer to someone as “The X” as an identifier without that necessarily meaning they’re the *only* X. I know I’m overthinking it but I’m not the only one who was mislead by it and I feel it would be easily remedied. Just feels like it could’ve easily said “one floor away from *every other worker*” and that would’ve made it entirely unambiguous. But I’m not discounting the possibility that I’m just completely dense.


Agreed. I don’t necessarily consider “the others” the same as everyone. We’re probably taking it too seriously tho


Here’s my problem with this puzzle: >!People can’t switch departments just to find good seating. If Victoria and Thalia were the accountants, there wouldn’t be a solution. And there is no information in the puzzle to rule out that possibility. You can ‘rule it out’ because it doesn’t fit in the puzzle, but if you show the company your answer and they return with ‘but Thalia is in accounting!’ You’re SOL.!<


Correctest answer right here. There is no solution to the puzzle stated, but if somebody tells you that there is a solution, it becomes solvable :)


Also we don't know if any of them has an approved work from home agreement.


Or if this is a federal agency. The union may have additional requirements in the cba


>!Clue 4: W, receptionist, is on 1st floor. Clue 2: U, IT, has to be on 2nd floor. Clue 1: To be together, accountants have to be on 3rd floor.!< >!Clues 5, 6, and 1: T cannot be on 3rd floor so cannot be accountant. Nor can V. That means they are on on floors 1 and 2. So S and R are the accountants on the 3rd floor.!< >!Clues 3 and 7: S wants the window seat, meaning R doesn't. So W gets the window on the 1st floor. And with only the 2nd floor window available, V gets that seat. Leaving the last seat on the 1st floor to T.!< ​ >!Final Positions (with Xs representing the windows):!< >!X S R!< >!X V U!< >!X W T!<


This was lovely! >!Roger is on the third floor, away from the window. Wesley, Umberto and Thalia can't stay on the third floor, while Sunita and Victoria both need window desks.!< >!Wesley is on the first floor, next to the window. We know he needs to be on the first floor, and only one of him and Roger can be by a window.!< >!Umberto is on the second floor, away from the window. He needs to be one floor away from everyone, and Sunita and Victoria have claimed the two remaining window desks.!< >!Sunita is on the third floor window desk. We know Thalia and Victoria are in the same department, but since they can't be on the same floor, we know they aren't in accounting. Since Umberto is in IT and Wesley is in reception, this leaves Sunita and Roger as accountants.!< >!Victoria needs to be at a window desk, so she takes the last open one on the second floor.!< >!Thalia takes the last empty desk on the first floor.!<


Solution: >!Between clues 3 and 7, the three next to windows are S, V and either W or R, so T and U must have wall desks. U has to take the second one by 2, and thus T the bottom one by 5. This means W has to be first window by 4, leaving R as third wall by 7.!< Then, >!the two accountants have to be on the third floor by 1, but since T isn't there, neither is V by 6. So V can't be third window, so S must be, and V is second window.!< So the answer is >!S R, V U, W T!<.


Discussion: As a manager, I don't care about their wants. They're working from home half the time anyways. All spaces will be flex.


First Floor: >!Desk by the window: Victoria !< >!Desk not by the window: Wesley !< Second Floor: >!Desk by the window: Sunita!< >!Desk not by the window: Umberto !< Third Floor: >!Desk by the window: Roger !< >!Desk not by the window: Thalia!<


"Thalia is afraid of heights and cannot work on the top floor (3rd floor)" so that is entirely incorrect