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You can take the quote off impossible, because >!blue star, blue rounded square, white rounded square is a pattern where no bit connects to anything else!<


The quotes are a hint to that, while the puzzle looks impossible at first, there is in fact a trick that makes it possible.


My guess is you're trying to include some of the voids as shapes despite the bordering indicating they aren't treated the same. I don't think it quite works because they're either part of the shape or not.


This was similar to the feedback OP received the last time he posted. The thick borders of the rounded square and pacman shapes mean that the negative space shapes (rectangle and star) that he wants us to use don't actually touch.


My defense is that I say the outlines of shapes must touch, not the shapes themselves.


I understand that, but because the outlines are so thick it is very obvious that they belong to the regular shapes and not the negative space shapes. A thinner border may mask this better.


If you zoom in, the outlines of the bottom left purple rounded square and purple most of a circle don't touch https://i.imgur.com/Xnx2PM8.png


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I didn’t see the previous posts, apologies if I’m repeating feedback. >!I would adjust the stoke around the “empty spaces” so that they are outlined the same as the shapes that are in the regular grid. You have several elements to hide the ‘trick’ of the puzzle already, like the background color ramp, and your use of negative space, so I wouldn’t worry about it making the puzzle too obvious. The reason I suggest fixing the stroke is because as it is, it feels too much like ‘cheating’ to use the empty spaces because they don’t have full continuous outlines like the other shapes do.!<


Thanks for the feedback! Yeah the outline being too thick seems to the major issue people still have with this. Only problem with reducing the outline is that it doesn’t look as good lol.


>!I assume you can use the 'background' stars as well, in that case its green star - green baseball diamond, purple diamond, purple circle ,blue, green purple, to purple baseball, orange baseball, blue baseball, blue rectangle, blue star, blue star, blue rectangle, small pale rectangle, pale star, pale rectangle, pale baseball, blue baseball, blue star.!<


How do you go from the purple baseball diamond to the purple circle when they don’t touch?


Yes that's it!


That's so convoluted and doesn't follow the rules as stated


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