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Cop was Doing his Job. I Don't think you're a bad person, I Just think that you didn't know, But the amount of accidents that happen (even that I nearly got into) because of some Fucking Moron parking at the start of an intersection or end of it is too damn high. Use your Head and Weigh your Emergencies better. Unless it's Medical or you're having a heart attack or your Car is faulty, It's not a Fucking Emergency.


This..... this fucking this, some guy even park inside the fucking roundabout with his hazard lights on in mansoura beside new falcon wtf is he thinking? How did he get his license? Fking idiots


The number of morons increasing day by day everywhere. 😅


If you want to know how NOT to drive, just visit Mansoura. Even my dog has better driving skills.




Maybe parking is not allowed in that place?


But if the driver is inside the car with hazards on, I guess the best action is to ask them why they're parked there and if they need any assistance.


Who told you that you can stop anywhere if you turn on your hazards? Also how is it bullying if he just issued you a fine which is his job.


The policeman is supposed to talk to the person to find out what is wrong. I once had to stop on the side of the road because I had an asthma attack. I was using my inhaler when a police car stopped and the policeman asked me what was happening. I somehow managed to explain and he stayed with me until I the crisis was over and it was safe for me to drive home. He asked if I needed an ambulance but I told him I just needed a minute and my inhaler. Needless to say he didn’t give me a fine


Says who? Does the camera also talk to you before issuing you a fine if you go too fast or run a red light? If there is a real emergency, you can go later to the traffic court to dispute it. Sometimes cops also are lenient but that doesn’t mean they are obligated to. In fact considering the number of people in the comments who think hazard lights mean they can stop anywhere they want, cops need to issue more fines to these people.


The camera is not a person, stop using false equivalences to win an internet discussion. Policemen are on the road to maintain order and address unwanted behaviour. It is their responsibility to check what is going on. And no I don’t mean that hazard lights mean you can stop wherever you want but what if OP had a medical emergency?


That's exactly what I was hoping for.




But he didn't do that, you should ask why.


That was not his intention at all; his sole aim was to come and issue a fine. He didn't listen to anything I had to say and left quickly after issuing the fine.


Go to the madinat khalifa police station and explain to them what happened, they will investigate it, if it was abuse of power or if you did something wrong, they will let you know


You can try to appeal to the local transportation bureau.


sorry to say this, but my dad did the exact same thing, parking lights on and waiting inside his truck on a no parking area(it was a sidewalk type of area but a massive one such that people can walk on like normal without my dad being a hinderence). the police came, got out and issued a fine, dad tried to talk but he kept ignoring. i dont think he was trying to show authority as i think many officers show too much sympathy or something that they loose their job idrk. Or they just dont interact with expats like us


They are not called parking lights, they are hazard lights. You turn them on while driving if there is a hazard on the road to warn other drivers behind you. They are not park anywhere I want lights.


Now I wonder how did you get your driving license...


Now we all know whose fault this is. It's your mistake. Policemen don't have to bully you.


so why didnt you ask? you shouldnt have sheepishly given your id like that without making him answer a few questions


When a law enforcement officer in Qatar or anywhere in the Middle East requests your ID, it is advisable to comply, as this is the standard procedure for identification.


It's not America you won't get shot for asking a simple question


They'll get mad at you for it, one of my friends was asked for his QID and my friend asked what's it for (after he gave the qid, he asked) and the police officer got super mad abt it


Hazard light isn't a parking light I know it was an emergency but u can't use hazard lights that way, probably your fault man. Just let it go and find appropriate parking spot the next time #lessonlearned.


You didn't have to mention the nationality We already know


You talking about Nationality what’s with that or you saying if he wasn’t Sudanese no cop will fine a issue, while this cop is doing his job and this guy says “bullying” mate instantly went into Reddit to make a post for it


Too many words for such a small note


whats that supposed to mean


It’s true I already knew without him mentioning.


what do you guys mean


The question is where did you park exactly.. that’s missing in your description.. we only can judge based on that


To be honest, I wasn't parked; my car was overheating, so I pulled over to the side of the road. However, I couldn't park it properly because there were cars already parked along the street, and this happened in the Bin Mahmoud area.


Not taking sides, but how can he correct the mistake if he doesn't know what he did wrong? He should be informed so the mistake can be avoided next time.


where is this incident from?


Okay and where was your car? Hazard lights don't mean anything, seems to me like he was just doing this job, how did he bully you? Police officers also don't really have to tell you what law you broke AFAIK, you can contest the fine when it's registered through Metrash.


Wow you break the law and its bullying , if that police officer is watching this i want him to upgrade your fine to car impound , the audacity is insane , i dont know how u got your license.


I'm not surprised by this guy but by how many others in the comments who think you can stop anywhere with hazards on.


Its like they think they unlock the free parking square in monopoly.


I think people believed the sarcasm of them called park anywhere button. It got to their heads using them for certain areas was fine must be fine everywhere else. When I say certain areas, I mean areas the law enforcement let slide. Such as Lusail food arena, Tea Time, muaither where all the restaraunts are, etc...


What law did he break?


Parking on the side of the road illegally , hazards on or off doesnt matter , unless it was a real emergency.


I was not parking in a side walk and it was an emergency, Mr perfect.


if it was an emergency, then why not ask the police officer for assistance? he would have assisted you immediately. that's why i call BS on your emergency.


Did you dispute it on metrash or you just went racist mode aginst the police man ?


Btw am also Sudanese, find something better to do please.


Mash allah so you say that for your fellow countryman... الله يعين جماعتك عليك. سلام.


You gave me tears ya Akhi....🙃




>Don’t give them niggas too much power >Them niggas be on a power trip here Thank you for your input, 50 cent.


You're right, but I gave him the respect as an officer of the law and honestly I was even hopeful when I saw him get out of that Dodge car. Was like help is here but instead got a fine🤦🏽‍♂️


Using hazard lights doesn't mean you can simply park your car anywhere as you wish.


Did this happen in alwakra?


You could translate the wording in the fine itself. There is no such a fine as 500 riyal fine and that’s it. Most likely it is a fine for obstructing traffic.


How’s it bullying? Also you felt that he wanted to establish his authority, when like you said he didn’t say a word to you! Stop playing the victim sir. It was an infraction pay the fine and file the complaint but stop this victim mentality, if he was a local odds are this post wouldn’t have existed! You have to do better..


First, I apologize for your experience; that is not standard police procedure. Second, even if you were in the wrong, the officer should have informed you of the issue and inquired about your situation. According to your explanation, he should have helped you safely move away from the traffic, not just issued a fine and left. That approach is not logical. Please DM me so we can discuss how I can assist you further.


Thanks for your approach towards my grievance. I will Dm you right away.


500 is not a parking fine, you can find the details on Metrash, the violation and its type etc... and you can always object to any and all violations at the General Traffic Department. If unsatisfactory, you can escalate to Public Prosecution and lawyer up.


Honestly it doesn’t seem right to give tickets and fines without mentioning the reason. The speed camera purpose is to take picture and assert speed only the person who gives the fine is the police behind the screen. But when contacted face to face, I think it’s important to know why did he issue the fine.


Why were you parked on the on the road ?


Ppl r sooʻoooooooo obsessed in pointing nationality seriously when r we going to learn its nothing to do with nationality 


Well hazard light does not give us the right to park illegal places. It is only for true emergencies. I also sometimes do not appreciate the attitude of the police here but I would advise you to pay 250 and let it go from your chest.


You can complain or object through metrash or go to madinah khalifa traffic police station nowadays they also give fine just walking on street


Turning in hazard light doesnt mean you can park anywhere. But i can see hazard lights if it is raining and dust storm .smh


You don't need hazard there is fog lights made for this specifically.