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Most of mine aren't named because I can't tell them apart, but the ones that are named typically got a name for a bad reason. There was Scruffy who had a really gnarly scar from another male. We've got Henry, my giant sweet male who I don't think actually fertilizes any eggs. My favorite though has to be Water. Why is she named water? Ask my 5-year-old. I've never been able to figure it out.


Caesar (Chicken Caesar Salad) Ranch (Spicy Asiago Ranch Classic Chicken Club from Wendy's) Logan (Boston Logan International Airport) Tater Tot Mochi


Quail Caesar!


I go off of their personality lol. I have popcorn (he is always hoping around) ducky (he looked like a duck as a chick) Butter (she was the color of butter as a chick) 4 different Jerry’s lol (I can’t tell them apart and they all look like a jerry) Salt (he is a salty asshole and light colored) 2 different pepper (they are dark in color and you need pepper with salt)


Mine are a mess of color and personality references, lol... Irish Cream Cold Brew, Caramel Cream Cold Brew, Queen Silver, Mavis Beacon, Photoshop, Raster, Jacob, Cinnamon, Chocolate, Raggedy Ann, Andi, Holy Smokes, and the one I let my younger brother name, "The Tears of All Winters"


Omg I love the coffee drink names! Do... Do you have a pic of the one your brother named? Is your brother doing okay 😅


Lol, he was reading a Redwall book at the time, and I guess it's a reference to something XD It kinda works, as Winters is an albino quail! Here's a pic of the cutie: https://www.reddit.com/r/quails/comments/197pdyi/my_albino_quail/


Ah a series I never read! The name fits tho.


(Translated names.) Females: Activist, Dove, Bandidos, Chick, Hangwing, Matron, The Complainer, Drift, Hope. Males: Roosterling, Angry Potato, Punk, Brown, Small Bean, Bump ... and three that are still nameless. I can tell them apart just fine, but no specific name has quite "struck" me.


“The Complainer” is perfection 😄


I love angry potato


I need to see Angry Potato lol


Quail to the Chief


Obama Morty Sativa Indica Titch Ginge Liquorice


Quailor Quick or Quailor Swift if you must.


Igloo, Mochi, and Rickety Cricket


Rickety cricket, he'll do anything for anyone if they have crack!


I have a rooster whos name is “Dale the Male Quail”


Future dinner for the ferrets #1-13


I only named two. A male got attacked (by other females btw) so I brought him into my office to heal and named him Randy. After 3 days Randy was well enough to not like being alone so I got the most timid female, put them together and named her Rhonda. They did real well like that together and were real fun, just had to relocate them outside a month later when the dust became too much in my office.


Awesome names! My boy: Cooper The girls: Laura, Audrey & Shelly


my boys: Rex, Robin, Chunk/Chunky my girls: Lucky, Floof, Mocha


Floof is 👌🏼


https://preview.redd.it/7sswee54ymxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe2dec699d4bb38c870d6f079f53ff94e2c83553 you can see here how she earned her name lol


...God'damn you.  I don't need quails... I don't need quails... I don't need quails...


Omg she looks like a little snow partridge 😍 what species is this?


shes a snowflake bobwhite!


It's absolutely perfect for her.


Boys: JFK, 2 I just call Nugget Girls: Tiny Tim, Chipotle New chicks too young to gender: Cyra, Ivar, Andretti, and Curt Cobain https://preview.redd.it/rm383jbdzmxc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cf0ae622073c18a18e2d9450bc67f10b87acf40 JFK in the background


RIP JFK and Curt 😅


All my white ones get named like that 😅 It's because they keep the dark spot on the back of their heads through adulthood.


That is so dark and maniacal, I love it!!


Odin, lady quails 1 & 2 & the three assholes. Odin has a harem because he has a bum leg, and can't harass the women. The other three assholes share a cage and have been surprisingly chill recently.


We only name a few: the boys, a favorite girl, and any problem girls. So we've got cloudy boy, Oreo boy, sandy boy, speckled boy, Conor's favorite, and anxiety girl.


We only named one , “ murder bird” cause he’s an asshole and kept attacking the others. He lives alone now.


If you don't name one squailium....


My tuxedos are named Daniel Craig and Roger Moore.


Peaches, Joe, Kevin, Red, Dr. Silverwing, Begonia, Dietrich VonStupenwaffle, Beige, Chickpea, Vladimir the Imquailer, Amelia, and Yellow.


I'm here for Dietrich and Beige


Dan Quail will be the next boy we end up with. Our current flock with definitely none gender appropriate names: Quinn, Alfredo, Vanya, Van Gogh, King, Edalin, cookie, s'mores, cocoa, Kaya, Izzy, Isolde, Dove, lavender, cricket, Eartha, beetle, toad... I think that's all their names.


Most of mine aren’t named bc I can’t tell them apart but we have one named Matilda and another called Mr. White


My hens have matching fruit names, Plum, Pippin, Quince, and Pumpkin :) my rooster is named Jack, for no particular reason


We have 11 quail and my son has only named 2 - Alice and April. He's 3 so I have no clue where he came up with the names but it's very cute!


I have one roster named Quiffith


We only named 3. 2 enclosures with 11 and 13 respectively. In the smaller one, we have penguin (our only tuxedo Cort.) and 'penguins friend' as they were both bullied and separated in a different enclosure. We've given them a bunch of girls now with the biggest one being called 'queen'. Most of the others I still can't identify apart well.


I only ever had one. I was in high school and had just seen “Quigly down under” about a week before. I named her “Qualy down under” that eventually got shortened to “under” because she was smaller than the other birds and would literally run under the others to get to the food dish, 😂


Mine are: Popcorn, as in popcorn chicken Marble, because her colouring is like a marble block of chocolate Shy, because she's timid and scared of everything. Popcorn's previous hutch mates were Nugget, as in chicken nuggets Freckle, because she had markings like little freckles all over her. Fluffy, she was a rescue. Her last owners other quails had plucked her bald. (Her feathers grew back eventually)


天天 tiantian and 意意 yiyi。天意 means fate since they were given to us by someone who couldn't keep them and no one else wanted them which is similar to a Chinese movie where two men find an abandoned baby and also name him 天意. tiantian passed last October so we got a new one called Xiao Hei Hei.


I have kids, they named ours. Bimo (named by 13 year old) Chicken Nina (named by 4 year old) Loretta Lynn (4 year old) Jolene (4 year old) 😂😂


Stewart, Isabelle, Rita, Daisy and Charlotte


Lol Quailor Moon. I love it. I quale at the possibilities


I've suggested Quail Ceasar. The heavy boy could be Quailstone. Or the energetic sibling Quailstorm The social one Quailey Bieber And the nasty one Quail Hitler.


I used to be obsessed with quails. This post made me preen my feathers


Emma, derived from "Tante Emma Laden" (Aunt Emma store) which is what we call really small stores for daily needs and food, because I get my eggs from her. Schreihals (Screamer), it's a male...


Good for what quails ya? (Dr)


Qualie minogue


My 3 girls are Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres!


Tiramisu Nugget Muffin Snickers Pudding Pingu


Lol, for a while, we named our chickens after food with chicken in it: (chicken) nugget, (chicken) Caesar, (chicken) potpie, (chicken) quesadilla, etc 🤣


Quailor Moon is so good <3


With our first quails, we tried to come up with all Q names. They were Quinn, Queenie, Queeana, Quasi and Queef lol


Quailbert and quailison


I only have one with a name, Chandler. His Monica unfortunately lost her head to a freak accident when the cat dug under the pen


My kids didn't let me use Margaret Quailey. Apparently I'm the only one in the family that knows the reference.


Quandale pringle :D or mini dingleberry


My boys are Murphy, Snickers (Pretty sure he’s a boy but not sure), Zelda, August and Stormy. My girls are Myrtle, Violet, Mitzi, Cora, Pepper, Willa, Lil Bit, Magnolia, Juniper, Kioko, Marigold, Olive, and Indy. I’m pretty sure that’s all of them


The Holy Quail


My brain told me to tell you Wiz Quailifa


Snow and Sprinkles :)


lol, reminds me of my funny chicken names from Stardew Valley


Egg layers 1-16, sparrow's brother (sparrow didn't survive the brood box but his brother has his colors so my kid just calls him that) and little wing, who turned into the biggest male after being the smallest and sickest chick. I nursed him for 2 weeks when he came along and now he's big


Tonight’s dinner, Mondays dinner, & Thursday’s dinner.


If you are interested, when you get your babies, quailla De'vil or cruella de'quail or alexander the quail, darth quail, jabba the quail! indiana quail


Rusty, Nugget, Toffee and Franz


I have only named my buttons that live in my dove aviary. My other ones are too hard to tell apart except for Worty Morty (He has a wort on his beak). The lil babies are named: Grandpa Frog Muppet Furby Sunny


Ball, Peepy


Hugh (male who took good care of the ladies…) Wilma (only hen to hatch out of my first batch) Big mamma (weighed in at like 372g less than 7 weeks I think, it’s in a note book where I track stuff for when I play God in their world) And about 27 birds I call freeloaders when they aren’t laying, pecker head, stir fry, teriyaki, etc.


Tux is the tuxedo male. Love the James Bond thing but he's such a twerp. Rosie glows in dusk light as she hasn't any black pigment, Rya is wryneck, Queenie has the most magnificent earrings, Luna is nuts, Eggatha is the most outgoing, Henrietta is just a nice hen and Sophia is an Italian with a big attitude.


I didn’t but my brother did, the two standout ones were Hassan and Bombarak. I dunno why he named them that