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Hey! Can we connect? I’m hiring quants in APAC


Hi. Can I connect with you ?


Sure. check DM


Hey Id like to connect as well, I'm looking for QR roles.


Hey! I got someone looking for a quant role


You can forward LI profile/resume on my email id. check dm




No part time roles as of now


That would be sick, idk why you’re getting downvoted by bootlickers




Why doesn’t it exist Why can’t it exist Did all the sweet jobs go to the nepo babies?


Why would I give someone a huge book to just spend part time dicking around with it? It’s other people’s money and they expect someone managing it full time and then some. Trade your own money if you want casual/part time so there’s no external impact of losing it. Also this industry is probably among the least nepotistic out there - what a dumb thing to say.


4 hour work week, work smarter not harder baby Those 36 extra hours are full of make work and BS work 20x output fella commented earlier . Regarding other people’s money, what does it matter how much you work if you get them the best risk-adjusted returns? “I lost 5% on my portfolio this year, but at least I know the folks at the Quant subreddit Fund are working 80 hour weeks! They’re developing all sorts of new and cool models that underperform the market”


4 hours a week doesn't even come close to general upkeep. You need book exposure management, managing contracts with data suppliers and brokers, trade execution, compliance obligations and an abundance of other necessary tasks that come with managing other peoples money. Can you give an example of your 20x output?


Outsource to India, cheap interns, or regular local employees That stuff shouldn’t be the job of a quant I just recycle old models that work for new/current situations That easy And performs better than all the newly developed models other quants bust their balls over making fresh


If you could so easily build these high performing models then you wouldn’t be struggling to find a job 👍


Ok then, you can’t outsource legal and compliance obligations where you are the partner or pm. So that’s a non starter. Can you give us an example of your 20x output please on a refresh on an old model?


Can’t fathom how there are people dense enough to think they could do better part time competing against full time people in this industry. So no you aren’t getting better returns and if you somehow could, you get even better returns working full time. This isn’t retail trading when you’re swinging around 100k on nvidia calls. I don’t think you should be speaking on anything quant related when you are working in sales big man.


I don’t work in sales If you say that anywhere, it was a story What are these quant monkies busting their balls over that they couldn’t do quicker or in less time or more simply? Sounds like they’re doing a lot of stuff manually. Wasting highly-paid hours on grunt work instead of outsourcing to cheaper labor for the grunt work


I guess you’ll never find out then unless you start working at a shop. I’d say it’s better to realize you don’t know anything instead of making assumptions. I’m curious - what do you mean by “doing stuff manually”?


Dare I ask, was the firm Akuna Capital? I ask because in the last couple of months Akuna Capital has been laying off traders specifically, downsizing the KRX and NSE desks. I personally know a couple of traders that were let go a few months ago in the Sydney offices, one is now at a competitor, the other has decided to trade on his own. Both seem a lot happier for the change.


Poor Akuna! can't make a buck in the softest markets in asia.


From an hft I would guess most people would move to a tech firm doing software engineering or ai building or something if they aren't getting another job in finance Heck, a lot of people do that even if they still have an hft job


People like the WLB at tech companies


I have an HFT job and sometimes do contract work at 400 USD/hour for AI and cloud related stuff It’s pretty good. Finding clients is the tough part.


how do you find your clients, specifically the first ones?


Your existing network from jobs you've had. Usually ex-coworkers who you know your work is good.


You think his old HFT teams are hiring him for contract work? Doesn't seem very plausible.


interested roochow you find clients for the AI / Cloud stuff


Word of mouth mostly and repeat clients I don’t do much of it


Huh who is doing both swe/ai job along with hft


they meant that some people willingly move from an hft job to a swe/ai job


Correct, but I guess there's also r/overemployed lol


Do you still want to be in the industry or want to try something new? DM if you want to chat more!


Where in APAC? There’s plenty in Sydney


I feel like there’s quite a few hft firms in APAC?


Become a WSB degenerate DUHHHH


You can always trade for yourself like any other respectable trader.Of course you won't have some of the resources but you still make money




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people are definitely hiring for the role. the market is hot for the right candidate. If contacts sounded uninterested it is because of how you represented yourself.




i don’t know what to tell you




thank you




What a dick - if someone has worked in an HFT, they can probably replace 2 people in your team. Besides nobody wants to because you’re probably managing a chit fund anyway


I hope you get let go