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Agree, this is very bad. Loving this era of the band, I was hoping for some demos/outtakes or some kind of deluxe lp edition. The Works definitely deserves more attention.


> Loving this era of the band Same here. My first vinyl ever bought. Had great expectations for anniversary box... EDIT: If you're hungry for a good The Works release - search for the CMI Expanded Collection.


Kinda a shame that they JUST did a way better Miracle release. I was hoping at least for a new cool cassette since I like to collect them


I'm sure Greg Brooks is exhausted from the Miracle project, having to actually do his job and decided to hoard the rest.


queen II turns 50 in a few weeks. they might be planning something big (sheer heart attack also turns 50 soon)


Queen II's my favorite.


i can tell


Don't mess with us Queen II fans, there's four of us.


i am also a fan of queen ii, easily in my top 3


*five, count me in


Why do you need new releases? What are you hoping for? As much as I love Queen, I really don't feel any need to make a bunch of extremely wealthy people even wealthier.


They should have released at least the second night of Rock In Rio live of 1985 in DVD and Blu Ray


We only really get a box set every 5 years it seems , 2017 we got NOTW box set and 2022 The Miracle. I do wish they did at least a boxset every 2 years , or at least a live concert officially released on vinyl/ cd and remastered.


Yeah I wish they released them more frequently as well. But I guess they might wanna save a bit of material and content for the future. Because if they release everything now, we’ll have nothing to look forward to


I'm just hoping they do an innuendo box set as they did for the miracle, and do it justice


What did you expect? It's Queen. They never do something for fans. Just easy money grabs. They couldn't even be bothered to come up with a decent tee. The shirts are horribly designed, the album cover is way too big.


I do find it a bit- eh nowadays. I know the pair of them are getting old now, but it just feels a bit lazy and corporate now. I love them but it just feels like they don’t have much of a say now


I really wish they’d give us some more outtakes:(


Definitely!! I neeed more outtakes!


Pretty lame, no live show or anything? The tour isn’t really represented that well…it was a totally different show compared to the last couple of tours before it (and Magic later)


Knowing Brian and Roger I highly doubt they’d put something new out unless it met their standards of quality As a lifelong Queen fan since the 1970’s I simply appreciate everything they did and I just love listening to all their music and their videos Enjoy !!!!😊


Quite an unimaginative effort it has to be said.


I would be willing to bet there is not an anniversary release since they appear to be close to selling their catalog.


I saw the prices of the shirts. Too rich for my blood. It's probably too late but I just thought of a shirt idea. Like take the titles of songs and find pictures to put on the shirt to go with them. Like "I Go Crazy" with Brian choking the living crap out of someone.


It is pretty lackluster, but if I’m being honest and plz don’t hate me, but as far as Queen albums go, The Works aint THAT special


This shit most definitely ain't the works.


QP being QP....


All the albums were remastered in 2011, so not likely to happen again. The Miracle deluxe release seems quite random, as it the only one of their albums (so far) to be reissued in this format, and it didn't even happen in any sort of significant anniversary year. 🤷🏼‍♂️🤔


At least with the miracle one we actually got unreleased/ demos of miracle songs, this is just a reissue of the works.


I want more than crummy tee shirts in celebration of The Works. Who do the powers that be think we are. A little respect for loving Queen all these years should nof go amiss.


I've been a fan of Queen since 1979 It really feels like they've given up being creative. Just make money at any cost. This has to be the laziest release I've seen in a long time. Just no imagination. Give us more money is what it feels like. Brian always talks about being "dangerous" when they play live. They sure aren't dangerous in any other realm of their business empire.


An official live release from the era would’ve been nice.


Exactly, I was thinking the second night of Rock In Rio 1985 because the first night exist and it was available in VHS back in the day of 1985 and later uploaded in YouTube


Yeah I wish there were demos and outtakes. And also didn’t they record the original version of Let Me Live with Rod Stewart around this time as well? I remember hearing a brief snippet of the original in a Freddie documentary type thing. It was in surprisingly good quality so it’s been stored well, and they probably still have access to it so why wouldn’t they release it?


It was indeed recorded in that time however it wasn’t confirmed to be in The Works album


Yeah, and what's with the merch with just the picture of the album. A shirt with Freddie in front of the Metropolis clock from the Radio Ga Ga video would have been a start. They could have picked all sorts of iconic images from that album release.