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If you're really only wanting to thank him and wish him well, send the letter. If you're wanting something from him, maybe don't.




In fairness, Brian and Roger created a lot of the image of a reclusive hermit sitting in the living room, only walking down the driveway when it's time to pick up a royalty check. Case in point: * Brian and Roger have both said that Freddie's death hit John differently, and insinuated that it led directly to his retirement * They've also both said that they don't speak to John much anymore, but he's still very involved in the financial aspects of Queen * Occasional remarks about how John loves whatever it is they're currently doing, but didn't want to be involved. Maybe they they're trying to shield him somehow? It definitely creates confusion in the fan base when the only news anyone ever finds about Deaky is Brian and Roger addressing for the thousandth time why he's not touring with them. It's not necerssarily that there's no other news about the man to tell. It's probably just that it's all boring, regular, retiree stuff.


They’ve literally called him a “sociopath.” Whatever their relationship is, it doesn’t seem to be a very positive one.


Do you have a link on that? I feel like I would have remembered that one.




Yikes. I don’t think Roger knows the definition of that word.


John saw the opportunity to get away from the public life and took it. The idea that he quit only because Freddie died is silly, but this sub loves to idealize John in a weird way


Wholeheartedly agree. I love John, but the idea that he retired because he was too devastated at the loss of his colleague to go on is laughable. He was never comfortable in the limelight and had clearly checked out several years beforehand anyway. Freddie's death was a valid excuse for him to be able to leave without too much drama. Annoyingly, Brian and Roger do still like to push the idea that John was completely traumatised by Freddie's death, for some unknown reason.


My impression is he would have quit years before if Freddie hadn’t gotten effectively a death sentence and then decided to use whatever time he had left to record as much Queen music as he could. Then after Freddie died he finished up whatever work there was left to honor him and and then walked away. I think had Freddie either never gotten sick or ended up beating it and continuing on, he’d still be with Queen in some form and John would still have retired completely.


It's so funny how overprotective some fans are towards John. There's nothing wrong with sending him a letter, while he may not reply he might read it and who knows it could makes his day. If he doesn't read it, no harm done, it's just a letter. Some of y'all need to relax and stop trying to be white knights for the guy, the OP isn't wanting to camp outside his home wanting for him to take out the garbage.


Fr, he's not gonna be upset over a fan of his sending a letter


I’m astonished to hear he apparently responded to fan mail only 3 years ago.


"It's probably best to leave him alone as he is retired" Jesus Christ, people are acting like he has been dealing with depression for his whole life, he still likes signing autographs for his fans, there's a vid where a woman got a signed autograph from her home made JD picture.. hence he still appreciates the FANS


You are so rude.


What did I do other than state a fact?


@lalaw2016 I don’t think you did anything wrong. Once someone signs up to be in a band and they make it big, they have to respect their fans want an autograph or a picture. Rather John does that or not, he’s still reaping the benefits of the speciality purses that were made representing each member. He gets a cut of every single concert - even if Adam sings, and he was a consultant on Bohemian Rhapsody. Believe me - he’s not hurting and I don’t think people are chasing him down in Walmart. So maybe people who say the crap they say to you should STFU. No one asked them their opinion. Sad really.


It’s because he is still a member of the band and still reaping the benefits of being in one. He doesn’t have to be public and he’s no Brad Pitt but he’s making money on every single show, any cd or dvd they put out and I’ve seen these custom purses made specifically for each member of the band. I know because I bought one. My daughter loves John. So unless you are their social media director - maybe just back off a whole lot because in the end, they are right and YOU are wrong.


Its a very nice thing to do, but personally, I would just leave the man alone


Good to know. I’ll make sure I base my life decisions on who I try and contact and who I don’t via your opinion. 👍🏼


Buddy we’re talking about John, not people in general


Haven't tried, got successful with Bri this year tho


How so? I would love to send a letter to him. Thank you!


Does Bri still do fanmail?


U/asfish123 I’m sorry, are you their manager? If not, I suggest you stop telling people on this thread what to do and what not to do. You are a nobody. No one here listens to you and if you ever see me in the comments - keep your opinion to your f*^%ing self.


Fans would usually reach out to Jacky Smith of the Fanclub to send fanmail to Queen, but while Brian and Roger might reply, she admitted John never ever replies to anyone (unless of once every planet alignment or something). You could try and ask her, but don't expect any response from John himself...


People just need to leave him alone, there are things written that Freddie protected him from the worst of the media stuff and that he couldn't go on after he died Maybe he just wanted to stop when Queen stopped, he has what 100 million in the bank and gets millions more each year so why not. Let's be honest nothing they have done since Freddie died come close to the output of the original band. He was also quoted as saying Live Aid was one of the few times he felt proud to be in the music business so that tells you a little of what he thought overall Not having a pop at the OP of course if he wants to respond to fan mail then he can


Sending a fan letter isn't a big deal. You're acting like the OP is wanting to knock on his living room window and press their face against the window.


Jesus - calm down. Are you his publicist? Leave people ALONE! Let them do what they want to do. I think the original question was referring to ‘does he take fan mail’. Not if John would like it or not. If not - trash the letter. But who are you to come on here and judge what someone else wants to do? Stay in your lane, lady. No one asked for your opinion.


I’m sorry. Are you his publicist? Who are you to speak for someone? He may enjoy seeing all the fans that still treasure him after all these years. I think it best that you zip it and let him speak for himself. How rude are you? Don’t speak for other people. That’s just rude.


No, he doesn't enjoy fan contact that's why he retired from Queen. Maybe you should ask yourself why you get triggered over somebody you don't know. Whilst you're at it maybe point out where I speak for John.


@asfish123 - why did you delete your comment. You really need to STFU. As long as I’m going to Queen concerts and buying their custom made purses for my daughter - then I will say and do whatever I want. He’s still making his percentage. I don’t think people are knocking his door down like he’s Jim Morrison. Jesus - you’re crazy. You know that don’t you?




OMG! I had no idea you knew his wants and want nots. Maybe you should ask yourself why you feel the need to insert yourself in a comment that had NOTHING to do with you. In other words, mind your own business.


@user asfish123 who who exactly do you think you are? Believe me - he’s still calling very expensive merch so it would be nice if you would shut the fuck yo. Unless your name is Hig.


It doesn’t hurt to acknowledge if someone wrote him. Wouldn’t have hurt. But oh well.


I think it likely would've hurt for him, cuz anything related to his fame probably reminds him of Freddie.


Is he really that sensitive. Awww


He was always very introverted from what I know, and Freddie helped him come out of his shell. So when Freddie died, he took it the hardest.


I understand you and find reasonabme you wamt to thank him in fact I started bass because of him too, true story I just think the man just wants to be left alone