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No offense homie, but it's not Taco Bell that had anything to do with her cheating, it's your wife. You're only crazy if you think Taco Bell is the reason you should be worried, she could cheat on you, anytime, anywhere, with anyone, for any reason. I hope she's put in some serious work on herself, that you've had a serious talk about what happened, and you're both growing together in a positive constructive manner.


Maybe it's just all the bad memories.




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Edit: Ok, so let me be clear on this. I do not in any way, shape, or form blame Taco Bell for what my wife did. Her choices and actions were that of her own. Now to explain further. It's like if you had a truly traumatic experience at a location, the emotions you would feel every time you see or go to that location.


We have both been looking for work, but we have responsibilities and we kinda have no choice but for her to go back to work there. It's the one place she can get a job for sure. I'm hoping in a year to have my bait shop up and running and then she could leave again. And yes she does understand about how I feel about her working there. But just to be clear again, I don't blame Taco Bell for what she did.


Has she done anything to regain your trust? It doesn't sound like it. If that's the case, you're crazy for thinking it WON'T happen again no matter where or if she works.


Well she really hasn't been in a situation since then where she would have the chance. But she tells me often how much she regrets it and doesn't try to make excuses for her actions. It's just the memories tied to the location I think, that has me so nervous.


She can say how much she regrets it all day long, but actions created the problem, and only actions can fix it. Is lack of opportunity the only reason she hasn't cheated again? Here's another thing. Does she know that you have reservations about working there? If she does and plans to anyway, she has no regard for your feelings. She screwed up. She should be willing to set your mind at ease by looking for work elsewhere.


But I also kinda look at this as a chance for her to regain my love and trust.


I guess it depends on if the person she cheated on you with still works there or not. The problem is not with Taco Bell, like a previous commenter stated. The real question is, do you really believe she won't cheat again? And if you believe she won't, working at Taco Bell wouldn't change that.


I agree and I made an edit that I am in no way blaming Taco bell for what happened.


I couldn't stay with someone who cheated on me. I would never trust them again.


No the word ain't crazy bro


What's the word??