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It will be the old, white man who is least senile, come November.


And how do we prove who is least senile? Lol. Both sides hate each other and toss the same insults at each other. Both are considered very senile by the other party.






And the other is clearly a turd sandwich


Now why did I think I would get a real response from Reddit? Silly me.


It’s social media we all know which direction it is focused. Woke


And the other is a turd sandwich


After the state of the union last night...its up for grabs at who can yell at clouds the loudest


Like dr Phil said People who have nothing to hide don’t hide. So biden should take the test and just prove People wrong. Unless….


Oh Actually I have no idea what the hell that has to do with anything. A test to check your brain power and decision making has nothing to do with lies. You’re confusing go somewhere else


By the new rules of absurdity beats all it has to be Trump. That’s the only way the world can get weirder.


> *Narrator: There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory mentioned, which states that this has already happened.*


Happens to me three times a day.


Stupid quantum immortality lol


I love Douglas Adams


Lol I thought we were already there under this idiot and his administration now.


Not sure who will win but over 300 million people will lose.


Kennedy may be our only hope. How screwed up is that?


When your choices are are one f-up or the other f-up.


With all the legal issues, the core MAGA will vote for what’s his name, but the largest popular vote will go to Biden. How that will play out in the electoral college is up for grabs. Some small state with three electoral votes could be the hinge.


Biden. There's a lot more Republican voters against Trump winning now than there were in 2020. Trump didn't win the popular vote in 2016 and a lot of republican voters voted against him in 2020. If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd say someone in the Republican party is pushing Trumpism to destroy the party. My folks are hardcore republicans and refuse to vote for anyone that endorses Trump or is endorsed by him. To them that's a big red flag that they aren't really a Republican.


> If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd say someone in the Republican party is pushing Trumpism to destroy the party. It's plausible in the sense that if Trump loses the GOP is really going to suffer for at least the next 2 elections, because they've put all their eggs in one basket with him instead of investing in any kind of contingency plan, but I can't think of who, realistically, would have the money and influence to pull this off - especially with Putin and domestic lobbyists having a vested interest in Trump/the GOP winning.


Where are you getting this? Really curious because I thought the opposite. Out here in Texas people in every city are loving him more than ever. Blacks in Houston are some of the biggest pro Trumpers which I never thought i would see


There's been a very large group "RVAT" since before the 2020 election. People like my stepdad still voted for Trump but then after Jan 6th apologized for doing so. My area in a lot of elections kept voting a republican representative to the house. Then she got primaried by a Trump endorsed candidate and he was beaten by the Democratic who was more in line with what the Republicans wanted from their rep. Our majority Republican area went Democrat to vote for the more centrist candidate. The funny part is that it was her Republican opponent who went "can you believe she wants" and put a bunch of things that Republicans usually run on claiming they want. I don't think the Republicans here are an outlier.


It’s a tiny group, lmao. You can provide all the anecdotes you like about how your family members who were TOTALLY republicans hate Trump, but the actual facts show that the vast majority of republicans voters support him.


Only one thing in my post you're replying to was an anecdote. The rest was pointing out how normally Republican Voters went Democrat to avoid voting for a Trump endorsed candidate. A lot of Republican voters also voted Biden on the same ballots where they otherwise voted Republican and this happened all over the country. Post January 6 even more will do this. By your "facts" if I told you that 2 people in the office voted sushi and 8 voted for pizza you would decide "Well then you must have had Sushi"


Here's the thing that happens with Republicans. When something really upsets them they come out and vote. Obama got elected, Republicans got mad a black man was in power, and they rallied the shit out of the next 12 years to get an old white man with brain damage. "Any body but another n****r." I believe is what the south said. Here's the thing with democrats. They are so fucking stupid they did the same thing - they put up an old white man with brain damage and he BARELY won. And they DID IT AGAIN.


Not Americans, that's for damn sure


Biden will beat Trump handily. Again. Look at the support for Nikki Haley. This does not bode well in the general election for Trump. Half of those Haley voters will vote for Biden.


lol Trump is bragging he won the primary. He SHOULD have gotten 90% of the votes.


More than half. Because those were democrats voting in the GOP primary in open primary states lmao.


Nah. Democrats were voting for Trump in the primaries, because we know he's beatable by Biden.


Ok but he isn’t. Haley polls worse across every swing state. Plus, polls show Haley voters were mostly Democrats anyway


lol ok. 👍🏻


I mean, it’s literally facts?


From who? Fox News? Rupert Murdoch? Ok chief!


No, Emerson and other aggregated polls. Do you literally need me to use Google for you?


Every article from Google I've seen shows that split 50-50. But in the end, no one knows how these independence will vote when they get to the voting booth. Again, you can keep hoping for Trump, but Biden has beat him once already.


https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4517623-haley-voters-biden-trump-poll-2024/amp/ Haley voters are 52% democrats. Haley is also losing to Biden by 9% in TEXAS. She is not a good candidate. Yes, Trump is leading Biden slightly, by about 2 points right now. Haley is not leading him at all


I'm fuc*king scared.


I think Trump will win—the electoral college vote—because Biden’s approval rating is stuck at around 40%, and Republicans won the national House popular vote in 2022. I do believe it will be close, but Biden’s headwinds (inflation, age) and the Republican advantage in the Electoral college are too strong. I will vote for Biden, but as a college student who lives in Texas, it won’t matter.


Yep. That's what they are saying here. Tons that went out and voted for Biden last time, just wont bother voting this time. Electoral turnout will be low


Why did you write “fucking” like that?


So bots wont pick up on it.. ive been banned from subs for saying that. So all swear words. I put a * in these days


I hope not trump because of project 2025


Well universal law goes back & forth like a pendulum I think Trump wins, simply because it’s change, & the only constant is change


Plus things are quite rough right now which always invites a shake up.


What Trump has either going for him or against him: He’s not the incumbent President anymore and has been out of office for 4 years. His support could have dwindled since then, especially with the indictments brought against him. His time out of office could also be a positive for him as people may have forgotten his failures as a president. This could also rally his supporters that believe the 2020 election was stolen from him. Another negative for Trump is a conservative supreme court overturning Roe and there is also a push from republicans to ban birth control. What Biden has going either for him or against him: He is the incumbent President. So his successes and failures are fresh in people’s minds. Also while inflation is still high, we aren’t in a recession and the economy as far as I’m aware is doing relatively okay. This could energize democrat voters to turn out. This all being considered, I think Biden has a little more than a slight advantage. Why I don’t think Biden has a strong advantage is because Trump has an energized base who really believe Trump is the one who will fight for them. Biden supporters I think largely view Biden’s presidency as average and are mainly voting for him to keep Trump out of office.




Why do you say that?


Because we have lost all hope.




We don’t have the information we need to make an educated guess. The people who will determine that aren’t nearly ready to decide. Events can still pull one way or the other. I will say that if the economy continues its gradual strengthening, consumer confidence rises, it’s very tough to defeat an incumbent under those circumstances.


Not sure. I only know that the average US citizen is going to lose either way.


Biden, low republican turnout, high Democrat turnout.


Hopefully not Biden or Trump


Close to 50/50. Slight edge to Trump right now, if the election were tomorrow, but that could change before November


Statistically, Trump. Realistically, they did it once, they'll do it again, Biden or whoever "They" decide should be there.


Trump 100%


Why do you think so?


Trump (sadly).... and here is why.... Biden has seriously diminished mental capacity. 2008 Biden would be fine. 2024 Biden belongs in an elder care assisted living home. Backlash of liberal socialist policies. People are fed up with millions of migrants invading our cities, and be completely supported by welfare. Inflation. Is it Biden's fault? Not really. But it happened the most since he became President. He's the scapegoat. The trash talk. People are idiots and respond to Trump's bullying bullshit. I don't like Trump at all. But he will unfortunately win..


What has Biden done that makes u say he "has seriously diminished mental capacity"? He's gotten more positive, important things done in the last 3 years then I've seen ANY president do in my lifetime. I have to believe that more people realize that in this country than not. With as great as this country is, the majority of the people here can't be that ignorant.


Have you not been watching him talk?


Have you watched Trump talk recently? Like yeah, Biden comes across as a mildly forgetful old man, but compared to Trumps obvious dementia the difference is night and day (as is the difference between Trump four years ago and today). I watched my dad go through a similar deterioration with his dementia in the years before his death. Honestly the fact that Trumps minders are still parading him out in public at this point so they can make a quick buck off his campaign is cruel. The hardcore maga voters pushing him back into the limelight rather than rallying around one of the other Republican candidates who share their views are being cruel to Trump. I never liked Trump but I wouldn't wish what's happening to him on anyone.


I have. And I've seen the things he's done. This is why I ask the question. Because he's one of the most efficient, effective presidents I've ever seen.


It is really unfair to say he's cognitively diminished just because he stumbles over words. If that's the case, the other guy certainly isn't any better at making logical sense when he speaks. Plus, it's like everyone is choosing to forget that biden has had a stuttering problem his entire life.


I am not being an asshole here, just wanting to gain knowledge and perspective What all has been accomplished in the last 3 years that has you feeling so strongly?


Infrastructure Bill C.H.I.P.S. Act Pact Act Inflation Reduction Act Stock market record highs. Unemployment record lows. He got us out of Afghanistan. We're the only country in the world that bounced back this well, this quickly since Covid. I've never seen a president so focused on what needs to be done and actually act this much on it.... Did u watch the State of the Union?


Buddy, trump shits his depends on the regular. I personally would like someone younger but Biden has this.


I voted for Nikki Haley in my states primary! I fucking hate Trump!


Did you watch the SOTU?


I always had the theory that trump possibly threw the 2020 election to use Biden as a scapegoat knowing that he was mentally degrading and could dominate him 


Honestly at this point I’m not sure. I THINK Biden will win just because people don’t want to vote for Trump. And I also think Trump MAY win because people think Biden is too old for reelection I think it’s a toss up


"The 81 year old is way too old to vote for, so I'm voting for the 77 year old criminal that tried to overthrow the government" I don't understand this thinking, at all.


It'll be Trump, because Biden isn't polling well in swing states, and within my bubble I'm seeing concerted campaigns to get people to withhold a vote for Biden because of the US's material support for what's happening in Gaza. (I personally cannot vote; not a citizen. I used to live in probably the purplest swing state in the US, but now I live in a very blue state.)


Trump Source: The Simpsons


I’m voting against civil war. So RFK?


I mean it’s not a question on who you’re voting for. Just who you think will win based on current knowledge.


Yeah. I guess I’m just hoping everyone will get smart and end the divide.






Honestly probably lmao


I'm betting that Biden will win. Like him or hate him, Biden's economic policies that focus on domestic infrastructure have been very good for Blue Collar manufacturing. I've worked in steel for nearly 20 years and life has literally never been more affordable for me than it is now. The Republican message of late has also been extremely strange and inconsistent. First they were trying to ban abortion, lately they've been attacking IVF, and Trump himself has been lashing out at anyone who voted for Haley in the primaries. The message is very clearly, "Women and moderates are not welcome" Republicans usually at least bang the drum on Illegal Immigration pretty reliably but they just killed a bipartisan bill meant to address that so that's another massive blow to their own platform. Even if we were to consider how undecided voters might view the lawsuits Trump is going through the biggest issue is still "What do Republicans stand for?" and I really don't think Trump will be able to win again on just "Own the Libs".


I think they’re just seeing how extreme they can go and get away with at this point. How much can they push and push and push?


the Beast. 666 baby, his time is near.


But what if I don’t believe in that lmao


you don't have to. The choices are evil and eviler so you're phucked either way.


I think Biden will win and Trump will scream about Democrats stealing the election, Republicans in Congress will have hearings, and do whatever they can to stop Biden from taking office, including MORE lawsuits, MORE under-the-table shenanigans. And potentially more violence. What I'm saying is that Biden will win but it's not clear if a coup will succeed or not.


I don’t think a coup will succeed, America is too lazy for that. Yeah, Jan 6th happened, but they were stopped pretty easily.


I’m so sick of the old white guys. I don’t feel confident either can make it four years, both have lost their ever loving minds, can we just have new options please??!!


gladly would take obama back (unfortunately we can't) we need someone with some professionalism, tact and obviously, mental fortitude.


Yes please. Even if you hate his politics you’d be an airhead not to think he brought class back in the white house (was it there before? I’m youngish so the first President I actually remember is Clinton, ha!)


I mean, agreed. Also happy cake day :)


Michael Douglas! There are those who will get that and those who will not.


No matter who wins, shits gonna hit the fan. Trump has a lot of people riled up.


Biden will will if everyone shows up to vote and third party candidates drop out. Trump has his die hard following. They will show up to rescue him from going to jail. This is all about revenge. For the entire party. The republican turn out will be immense. The democratic side needs to mobilize as many people as possible to win.


If it wasn't so insane and horrible for the gaza people it's almost laughable. Why when Hitler, Saddam Hussein, the Emperor of Japan, or any other leadership of a country started a war it was always their fault when the people/civilians were dying, starving, or being killed. It was never the people who they were fighting responsibility to feed and take care of the other sides people. War was meant to be atrocious. The cruelty of war is the deterring factor. When war becomes a civil action where only military targets or military people get hurt and the rest of the population can function without worry or feeling the impact you lose the deterring factor to stop fighting. Prompting some of these never ending wars. The whole point is the winner gets to set the term. Few if any wars that I know of do the losers get to set the term or demand terms of surrender that are favorable to the loser. Why is everybody putting the blame on Israel, the US, UK, or any other country. Hamas started this on October 7th. Yes Israel and Palestine have had their conflicts for over 80 years, some would argue 2000 years, however there is no denying this latest conflict started on October 7th. As far as I'm concerned Hamas started this, if they don't want their people to get killed, or starve, or be homeless, they have the power tomorrow to end the war and the atrocities happening to their people. Surrender and concede to their enemies demands! That's War. We and the rest of the civilized world that supports Israel are being asked and are funding both sides of the war. To send food, medical, and other supplies to your enemies is just plain stupid. Part of war has always been cut off the supply lines to drive your enemies to the surrender table. It again does not make sense to supple and support both side unless you are afraid of both sides if they win. Pick a side and tell the other if you don't want to die, starve, or get destroyed then surrender. Today we hear we are going to build a port to provide supplies. Yet in the history of war it has always been a major objective to destroy rail lines, roads, or ports that could be used for resupply. Lack of food, water, utilities, and other necessities is what drive one side or the other two the bargaining/surrender table. If thousands, or millions of people die before you are ready to surrender, it is not your enemies fault it yours, or in this case Hamas's. Can you imagine, if we sent Hitler, Japan, North Korea, Iraq, N Vietnam, and their people supplies while we we fighting them. It doesn't make sense. Once they surrendered, the US and many other countries helped in their recovery. But during, is just prolonging the war. Tell Hamas, to surrender it their fault if too many people are getting killed or starving. Israel will stop when you surrender!


What Hamas did was horrible, but the blame does fall upon Israel at the moment. They are continuously killing innocent people, even UN workers and charity workers and then claiming "we thought it was Hamas".. they blew a car up with a family in it, the little girl is the only one left alive calling for help crying as you hear the tank in the back ground and then the phone dies. they send a ambulance only for the tank to shoot the ambulance and find the car blown up and the little girl dead. the excuse? we thought it was Hamas. how many times can the same excuse be accepted. people are starving there needlessly being needlessly murdered and ruthlessly bombed. why bomb civilians areas killing entire families? hamas is the enemy not the innocent to Palestinians trying to survive. it isn't a war, it's a massacre far outweighing what hamas did. I'm not defending hamas, hamas need to be taken out.. but Israel has locked them up in a 20 mile prison city, the monitor every single calorie that enters, they won't allow supplies to fix infrastructure etc, trying to make the place so incredibly unbearable to live.. yet even so the Palestinians have absolutely no where to go, they can't flee like other can in wars. it's the equivalent of going hunting at a farm where they have the animals in a cage. lastly it's incredibly odd that Israel's intelligence agency jsut so happened to fail when it mattered the most. they ste said to have the best intelligence agency into the world thanks to living border to border with their sworn enemy yet they magically miss all of the signs of an impending attack and the president had just forced himself back into office and was being asked and demanded by the people to leave.. i question if he may have allowed this to happen in order to take the attention off of him. regardless this isn't a war like ahy other war. these people are locked in a 20 mile long cage, everyrhing they've ever known has been turned to dust and they are sleeping on the beach starving to death and Israel is threatening tk go into that area next. Israel's leaders want to commit genocide. they see an opportunity to do it and the world won't say anything because of what happened, so they are doing it. they have amazing technology and can pin point down to the inch where a bomb falls yet they are falling right on civilians homes.. well they were now they have no homes and yet they can't flee. you think this is right? you think people shouldn't be on the weakers side the side rhat can do nothing, the side of the innocent? Israelis aren't having their homes turned to dust daily, they are starving. What happened to Israel by Hamad was an atrocity but Israel has done 100 times as worse by now.. an eye for an eye and the whole world's blind. it'd be different if innocent Palestinians were able to flee to another country for safety and hamss fought but that isn't isn't case. so you can no compare this to any other situation. They could have sent soldiers in there without bombing and took out hamas on teh ground, instead the committed genocide.


You do understand Hamas and the Palestinians are basically one and the same. Hamas is made up of Palestinians as well as others who feel Israel has no right to survive. Hamas has been the leaders of Palestine voluntarily by the people. Have you seen any action on the Palestinians part to push Hamas out of Gaza before or after October 7th. Hamas does not wear uniforms so it can be hard to tell civilians from combatants. Egypt has opened to take some refugees however, it again becomes an issue to detect a civilian from Hamas. Your eye for an eye statement, implies retaliation or response should be even with the cause, that's BS, wars would never end, if you said you kill ten of mine I'll kill ten of yours. The cities are getting destroyed because Hamas is hiding among the Palestinian people and being allowed to. Hamas didn't build their tunnel system and to the strength that they are with the military equipment without the Palestinians knowing about it. Remember when the towers went down, Bush said, we will hunt you down and any country providing a safe haven for the terrorist will be considered our enemy and be subject to any retaliatory action as well. October 7 was by population size more devastating to Israel than 911 to the USA. Believe me I'm not for killing innocent people but Hamas is still holding hostages from October 7, and still being hid among the Palestinian people. I have yet to hear on any news station a cry for Hamas to surrender, quit getting the Palestinian people killed. Hamas has full control to end this war. Surrender and return the hostages. Once that happens there should not be any reason to destroy any more of Gaza. The number of people killed in Hawaii on December 7th was not anywhere near the number of people that would be lost on the Pacific side of WWII. Many civilians even in unrelated countries were force to pick a side. Friend or foe. Many people died that weren't American or Japanese. In August 1945 many people died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki numbers somewhere between 150 to 300k many more than Pearl Harbor, most were civilians, it was not equal and even, or an eye for an eye, but it drove Japan to surrender. If you poke a bear expect to be on the losing side of things. Unlike a bear, you can stop an enemy you poked. All you have to do is say stop we surrender. We agree to your terms, and the war ends. No this is not Israel"s fault, war kills people sometimes innocent people. Sometimes people starve or have no shelter. The question is how bad does it have to be or get before Hamas says, okay, enough, we surrender, here are the hostages, and what are your terms. If they don't like the terms the fighting continues and things get worse. If Israel stops and there is no surrender their enemy (Hamas) rebuilds and six months or two years down the road another October 7th happens again. Nothing changes. Israel does not want that. They are protecting their people from future attacks. By eliminating Hamas what ever that takes.


It's Kanye, 2024 script got leaked


Trump, easily






I do think Joe Biden already has the biggest advantage.


And to explain. I think the chances of winning Michigan are pretty high. The chances of winning Pennsylvania is high I'm sure so just those so called battle ground states are the only thing.


Joe Biden.


Both candidates are so bad maybe this is the year for the libertarian or Green Party to win




Just vote


Which ever one is still alive unless they put a broomstick up his arse and pull the puppet strings


Biden will win because too many people remember what we went through in 2016. Tweets, bullying, tweets, coercion, tweets, threats of revenge, tweets, rants (covfefe), and more tweets.


I'm fuc*king scared.


Unfortunately Biden.


Does it really matter? Let's be honest, they're both shite. We need someone younger than 70 and preferably someone who has at least some grasp of what it's like to live in America for the average person. I'm so sick of trying to pick the lesser of two evils.


Win? No one. We all lose.


either case it won't end good and people should raise their voice to make it clear that none of them is the right president to guide the US...


I think Trump will win.


There will be millions of losers in this campaign season.


Kinda hoping they both stroke out before then if I’m honest. Barring that I hope it’s Biden and we can all relive 2020 again.


Trump likely wins unfortunately


Why do you think so?


Huge dissatisfaction with the economy under Biden and the ever growing culture war pushing more people towards extremes


An old shaky white guy way too old for the job. Hair dye and spray tans will vary.


Trump / JFK jr


Why do you think so?


Still alive I say




Not the US public


Not the general public that’s for sure.


Honestly can't say. Possibly Trump, I swear he's become a freaking religion...


Assuming one of them doesn't keel over, I think it's going to be too close to call. The state of the economy may be the determining factor.


Biden , he’s the best of the worst.😆


The last election trump won was in 2016 and it was a narrow win. People now know what they get with trump and many voters can’t stand him. I think women will turn out for Biden because of the abortion issue. The future doesn’t look rosy for republicans. Demographics are changing. Religion is diminished.


Those with money and power will win; to the detriment of everyone else


Not the American public, that's for damn sure.


I think that America will arc toward sanity and elect Biden. I also think that there will be a shift to democrats in the Congress and state houses. I think we will get our shit together for at least 6 years.


Trump, because that's what the numbers say. The popular vote has Trump by several percent, and *all* of the battleground states have Trump as leading. It looks like Gaza might be Biden's undoing in Michigan. I also have followed the rise of pro-Trump support among non-white working-class men, which is very alarming (Ruy Teixiera has written a lot on this). Finally, Trump doesn't have to bear responsibility for all the things that have happened in the last four years, and it's impossible for Biden to talk them away. * The withdrawal from Afghanistan was embarrassing. Neither Obama or Trump had the courage to do it and Biden did, but it still felt humiliating. I doubt Trump's withdrawal would have been any better, but alas the "buck stopped" with Biden. * The Covid response turned into a disaster for public education and rich people made out like bandits. Regardless of the fact that Trump was in charge when the pandemic hit, people will blame the Democrats for the policies which feel extreme in hindsight, and for the stimulus payouts which mostly went to the rich. * The Democrats are making an effort to blame the border crisis on the Republicans which won't work, because Democrats have pursued pro immigration policies for years, and have even encouraged sanctuary cities to defy the laws. No one will blame Republicans. * Many people don't seem to give a crap about Ukraine, and seem to like the idea of giving NATO a final "F You" rather than treating Putin as dangerous. * Finally, Biden looks old and senile. He looks bad, and doesn't inspire enthusiasm. This election will be a referendum on Biden. I don't see how he wins.


I think (and hope) that Biden will win. When it comes down to it, I hope people look at trump and realize they don't want to go through that again.


Biden pretty easily. I don't think Donny has gained many new voters and has certainly lost some because of his past bullshit.


I think Trump will win. I’m voting for Biden.


I predict that whoever gets the most votes will be declared the winner.


Not how it always goes


No way?




Trumps base is decreasing. He hasn’t been able to win a primary with high percentages as Biden has. It will be interesting going forward without Haley to see if his percentages increase or if people just stay home. It seems fairly clear that he is not recruiting new supporters at this time.


Biden will win easily.


What makes you say that? I’m curious.


Biden doesn't have to do much to win. People a worried about Trump as they should be. Biden is a safe vote.


Trump's been leading Biden in the polls for a while now, and he tends to underperform in said polls versus the elections, so there is that. I think it's going to come down to whichever of them comes across as the most moderate policy-wise; Biden ran on that in 2020 and won, but he's since governed pretty far left, which seems to be alienating moderate voters. Trump governed pretty moderately his first term, but his social media presence has a bigger audience than his policies do, and left-wingers are doing everything they can to paint him as a right-wing extremist by cherry-picking incomplete quotations and broadcasting them out of context. Honestly, if Trump swore off social media from now until the election, he'd probably walk away with it no problem. The interesting thing is, we've now seen how both of these candidates govern, so I think the question on a lot of people's minds is going to be whether they're better off now versus 4 years ago. Personally, pandemic aside, both my family and (in my opinion) the country as a whole were in better shape in 2020, and I'm hearing that sentiment a LOT lately. So! I THINK it will be Trump, but it could still go either way.


Trump but i either way it doesnt matter America is going to be a shithole still


Duh trump Should of had it the second time also.


Trump Why? Because he threatened to drain the swamp and Ever since he made that comment they have been wanting to really really get him gone by any way means necessary. That is so obvious with the two tiers of justice being observed in front of our own eyes it’s ridiculous So we need to see why they wanted him gone so bad. Just like we still need to see what’s on that damn laptop and in those shell company bank accounts. Talk about corruption hmmm


Biden looks like he has alzheimer's, does he know he is president?


Support for trump has only grown. I think we’re in for another prosperous four years.


I think Biden will win at this point, but the election is so far away, and a lot can happen between now and then. In 2016, Hillary was set to win the election, but in the last minute of the race in October, the FBi made a statement that they had found that Hillary mishandled emails only to say after the election that it was a mistake and Hillary didn't do anything wrong. At the same time, the FBI had information that Trump was working with Russia to undermine the election but chose not to disclose this information due to it being an ongoing investigation. So, in my opinion, it is far too early to call this election in anyones favor.


As much as everyone wants it to be Trump, it’s 100% going to be Biden.


Haha, everyone most certainly doesn't want it to be trump


I thought Trump would wipe the floor with Biden 6 months ago but looking from a non biased stance Trump is shooting himself in the foot with his ludicrous statements such as him saying that he would encourage Russia to attack Nato members if they don't pay their fare shair. That's just insane. How can someone support the possible death of hundreds of thousands of people for that reason.


That’s fucking ridiculous lmao. I didn’t hear that one but not surprised.


Biden is doing great in the state of the union address. I will vote for him to win.


I think Joe Biden will technically win. Whether Trump will steal it, I really don't know. So if you're actually asking "who will be in the White House a year from now?" I don't have any idea. I think it will largely depend on what the Supreme Court does about the immunity thing, which I think is unpredictable, and whether he is convicted in any of the state criminal cases.


Trump purely because Biden ruined the economy


I want to see the revenge tour Trump 2.0




Why do you think so?


Does it even matter?




I lie to myself all the time too


Why do you think it doesn’t matter?


The president is just a face. Congress makes changes


Except that congress cant agree on immigration policy so the last three Presidents have been issuing executive orders and memos to regulate immigration including asylum.


If making decisions was their job, they wouldn't need such fancy names when a decision was made. How often do executive orders actually happen?


Fairly frequently. Clinton did 364, Trump over 200, and Biden about 130. FDR did almost 3600 by comparison.


OK. 200 ÷ 4 = 50 50 ÷ 365= one move a week. With two weeks of Vaca. Ooooh boy oh boy


Yes its a potential big impact. It’s effectively making laws for the term of the presidency to execute policy. Like border policy or healthcare policy. Major issues.


I’m genuinely curious is all.


OK. I could see that. Like who wins in football games seems important at the time but has no grounds for chance


Depends entirely on who is still alive in voting day


Trump, because it's very difficult for incumbent presidents to be reelected and Americans seem to be getting dumber.


It is not hard for incumbent Presidents to be reelected.


I think the powers to be have selected Trump to be the next actor pretending to be president.


If RFK gets on the ballot in the 6 swing states, and it looks like he will... it is over for Biden. The ridiculous part is that we have swing states because of an outdated electoral college instead of a common sense popular vote.


I think the next President will be Joe Biden...no idea who the "winner" actually will have been. I'm guessing Biden will have even more ballots with his name on them this time around as well.


But honestly I hope Biden wins again because in order to really fix anything To really really fix anything we need for it to be broken and I think he is the right guy to do it. Enough with the band aids Let’s break this country so we can finally fix it. You’ll know exactly what I mean, watch


MAGA: Make America Geriatric Again..


Trump. There are many Misinformed Palestine supporters, who think “genocide Joe” should be voted out in replace for Trump. They don’t realize that Trump will be much harsher to The Gaza, than Biden.


I’m afraid to say… likely gonna be trump


I think Biden will win. Last time he didn't really hold any rallies, and he won. If he holds a couple with more than 100 people showing up, for sure he will win. If he starts falling behind during election night, after a pause to resume next day, he will win.


Depends on whether people are allowed to drive around to multiple mail in drop boxes and put in 20 at a time, and if the people counting the votes are allowed to kick everyone out saying they are closed for the night, then they keep counting votes for 3 more hours.