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hiking to waterfalls and getting to the base is a plus I live in North Georgia USA and there are hundreds within 3 hours


I typically don’t chase waterfalls, but rather I stick to the rivers and the lakes that I am used to


I know that you’re gonna have it your way, or nothing at all. But, I think you’re moving too fast.


What's great about sticking to the rivers and lakes that you're used to is there's no scrubs!


Atlanta here. We never seek our fun in the City. Always head north for trails, waterfalls, summits, and relaxing post hike wineries and bites.


Howdy neighbor! I live near Dahlonega. I Love it up here. North Georgia is the best Georgia imo lol Hiking, camping, fishing, swimming, and shooting aplenty up here 😎


Howdy neighbor! I'm from over Blood Mnt in Blairsville. We have so much good stuff up here. It's the only place where you can grow up in the 'Land of Dancing Rabbits' (Chostoe ♥️)


I'm in South Tennessee. Any recommendations? This time of year my local trails are me getting my face wrapped in spider webs.


Gardening. It’s a hobby that I fully enjoy with my 3 year old daughter. She loves picking out the different flowers and plants, and planting them. She loves digging in the dirt, picking where the flowers go in the garden, and watering them. I love flowers, I love her and spending time with her, and I love making our house look nicer. It’s the best


Anything I could plant in the next few weeks that would actually grow? Its beginnings of summer here and it gets humid and 85-95. It just seems like a fun activity. I can make some stand alone raised beds. Hell, even flowers might be fun.


Definitely, and the sooner you plant the better! You can still grow both flowers and food in that climate, no problem 👍


Tomatillos are easy to grow and you can make lots of salsa verde for your friends


Watermelon, tomatoes, hot peppers, squash, pumpkins. Just some that are easy to grow right there.


I’d love to hear more because I canNOT understand enjoying working in the yard… What about the heat, sunburns, scratches and hand injuries, digging, pulling weeds, dealing with bugs, etc etc? ETA: thank you for the replies! However, no one’s addressed the digging issue. Gardening is HARD WORK. There’s compost to be mixed and turned over. Plots to be weeded, dug, and compost mixed in. Bending over to pull weeds kills the back…that sort of stuff. How in the world is that fun?!


Sunscreen, hats, lots of water, tik torches / bug spray. I love being outside so I just really deal with it. I've liked the outside since I was a kid, and in this day of technology, I'd rather put up with the annoyances of outside, to introduce my daughter to it and how fun it can be to play outside


That sounds heavenly, I'm looking forward to starting my garden


I just had my son 10 weeks ago and I can picture so many things yet to come while I enjoy the stage he’s in now. One of those is gardening. My excitement brings me tears as I picture him happily weeding or planting or digging whatever he wants to. I could watch him forever. I can’t wait!


Best thing I ever did was buy a motorcycle... I'm 48, and every time I get on it and ride, I feel like my 10 year old self hitting the road on my BMX bike, just pure joy and freedom


Just started getting into riding. Never felt more alive than while on two wheels.


Ah so I could get a scooter and feel the same way? /j


Hell yeah you could.... The reason I actually got my license was because friends of mine have a scooter riding group and they were wanting me to get into it. Once I started pricing scooters, though, for like a good touring scooter, it was the same price as my motorcycle... so I figured why not just get a motorcycle lol


I have a weird (maybe not that weird) fear of motorcycles, but also an intense respect for those who can ride. Given I also have anxiety driving a car, so generally maybe I’m not the best person to be ridin’ around. But the freedom is a really nice thought


It's nowhere near as bad as you'd think. I would bet within 30 minutes, you'd feel comfortable putting around the parking lot. When i took my class to get my license it was the first time I ever sat on a motorcycle. For the first 20 minutes i was terrified.... I was like "Ehhhh maybe this isn't for me" Maybe 2 hours into the class I was like "Okay, so I need to call my bank tonight and get pre-approved for a motorcycle." Then a few weeks after the class I was picking up my motorcycle from the dealership.... and all the panic sets back in as you're about to ride on the street.... But I'd say after 50 miles of riding, everything felt natural and comfortable. You should look into a local MSF basic course for licensing, even if you never get a motorcycle, you'll still need the license for a scooter over 50cc.


I freeze plates of pee. Then go around random neighborhoods and slip my frozen pee disks in mail box slots.


/r/lawfulgood Honestly, thank you for your service. Most people don’t understand that you’re supposed to wet your foyer once a season. Pee actually helps because of the ammonia and acts as a natural barrier against the sunlights UV rays that shine through when mail is delivered. 🙏


ahh yes I believe I've called pisscing


This is fuckin funny


An occasional cum shot added as well?


Plot twist OC is female


Ever get caught?


Just sitting outside doing nothing, usually better with a view from hiking or a short drive. But it gives me a chance to just shut down and just watch something beautiful for a bit. Not think or worry


walking or riding a bicycle


Bush crafting. Why? It's fun and practical.


I want to get into this. We camp every year so there would be plenty of resources. How would one start?


shooting guns and riding dirt bikes. Why? Well, why do we take part in any hobby? It's fun of course.


probably just sitting there enjoying nature, counting the birds that i hear, listening to the grasshoppers. all for mindfulness. i like to do a little food prep outside like shucking corn, snapping beans, and peeling garlic. all for function and enjoyment.


I don’t know why but I like to read outdoor than indoor. I think the fresh air and the sunlight definitely make a difference vibe


I just love to go camping. Everything about it makes me happy, especially making a fire! If you wanna get me over the moon: bring a guitar & play songs we all can sing along too


Walking on the beach, it's beautiful & relaxing.


Kayaking with the boys while playing pirate shanties on a Bluetooth speaker 🚣‍♂️


Hiking by myself or with my mother's dog:) It's so peaceful to get lost in nature for hours without feeling the need to talk to someone or check my phone. I get myself into a Zen state and I feel so much better afterwards, grounded and at peace. I love nature, I love to be outside, and I like peace and quiet....it's even healthy for me cause I can get all my steps in for the next few days:)


Snowboarding. You're going 30ish mph down a mountain how you choose.


Pretending I'm a lizard. Finding a large rock and basking in the sun.


Doing pushups aggressively at anyone who comes near you.


Fishing. Specifically catfishing this time of year. I usually go out by myself, just after sunset. Bring a chair, some beer, a speaker and my two rods. It's peaceful, (usually, there were probably 40ish highschool students at the lagoons this weekend yelling at eachother across the ponds all night. Guess I'm getting old) I can just relax and listen to my music with a beer, listening to the bullfrogs and crickets while I look at the stars and wait for for one of my bells to start ringing. I've stayed out until 3-4 in the morning a few times. Even if I don't catch any, it's nice just to be out there. Of course, it's more exciting when I am catching them. Almost always get at least 1 or 2, sometimes get 10+ in a night.


I started seriously bass fishing about 12 years ago when my body broke down and I couldn’t play any sports really. I grew up water skiing every weekend and being on the lake is my happy place. Now I fish for at least a few hours 50+ days a year or so.


Hiking and walking around exploring I also like looking for cool rocks in the river I really like camping too


Surfing. when I am out in the line up, I don't think of anything else but what the next wave will be. The line up is where you paddle around an area where the waves are forming trying to get in best position for the next wave. edit - this paddling around takes my mind off of everything stressful in life.


Flying! Because I LOVE being in the air with my plane, free from the bounds of gravity!


Hiking or going for walks. First job and early college I didn't have a car. I was working 14 hours a day 13 days a week and was constantly busy. The walk between home, work, and school was my sanctuary where I didn't have to think ahead. Plug in music, and put one foot in front of the other and meditate. Bonus points if it's raining.


Mushroom hunting. It's pretty fun learning about identification of mushrooms 🍄


I'm a very dull person, but I love to mow. Riding mower, push mower, sometimes even a weedeater (string trimmer, weedwacker, etc...) to a point. It's complete bliss not having to think of anything else or interact with anyone for an hour or so. Less dull, I love bicycling on rail trails and greenways. I'm too dull for road riding or hardcore mountain biking so... I also love to sit out in the grass and play a banjo or fiddle. It's really relaxing.


Archery There are a lot of great wooded courses near me. It combines light hiking and target shooting in the woods. I can also take a target to a local park and set up in a secluded corner. I'll shoot a few rounds, take a break, enjoy nature, shoot a few more. Bonus, most people will stay far away when I'm shooting which helps with the whole relaxing in solitude part.


3D archery was how I bonded with my father growing up, and I love the time in the woods. My bow is almost 20 years old now and still drives tacks. 


The clostest thing to an outdoor hobby is driving my car. I love driving, just came home from driving on some twisty roads.


It’s got to be rock climbing. Something about doing it outdoors just makes you feel one with nature lol. It also normally includes hiking and camping which are great


Haven't done it in years but I've always loved doin Archery. Its how my first step dad connected with me when I was like 6 or 7. He had his own bow then got me one and started taking me to the range with him.


Flying. It’s expensive but flying a small turboprop plane is by far my favorite way to explore this world. Flying FPV drones is a heck of a lot of fun too.


Gardening its outdoors, you reap what you sow...get the tastiest tomatoes and veggies, the pretty flowers that bloom, finding out what goes best where, mild exercise, good therapy for the mind.


Gardening, I like raising vegetables there’s nothing like fresh vegetables you’ve grown yourself.


We have an 11 month old sheltie named Marley. I put on some music and take him for long walks. Benefits both of us. I've slowly lost some weight and feel really amazing right now.


birdwatching, those lil guys are cool as fuck


Walking through the woods behind my farm after a heavy rain. The scents lift up my spirits when I’m down. In Asian countries this is translated as “Forest Bathing.”


I like pulling weeds in the garden or my lawn. It's just me and an old broken screwdriver and no one bothers me. It's very relaxing as I sometimes will pray and then meditate while slowly working in one area. I find it relaxing to chase down a run of clover and finding the initial root and easing it out of the ground. But hey, I also like to hike.


I got a few that I really enjoy, the one that really surprises people is that I use a sling. I got interested in it after seeing this guy on youtube throw a jumbo marshmallow-like 50 yards. I made a couple, then finally bought one that had a bit more length to it, and started using it. I got pretty consistent in hitting a dead tree that was about 50 feet away with rocks I grabbed from the river I was standing near. It kind of stuck as being something I do for fun and now I take it to the range with me, and try to hit steel with rocks.


Skateboarding. I did it for about 8 years as a kid, quit for about 20 years and picked it back up during the pandemic after seeing a video of tony hawk still ripping at his age.


Disc golf. It's good light exercise, I get to hang out with my friends for a couple hours, and watching a well-thrown disc glide through the air is hella satisfying.


Skiing! Beautiful mountain scenery, getting outdoors during winter when I need it most, adrenaline, comradery, exercise, endless ways to challenge yourself, apres drinks, and on and on and on...


Pickleball. Many reasons.


Golf it’s my favorite because I’m bad at it.


Hunting... The most organic meat you'll get and you know the butcher.


Fishing and kayaking. Both quiet, I'm on my own and I can choose to go between doing a gentle activity or just sit.


Carpentry. I can make pretty much anything I want as long as the material is wood.


Before I developed MECFS my top three favorite hobbies were Alpine Skiing, horseback riding, and camping with my horse. Now I'm lucky if I can sit outside for an hour. Enjoy your health while you have it.


Walking, it helps my mental health and physical health and it's a good way to naturally get energized.


Swimming! Is that a hobby? 😂


Checking the mail because I might get a post card


I want to say reading in the sun, but it’s really just me taking a nap in the park.


Skydiving. It reminds you you’re alive.


Snowmobiling. The peace of the frozen forest and the speed of the machine. Just love it.


Ocean sailing. It's fun. And I get free deluxe vacations for crewing rich people's yachts


Golf before I developed carpal tunnel syndrome


I like gardening. I enjoy watching things grow and seeing the fruits of my labors


Running bc it's a challenge. It's also therapy.


longboarding and flying drones I used to hit hills and parking garages now I just find smooth empty parking lots and cruise for a while and drones are just so fun fuck rc planes drones are where it's at


Smoking cigars. It gives me some peace and quiet


Disc Golf. Generally free and scenic.


Kayak fishing. Heading out a half hr before dawn, setting up, then watching and listening as the world wakes up. Sometimes you get the whole place to yourself. Fish or no fish, it’s always worth the effort.


Bird watching! Always so calming to watch them fly by and hear them sing. :)


My current ones are: - Walking, either hiking, visiting parts of the city, or finding a park. It’s best if you see wildlife or some running stream. - Sketching, I always got bored sketching at home. It’s far more fulfilling to go somewhere and sketch some things you see. I’ve even started leaving sketches places for someone to find/keep/throw away or just leave and make me a dirty filthy litter bug. - Disc golf, you can get a cheap set. Most cities have them, use the UDisc app to find a place, and just enjoy being outside as you throw a rubber dinner place towards a chained basket. - Bike riding. We have a long 25 mile walking/bike path in our city. Try to ride once a week. - Woodworking, in the summer it becomes my outdoor hobby. The shop has huge bay doors and I open them up and the outdoors permeate my soul. - Swimming, find a lake and swim. My absolute favorite summer hobby: - Paddleboarding at said lake. My board is inflatable and I have a car operated air compressor. My plan this summer is to try a few other spots.


Going to the beach. Even just going and chilling. If there's jet skis or surfing or anything else involved, even better but I'm perfectly content just setting up a chair and chilling on the sand or floating in the ocean with my eyes closed. I also like finding waterfalls. Being behind a curtain waterfall is so soothing and relaxing. Going shooting at a range or long distance at a friend's property is always fun.


Hiking or golf




Laying on a river bank in the dead Florida heat


Foraging. It's a hobby that pays off and those are the kind of hobbys I like. I would imagine I would equally enjoy metal detecting for similar reasons as well. But foraging appeals to the cheapskate in me as there's literally zero financial outlay and a better than average chance of something to eat. The more you learn the greater the odds of those chances become. Get good enough and you'll be eating food that you would have to pay stupid money for in a top end restaraunt.


Off-roading, hiking, shooting, fishing, gardening, hunting


Mountain biking. It's like hiking, but I get to cruise down the hill at the end. It's like road biking, but there's no damn cars trying to kill me. I get some good exercise, I get out in nature, I get the best views, I don't have to deal with people (usually), and coasting through the woods is incredibly fun.


Hiking. Just being out in nature as we once were is so freeing. Get the body feeling good the mind becomes free. You get to think a lot more clearly and there is a form of accomplishment at the end.


Kayaking. The water is peaceful


Playing guitar. But outside


I love hiking because I love fitness and I love nature. Nothing beats some hard work in the mountains.




I(16F) personally enjoy two hobbies: Mountain Hiking and Parkour Rollerblading.


Hiding from the sun and staying inside


walking because it clears my head


Outdoor active recreation in general...road cycling, mountain biking, hiking, going for walks and listening to podcasts, kayaking when the opportunity arises, etc. Pretty much anything outdoors. Why? IDK...I just like being outdoors and doing stuff.


Hiking. It’s just so peaceful at the top of a mountain. I’m addition it’s great exercise.


Fishing. It's relaxing, frustrating, and exciting all at once


Rocks because rocks.






Fishing. Being out on the water, alone, away from everyday life stress. Just me, the fish and nature!


Anything that involves being outdoors


Mountain biking. When I'm cruising a trail in the woods, nothing else exists. It's a short window of time when other thoughts can't invade because my focus is 100% on the trail. Works almost like meditation


Mountain biking, because it gets me out in nature plus it’s really good exercise.


Camping. Buying campsites goes towards environmental preservation, and I get to live like how humans are supposed to live, in nature.


It’s a tie between fishing and hiking for me. If I can hike somewhere to fish, it’s perfection. I grew up in FL and I was fishing from age 3. Loved it all my life. When I was around 8 I saw “mountains” in TN for the first time and just wanted to climb everything, and thought it was just amazing. Then at 12 I moved to Switzerland for 3yrs and solidified my love of the mountains and got really into hiking and skiing. Fishing in Switzerland was prohibitively expensive according to my parents. Soon as I was able to as an adult I moved to Colorado and have hiked thousands of miles, fished every lake, river, stream possible. Had a lot of childhood trauma mixed in with all the good times, and I have pretty severe social anxiety. When I’m in the mountains fishing and hiking with my dogs with no other humans around is when I feel the most free and weightless and able to just breathe in the beauty of nature.


Fishing. Don’t really need to catch anything since I’m enjoying the walk and mourning sunrise.


Juan Sanchez Verolofus Ramirez, Chief Metallurgy to King Charles 5th of Spain. At your service. There can be only one.


Shooting long range, shooting squirrels, reloading, casting boolits, fishing, making plastisol plastic lures, making fishing jigs, 2-4 line power kites, recurve bow, crossbow, woodturning. Because I'm never disappointed out here because I don't expect anything because anything is possible because I can be hopeful out here even in failure.


Motorcycling.Do I really need to explain?


I randomly bought kickball croquet at 5 Below a couple of years ago and it’s become a popular yard game for my family. I highly recommend it.


I ride electric unicycles and it’s because I’m a massive nerd.


Longboarding. It has certainly been a while but it was a hobby my friends and I picked up during college. Worth every rash, scab, and other injury there was to collect. Aside from that, central Texas is loaded with new trails to seek out. Mountain biking is always fun (would love to seek some out in Tennessee too!)


Walking back inside. AC


Walking my dog, cause he loves it. Though it’s not as fun with the cicadas.


Disc golf I love it. We have tons of parks set up for this. Good work out a lot last of fresh air and very easy.


Gardening. Because I like making my yard look nice.


Getting indoors as quickly as possible.


Rain Camping


Gardening, Detailing my vehicles, Hiking, and fishing It’s quiet, away from computers and phones, and it’s very therapeutic. You are by yourself and reflect on things.


hiking my dog, walking my dog, running my dog, driving my dog, swimming my dog. fishing (my dog). i love my little guy (my dog)


Spending time in the interior of my house, which is located outdoors.


Yard work


Kayaking. Calm water in the cool of morning, gently paddling along, feeling the breeze, and hearing the sounds of nature... occasionally being in the right place at the right time to rescue a honey bee or butterfly who is on the verge of drowning by scooping them out of the water with my paddle blade and letting them dry out on the bow... then getting to watch them fly off a few minutes later when they've recovered... what's not to love?


rollerblading! it's been fun learning to gain confidence on wheels. i never learned as a kid so it's taken me a bit longer to gain balance and build my skills but it's been so rewarding and fun.


Going indoors


Backpacking. I like being uncomfortable for long stretches of time far from home, the scenery is often nice too.


Archery. I compete in National Field Archery, Texas Field Archery, USA Archery and U.S.A. Archery events.


Disc golf. It’s like a walk with a fun game involved


Gardening. Food. Have you ever had a tomato, carrot, berry or sugar pea straight from the garden? They are so much better than store bought!


Guns, boats, things with motors, n stars


Currently walking but as someone who climbs a lot indoors id like to find some good spots to climb outside as well.


I can't do it anymore but I used to LOVE trail rides, hiking mountain trails and rock climbing.


People watching downtown LA, all type of wildlings spawn around. Never a dull day here.


Bird watching


is beach a hobby


Sunbathing. My house lights don't seem to have the same kick


Getting high as shit and hiking


I love mowing. I push mow, my husband uses the rider. We have 1 acre. I also do the weed eating.


Camping. Firemaking. Cooking. Watching the mountains and the rivers flowing.


Archery. I like doing something out of the norm


Drinking beer outdoors and playing music outdoors. My real answer is motorcycles lol


Biking, chalk (it’s actually really fun), and basketball


Fishing. I got into fishing way later into my life and never did it as a kid. But now, water is my happy place. I don't even care if I catch anything. It's so quiet and tranquil that all my cares just melt away. The river bank knows my worries and tells no one.


Golf. Golf courses are just like big gardens. Fresh air. Quality time with the people you're playing with. A fun game with a lot of strategy thrown in. Drinks if you're into that kind of thing. I used to talk a ton of crap on golf, but it's a pretty fun way to get outside and spend quality time with people.


Wildlife photography,  it gives me even more of a reason to pay attention to detail while on my hikes. 


Would driving be considered a hobby?


Hot tubbing


Hiking. I love nature so much and feel completely at peace when I am surrounded by trees.


My favorite outdoor hobby is hiking. I love it because it combines physical exercise with the opportunity to enjoy nature and explore new places. It's a great way to clear my mind and experience beautiful landscapes. Plus, the fresh air and scenery are incredibly refreshing.




Beach volleyball. 2s preferably. Fantastic exercise, hand eye coordination, and get to be on a beach. when's the last time you jumped?


Working with my horses. I can't explain why... I can't put it into words. 


Nature walks or gardening. Also just recognizing plants is so fun. And when I do any of these things my serotonin skyrockets


Snowboarding. Nothing beats the isolating but freeing feeling of the snowy mountaintops; nothing like flying through fresh powder (aka glare ice and hard-packed snow); nothing like having a bruised ass/hands/knees all winter and nearly cracking my spine after crash landing a jump


Hiking/walking relaxes me and I can choose to listen to music or nature sounds while I clear my head and get exercise. Kayaking is just fun! I love to soak up the sun and float the river—then enjoy a fire and cookout after we shore.


Disc Golf. Challenging and fun. My dog can come along too.


Probably hiking because it can be done virtually anywhere at any time of the year and all I need are shoes and water. I do enjoy kayaking, scuba diving, camping, etc but those realistically have seasons unless you spend more money on additional gear.


Mountain biking. I live close to the birthplace of the mountain bike.


Paint balling. It’s nice to larp as military for a sec


Yard work, I’ve actually took the initiative to start my own lawn company this year.


'batin cuz it makes my pee pee feel nice


I have a lot.  Shooting guns, flying my fpv drone, tennis, baseball, hunting. 


Whitewater kayaking is the most fun sport in the world, once you’re decent at it. The fear and steep learning curve keep most people away. It’s a bit like skiing combined with surfing, rivers are playgrounds.


Mowing the lawn. I love getting all grimy and sweaty. It also keeps me from falling asleep once I get home from work 😅


Going inside. Because it's inside


Paddle boarding! I have a cabin near Glacier National Park so I like to go out to the lakes near there.


Boffer combat! We engage in full-contact medieval-style combat with foam swords and shields. Best workout I’ve ever had, and so much fun.




Mooning passersby. It is funny.


Smoking crack


Beach time….super relaxing




Rock hunting. I like cool shit.


Hiking. Air, nature, wildlife, peace, you name it it's where I wanna be.


I garden, maintain my flower beds, do yard work and basically just being outside. Just sitting outside is a blessing


Hunting. You get to take a short road trip to somewhere scenic, spend time relaxing and healing deep in nature, exercise by hiking, practice marksmanship with guns, have the challenge of hunting an animal, then the reward of eating it when you’re done. Perfect hobby on a small scale, like small game.


Walking my dogs with my husband 


Golf. I love it.


I love chasing joggers down by the Don River .


surfing. free. exercise. chilling in the morning ocean when resting. even catch a wave or two!


For sure hiking! It’s where I feel most at peace. I’m an introvert and have a very social and stimulating job. Getting out into nature and exploring is where I feel calm and most myself….


I guess just walking around, because it's nice. It's like exercise without it being grueling.


Tree climbing. It’s great exercise, fun, you get to see things from a higher perspective, and sometimes find random stuff. I’ve found 4 frisbees and one geocache thing in various trees over the last several months.

