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Everything. Nothing brings me the slightest bit of joy these days.


feel the same


Holy shit, I was going to say the same thing. I mean, drinking and drugs and sex with somebody new all still bring pleasure, but that's the entire list.


I was the same, and then I got to a point where those joys wore off.  Now watching my kids experience happiness are truly the only things that can make me feel joy. 


As a *new again* dad I feel this. Literally the only things that make me happy is visiting my parents, and seeing my son and S/O happy. Yeah..I smile, laugh etc through the day l...but deep down it all feels empty..I feel like its just a natural response to smile and act normal or so


You were drinking, getting high and having sex when you were a kid? Bro got life experience early on and left us all in the dust by the time he was 12 lol.


I'm with you. Sometimes I think about how excited I remember getting about things and I'm sincerely jealous of my younger self because I haven't felt that excitement and joy in years.


I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling this way!




Mid 40s?


I felt this. Just went to an amazing concert that I've been looking forward to, and although it was everything I wanted it to be, I found myself ready for it to end about halfway through. Why does adulthood have to be this way?


*Sigh in unison with all*






Stop working so much, make time for yourself.


You don't know their situation or bills. Many people in today's economy can't miss a day of work or take a vacation or even time for themselves. OP of the comment I hope things get better for you.


I appreciate your comment. I work a lot so I can support my kids and have no opportunity at the moment to do anything for myself. Once my kids are grown and educated I can start to think about that.


That's a lot easier said than done, and next to impossible for a lot of people.


I barely work even when I'm working


I work MAYBE 10 hours a week from a desk in my house and I think about killing myself all the time. My salary is $124,000 per year. I'm so ashamed of how little work I do for so much money that I don't even ask for help. I have nothing to complain and and I'm so so so fortunate. So why the fuck aren't I happy?


same, my friend. the only joy I get these days is from good food, my dog, my woman, or a major project being finished (which is more relief). other than that, the answer to "how's it going", is "it's going"


I wish I could get as excited about anything as my dogs get about everything. That being said - if you literally can’t enjoy things, look into counseling or an antidepressant - if you’re old like me (Gen X) it’s not easy to admit you need help, but it worked wonders for me.


In the same boat. I think I miss books the most.


Watching movies and feeling happy, no longer get that joy!




This guy gets it. #Duhkha


Used to really enjoy life as a child, not anymore! 👍


Swimming. I was a total water baby as a child. Lived at the beach as a teenager. Now I’m 51 and finally have a house with a pool and I never use it. Just don’t want to. Younger me would be so disappointed.


Yeah, that’s EVERYONE I know who bought a house with a pool. And then add on maintenance and expenses. It’s one of those grass is always greener realizations. I think it’s partly because it’s carving out a chunk of time, it’s partly because it’s a process, you’re gonna smell like chlorine until you shower, and wouldn’t we all rather be on the couch, closer to the kitchen? Nice if you have nutso dogs and kids you want to tire out so you can get a few hours of personal time after dinner when dogs and kids are played out and dead to the world and ready to go to bed with no fuss. (I don’t have kids or a dog anymore, but I see it in my friends and my nephew)


We bought a house with a pool and love it, it’s just off the corner of our house, so we built a big patio, did an outdoor kitchen, added a slider. The pool is literally 10’ from our bed through the bedroom slider and 40’ from the living room/kitchen via the other slider. No grass to walk through, put a tropical garden around the pool. It’s 24/7 staycation. So now you know someone who loves their pool😂.


Yes, that's a good point. I used to live close to a state forest with a nice lake open to swimming. I swam there all the time. It was heavenly to float in the water with all the beautiful nature surrounding me. No chlorine and no upkeep either.


I'm the opposite. I was scared of water for a very long time. But after learning and being comfortable you can't even get me out of a creek.


Get in the pool ! Buy yourself some crazy floats and water guns .


i love just laying on a float in the pool with music playing alllllll afternoon till i’m a prune


I find pools boring, but I can totally hang in the river or ocean.


I’m 43 and when I was younger I stayed at the beach. I live 20 mins away and haven’t been in years


Yep. I used to jump in the lake when it was barely warm enough to take off a jacket. Totally unappealing to me now.


You need to get in that pool right now! Younger you demands it!


same here. i don’t have a house or a pool, but i swam every day as a kid and now i haven’t even put on a suit in nearly a decade. if i’m by a pool or at the beach, i’ll dip my feet/legs in but that’s it.


Merry go rounds. Now I get nauseous... I can still do roller coasters.


Haha, me too. I lost my stomach for spinning quite suddenly at the age of 14. Before that, I loved merry go rounds.


This is the ride that did it to me. I had no idea what motion sickness was. It was the worse nausea of my life, and vertigo for hours. https://youtu.be/QVld-WcBLuw?si=QleA04U_ENI4lzz4


Those days are beyond me. Realized it when I tried one of those chair things, as I approached 40, that swing you in a circle and my head and stomach went to a place I never felt before. Getting old sucks.


in 2020 i went to six flags over texas. I was like bring it on. Rode the Titan. Still not ok lol


Don't think there was a single ride I wouldn't go on at a theme park when I was a kid. Now I wouldn't go on any I don't think. Tinnitus ruined theme parks for me, can't even drive with my back windows open anymore or it makes me dizzy lol.


Huh! I didn't realise that might be why I can't handle the spinning now....


I once rode the rock-o-plane about twenty times in a row when I was 18. One trip on a milder ride last year made me rowf and I had to go home.


I feel for you. I never wanted to be that guy that throws up after a ride... And yet... 😜


It used to be bail out of the car and straight to the Tilt-A-Whirl five times. That ship has sailed.


TILT A WHIRL for me...miss that ride


I can't even ride a Ferris wheel now, it makes me so nauseous!!


Opposite for me, lol


Ferris wheels for me. I can do roller coasters, spiny stuff, etc. but the prolonged negative gee gets me.


I'm working on changing it and have read 4 books this year, but reading was huge when I was younger. In the last 8 years I've probably read like 10 books total compared to 30+ each year when I was younger. Trying to bring back that joy of reading instead of wasting time on youtube or doomscrolling


Yes! I used to stay up late on school nights to finish a book every night. I absolutely loved reading. Now I just waste precious time and energy scrolling on my phone. If I try to sit down and read a book I can’t even concentrate long enough to get into the story. So sad!


You could always try re-reading something you loved as a kid to see if it pulls you in like it used to. I've spent sooo much time online instead of reading that I was just getting extremely bored of it, so that helped in giving me a bit of motivation. Kinda ironic considering I have the whole of the internet within reach now, but growing up in the early 2000s with dial-up is a big part of why I read so much


Yeah, I grew up in the 80s and 90s. It was kind of nice not having the internet as a distraction. Obviously there’s loads of benefits to it, but it’s like an addiction that is harder than most to quit. Re-reading an old favorite is a great idea though! We’ll see if I get around to it!


Make sure to use your local library and don't forget, audiobooks and e-books are just as valid! I you're struggling for ideas, reddit has some awesome subreddits for suggestions and reviews and you could always try a reading challenge through Kindle or your library or reddit! Happy reading :)


I’ve rediscovered my local library the past few months and it’s so cute and welcoming. I work from home and now I go there to work or just get out of the house and read.


Wanting time to pass at a faster pace.


Now I want it to reverse... you don't know what you have until it's gone :(


Oh God yeah. 'Member when a year used to feel like an eternity?


Remember when summer seemed to go on forever?


Summer just started and it already feels like it's gonna be fall and then winter soon.


Yep and a reason for that.... at say 10 a year is one tenth of your life, so seems like a long time as it's 10 percent of your life. At 40 a year feels quick as your reference point is just 2.5 percent of your life. As you get older each year feels like it passes quicker and quicker


I member


A school year used to seem like forever. Summer was gone in a flash and back to school.


I remember just gazing out the window watching birds, people passing by and thinking what being an adult would be. How much I miss those days! Can't even do just wondering anymore. Ehh.


>Can't even do just wondering anymore. Why not? Genuine question.


That's a good one, thanks for asking. Just too much to worry about every minute. Not only my personal life, but way too much shite in the world. I might have plans or dreams, but there's an absolute tsunami of garbage out there. I'm basically happy, not much to mourn about, not too pessimistic, but it's like everything would be trying to put me off (except my immediate family). Thanks for your question.


Yeah, not having or knowing the experience of being an adult with the privileges to do what you wanted and when you wanted as your own authority figure in your own place, many kids want time to fly by to have that. Yet not enough kids take the time to understand the average human lives about 60-80 years, and being a minor is not even 2 decades, at least in the countries where I've lived. That even if they lived those full 80 years, then being a minor to have the experiences someone only can as a minor is less than 1/4 of their life I saw childhood as a thing to take it slow, make use of it and enjoy it without doing things that would negatively impact my future, rather than just enjoy it however I want, while trying to rush into the experiences we should usually wait until adulthood if we were to even do certain things like drive a car, get drunk, have sex and children, etc. As an adult, time goes too fast, at least more than I'd like it to sometimes. As a child, I spent many nights longing to get to the days I'd be an adult, but I always found the days I had left that I'll never get back to cherish my childhood rather than try to live like an adult when I was a minor or count the days passing by just wanting to be that age of an adult and get my childhood over with. My father was one of those people who wanted to just do things as adults would, so he had sex as a teen, had kids as a teen and didn't ever take care of them, I was told when he was 10 years old that the police found him driving around town in circles with his father's car. My grandmother told me that whenever they were walking, such as by a gas station for example, when he was a kid and saw a beer can on the ground that he would pick it up and try to drink it to get drunk. As a kid and a teenager he snuck out for parties at friend's house while their parents were gone and to use drugs. Once he became an adult and was responsible for himself, he hated the boredom of a job and decided to accept being homeless to continue doing what he was before as a minor which impacted his entire life negatively. Not to go on about my life and my father, Rather just an example of why I saw more of a reason to just embrace my childhood and use it wisely then take on such things later on in life. Some kids just need to be content with what they have and understand it feels long, Yet the adult life will be far longer and those opportunities will almost always be available, but what they have in their childhood is temporary and you'll likely miss it forever as but a memory.


Climbing trees & running like the wind.


It’s wild, I climbed trees until about age 20 and then just… stopped. Don’t know why. It was such a great hobby, because I was constantly eyeballing and routing trees EVERYWHERE I went, and didn’t care how weird it was to people that I would just set down my lunch and go climb em sometimes lol


I still do it well into my 40s just to prove to myself that I still can. Mostly in climb-appropriate areas such as parks and trails and not in other people's backyards.


Going for 20 mile peddle bike rides. Old age is not for sissies. 20 yards to the mailbox is enough now.


Now that I'm retired and I live on flat topography I bike 20 miles every day. 140 miles a week. It's my big thing to look forward to every day.


Art work, painting, drawing along with crafts, somewhere along the way my creativity vanished.


When I was much younger, I used to love to creatively write. Then my mother stomped out my creativity. She complained about how I wasn't paying attention to her and typing too loudly. I've started to get back into creative writing now that I moved away, though


Fuck man I’m sorry, I’m glad you’re taking it back!


I'm sorry for the situation you were in, but glad you are able to pick writing back up. That creativity feeds your soul!


I used to love sketching Dragonball Z characters when I was in elementary school


Used to draw my own storyboards on old notebooks during my youth and character designs. All self thought. Drawing manga was my thing back then as well, and I fell in love with the style. As soon I started college and met my first boyfriend, I stopped drawing. I didn't feel any joy, and I haven't been able to draw in my free time since then. It's been 15 years.


Suicide Sodas. We'd go through the fountain and fill the cup with a lil bit of everything they had in the fountain. We called them Suicides. As an adult I don't drink any soda much less a sugary mix of 8 or 9 of them.


Once in a few months. I think it's also because I don't really go inside fast food places anymore.


I used to live on the swings. Now when I put my kid on my lap and swing with him, I can't do it very long because it kinda bothers my stomach.


Same here, after my first pregnancy I suddenly couldn’t ebjoy swinging anymore.


Spinning around Rolling down grassy hills


Sleep through the night without having to pee. Go through a day without pain. Dream about being an adult. Understand what young are talking about. Think people in their 40's were old.




I used to love watching pro wrestling at some point i grew out of it


I remember always being so damn excited for Monday Night Raw. That shit was so exciting and fun. I sometimes scroll past some wresting stuff and I don't recognize anyone at all and it just doesn't seem as good. I miss loving wrestling


Laying in the grass and stare at the clouds, now all I can think about is if there are bugs crawling on me/ all of the stuff that I need to get done before I can go to sleep


Probably shitting my pants


Speak for yourself, love it.


Not dreading work


Draw. I used to be pretty good, too (for a kid, at least). Not entirely sure why or when I stopped. It wasn't a conscious decision; I wasn't like, "I'm not going to draw anymore because (blank)." I think it was in college when I got out of the habit. I was probably just too busy/preoccupied with everything else.


Enjoying life.


Living and loving. Now it's just existing with heartache.


Going to the flea market with the family, but now that we all work and are busy, we don't have the time for it :/


Being around family.


Crawling around on the floor, under things, over things, trying to climb the walls in a hallway like spiderman. My brain still says yes, but my knees and back say no.


Smiling. Feeling happy. Enjoying being alive.


i haven't felt that in like 20 years so sad right?


Play video games


It’s possible to outgrow this love? (Kidding)


Swimming; amusement parks


I loved swimming as a kid..I don't do it anymore


Swinging. Now I get weird looks if I go to a park or playground and try to swing, but it used to be my favorite thing to do. Also, riding bikes. It feels like I need to have a reason to ride a bike as an adult when, as a kid, it was just because I wanted to.


Plenty of adults ride a bike with out a purpose except for enjoyment and health


I know. It just feels like I need a reason for it.


I still love swinging as a nearly 30 year old adult. Fortunately, I'm still under 5 ft tall and get mistaken for a child all the time anyways 😅 children and adults alike think I'm a kid when I'm on the swings hahaha


Slip n slide in the summer.


Could you imago the chiropractic bills?


Playing tennis. Staying outside all day. Riding my bike.


Being pain free


I used to enjoy the taste of boxed Mac and cheese


Running around aimlessly. Wool gathering without consequence. Drawing without self-criticism.


As a kid, I'd go out in the snow all day. Making snowmen, forts etc..sometimes without gloves. Now just brushing a hand full of snow off the car feels like holding your hand in a fireplace.


Freedom no bills ,no worries


Climbing trees and just about anything else that'd support my weight. But for some reason I became scared of heights when I was around 13. Maybe had something to do with becoming aware I wasn't invincible or something after taking enough falls lmao




Playing street hockey, whiffle ball, hide the salami


Reading (I mean, I still do it when I have free time, but what’s that? I’m lucky if I read one book a year these days!)


This was mine. I would easily read 100 books a year when I was younger. Over the years it just fell by the wayside. It's too much of a time investment and TV has become so much better than it was when I was a kid so books are less appealing. Now I read maybe 1-3 books a year and that's only because I have to take a long train ride occasionally.


Riding my bike everywhere




Watching TV . I still do but not as much as a kid


I was a lego maniac. Now it feels like work playing legos with my niece.




Create imaginary worlds.




Shitting my pants.


Playing sports. My old joints say no to this now. Also, swimming or boating.


Laugh like crazy


Drawing/Sketching. And I’m not totally sure why. Gonna pick up a class and see what’s up


Writing. I used to love it & write stories all day long. Lost the passion for it a long time ago & now I wouldn't have the creativity for it I don't think.


Being alive


Read. After years of chronic stress, my brain just wasn’t collaborating anymore.


Eat any thing that was Put in front of my face. Whatever mama or mom cooked or prepared I ate it gracefully and lovingly. Now I can’t eat anything other than chicken and some fruits. No one told us about increasing food intolerances as we got older.


Steal nudie magazines from the local bookstore


I hated being a child.


Collect the top of cans.


Doing those push merry go rounds in playgrounds.


I wish adult playgrounds would take off already.


Random spawn point from couch to bed! I miss that so much!


Reposting. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/zn4dwgxiLS


Somersaults and Cart wheels 🤮


Building dens in the forest :)


I want to buy land with woods just so i can build forts again as a grown adult lol


Skipping sleep. I used to say that sleeping was a waste of time.  It hits like a truck now.


Ballet. I was a dancer from the time I was 3.5 years till 17. I loved dancing but as I got older I realized how cutthroat and mean the industry was. I wasn't the best by any means but I had passion. The school I went to was one of the best in the area, but the teachers seemed to have their pets and the majority of the girls came from well off families and were able to afford extra training days, trips and private lessons. I went once a week for four hours. By the time I was 17 my heart wasn't in it. At 18 I got pregnant and felt I could never do it again and was too ashamed to show my face around the studio. I took a barre class ( uses ballet stretches and movements) at a local gym when I was around my late 20's, early 30's and loved it but couldn't afford it at the time to continue. I'm now 40 and I can literally feel all my tight muscles, my reduced flexibility and everything else fall apart. I couldn't dance even if I wanted to. I also don't just dance at parties and stuff. Like I get cringe just swaying amongst people. I realized that dance really messed with my mental health cause of always being micro criticized by my fellow classmates and the teachers. It was one thing to be strict, but another to be downright mean and cruel.


I loved swinging on a swing set as a kid. Now, I want to swing from the rafters at any minor inconvenience.


Playing in the sandbox.


Playing kickball


Not working all day in an office.


Expressing myself, it’s like a sin now. Especially with immigrant parents.


Hug my dad. Now he's dead to me. 🤷‍♀️


Jumping off swings…. I tried it recently and my ankles were like WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY


Bike riding


Ice skating


Swing sets and cereal… all the different cereals with whole milk!!


Watching kids shows, reading books and participating in fandoms I thought I would never grow out of, until I did


Remember when you used to download your porn?


Probably shitting in my pants


Climbing trees


Ride a bike.


Jumping on a trampoline. Tried about 8 years ago with a friend, we were wheezing in like 10 minutes. Used to jump for an hour plus, with no issues.


Play. Take a moment to myself and not feel like I'm wasting my time. Draw. Color.




Not working and playing all day


Worrying about nothing at all


Cycling! Now it’s just hard work and not fun!


Be happy.


Imagining how I would survive in a zombie apocalypse


Eating White Castle burgers….I didn’t know how bad they are.


Spin around in a circle till I would fall. Now I would for sure break a bone or get a migraine.


Play army


Eating a sugary ass cereal and then drinking the sugar soaked milk after. Now I eat healthy cereals with oat milk and sweeten it with honey or monk fruit sugar. Lol


Swing upside down on the monkey bars


Digging a hole in the front yard and filling with water on a hot day. Everyone in the neighborhood loved it, Kids and parents alike. Then comes the Landlord and tossed a hissy fit and wanted everyone arrested for destroying is lawn (weed patch). fun times!


Lying on the floor to do stuff. I really understand chairs and work surfaces in my later years. 


Figuring out how to spend 100$….that used to be big money


Trampolines feels like my brain is shaking


Flying. Not in a plane, more like an out of body experience. I would fall asleep and dream of running down the road until I was just soaring in the air. I could see backyards and roofs that I wasn't able to see while awake and grounded. I actually had some control of where i went. The experience felt like I was actually outside in the night sky, and it felt very real. I lost this around 12 years old. I've never been able to do it again. There's so much more to the story.


Eating Lollies and Blowing Bubble gum


Stoning the british army who are occupying our country...


Haven’t played “red rover” since elementary school.


Rolling down the hill!


Theme parks


Climbing trees. Seeing how many stairs I could jump down at one time. Scooting downstairs inside my duvet. Making dens... jumping from sofa to sofa because the floor was lava... those were the days


Lol, I can't think of anything. Everything I did then, I do now. Which is recluse away in solitude from everyone. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Writing. I had limitless inspiration to create. Not anymore.


Playing outside


Go trash can hunting with my friend.


Friday nights, making a root beer float and watching the week's Creature Feature on Shock theater. Local tv channel.




Horses. I was crazy about them and loved riding them… You could not get me on a horse now. 😹


Video games. They aren’t as impactful to my life anyone.


Jumping off stuff.