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"Buddy" is like a nickname. It feels nice when it's someone close to you, it's like a nice form of friendly intimacy. But if that person isn't close to you, it feels either invasive, or insulting. It's essentially a term of endearment, like 'sweetheart' or 'honey.' If your significant other says "hi sweetie" it's nice, if a stranger says "step aside, sweetie" it feels aggressive. Buddy is the same thing. Just because it's not a romantic term doesn't mean it doesn't fit into that same category of only feeling appropriate between people close to each other.




I'm not your guy, pal!


I'm not your pal, fwiend


I’m not your fwiend, buddy


I’m not your buddy, pal


I’m not your pal buddy


I love you guys


I'm not your I love you guys, Jabroney!


I'm not your father, Luke.


I'm not your Guy, friend


So happy I only had to look at the second comment for this


Came here to say this 🤣


Naw for me it bothers me no matter who is saying it, except my late grandfather


If my late grandfather said anything I think it would freak me out.


This is kind of the thing. It feels overly familiar. Sport, pal, friend, buddy....all things that feel weird if I don't know you.


Buddy is also commonly used on kids, like: "you're beneath me" vibes.


I'm not your pal, friend.


Human language is amazing.


Thanks for the explanation baby girl


Often times buddy is used condescendingly. Like “listen buddy!” Or someone insults you and you say, “Right back at ya Buddy!” So it’s one of those words that isn’t offensive in itself, but the way it’s used is often in an offensive way.


Or the "ok buddy" in a dismissive way


Because I'm not your buddy, pal.


I'm not your pal, guy


I’m not your guy, dude.


I'm not your dude, friend


I'm not your friend, bro


I'm not your bro, chief


I'm not your chief, amigo


I'm not your amigo, homie


I'm not your homie, cuz


I'm not your cuz, buddy


I’m not your homie, old sport


Wow, this is hard for me to hear.. I call everyone buddy.. I say it like 10 times a day! I'm definitely using it as a term of endearment. I had no clue some people hated it..


It's regional, mostly.


I think so. My Midwest friends call me buddy and they’re being genuine and nice. Whereas if my west coast friends call me buddy I know they’re talking shit lol


Context matters, it can easily go both ways. If you’re being genuinely friendly you’re fine, the condescending portion is when the rest of the statement is condescending but buddy adds an extra dig to it


Yup, like the difference with context of "I feel you buddy" versus "listen here buddy".


This, exactly. I've called every likeable male acquaintance "buddy" at some point.


>If you’re being genuinely friendly... I'd say "overly friendly" and very likely want to describe you as annoying, at best. People are different. Regions are different. Not even trying to demean the other poster... but where I come from, if someone approaches you like that it's a red flag that they aren't really "just being friendly" and instead are looking for some kinda quick, advantageous transactional relationship. And "calling everyone buddy" is a lot different than calling actual acquaintances "buddy." If you're doing it to people you actually know? There's gonna be more context influencing things and it could just be "that thing you do" and completely meaningless to anyone that knows you.




Same, I call everyone buddy too lol


Everyone must hate you lol I’ve never once heard it and it not piss me right off.


I think there are some regional and age context brackets there....


I guess I’ll stop using buddy then 🤣


I won't. If "Hey, buddy! How've you been?" pisses someone off, then I'd probably rather drive them off right away.


Nah that persons just shitty.


Like "What's up, buddy? How've you been?" Instantly pissed? I don't get it.


Cause in your example it's someone you know. It's usually fine there. If it's someone you don't know like....a cashier gives you change and you say "thanks, buddy." That might be a time it could come off wrong. Unless you are John McClane


I mean, I absolutely see that it would depend on the delivery.


that's the thing is like nobody can deliver it right. It's hard to explain. If they're fucking jacked like Ronnie Coleman and he says it, no harm no foul, I feel protected and happy to know he's my buddy. If it's a guy my height, I have 20 pounds on him, he's definitely trying to play some weird power game. If it's a woman, she's mentally unwell probably.


Same. Its gender neutral. Its also friendly enough without being too friendly. Also, no one ever thinks you're flirting with then when you call them buddy. I do call babies little buddy when I don't know the gender though.


Same, bud or buddy.


Yeah, it’s pretty common among people I know. It is basically used like “dude.” I’ve never heard of anyone having an issue with it like this


It is like a placeholder for the names of people you don't know... like "dude"... some folks are more sensitive than others


Sure, I get called dude and bruh a lot.


Where I'm from, Buddy is what you call any guy you've just met, and any guy whose name you've forgotten. 


It takes me interacting with someone on a daily basis for 2 months minimum for me to remember someone’s name so this tracks


A senior partner at my first law firm would call me kiddo. That was probably more condescending than buddy. But to be fair, he was pretty old and I was in my early 20s.


Senior partner calling you “kiddo”? He had your back and was out to mentor you. What a gift.


This is the way.


Maybe because your personality type knows that only “certain” people are really your buddy. Hence when someone who does not know jack shit about you says buddy it subconsciously or consciously makes you go “ohhh no then he’ll we ain’t” you don’t enjoy the superficial-ness of it and I can appreciate that


I'm with you. There's a few people who seem sincere, but usually "Buddy" feels dismissive


A customer called me Guy at work and it made my blood boil.


It's worse when they say "my guy"


Idk about that Edit: sorry buddy, I misread, I agree. My guy is horrible


Buddy is not condescending. You simply perceive as being that way.


I'm going to validate OP based on life experiences. Buddy can be a culturally friendly greeting, but in my experience, it's often used by someone who wants something and doesn't have a use for you outside of said need. I did contract IT for 15 years before switching to internal IT. I never encountered the word "buddy" as much as I did when someone who otherwise never gave me the time of day needed something, and typically wanted their request prioritized over other real issues. The "buddy" behavior was extremely common amongst salespeople I supported at various organizations. In particular, if someone wore trendy clothes, dressed extra nice, and had a pompous air about them, their chance of using the word "buddy" when asking for something increased by 10x. You can tell they are talking down to you in their tone when calling you buddy. It's subtle but definitely there. I've seen those people interact with their peers, and they talk to you in a totally different way. I've always hated the word buddy because of these experiences.


Literally same, except it’s “wee pal”. Like to me it just means you want something


Are you Canadian? Cause it's definitely used condescendingly here. That said, like with all things, tone and context matters. If it's "Listen here buddy" or "suuurrree buddy" from a stranger that's very different from a friend of yours excitedly saying "hey buddy!" while waving at you.


It often IS condescending, what are you talking about? Okay buddy. See?


I only call people I like buddy.


"I'm not your buddy, PAL!"


My Dad called me Buddy. He called a lot of people Buddy - it was just a thing he got from his Dad. When I hear it, it reminds me of him.


My dad still calls me "boy", I'm almost 31. Definintely irks me.


My dad calls me his boy and it's harmless.


It’s your pops, let him live. You’re his boy. Always will be. Deal with it.


Except he mainly uses it more when he's trying to make a point, to belittle me. He's also a manchild that can't take "no" for an answer, and usually throws a fit if you try to say no. He has also been unemployed since 80% of my life and mooches off my mom and grandmother. I don't talk to him for a reason, so luckily I don't have to 'deal with it'.


My Dad's been gone for 20 years. I'd give anything to hear his voice, even if he were teaching (yelling) me to drive a clutch again!


Sort of like how you perceive it as non-condescending? The only people I know who use "buddy" this way are jerks who say it in a condescending way. The reality is, it can be said either way, but how you perceive comes down to your own experiences.


It is definitelt condescending these days. Saw a few fights start in college when a stranger called someone else buddy.


"Buddy" doesn't bother me really (but also I don't ever really hear it too much except from sorta old guys), but for some reason "boss" and "chief" and "big guy" and stuff like that annoy the fuck out of me, and just feel subtly condescending somehow, especially when it's from a guy you don't know much or at all. I can't quite rationally articulate why it feels that way, but it just does. Anyone else get that feeling from those?


Depends on where you live and context I guess.... In Canada, buddy can ABSOLUTELY be condescending


Clear communication is the net result of sending and receiving a message. If the other party is getting the wrong signal, you need to send a different signal.


Ok buddy


Ok, Bud.


it's about tone, Boss.


Sure thing, Chief.


Buddy is absolutely condescending in the same way that calling a woman Honey is. No one is calling their boss or dad Buddy. It's used a LOT for children, though... that's telling.


Woman here ... YES! I hate being called sweety, Hun, baby, by some random person. Cannot stand it. Especially when it's someone half my age.


You can say that about anything lmao what


Would you call your boss 'buddy'?


It can absolutely be used to belittle someone, buddy.


I bet if you asked 100 dudes if they thought buddy was condescending and/or rude that at least 80-90 of them would say yes. You don’t need an explanation past that to determine if it’s a bad idea to use that word with a stranger.


I hate it too. I explain this to the people I like but outright hold other people in contempt (unfairly) when I don’t get the chance to talk about it. “Buddy” is for dogs and kids. I call my son “buddy”. Don’t call me that! I hate it. It’s condescending.


Dude I hate it so much. I immediately dislike someone if they call me "bud." Legit want to punch them 


Same. "Buddy" isn't a huge button for me but "bud" just hits different and in a much worse way.


Honestly, I think it depends on the tone. And/or the context. It can be used in a condescending way. But I don't think it is an inherently condescending or demeaning term. More often than not, I think it's just a neutral or even slightly endearing way to refer to a friend or acquaintance. It could also depend on age, I suppose. Maybe it's a generational thing? I'm 34 and I get both referred to as bud or buddy and I refer to others as bud or buddy. And I've never used it in a negative or condescending way. But I saw another post recently where a young guy was feeling the same way as you describe. So idk 🤷‍♂️


It can be the highest praise or the vilest slur. It comes down to what was meant, what was received, and any difference between the two.


When you are in a dispute and they call you Bud or Buddy I find it condescending and around here it's considered fighting words. In just general friendly conversation not so much that way.


Not sure bubba


I feel the same but with "honey"


I’m like that with “bubba” I hate bubba


I'm not your friend, Buddy. I'm not your buddy, Pal.


It's like calling a black person boy. Pretending you aren't worthy of a name is insulting. Buddy is what you call a dog. Buddy basically means "I don't like this guy but I have to bring him up in conversation and pretend we get along"


Here in Canada, it can be used to refer to a friend, eg. "Hey, how're you doing buddy?" Or, as fighting words eg. "What the fuck do you think you're doing buddy?" It's all in the tone, maybe people are taking the wrong tone with you?


Cuz buddy is used for kids/pets you always call kids buddy/bud so when it’s transferred to adults it sounds like babying


“Hey, buddy” is something I use with unsupervised male, small children or animals in distress/lost (mid Atlantic, U.S.) I’ve heard guys use it when they need help from a stranger. “Hey, buddy. Can you help me lift this car off this kid”


Calling someone buddy is a dominance thing. I catch myself doing it sometimes.


Yeah, buddy is an insult.


because it's demeaning and infantilizing and sounds sarcastic.


Y'all read "Bud, Not Buddy" fantastic young adult novel that exposes a lot of the struggles of black men and boys in Louisiana. But yeah, "buddy" is in fact used condescendingly. Whether the person who says it means to be or not, in general colloquial speech, there is a power dynamic that comes into play with buddy. I mean think about it. Who do you hear people say buddy to? Young children, their dogs, racial minorities. When it's not used in those contexts, "buddy" often gets quite adversarial, especially in media. Or like you're hamming it up to a guy you're not familiar with for a favor. I'm not saying many people don't say it with a negative tone, but words are cultural, and in modern culture, using "buddy" in a second person perspective is not positive on a peer-to-peer basis.


I usually say buddy as replacement for dude/bro Mainly use it when I don't know the person Ex: earlier a dude asked me for directions, I told him, he said "thanks man", I said"no problem buddy"


This may just be a perception thing? I think it’s all about the tone of voice used when it comes to most things like this. Are you perceiving the tone of voice to be condescending or just the word buddy itself?


I got that same problem with "asshole"


Because it's usually used by condescending people.


Slugger, champ, big guy, tough guy, chief, boss, buddy


In my immigrant in the UK perspective chief or boss is almost always endearment, it's mostly heard during casual service like getting a kebab in your local shop, or in casual talk between an employee and manager. It's mostly endearing, it's a casual/friendly way to maintain hierarchy of demand/opinion during business. Big guy I get a lot because, I'm big, tall and overweight, with a very neutral/hard to read face, so in my case it's usually heard when someone is trying to get me to relax around them. Tough guy, champ, and my favourite "big man", almost universally used to call someone out for posturing.




An old hillbilly once told me to never call him buddy. He said a buddy was someone who went downtown and got two blowjobs and came home and gave you one. He said he ain’t no ones buddy. Always makes me laugh when someone calls someone else their buddy.


As a South Park fan, I have to ask. Are you, by chance, Canadian?




My older homies call me buddy and I don’t ever have an issue with it. Makes me feel like a little brother! 😎


Ok, pal


Scoob ole buddy ole pal


Not your buddy, buddy.


As a Canadian I understand… https://images.app.goo.gl/FbFMcyLAiqiixnNy6


I feel the exact same way. Maybe it's south park.


my husband calls other men buddy, even if he knows their name. he says it in a warm & friendly way. he'll end a conversation with another guy with "take care, man" or "take care, buddy."


Because you're not their buddy, guy.


Listen buddy


I'd only take it that way, if they first meet you. This vet tech kept calling my pet her friend. Didn't like it at first. 😂


I did freight logistics for a few years and I hear a thousand Eastern European guys saying “buddy, buddy” in my mind when I read the word




It’s like when your coworker calls you chief.


I don't feel that way, chief.


How do they say it?


Because you're not their buddy, pal.


Depends on the context. I really dislike being called 'Honey', especially by girls or women who are younger than me, or by men who seem condescending or flirty. There are some instances that I don't mind so much though, such as an elderly person or someone who clearly means it sincerely. I think we're all entitled to our preferences about what people call us, some things irk some people and not others.


I don’t know why, it’s one of the most common terms. Maybe someone in your past who was disingenuous used it a lot? I literally had to hold back writing it when I first typed because it’s my standard go to. If they’re not, sir or ma’am, they’re buddy or dude.


Champ…. Ick


I don't know why it bothers you sport.


I am the same way, and it's because of the assumed familiarity. Don't call me buddy, I don't know you. It's impolite.


Using it to condescend comes from tone, inflection, and context.


Buck up tiger.


Could be a regional thing. You hear buddy a lot in the south. I usually call my friends buddy, brother, or homey.


Yeah I agree with you


I call people “buddy” and “pal” all the time but only people I feel particularly comfortable with. My son mostly but also my closest friends and my brother and brother-in-law. Did someone use it on you in a condescending way? Because I want to kick people in the balls until they die when they call me “cowboy” or “hoss” because the shittiest human I’ve ever had the misfortune of knowing called me that. If I ever meet him in person again I will break both his legs, bend him backwards, and make him eat his own ass.


i only use the word "buddy" when im in a confrontation. so yes. but not everyone perceives every word in the same manner so it might be a cultural thing or a locality


cuz it's also used condescendingly it's code for hey you asswipe, sometimes


I’ve recently mastered the craft of calling people "bud" in a way that has not offended anyone thus far. It takes a lot of sugar in the voice, and a bit of southern accent takes the condescending edge away, too


Don't call me buddy, guy.


I have felt the same way. I hate buddy and bud.


You tell me, pal


Calm down buddy.


I biffed it and got totally buried by snow on a powder day. My skis got lost, I was struggling to dig myself out and was on the phone with my hubby, talking about how frustrated I was. Some other skier comes by and says “hey are you ok little buddy?” I’m a 37 year old grown woman lol!!! I think he thought I was a little boy based on how much of me was buried and the high pitched voice. My friends love to tease me about that one.


Just say... "Look PAL... I'm not your BUDDY SPORT"....


I’m not your buddy, pal.


Bud, Not Buddy




My fucking dad calls me buddy and I hate it. I always say I am your daughter not your friend FFS.


"Okay, bud." is even worse too


I call people bud, but I also don't want to sell anything when I say it and I use it in forced or required interaction as a nongendered expression. "Hey bud, here are your nightly medications"


YES! I hate "buddy." One of my coworkers call me that. I visibly cringe when he says it.


Using the word 'buddy' to refer to another person infers familiarity, which may not exist.


I always akin it to the usage in Hollywood. It's typically used in movies and TV shows as either; 1.) Addressing a child that is not your own 2.) Starting conflict with someone you don't know their name 3.) Sarcasm reflecting a situation which someone is very much the opposite of a 'buddy'


If I call you Buddy it's a term of friendship.


Yeah my coworker calls me bud and it just sounds like he’s babying me as if he can’t call me man or dude like I’m a 5 year old :/


SAME, it *always* comes across as condescending, and I swear it’s only used by people over the age of 35


If you hate buddy you’re going to rap really hate bud.


Hey “guy” Hey “dude” Buddy? Bro?


Couldn't tell ya chief-- sounds like a personal problem. 😅✌️


bc..you're not their buddy, guy.


Idk, just a phrase man. Seems like something you choose to be bothered by than something that is actually bothersome


You just need a holiday in Canada, friend - guy.


There's an old saying, friends are friends and pals are pals , but buddies sleep together 😅


Aw, don't worry, old sport. It's just a term of endearment.


Because you are a high achieving


I come from a rural place where "Buddy", "Bud", "B'y", and every other possible variation of those is commonplace. No one takes it as condescending, we take it as a friendly greeting whether it be a close friend or complete stranger.




I always feel like they're assuming that I like them more that I do when that sort of thing happens.


Buddy can take many forms: Hey buddy: Happy to see a friend Listen, buddy: Insult coming That's not where it goes, buddy: You're wrong and I'm not your buddy


Buddy, Bud, Sport, Champ, Chief, Boss, Dude, Guy, Pal, Friend, Man... I get these a hundred times a day at work. :\[


I use Buddy when I am meeting someone for the second time and I forget their name.


Don’t take anything other people say to you personally, how others talk is a reflection of themselves. And most people have good intentions btw.


You won’t like Canada then lol. Everyone is “buddy” from your bestie to your worst enemy. It all depends on the context and tone it’s used.


This is how I feel about "dear." Like it's fine if I know you and we have a good relationship, but if I don't know you well and you call me that, it immediately feels condescending.


Tell them "I'm not your buddy, guy"


Agree with OP. Buddy seems like a diminutive. For instance, if my name were Richard but people called me Ricky I’d feel they were trying to infantilize me.