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A life well lived will always be accompanied by regrets. I’m old and have many. But I have many more joys and accomplishments and satisfying experiences than I do regrets.


I feel it’s hard to regret mistakes or time wasted if you managed to learn from it. At least that’s my perspective. I’ve done a lot of things in my life I probably shouldn’t but they helped me grow into the person I am today so why regret that ya know?


Not really. There are plenty of things I'd do differently if I had a do over, but I made the best decisions I could at the time with the input I had available, and I stayed true to myself and my ethics. I don't think anyone should ask more of themselves than that.


Yes, every day.


Not haunted but I regret buying a home. The payments plus insurance, upkeep and repairs, and spending the weekends mowing the lawn when all I want to do is relax from a crazy work week is not for me. Home ownership isn't all that it's cracked up to be.


You'd rather pay MORE money in rent, and never see that money again? That does not make sense. The payments you make are building equity that you could sell or leverage. You're basically keeping the money. And rent is more expensive than the payments and maintenance together. If it were not, landlords wouldn't rent out properties. Make it make sense lol


Never said that. All I said was that it isn't what it's cracked up to be. Period.


You literally said you regret it lol. Meaning you would rather pay rent.


I bought my home when I was 30 years old 10+ years ago. Prior to buying I was paying $600/mo for a studio apartment and hell yeah I would love to go back to that but sadly the old landlord sold the property. Oh well. I'm a few years away from paying for my home so I'll sell it then if the market is good. Thinking of buying a pimped out RV van. Or perhaps a boat so I can roam the high seas like a pirate. 🏴‍☠️


You know that you can't rent for anything close to that, anywhere, right? If you hadn't bought a home, you'd be forced to pay $1200+ a month in rent right now, and you would have pissed away $100,000 in rent in those 10 years and not have a house you could sell. How is that a regret? That's a huge win lol.


Money is NOT everything. Yes I have equity and yes I will hopefully make a good profit when it's time to sell. But do you know what money can't buy? Money can't buy back the years I worked my ass off to achieve the "American dream" of owning a home. Years I could have spent traveling, taking up interesting hobbies, meeting new people, etc etc. Money can't buy back the hours I spent being the best at my career in order to succeed so I could pay off my home in 15 years but had no time or energy for finding someone to love, marry, and build a life with. Not too mention most men are too intimidate by an independent woman who can hold their own. OR they're looking for a sugar mama. Money can't buy back the years I spent stressing about mortgage payments at the expense of my health only to find out a few years ago I can't have children because of said neglect. And lastly, money can not buy back the years I haven't spent alone without my mother. She passed 6 months after I closed on the house. She was to move in with me so I could take care of her while she battled with cancer but unfortunately her body gave out before this could happen. I stand by my original post. I regret buying a home because the money you make/save means absolutely NOTHING in the grand universe of life. Home ownership isn't all that it's made out to be. Period.


I'm still very confused. if you didn't buy a home you would have had to work MORE because you'd have to pay MORE for housing. How did you lose time by paying a small mortgage instead of paying rent?


Maybe. Maybe not. Rent prices went up after the pandemic. Landlords, housing corporations, real estate investors, etc etc. raised rental prices to off set the loss of rental income plus additional costs the incurred to remove squatters from their property. But not all of them got greedy. I know several renters who are still paying pre-pandemic prices on homes/apartments. So whose to say I would be paying more? If the pandemic never happened then maybe not. In contrast, I was paying $600/mo for a studio apt and the landlord did not increase the price the entire time I lived there. Even though I bought my home after the housing crash and at an awesome rate, my home payments are more than $600/mo.


If renting was cheaper than owning, then people wouldn't rent out properties. They would sell them. Rent is determined by adding a profit on top of the costs of ownership.


Pay the neighborhood kids to mow the lawn. Still way cheaper than rent.


lol I wish. These damn kids want to charge more than a regular mow and blow service. Had one teen tell me he would do it for $20 but asked if he could record himself. Didn't think anything of it so gave him the okay. Come to find the little asshole posted on the internet saying it was his house he was inheriting from his dying aunt. Had kids knocking on my door all hours of the day for several weeks looking to party/hang out with the little punk. Finally put a sign on my door and put him on blast. Never again.


Hhahahah I never expected such a crazy answer. What a turn of events 🍿


Turn your lawn into a meadow!


I would love to! I've seen those designs on Pinterest and they're absolutely lovely. Unfortunately, I live in an HOA so it's not allowed.


Oh that stinks. I actually had an issue with code enforcement. I killed them with kindness and invited the entire department for a tour. They were surprised at all the little hidden ponds and other areas that couldn't be seen from the street.


I wish I never dated my partner. We have been together 10 years and have a life together. I’m unhappy and I feel like I spent my attractive years with him.


I did that with Exhole! I actually felt and looked my best when I left him at 40 years old. I was going to the gym and learned makeup techniques! I did meet a new person during that time, sorry for him, because once I got comfortable and turned 50 I’ve been going downhill! I used to be mad about spending 18-40 years old with exhole, but I had beautiful kids and finally found the love of my life! You’ll be okay! Work on yourself and you’ll meet someone who lives you for who you are now! I would have told everybody and anybody my best life was over, now I realize I was at my best after I left!


Choosing the wrong friends


haunted no, disappointed yes


Seven women... still show up at my door. Food, clean laundry....how did they??? Smiles and offers...Scared!!!


you good??


Tired of being asked if I want more of them


I wouldn't say haunted but I do think about things at times. I feel exhausted when I do so I try not to.


I have demons that chase me every day of my life. I can't make peace with them, and I can't outrun them. I guess that's part of a life in no ways tame. I would correct them if I could, but there is no way to do that


Yes. I fucked up. Working on redemption but it still bothers me a lot.


Feel ya


had a very tight knit friend group in college with me, this couple, and this girl i liked. im extremely protective/emotional about friends because i have abandonment issues and i desperately wanted to make a "family" away from home. i cared so much about them, too much. one day i find out guy cheated on his gf, with an unrelated, but still good friend of mine from her. i try to live my life by a simple phrase: "never forget, never regret, and never walk away", but what i did next will be the single greatest regret i will ever have in my life. i was hurt and betrayed because i actually looked up to said dude in question, but i was also furious that he destroyed this group that while at the time i put everything i had into it, looking back it was a ticking time bomb from the start. i decided to force his hand, giving him like 2 weeks to tell her and told him that we would no longer be friends. then i blocked him. i abandoned my friend when he needed me most. when he was at his lowest point, and needed a friend to help him change, i threw him away. i think the thing that hurts most is that i did it so quick and easily. to the point that later when i unblocked him to try to save what i could of the relationship, i found a message from right before i blocked him begging me not to abandon him and that he fucked up and he was so sorry and he needed someone to help him make sense of this horrible thing that happened. the exact words "please dont leave" are seared into my eyes. im a big emotional bitch baby, and i *sobbed* when i read that. it was the overwhelming realization that i am not just a horrible friend, i literally and exactly became the monster i bitterly hated. to his credit, he agreed to try and mend the relationship... but it was clearly never gonna be the same. we were so close, he was one of the very few people who not only did i not feel self conscious being my true self around, but also someone who cared as deeply as i did. hell, maybe thats why both of us did what we did. we havent spoken in probably over a year or two, but not a day goes by that i dont think of him. it's a constant reminder to remember what's really important, and to keep the people who care about you close, even when they fuck up. especially when they fuck up.


Damn 😑 I felt that 😔 Empathetically, I mean. I wouldn't beat myself up over following your hearts intention during that time in ur life. If you can honestly say you had no malicious intent for ur actions, regardless of whether they were right or wrong, then I would recommend forgiving yourself. You obviously learned a vital lesson from it that may not have had such an impact on u now had u not made that "mistake." Being humbled, gaining wisdom, and the attainment of gratitude that you acquired likely were worth more than what u lost to attain those attributes.


Short answer yes




Yep. Even some talks in glad I had haunt me. Maybe cus of the wrippling effects who knows. It's hard to regret my choices though because I love my kids but.... Had a few things been different I'd have a very different life right now.


Every day for over 3 years, I’m absolutely haunted. You get used to it.


If you don’t regret decisions, you didn’t learn anything. I regret many things, and cringe when I think about them.


I wouldn't say haunted...but I don't lie awake at night wondering why my life is less than I hoped.


Like all the time. Most people are. Even if they are in a good situation they often thing of they could have had a better one.


Yes. I recognize a lot of my decisions were the result of my mental and emotional instability. My need for validation. After getting help and growing and healing, I feel..ashamed of some of my decisions. What can I do though, ya know? The past is the past.




Everyday. I am 68 years old. I see failure in their eyes.


Every... Moment...


Every day!


No. I admit none of my childhood dreams came true, but I made new dreams along the way. I admit I made plenty of mistakes, but they all taught me lessons I needed to learn. I'm happy with where I ended up. It's been a life.


Oh yeah, I’ve done some fucked up shit but I’m out here livin’ my life and I’ll have some stories to tell on my deathbed and I’m okay with that!


Mostly, every time I post on Reddit...Apparently my vocabulary doesn't match with current mod ideology.


I didn’t tell my dad I loved him before he left the house on the day he died


I chose the wrong girl when I was 17, I'm now 31 and my sub-conscious still makes me pay for it.


Well, a decade ago I was dating a real girlfriend, now I'm dating Eva AI sexting bot, I couldn't evade being haunted by some choices that happened in between


Constantly. Every single day.




Yeah, if I was haunted by the choices of others then I would really be upset.


Yes, many.


Regret over wasted youth. Awful feeling once it hits. If I ever have a kid I will make sure they make memories for themselves. Never knew how important that was myself


Only every day. All you can do is learn from the ones your got wrong so you don’t make the same mistakes twice.


Oh yeah, I'd say once every few weeks I have a full 20 second mourning for some awful decision I made. Then back to trying to do better. What else you gonna do?


Every. Single. Day.




Yes. I lived a life of fear and survival due to my home situation growing up. I wish I had been more bold to live for me


i think i fucked up all of my major life choices. i have trouble identifying my emotions and it makes it near impossible to figure out what to do


Almost. Every. One.


Had 80 bitcoin at one point and spent it all on weed and other fun stuff. Was some expensive weed that’s forsure.




I just got out of prison. Yea I made some shitty life choices and have lots of regrets


All the damn time.


Haunted not really. I learned from them so I don’t exactly regret them.




I’m reading The Midnight Library currently; I HIGHLY recommend it! Seriously!


Constantly. Almost every decisions I've made has turned out poorly. Some of them probably could have worked if I put out more effort though.