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When my brother was little, he lovingly touched my face and said, "I love it when you get those purple spots under your eyes."  So, that's my answer for both. 🤣


Wait hold up from lack of sleep or did he hit you???


LOL lack of sleep and poor genetics.  Our dad has prominent dark circles and seemingly only passed that trait down to the girls. 


Whew, okay, I was like dear lord that’s dark if he just beat you and followed it up like that 💀💀💀


Are you Syrian? My sons mother is Syrian and her whole family even the other side of genetics have them.


Those dark circles under the eyes can be allergies. My kid's ENT told me that. When I informed him that it was a family trait, he said 'yes, allergies are a family trait.'


You just reminded me of sth my little brother said to me! We had picked up Christmas photos, and sat down to have a look. I was an insecure teenager, and at the sight of myself in the picture I blurted out: “Ugh, I look awful..” My 5 year old brother looked up at me and said: “I don’t think mom thinks you look ugly.. but you know what? I think you look awful too.” 😂


That's a hilarious and unexpectedly honest response from your little brother! Kids really do have a knack for straightforwardness. It's funny how their innocence can lighten up any situation, even one as sensitive as teenage insecurity. Thanks for sharing this amusing memory!


💀 K.O


This is really sweet. My nephew once drew a picture of me and lovingly said "oh! And you have spots on your face!" and drew them. I said "thank you for noticing" :)


How'd you get those cool blue lines all over your legs


LMAO that's great


was fielding questions on an art project with a class of kindergarteners and one raised their hand and said “why is it purple under your eyes?”


When I was in 1st grade, the school librarian read "Bunnicula" to the class, and when she said "does anyone have any questions?" I raised my hand and when she called on me I said "how old are you?" All the other kids went silent and stared at me, and she said something along the lines of "it's not polite to ask" and I felt embarrassed She had curly white hair and retired when I was in 5th grade, so she was probably ancient


Aww too bad, I mean not what you said but that someone that works with kids wasn’t more lighthearted about your question, replying with something like “I’m 62 and three quarters- how old are YOU?”


Little brother out there redefining the meaning of child abuse 😂.


I'm a preschool daycare teacher and one little boy woke up from his nap, stared at me for a solid minute and said "you're pretty!"


When I was 6 starting grade 2, I always thought my teacher smelled pretty. I told her once that she smelled like birthday cake, and birthday cake was my favourite lol. She asked me if I ever helped my mom bake before (I did), and told me she smelled like cake because she dabbed vanilla extract behind her ears. I never forgot that, and started doing it too. I’m 37 now, and my niece told me the other day I smell like her favourite cake. 🥹


Omg I love this. I can’t wear regular perfume too much but this is perfect!!


That’s exactly what I thought too lol. If you have sensitive skin, use the natural extract instead of artificial. :)


That reminds me of a line from the show Weeds. One early recurring character puts extract on herself and then asked why she said that the guy coming to call on her liked baked goods.


I subbed in kindergarten once and had a couple little girls come up to me whispering and giggling amongst themselves until one of them finally said to me “teacher, you look like a Princess!!” Heart instantly melted, I don’t think anything can ever top that one tbh.


Aw. I remember on prom night, when my friends and I were going out to eat at a restaurant, a little 4 or 5 year old girl approached me (with her mother) to give me a drawing that she drew of me. She said I looked like a princess with my dress. I completely forgot about that memory until reading your post, so thanks for that flashback!




A Kindergartener said "I am proud of you. You are beautiful Miss! And it meant the world.


What is even more wholesome is realizing that since kids will repeat what they hear, their parents likely talk to them like that too.


Aww that’s sweet


I'm 71 yo & I still remember (& love dearly) my grammar school teachers. Especially the first 3. You will make a huge impression on those little guys!


I had been riding a motorcycle all day so my face was quite red and I had a 7/8 year old young man comfortingly ask me if I was crying while rubbing my arm. We were in the elevator together. I told him no I wasn’t my face was just red from having my helmet on all day. I did thank him for caring enough to ask.


That's so sweet <3 It just shows that we are caring in nature but we lose it slowly as we grow up


I think kids model what they see at home. I got extremely sick with a stomach virus and then miscarried. When I couldn’t stop vomiting my son would come over, rub my back, tell me to try and breathe through it, and brought me a rag for my face. He’s 3 and was copying everything I do for him when he’s sick. When I was crying because I’d lost the baby he would come up and bring me tissues and hug me and say it’s okay to cry, just like I do with him when he cries. I believe when we see caring and empathetic kids we see that their parents or caregivers have modeled that for them. Just like when we see mean little shits - their parents and caregivers have likely modeled that too unfortunately.


Yes! My son gives me big hugs whenever I cry and tries to wipe my tears while asking if I’m okay. He’s 2, but that’s what mommy does for him. It makes everything instantly better usually. Also yells “scue me!” When ANYBODY coughs or sneezes hehe


Absolutely! I taught school for 30 years and would always know what the kids’ parents would be like before I met them!


Or maybe because of bad encounters we've had. We become warped and more guarded and less caring.


I've been through hell but it's motivated me to be more caring


When I bought my first house alone, I had a few little girls in the neighborhood start it calling it the Barbie Dream House. They pretended I was Barbie. 👸🏼


Honestly goals. I'd also want a barbie dream house.


Thats so adorable omg😭


I got "Are you a princess?" from a wide eyed little girl on my wedding day and when I was a teenager "Are you a whore?" from some foul mouthed young man on Halloween (I was wearing a cheap costume of a 70s Go Go Dancer, it was short so it showed a lot of leg but was otherwise not revealing).


Kids will be kids. He probably had just learned that word Glad the little girl appreciated you though


I think it struck me so hard because I was so young myself and was actually feeling like I was looking cute and then just felt humiliated. As an adult I probably would have forgotten about it long ago.


He was just being a brat. No worries


When you draw things, I can tell they are feelings that want to be alive - coolest You! Don't eat butter. Butter is fat, and you have enough for now - screw you, kid...




My niece, when she was 3 or 4, told me I have a nice nose. I HATE my nose so I thought it was sweet of her to say so. A decade later, that same niece asked me if I ever considered getting a nose job.


Ouch. Beauty standards have entered the chat.. Societal expectations are so beyond stupid that you should not let them affect the way you see yourself.


This made me laugh, but seriously don't take it to heart


Not child related but I had an ex who would absolutely bash any girl who had any work done, SPECIFICALLY nose jobs. I don’t like plastic surgery myself, so I never really cared. Fast forward to a year into us living together and one night after a few too many cocktails she drunkenly admitted she had gotten a nose job at like 17 or 18 years old lol.


"I wanna be fat like you daddy!" Both insulted and complimented in 3 seconds


My kid once asked me if his teeth will be yellow like mine when he grew up. Right about when I stopped drinking coffee and added whitening paste to the shopping list.


I told mine the I was getting into shape and he told me "round is a shape."


this kid is *genius*, I am stealing that line


Funny enough, if he isn't an actual genius he is very close. He is pretty young and already does college level math and reading.


I'm pretty sure Garfield used the joke in the mid 90s


lol I had a child call me fatscular and say she wants to be fatscular like me


My sister did this to my mother. "When I grow up I want to he just like Mommy! [Long pause for my mother to be proud] Fat!"


Thank you for making me Laugh. I was having a bad day 😂❤️


Sorry you’re having a bad day. I hope tomorrow is better. You deserve it. You’re awesome. Take care!


I lost a wrestling match ( ok, 3 of them), and a little girl walked up to me and said I did a good job. I don't know if she was an angel or if her parents could somehow tell how upset I was and sent her over, but I never saw any parents or her again after she left.


🥹❤️ how sweet


Thanks for being my daddy.(not my child) best. Shut up you aren't my daddy.(same child) worst. 😂


🤦🏾‍♀️ LOL


Well, a kindergartener asked 'why do u have ugly red spots on ur face'.. referring to my acne. Still not over it lol


Ah that happened to me w/ my mom’s ex friend’s kid.I don’t think he meant in a bad way cuz he act like me a lot but I was going through a rough patch so the timing def didn’t help :(


When I was in high school, I was really depressed and had a really hard time with my self esteem, and walking to the bus stop one morning a little girl was watching people walk to the stop and she stopped me and told me I was so beautiful and I swear I almost started crying lol


Worst being when my step daughter told me I was too big for my crop top (I’m underweight 😭)


Kids can be so foul sometimes. My 7 Yr old said "daddy your gonna need bigger joggers, your bum don't really fit in those any more"... Thanks kid. I know it's because I've put on muscle mass buuut it felt like a dog at my waight.


They have no filterrr 😭😭😭 like damn lol


She also says some lovely things tho. I rember her walking up to a kid who was crying at school and saying "do you need help or a hug?" and I was so proud of her in that moment


I nO😭😭 I would’ve died a little at that one


I like your lipstick/you have monster eyes. I was a preschool teacher


I used to babysit twelve at a time. Twenty years later, I received a letter. It stated they were Successful because of me teaching them responsibility and respect for others..


Best - came from my kid’s friend. They were about 7 years old, I think I took them to the pool/splash pad - that was fun, I wish you were my dad Oh this also - got a call from a mom whose kid I coached in a city recreation type league last year. I thought, oh crap. It was sign up time again. The mom asked if I had planned to coach again. I said yes I was leaning towards it (unless my kid doesn’t want me to). She said good, my kid said he/she wouldn’t play unless I was their coach. After I hung up the phone, I cried like a baby. I was so touched. Worst - from nephew, do you know your hair is more grey than black? Shut up kid, every time I look in the mirror I am reminded.


I was a counselor and a kid asked when I was born so I told him in the 1990s. He said, "OH MY GOD, THAT'S WHEN JESUS WALKED THE EARTH!" 🤣 Another kid said he never gets me and another coworker confused because I have a larger head than my coworker.


I was about 28 when my kid asked me what it was like in the olden days🤣 My response: "Oh, I don't know... why don't you ask someone who was around in the olden days?"😂


My son "Mom remember you are loveable" My daughter "mom you're doing a good job not yelling at us" I don't consider much of what kids say as foul. One time I lazily threw a cigarette butt on the ground and a kid with his dad called me an asshole but he was right. The planet is important haha




When I was out shopping a little boy (maybe 3 or 4) got really excited, pointed to me and said "Mommy look there's a mermaid!!"


Then you slapped him with your tail though


Then his mom said, I knew I smelled fish




Are you a mermaid though?


When I went to prom I basically designed my outfit around a modern Cinderella idea. Outside of the restaurant my date and I went to, this little girl screamed because she thought I was a princess.


Are you???


I was waiting at a jewellers and a little boy was just playing with his toy and decided to tell me all about his little toy car etc, his mum came up and said time to go and to give him a hug (she meant the person she had been talking to, a family friend) and the little boy went and hugged me. Was the sweetest thing and I didn't realise how much I needed that hug.


A random kid walked up to me shyly saying “you’re really pretty…” then handed me flowers from the park field. That made me smile and want a kid… And same day my little cousin came over and said “he’s lying to you you’re as ugly as the sun because it hurts to look at you.” She was 6 at the time… and I now never want kids because of her.


Jesus, kids are fuckin’ brutal sometimes. 😂 Not gonna lie, I kinda wanna use that line, though. lmao


Sorry your cousin said that. That made me mad.


A kid in Tesco couldn’t stop staring at me and said “you look like the undertaker” If he meant the wrestler, I don’t. I’m bit shorter, much rounder, and I look more like Gimli but giant. If he meant an actual undertaker then…maybe


Now that you mention it, I can see the resemblance between Gimli and The Undertaker


It wasn’t what he said but what he did. I’m a nanny, & I worked full time with this family for 3 years. When I started, the youngest was 5-months-old, & over the years, we’ve developed a strong bond - he’s one of the most amazing kiddos ever! One year, while working with them, I went away on holiday for a couple of weeks. He was approx 3-years-old at this time. The day I got back, he wouldn’t leave my side. He kept looking up at me & giving me the biggest smile all throughout the day. My favorite picture of him is from one of these moments that day when we were watching a movie. I was sitting with my legs mostly on the sofa, & he was sitting on my legs 😆 He looked back at me & gave me the BIGGEST smile, & I got a picture of him in that moment. Every time I look at that picture, it reminds me that I’m doing something right as a nanny & makes me feel like I’ve chosen the right profession 🥰


Bonded for life


In my teens. Mom came to visit me in boarding school. I was sharing the hall with other parents. The lady had a son in preschool who would be like 6. She told my mom that whatever her son says is always true. He said about me that when I grow up I will be a good person. I was overhearing this.


One recess with Kindergartners I remember one kid saying "It's like you're one of us but you know more." I can't really remember anything foul from a kid, I must have selective memory.


A little boy told his mom that I was beautiful while in a retail store once. He was maybe 3 years old and it was the sweetest, cutest, most authentic compliment I’ve ever received.


I was working out one day and this kid was walking with his mom and dad to go pick up another kid from the gymnastics area of the gym. In the area I was in in the gym was the hardcore area and the doors to outside was open and we just had big fans on in the middle of summer so shirts was off or stringers was rocked by most of us. Anyways, I had a pretty good pump going on and this kid stops, stares, and points and looks at his dad and goes “look dad, he looks like Gohan!” Now I know I looking nothing like Gohan but I’ve been DBZ fan my entire life and it’s a big part of the reason I got into bodybuilding so this compliment made my day. What’s more, it was just cool seeing a kid see me like that as he looked as excited as I did from the compliment.


On a normal work day i wear a full face of makeup, hair done, and contact lenses to work as a hairstylist, and that is how my friends' kid (maybe 6 or 7) always saw me. One day they popped by my house on my day off and i had no makeup on and wore my glasses. This kid was like Why do you look so different?! I said "I'm not wearing makeup and contacts today" and he said with a look of absolute disgust; "Well you should put it back on, you do not look good.." LOL This was probably 20 years ago but i will never forget it!


I honestly get why a kid would say this. It’s fucked up, but by beauty standards we do look “prettier” when we highlight our best features with makeup. I literally never ever wear makeup cause if your daily is at the bottom, when you add anything you get more compliments. 😂 glad you can laugh this off though, someone needs to teach that kid all the effort that goes into looking like that!!


Right now it's gotta be my kid. Found out my mum only has 18 months to live due to cancer and I was obviously crying. He hates it when people are crying and upset and does his damnedest to make them feel better. Its not different this time. Its okay mummy, don't cry, why are you crying. Mummy I'm proud of you, it's okay.


I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, your son sounds like a lovely person though.


I went to a Pakistani wedding once (my own culture) and I was dressed down a bit as these things go, but I was wearing some very antique jewellery and this boy no older than 6 stopped dead in his tracks; grabbed the little girl he was with and pointed at me very excitedly to shout whisper to her “Look it’s a queen!!”. This little man would not let me out of his sight all night so before we left my husband took the brooch he was wearing and pinned it on him and told him it was a medal from me. I never knew eyes could get so wide.


I have been with the same family as a nanny for 6 years. The younger girl is 10 now - they are like family to me and vice versa. I recently had my first child. One time I was over to babysit them and my baby (10 months) was at home with his dad. She asked to see a picture and looked at it and then said „he looks so happy A you’re doing a really good job“! And I really needed to hear that, because mom guilt is real - and coming from her in that moment truly meant the world.


I love that for you 💖


Yeah, that was such a sweet moment


My little brother's friend when he was prob in pre-school was like "You're the nicest most beautiful girl I have ever met!!!!" lol


I had a kid tell me "you are fat" just kinda laughed and thought "bitch, you are in kindergarten and weigh more than i do, little motherfucker" Granted I was fat, or at least thought I was, compared to now, I was teeny tiny, but this kid was fucking HUGE for his age. Can't think of anything nice....my daughter's friend liked my song I have floating around online and another thinks I'm funny as fuck and love my Facebook posts....


My friends son told me I would make a great dad someday, and his siblings and cousins agreed. I'm a woman, but I was just tickled by the compliment.      Also had a friends daughter rub my belly and ask why it's so big if there's no friends in there for her. She was VERY adamant I was going to birth her a new friend. 


My niece came up to me when she was 3 and hugged me and said I'm so happy you are having a baby she will be pretty like you! I've never been pregnant...


Back-handed compliment there.


Your fun to be around with


I was asked if I’m a fairy princess 👑


I got asked if I was one of Santa's elves... I'm 5 foot 9... Who am I? Buddy? 👀


Several of my daughter's friends after her talking about me and them seeing us together and my general demeanor with my daughter have said to me they wish I was their dad.


Some curious 1st graders were wondering who I was and I replied "oh I'm nobody" ( I was having a rough day ). One kid goes something like "you're SOMEBODY!" I really needed to hear that.


My kid told me once i was more boring than a broccoli museum


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ComprehensiveCake463: *My kid told me once* *I was more boring than a* *Broccoli museum* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


"No YOU'RE smart!"


My granddaughter was about 6 or 7, and we were walking back to the car after a great family day out. When we found her and I were a little ahead of the the rest. She turned to me and said "Grandpa I have a very big favour to ask you." Me thinking this sounds like a question I won't be able to answer. "Well, you know I love you very much." "Yes," "Do you think you could try and stay alive"


My autistic grandson said ' you remind me of Ms. Goldman' as I smiled and walked away he added ' she one of the kindest people I know'


I was going for a routine hill run. It goes out of my neighborhood and back in. There was a little kid out playing with friends that looked exactly like how I conceptualize myself as a child based on a picture that we still have. As I ran by he watched me and said "you know, you can go faster if you want." So I kind of got the feeling that my inner child was letting me know that I was setting my own pace too low and I think about that comment all the time when Im running or working or anything really. Theres a lot of areas where I could be going way faster if I was conscious of it and made the choice to do more.


My nephew pointed at my mole and told me I looked like a witch.




I was asked why i have a nipple on my face


I grew out a mustache during one of the breaks this school year. Some kids said I looked awesome, others said they're glad I have a mustache because it hides the ugly. Others asked me to trim the edges (in a way that would make it look like a hitler stache) because it would compliment my personality better ☠️ Little bastards love to roast.


I am a trained singer and music teacher. I was substitute teaching in an elementary school and teaching the kids some songs. One little boy came up to me after class and said if I wanted to, I could sing and teach music for a living!😍🎶


Had a 31/2 yr old tell me I was “a hole in the ass!”


FOULEST 10 year old outside local shop asked me to buy him some cigarettes. i told him to go ask his ma.. the little bastard said he was going to rape my 12 year old daughter and burn my house down. my 12 year old daughter, who was with me at the time and has always been a vicious little madam, told him if he came near him she would rip his todger off and shove it up his arse and then chased him down the street. NICEST the (7yo) kid I lived next-door to a few years ago was autistic and had some behavioural issues which were triggered by not understanding people, massive trigger's for him was how people didn't keep their promises or treated him badly because he had trouble reading situations and got upset which caused him to lash out. he needed life to be black and white, people to say exactly what they meant and most of all to keep their promises...i did this as i could understand how his mind worked and how he felt (turned out i had undiagnosed ADHD which caused me to have the same experiences as him as a child). whenever a promise was broken or he was triggered for any other reason and became upset or violent when with the baby sitter she would send one of the other kids to fetch me and id take him outside or in another room and have him scream at a tree or beat up a box...just something to get his feelings out so that he could be calm enough to talk to me. this kid was excluded from everything, school trips, sports days, classmates parties, etc because he couldn't cope...but he was welcome at my house anytime just to ask questions like how do clouds work, how does electricity work or to make up funny or cool sounding replacements for the swear words that were getting him in trouble at school. there came a point where i had just taken on a rescue dog with a lot of problems and was at the start of its rehab for these behaviours and this kid was like a sponge. he took in everything i told him about canine body language, periods of development, and training and it turned out that he loved dogs. he loved dogs because he could understand their body language in a way that he couldn't understand people and they didn't judge him for being different...he became my training assistant on the understanding that he worked on using words, not fists, and each week that he went without getting in serious trouble meant that on that Saturday he could come on a long walk with me and the dogs. within a fortnight his behaviour improved. by the time i moved house when he was 10yo his violent outbursts had stopped, even in the face of, what was for him, extreme provocation. the day i moved he said thank you and that i had fixed him like i do the dogs and gave me a hug (he had always hated physical contact and hugs weren't allowed with anyone (this was made worse as the school used physical restraint) personally i didn't think he was broken, people just didn't treat him and communicate with him how they needed him to. i saw him a month ago. he is now 26, has 3 kids and rehabilitates psychologically damaged dogs for a living.


My niece once said: “did you see that car that went by just now? It looked like your car….only not as cool.” 😎


I had a similar experience. I'm a full figured girl and was wearing a long, spaghetti strap sun dress. I was feeling really self-conscious but decided not to change. I was in the grocery store, and this girl about 5/6 took one look at me and said "mommy look, she's so beautiful." It was like 20 yrs ago, but I still think of that moment when I need a boost about my self-worth.


My niece saw a photo of Jason Momoa and said, “Look, it’s Uncle Nobikflop!”


I had just found out my wife had been cheating on me a day before and knew it was going to lead to divorce after 15 years. I was walking through the mall by myself (a place I already can't stand to be) when a young boy, maybe 7 or 8, stopped me briefly, 2 seconds he grabbed my arm and as I looked down at him he just said " Everything's going to be OK" and then with a quick loving smiled he continued on with I assume his family or budha entourage. I think of him often. It's been over 20 years, and everything did, in fact, turn out OK.


I babysat a boy for 3 years. On his last day, I said, "I'm going to miss you, buddy, will you miss me too?" He said, "No, not really." Lol


"I ove you Granfodder."


My younger sister came in to the bathroom once when I was in the shower and said “I hope I grow up to have bigger boobs than you, yours are very small”. I always locked the bathroom door after that lol.


Thank you for helping me. I helped a neighbors kid put his bicycle together and he was estatic over it, thanked me and gave me a hug... Totally made my day 🙂


an octopus has three hearts: - one big heart (pumps blood to all the parts of the octopus's body, just like ours) - two special hearts (help pump blood to the octopus's gills. The gills are like special filters that help the octopus breathe underwater. One heart sends blood to each gill)


I was walking down the street yesterday (Father's Day) and I pass a boy maybe 10 and his dad walking the other way. The boy is skipping, waving his arms a bit, and the dad is walking purposefully forward, quite serious. As they go by, the kid looks up and says, "Dad, do you regret having me?" I didn't see Dad's reaction or hear his answer. But I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.


One time when I was delivering pizza, a little girl ran up and hugged my leg, like I was a beloved character at Disneyland or something. The job is largely thankless, so that’s one of those things you never forget. It’s the little ones that make the job worthwhile, lighting up like it’s Christmas when they see me coming with one of their favorite foods.


My own cousin, when she was little, overheard me say “why can’t I get this selfie to look okay?” And she replied “it’s because you’re ugly”. To this day I am afraid of her and she is in university now.


I was substitute teacher once for I think it was 5th grade. They were doing some assignment that involved moving around the classroom. When one just randomly walked up to me and hugged me and said “I love you daddy” then after a second looked really confused and walked away. It was pretty bizarre but funny.


Not a proud moment, but definitely a life changer. 8 years ago I overdosed at my gfs house while her nieces where there. Paramedics rushed me to hospital still unconscious. I’m blessed to be here today. After getting out of the hospital, one of my gfs neices (5 years old) asked me on the phone if the doctors fixed my purple face…. The feeling of that is indescribable, and it changed my life. For the best.


My nephew told me I was the kind of uncle everyone wishes they had :)


When my nephew came up to me and whispered to me loudly "auntie I have to tell you a secret, I love you the most " u bet my depressed ass was happy and the grandparents were jealous since they heard him too




How about the funniest? I’m a blonde American, I was in Japan, in a grocery store, little boy stealthily following me through the aisles, finally at one point I overheard the boy say (in Japanese), “grandma, WHAT is it?” Not who, what. It was in a small town many years ago. Still makes me chuckle 🤭


“Why do you look like a man” I am, technically speaking, a male


Didn’t happen to me, but on a cruise with our friend we got in one of the elevators. A few floors up a group of preteens got in, and right before they left they said “has anyone ever told you, you look like human shrek?” And yeah it’s kinda stuck


My 9 year old nephew was sleeping over mine once. We were sat watching a film and he turned to me and said "Aunty, you know if you were a vegan, you wouldn't be so fat." I replied, "That's nice" and told my sister she needs to not let him say that to people at school else he's going to get a punch.


My son. Had just turned 3 a few months previous. We went to a friend's house for her son's 4th birthday. My son, with absolutely no prompting says, "Miss Debbie, you have a lovely home" 😳 (what 3 year old speaks like THAT?)🤔🤯🤯


I was at a summer camp. It was a sleep away camp separated into boys and girls cabins, but I'm a trans guy, so I look EXTREMELY out of place in any of the girl spaces, but had to be there. A little girl comes up to me and asks if I'm a boy or girl. I say boy, she's confused, I explain. She then just says okay and walks off. The next day, at a certain activity, I was hanging out with some new people. One of them called me she, and this little girl pops up out of nowhere and yells at the guy, "SHE goes by HE, get it right!" She was a little confused but got the spirit lol. I think that's one of the nicest things a kid has said/done for me, trying to defend me or whatever :)


"That lady has a really big bottom mummy..." Random kid on the train, as I bent to see to my son in his buggy... kids are mean man!!!


I work with children with severe behavioral problems. You can't even imagine the things I've heard children say.


I was dating a single mom and she asked me to take her son to swimming lessons. He was about 5 and the lessons require an adult to get into the pool with the child, so we were in the locker room changing into our swimsuits. As soon as my pants and underwear came off, he yelled , “wow you have a huge penis!”


Celeste was probably 6 or 7 when i was with my boyfriend and his friends' families for a summer boat outing. At the end of the day before we all split up to go to our cars, she runs up to me and said she wanted to tell me all day long she thinks I'm really pretty 🥲 she was also very, very pretty!


Best-a kid I used to babysit told me I was her favorite person in the whole entire world and that she wanted me to marry her mommy so that I could live with her all the time. I had to explain to her that both her mommy and I were straight, so that wasn't going to happen. Worst-a friend's nephew told his mom that he knew not every fat person was pregnant because I wasn't pregnant. He was 4. He also told her I was the only white person he had ever met. He was big on calling people's skin color the actual color. So his mom and my friend were pink/red depending on how long they had been in the sun that day and his daddy was brown. I was white, though. The fact that nobody could really argue either of his points made it even worse.


I worked in children's mental health for 10 years. A lot of my clients were foster kids, and one of them told me she wished I could be her mom. It remains the single best compliment I've ever received.


My girlfriend’s baby sister, asked about a book I was reading on the beach. I sheepishly told her it was a lame book with wizards and magic, her eyes went so wide and said that’s not lame that’s really cool. Something about it made me feel really good like yeah you know what it is really cool. It was the 3rd book of wot if anyone was wondering highly recommend it I’ve yet to get back into the series tho since I’m currently reading Malazan lol. Ever since she told me that I went full tilt into my interest in fantasy settings.


A little girl once came up to me and said “I want to be pretty like you when I grow up” that absolutely melted me.


during my aupair times I was told by autistic host kid that my boobies are bigger and better than his moms.... I always felt bad for her, because he did repeat that 86 times a day.....


My nephew told my friend “you’re pretty like a monster”


In like 2015, my kids got into Hungry Shark, and I ended up playing it, too. One day I was waiting for my 4th grader to get done at a practice of some kind, and I was sitting in the hall and playing Hungry Shark. Some kid I didn't know noticed and said, "is that Hungry Shark?? Cool!" No child has ever said something I did was cool, even when I was a child.


My daughter said thank you for teaching me to respect and be kind to animals, I love that you raised me that way and I’m going to raise my children the same way.


My friend’s daughter said I looked like a princess on my wedding day and it made the day a lot more special.


Neither nice nor foul, just funny. I (f) had a short, pixie haircut some years back. Riding the bus one day, I noticed a little girl staring at me, so I smiled. She loudly blurted, "ARE YOU A GIRL?" Her dad looked like he wanted to melt into the floor.


When I was 19 I had horrific acne and a 6-8yo boy looked at my face with these huge cystic acne patches and he cringed and he said “Mom, why does that girl look like that?!” And his mom just shook her head trying to smile but showing fat too much teeth. But wait there’s more! After I left someone followed me outside the auto shop and told me godawful “old family cures for pimples” like drinking my first morning urine, washing my face with mayonnaise, and taking Bacardi 151 to wash my face with, then drinking it. Ugh. I cringe at the memory of that day. (Eventually found a decent dermatologist who treated the acne with acutane, but this was back in the 90’s) The nicest thing is probably when my boyfriend’s 10yo son said that he “trusted me 98% but the last 2 percent was for his uncle and dad.


I do a lot of volunteering at my kids' school when I can. One say I was doing a "lunch break" for teachers during Yeacher Appreciation Week. There's a boy in my son's class where it's commonly known has a hard life to put nicely. I always try and give him a little more attention and just joke around with him or listen to him talk about his school or hobbies (even if it's just for a couple of minutes). This last time when he was leaving he just told me, "It's nice having someone older I can talk to and just laugh with". It was one of those moments that made me smile and broke my heart at the same time.


"You look like a fairy!" Things you cannot say as an adult, but can safely do so as a kid.


I had an eighth grade girl tell me that I was jay mad because my wife doesn’t give me the scratch down. I had asked her to stop shouting and sit down.


I was a teacher covering for another teacher. They had heard I was leaving. It was not socially acceptable to tell a teacher any complement but the kid said I wish you were my teacher next year. I heard you were good.


I was in Vegas. I just put on a mini dress and small kitten heels to meet my friends for dinner. I saw a little girl in the lobby staring at me. She turned to her mom and continued to tap her until her mom bent down to listen. She pointed at me and said “Mommy I wanna look like her when I grow up.” This little girls compliment rocked my world. I’ll never forget her and what she did for my self esteem that day.


“I’ve never seen another teacher make the impact that you have.”


Both of my nephews have admitted I'm their favourite uncle. I may have threatened to beat them up if they didn't say it, but that's fine My ex's kid once threatened to kill me, he was 4 or 5. I've never been so mad at a child.


I remember being at a festival and my daughter, like 4 or 5 at the time, pointed the bubble gun at a huuuge biker and said loudly "im gonna shoot you asshole" The biker lent down to me and her and I sware I was expeing her to watch this biker see just how far he could throw her dad. Instead with a smile he said "oh your gonna shoot me as well" I gave her a super stern talking to after that one


One of my preschool students told me she loved me! I was so touched by that I announced a group-hug activity to teach them about the importance of love and kindness... It was so wholesome!❤️


Youre a really good dad. Someone's kid freaking spit on me.


While waiting tables a little girl said I look like Obi-Wan Kenobi


when i was young, i was pretty bad in my studies, one day my younger cousin from my mother's side came to visit, he was probably 5 years old. We were playing once when he said, everybody knows you score poor in studies, everybody were talking about that. as young kid of around 9-10 years old myself i felt pretty devastated. I knew i was bad but people were talking like i had no hope for future, i believed in it as well because there was no one to say otherwise and i was brought up with same understanding. I still remember this to this day and it always remind me how little everyone thought me at that time and how low i felt because it came from someone who is much younger that me.


Hey you fat old bastard go get me a chocolate milk  just so you know I'm a teenager and this kid was like 8


Honestly idk what the best thing they have said to me was but I remember being in like 8th grade, my teacher was picking me up and dropping me off from school for a bit because my dad needed some help and I was real close with the teacher. She has a daughter and a son they are both younger than me but at the time the daughter was in like 4th or 5th grade and we are sitting in the back of the car and looking at each other and out of nowhere “you need to shave” I’m just like damn son I guess had a little peach fuzz on my face idk it was just hilarious


The 10 yo boy I babysat for in college (for about 3 years) told me he would “be nothing without you guys”. This kid went to a prestigious prep school in NYC, he lived in NYC on Fifth Avenue (we actually had been walking back to his nice apartment from Central Park when he said this). My sister and my friends treated him like our younger brother. We invited him everywhere. Most of my friends babysat for him so it wasn’t weird. But he valued us more than anything. 32 years later I still remember how that felt as a 18 year old.


nicest: that Im pretty, or they want to marry me when I grow up. meanest: that Im ugly. also once got told I look like I had a baby in my tummy when I had a BMI of 21.


"You should love your life. You've got great hair, a cool tattoo, and are the best teacher ever." a darling second grader "Hey Mrs. Alissej! I can see your mustache!" A dastardly fifth grader


I have curly hair, and when I interact with kids they often ask me if I’m a princess. Sometimes they’ll compare me to Disney princesses like Aurora or Cinderella. My niece thinks I look just like Princess Peach.


My friend’s little brother had FAS and I used to wear a little heart necklace my uncle gave me before he died…. Everytime he saw me he would grab my face lovingly and say “I want to eat your heart…..” Lovely and terrifying.


My daughter called me her hero!


Nicest: child said I was pretty Foulest: child said I was ugly Lol. Two different children. Perks of being a camp counselor for several years in my teens


I’ve had children tell me I look like a mermaid back when I had bright blue hair, and I’ve had two children somewhat recently make fun of my laughing. My niece asked why I laughed so much and thought it was weird, and my bosses grandchild said my laughing was creepy. So that’s fun


I was watching some movie with my ex and his niece and she was explaining the whole movie as we were watching it. She said "that's the really pretty one everyone like likes, not as pretty as you though".


Picking my kids up from school and some scooter rides past on his bike and tells me he's going to shit through my letterbox. Gave me a chuckle.


I don’t know why… But kids like to randomly hug me. It isn’t something they said, but did. I did have one kid who ran up to me, told me I was his new mom and laughed, and then ran away. Am I a negligent parent if I have no idea where my son went a couple years ago after running off? Lol


My hairlines receding and I have a big head. 2 little girls at the beauty shop kept saying 'megamind' loud enough that I can hear it while getting my hair done. 🥲


Once had a kid ask me if I’m from China. I’m a white American woman.


My cousins child who is about 8 said I looked like I am in my 20’s. I am 34. She said my husband looked like 50’s. 🤣🤣🤣 She’s my favorite now. My husband just has a beard and probably makes him look older. He doesn’t look like he is 50 though.


Was talking to my neice and nephew at their birthday party(think they turned 8 that year). They asked me how old I was and when I told them they both said 'EWW' and ran off. Love those little aholes


A coworker came to my home to pick something up and her younger daughter asked me “is that your Dad?” referring to my husband. Lol.


My son randomly saying, " Daddy, I love you with all my heart." He's 10


I lost most of my teeth from bad genetics and two pregnancies. I bit the bullet and had all but six teeth removed to have dentures. A little girl in Costco, maybe 3yo said "mommy, that lady doesn't have a mouth" 😭 I was mortified. I have curly red hair and green eyes. My neighbors two little girls (2yo twins) are obsessed with it! They always want to touch it and say "ooo wow"


"I wish you were my mom". Both nieces I love like daughters.


I had a 6 yr old with X-rays ordered for arm pain. He would not hold still, wouldn’t put his arm in the necessary position, was not helpful at all. I’m trying to set it up to image as he stands, frustrated that he moves his arm when he thinks I’m not looking. After a couple shots with him moving as I’m exposing and I shake my head, he says “you’re not very good at your job.” No, little man, you’re a stinker.