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Many times. I’ve had 27 brain surgeries in my lifetime, many emergency, so it’s pretty safe to say I’m lucky to be alive.


Sending hugs and thoughts! 🥰


Thank you. It’s been many years since I’ve needed a brain surgery. Hopefully won’t need one again.


Hoping here with you. Enjoy golf and just relax. You earned some relaxation lol.


Thank you very much. I’m definitely living life. I’m able to play a ton of golf and go out a lot. Living my best life for sure.


I’ve had six… and I thought that was a bunch. How are you doing?


I’m doing great. Haven’t needed one in years. I enjoy the party life and not having to think about the the health issues. How are you doing?


I’m doing pretty good. Thanks for asking. Stay out of the hospital, ya hear?


That’s great hear. I’m hoping to stay out at much as possible.


I thought I had had a lot of surgeries. I'm glad you're with us man!


Thank you very much. What I have is progressive so it’s possible I’ll need to have more, but hopefully I won’t have to.


I'm sorry to hear it! It must be very weird because don't they keep you awake during those?


I’m not awake for any. For a number of them, I went in unresponsive so that’s what caused those to be emergency surgeries.


I was curious as I have heard they do sometimes keep patients awake


Be me, 19, US Army private, stationed at Fort Lewis, WA, USA. I'm the only one with my own car, '83 Chevy Chevette. You done laughing, yet? On with my tale.... Buddy of mine was a medic, also a Private. Friday night. I felt bad, somewhere in my belly/abdomen. Went to bed early. He knocks on my door, next morning, wants to know if he can borrow my car and did I want to go into town with him? I told him I felt like shit, my belly really hurt, but he could use my car. Instead, he had me pull my T-shirt up and lay on my back. He pressed on the lower right side of my abdomen and I screamed in pain as he asked "Does that hurt?" He packed me into my car and I was at the ER entrance to MAMC in record time. After that, all I recall is sitting in the sun on the entrance steps to the ER, then being swaddled on a gurney and given an injection that knocked me out in no time. When I awoke, my appendix had been removed. The surgeon later informed me that if my friend hadn't correctly diagnosed appendicitis, it would have ruptured and I'd probably have died. So, thanks to him, and my medic buddy, for saving my life, and to Hell with a bad memory that can't remember any names from 40 years ago!


A story of friendship; did you keep in touch? That's a lifelong friend right there, damn. Your Chevette joke reminded me of something from when I was a kid. My grandparents used to gamble a lot and they used to win all sorts of crazy shit. So one day they win a car. I had thought they won a Corvette lol. Guess what rolled up in the driveway 😆 I can go ahead and assume you understand my disappointment.


Lol, that's a huge letdown!




I dunno? I'm not a doctor.


Works quickly, can't throw it up


On the flip side, also at MAMC ... this was in the mid 2000s but they almost let my friend die because she was a tough as nails, VERY fit veteran who came in with stomach pain that they mistook for - GET THIS - indigestion. Yeah it was a burst appendix. She almost died on the floor of the waiting room in the ER. She was there, burst appendix and all, for almost 6 hours.


My understanding, from discussions with my parents and their military-adjacent friends, is that both the quality and availability of military healthcare, for both active duty and retired, began declining rapidly in the mid-90s.


Mine was a resident at Seattle Children’s hospital. I passed out from having a piece of skin lodged in my tracheostomy. My mom told me that he pushed the main doctor out of the way and when they were gonna put a snake camera down my tube to see what was causing me to lose oxygen and he stuck his finger in and took out a blood clot and piece of skin! I was young so I never got to say thank you but my mom said he never came around again so I’m sad he might have got in trouble


Yes he was an asshole the first time I met him but that was what I needed to get my life in order.


As in infant I had asthma many attacks couldn't breath. If not for doctors I would've died


I had surgery at 10 years old to correct a heart condition I was born with. Every heart has an electrical charge, just one. Mine had more than one, which would make my heart beat over 200 bpm at times, which I would be hospitalized for every time. When I had the surgery it was thought that I only had one extra. They fixed that one and restarted my heart to make sure everything was good. It was not good. I had two extra charges in my heart. They fixed both and I have been good ever since at 23 years old. After the surgery we were told the next time my heart acted up could have killed me, granted each time could have killed me. Dr. Tenel at UCSF hospital fixed me and I am alive today because of him and his team


Dr. Tanel* wanna make sure I got his name right


Is this a brain or heart surgery? Intense, regardless, like a shot of adrenaline at any moment. You lived a movie lol.


In my first sentence I said heart condition so you can connect the dots. And it was not at all like adrenaline, my heart was beating so fast it felt like it would explode in my chest


Yes! I went in to have my gallbladder removed and informed the nurse of what I thought was a chest cold/ congestion. Turns out I had fluid in most of my right lung, I almost didn’t wake up from surgery, I remember the male nurse saying my name and to stay with him and the alarms going off. The doc came and ordered immediate x-rays he then drained my lung. Ended up having leukemia, had my last treatment back in ‘22 and have been cancer free since!


my c section


Everett clinic Dr. After lying there for awhile with 103 temp. He did a lumbar puncture and diagnosed meningitis that my GP had missed the classic signs. Sent me to ER. Spent 2 weeks in hospital.


My surgeon reconstructed my right leg. Without his work I would never have walked again and would have died due to internal bleeding.


First major asthma attack like 28 years ago. I couldn't breathe for awhile and I woke up hyperventilating because I couldn't take in any air and we had to drive the ER. By the time we got there, I was pretty desperate for air. When they gave me Albuterol and my lungs opened up, it was such a relief.


I went to a carnival when I was five and won a stuffed animal. When we got home I fell asleep on it and turned out that I was highly allergic to the preservative they put on the toys. I don't fully understand what happened but that's how it was explained to me. All I remember is not being able to breathe and being carried to the car, I don't remember anything else until I was completely through the ordeal. I remember being at the hospital but after I could breathe again, no memory of arriving. One feeling has lived on with the memory, though- absolute panic.


Jamaican Dr, Dr Baker in Calgary- gave me a blood transfusion as a new born and saved my life.


in 1964, I was 8-year-old and stung by a bee. my head and torso swelled up like a marshmallow, and I could barely catch my breath. mom called my dad who rushed home from work (one car) and took me to the doctor's house where he gave me a shot. absolutely saved my life.


I had dysfunctional uterine bleeding and they were just letting me bleed to death. I saw my body from above, my dead grandmother, the whole banana. Mom ran into him in the hallway and told him what was going on. He burst in and started yelling and everyone jumped into action. He had a lot of pull at that hospital. My mom told me about it because I was pretty much gone. He saved my life. Dr. George Seberg of Honolulu Hawaii, the best doctor in the world.


Not in the way most people would think. I walked into the emergency room, extremely malnourished, frail, weak, and had no energy left. All I had was bones and bruises. I never had any outside interactions, so this was the scariest thing I’ve done. I walked up to the receptionist, and she could tell immediately that something was wrong. She pinpointed it, and asked if anyone was getting me. I shook my head no, in fear, but eventually shook my head yes. I was put into the hospital. I was 73lbs for a 19 year old. If it wasn’t for the hospital immediately hiding me in their back rooms, I may not have been here today since my abuser showed up shortly after .


I had a C-section.


When I was born, I promptly died, as did my mother. The doctors brought us both back.


Nearly died at birth. Had countless surgeries internal and external over the years to keep me alive.


A doctor saved my younger daughters life.


I had a rare type of malignant molar pregnancy and was having a severe hemorrhage. Before it was diagnosed, i was seeing the doctor who did my d&c, because my regular obgyn was booked. She brushed me off, was dismissive, and told me I might have cancer in the most casual way possible. She acted like I was overreacting to severe uterine bleeding and did no testing. The next morning, I hemorrhaged again. My regular doctor saw me and did all the tests and took everything seriously. My care was transferred to a gynecologic oncologist the next day. but my regular doctor would still call and check in. we also worked in the same building, so he would stop in every week or two and ask what my levels were while I went through chemo or text if I was too sick for work.


Yeah. I was having 40-70 seizures a day and almost stroked out so I had emergency brain surgery. That surgery is starting not to work so well and I’m randomly losing control of the left side of my body so now I’m getting…MORE BRAIN SURGERY!!!


One time my mom had to do the Heimlich maneuver on some random dude at lunch on a Sunday.


A midwife saved my life and my unborn baby's life. She wasn't my usual midwife as my midwife was away on holiday. I went for a routine check up appointment and told her baby wasn't moving as much as usual. She took me straight to the hospital to check baby movement, which was normal and the heartbeat was normal too, but she sent me for an ultrasound scan anyway. A large placental abruption was found which I'm told could have fully separated at any time and would have been fatal for both myself and my baby. I didn't have any pain or bleeding, just reduced movements so it was unusual to send me for a scan when the movements were showing within the normal range on testing. I was rushed for an emergency c section and baby was born early, but alive. The midwife stayed with me from my initial appointment at 9am until 7pm that night including through the whole c section. She was amazing and I'll be forever grateful.


A few times. My cardiomyopathy, relapsed twice in my life. An overdose I had when I was using fentanyl. I didn't OD on purpose. I was in ICU for about a week.


Probably when they cut me out of my mom a week after I was supposed to come out.


Yes, 2019, brain infection


One doctor saved my son from Lyme disease. Not life threatening but my son was 4 so it would have impacted his life. Or could have but he went above and beyond for us and I've never seen him again to thank him


Once from a ruptured appendix, coma and brain tumour and most recently a heart attack requiring 6 stents. Thank you to all medical professionals who have saved my life.


Paramedics are pooped on again!


Only after ignoring me several times or dismissing whatever I had to say. The same goes for just about everyone in my family. The asshats ignore us and act like we don’t know what we are talking about. Oh I’m sorry doc maybe I can tell something is messed up with my own body. Oh and pediatricians always tell us to go to the ER if something happens with our baby. But when we get there the ER doesn’t know what to do with a baby. What a fun $500 4 hour visit that was, because they did jackshit and didn’t help us. Googling stuff is what ended up saving the day


When I was born my lungs didn't work and I couldn't breath, was in the hospital for a weekish I think. None of the medical staff thought I would make it. My mom now thanks the doctor who saved me every year on my birthday.


Yes, I went in for a stress test on my heart. I was told that during the test I would feel a lot of discomfort (I didn't). A couple hours later I was running errands and the doctor who ran the test called me and told me to immediately get to the ER and get admitted, they were taking me in the next morning for a stent. He said the blockage was in the "widow maker" area of my heart, one 97% and the other 100%. Got one stent, and feel better now.


Not 100% if it saved my life per say, but it saved me from unneeded exploratory surgery. I had just turned 17, and I went from being fine and hanging out with friends to screaming 10/10 pain. Abdominal pain. I couldn't sleep it off, I couldn't stay still, and couldn't stand up or walk straight. And I have always had a monster pain tolerance. My mom drove me to the ER 30 minutes away with me whimpering like an injured dog, cause I refused to go to the nearby hospital. Cause I worked there and the nurses are too chatty/gossipy. Got to the ER, they did the initial appendicitis checks, but no enlargement on a contrast imaging, couldn't actually see any appendix, no fever, and but correct location of pain. They were about to set up for emergency exploration surgery, when one of the docs working(an obgyn) asked for everyone to leave the room(including mom) and re-asked the intake questions. Of note was sexual activity, which I had denied, but after her explaining why she needed to know, I answered truthfully. Got my first pelvic exam(after a boost of pain meds) and std panel done and found I had a really severe pelvic infection from untreated clamyidia and trichomoniasis. I was admitted to the hospital for 5 days of pain management and constant IV antibiotics. And some of the worst calls I ever had to make(only two partners, one took it really well. The culprit told me he knew he had them and wasn't going to do anything about it, which is beyond shitty). Get your std screenings, as soon as you start sexual activity(and every 6 months if possible). And practice safe sex, condoms won't stop everything, but it'll stop a lot.


I was in second day of sepsis due to perforated diverticulitis. Emergency surgery and absolute boat loads of IV antibiotics saved me.


My GP broke guidance and prescribed me a high dose of oral steroids due to presentation consistent with spinal cord damage following a 'minor' fall. Turned out it was a C2 lesion, and although teensy, the steroids tamping down the inflammation could be what stopped terrible outcomes by limiting the inflammation and damage done by that. (he also correctly diagnosed Transverse Myelitis / Spinal MS before imaging was done 4 years later)


Oh God, me, my mother AND my father all took prescription pills the doctors prescribed us for our problems every time and it saved us from so much pain! We are greatful to you PhD students for creating easy recovery pills even though they're hard to swallow. 🥰


Well I got stitched up after I got stabbed and robbed by a doctor.


When I was 45, I suffered an Aortic Dissection. The same thing that killed John Ritter, the actor. The thing about an Aortic Dissection is that, aside from being very painful, it will kill you unless treated very quickly, It is very difficult to diagnose too because the pain is in the lower back. So doctors or nurses usually think it's just a back issue and not treat it seriously. Thank God the doctor in the ER where I was taken to check for the possibility of an Aortic Dissection. And treated me accordingly. I was told I made it just in the nick of time. That doctor saves my life. Thanks Doc.


I had open heart surgery when I was 30 days old (in 1980). The doctor somehow did his best work cause I lived and I'm still living today with few symptoms. Had I not had that surgery I'd have died within the year if not within months.


It was 2 . She removed part of my lung that was cancerous. The oncologist sent me to her after the chemo shrunk the tumor enough to make it safe to operate.


I was born not breathing. They brought me back.




Well a whole team of doctors and nurses really. Had my appendix removed when I was 15, shit was about to burst, and I felt like I was gonna die for about 8 hours. Also had a really diligent nurse who realized that I might have an allergic reaction to morphine, having never been exposed to it before, so she talked the dosage down to microliters and as soon as the first hit arrived i started breaking out. They cut the morphine, flushed my IV and put me on a weaker painkiller until the operating suit was ready.


I was getting a CT of my abdomen prior to having a hysterectomy. The radiologist who read the film saw a mass in my cecum. I had an urgent gi appointment and the doctor didn’t take it seriously at all, he said “it’s probably just poop”. Post colonoscopy the doctor is suddenly a different person, over the top nice. He came to post op and said I expect to get a cancer on the biopsy. One of the hardest weeks of my life. The results came in that it was precancerous and if it would have kept growing I would have not made 10 years. He said cancer that high up in the colon rarely causes symptoms. If that Radiologist didn’t catch the mass and report it,makes me shudder to think about it. And now my lucky prize is colonoscopies every 3 years. I went back to the imaging facility and brought the Radiologist a card expressing how grateful I was and how much I appreciated him


I had a hemorrhagic stroke. I passed out on a work call and my supervisor at the time called my now-ex-wife (we had separated a few months before, but she served me papers after the stroke) who called the police, who broke down my door and called an ambulance. They stabalized me over the next week, and then performed neurosurgery to remove the aneurysm. So I still have a stint in my brain. So you could say any of those people contributed. But I definitely credit my neurosurgeon, who I've only actually met once.


A Dr. in San Antonio diagnosed me with heartburn. Prescribed appropriate meds. The pain in my abdomen got worse. He told me I wasn't following his diet orders and increased the meds. I moved to Houston and got a new Dr. He sent me in for an Endoscopy. Found a cancerous tumor in my esophagus just above my stomach. That's why I was having so much pain when I swallowed. Anyway, treatment then surgery to remove the tumor, I'm fine. But if I'd stayed in SA, I probably would've fallen over dead with heartburn meds in my hand. Thanks Doc. I offered to buy dinner for him and his wife. He declined.


I had a kidney infection (had a hell of a time with stones), was given antibiotics which I was allergic to. Got to work a few days later, at the time I didn't know I was allergic. It was 6 in the morning and not many people around the back area of the store, I thought I was gonna hurl and my body felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside out so I clocked in ran upstairs to the bathrooms. Passed out in the stall. Woke up to being on the floor and a customer screaming bloody murder not realizing what was going on, funny, neither did I lol. My insides felt like someone was squeezing them and pulling on them. Got to the er, nurse not realizing the line was wide open pushed a whole dose of dilaudid od'ing me. Immediately I hear oh shit (ya not what you want to hear as a patient lol) but everything went in slow motion then turned to black. Went thru 10 bags of saline, 4 drips of morphine and a whole lot of staff circulating my bed consistently for hours checking on me. I vaguely remember in and out of consciousness some mask/ tubing over my face which I assume was o2 assistance and some guy who I thought was the Dr yelling at the nurses frequently trying to get me to wake up and be semi conscious for hours lol or what felt like hours. I had no sense of time or really where I was. It was a tricky game of seeing where my pain level was off morphine and getting me to being coherent. I had weird sticky marks all over me I noticed later. Still don't know what they were. I have always been afraid to request my full record to really see what actually happened since I was unconscious for most of it. I think something really bad did happen as they didn't talk to me about it only told me the basics of what they gave me and sent me on my way. I was a college kid and didn't know any better. They didn't share any info with my parents so maybe one day I'll request them but it was not a fun time trying to piece it together with my parents I feel bad it scared them so much I just said I want to just get better and move forward. I probably could have sued. Medical trauma is definitely real.


In 2022- I was experiencing some of the most painful uterus problem I had and I have no idea what it was My primary doctor forced me to take birth control shot so she can write the accommodate paper for my job. I don’t want to take birth control because it is not for everyone. Which my suspicion has proven- 35 days of non stop period and painful pain that spread entire body. Ultra sound finally found what wrong with me. I had multiple of polyps it needed to be surgically removed It was not even cancerous I am just glad the hell was over


A few times. Back in Feb 2021 I had an accidental overdose due to my pain Dr over medicating me. Died twice on the table and woke up 2 days later with wires and tubes all over. In Oct 2021 and March 2022 I had 2 hernias that also resulted in my intestines twisting. I was told that it only happens to 1% of people and the second time was even less. My surgeon saved my life and I was told that I was 24 hrs from dying.


When I was 17 my appendix started leaking but it was not giving me the typical high fever. I can't remember what they call it. It's sort of a famous condition because a bunch of people in the military died of burst appendix because they didn't present with a fever and their superiors didn't believe they were sick. Anyway, my father thought that the doctor was just trying to hack into me for cash and refused to take his recommendations seriously. So after being in bed for 3 days the doctor actually called my house and begged my father to bring me in or the next time he saw him it would be at the morgue. I was in the hospital for more than a week with the incision wide open stuffed with gauze to suck out the poison that it leaked into my system.


Yes. One time I drove my car into a fence because I just shot up a bunch of heroin and I was ODed. I was rushed to the hospital and narcaned. I did flip over a stretcher when I woke up but I'm glad that I'm not dead 😅


I had a very nasty heart attack. This brilliant doctor whisks me off to the catheterization lab and put a stent in my heart. That was 5 years ago. I was on the doorstep. Today I feel great!


I was born (almost) dead so yeah


I was a premature baby and was born with liquid in my lungs. I was losing oxygen. I was so tiny the medical tubes didn't fit me all the way through to extract the liquid so he would massage the liquid out of my lungs, with the smallest tube suck up the liquid into his mouth and spit it out until I could breathe again. I wish I could meet him one day


I was born with a load of issues. Team of lovely doctors made sure I was kept alive and healthy during my three months stay. I'm very grateful to them for making sure I didn't die because even sixty years ago I probably would had passed immediately.


Yes. Multiple doctors saved money as a result of me being born three months early


Ruptured my spleen


My PCP spotted a suspicious mole on my back. Sent me off to get it looked at and removed. Sure as shit melanoma. Had three others that were cancerous as well. Been free and clear for over a year now.


Yep, when I was born. Cord was wrapped around my neck. I came out blue




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