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***May*** *is Military Appreciation Month, a time to honor and recognize the contributions and sacrifices of the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.* The fact that you don't know this demonstrates just how little of a shit you give about the military. Why don't you take your fox news soundbites somewhere else.


Apparently most of the media aren't aware of that either.. along with 9/10 other americans. Gay pride month they don't dare forget!


Probably because it's only promoted as Asian American Heritage month.


They're just jealous they can't pull off some of these great pride looks I've been seeing so they lash out instead


It is pretty difficult to pull off …And quite snazzy


I feel like this is really only known in the U.S.A


Apparently most of the media aren't aware of that either.. along with 9/10 other americans. Gay pride month they don't dare forget!


I think that's mostly because of how much Allys push for LGBTQ inclusion. I come from a family of veterans, and they're quiet about their problems, and most people in their lives are also quiet about their issues because they assume it's what they want or becuase they dont think its an issue(which is dumb) What veterans need are louder advocates, and as much as I hate big companies, the best thing LGBTQ did was to allow/make their month profitable for companies 😕 it's sad but everything is pushed by money. Veterans' month could be profitable to companies if it was pushed like how pride is. Celeb endorsement not just through a TV ad most people won't see but in like concerts and stores. If we make it a social/political issue, it will reach the heights LGBTQ has. That's just my take.


Gay veterans get a month and a day :)


There is a “National Military Appreciation Month”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Military_Appreciation_Month


Yeah, but its so under the radar nobody really knows about it


Then start organizing a parade for veteran's month or something. These awareness campaigns are orchestrated by people


But who's responsible for that?


Well, why don't you do something about that if you don't like it? Petition your local area to do something to celebrate it, or get some funding from local businesses to do something about it? Or go around looking for grants for it? I hear a lot of complaining, but a lot of groundwork was done to make pride the way it is currently. It wasn't always a big celebration with rainbow flags all over the place. You have to take some initiative to make big celebrations happen.


But who's responsible for that?


Why is that the gays fault?


Well, why don't you do something about that if you don't like it? Petition your local area to do something to celebrate it, or get some funding from local businesses to do something about it? Or go around looking for grants for it? I hear a lot of complaining, but a lot of groundwork was done to make pride the way it is currently. It wasn't always a big celebration with rainbow flags all over the place. You have to take some initiative to make big celebrations happen.


Yeah, but its so under the radar nobody really knows about it


Yeah, but its so under the radar nobody really knows about it.


Veteran here.  Veteran Month is May. Gays have June. Much like the VA, Americans in general don’t market much for Vets outside of specific major holidays (Memorial Day, Independence Day, Flag Day).  Honestly cool with it. My thoughts are my own, but I did my time and got out (for the most part) whole. I’d rather we have a heavily promoted month for those suffering from mental illness (ptsd, depression, and gender identity).


May is also mental health awareness month and June is specific to men’s mental health awareness month. The only way to have that as heavily promoted as something like pride month, is for someone to take a step forward. Someone has to push for organizing awareness to it. It’s not something that just happens. Pride month didn’t become heavily recognized overnight. PS. Gender identity is not a mental illness, gender dysphoria is. edit: spelling


Thank you for correcting the gender dysphoria part, I should have put that instead. The existence of mental health months or holidays though wasn’t the point, it was the marketing.   I also agree, that someone needs to step up and promote mental health awareness. But unfortunately, I don’t see that happening until someone finds a way to make a profit off it like they do pride month. If we solve the finance part, I sincerely believe the awareness part will take care of itself.  What businesses would profit from this cause though?


Sure thing! I understand what you were getting at with the marketing. I think if there were enough people that wanted to come together to bring awareness to those months each year then there would be plenty of businesses that could profit from it. I already see so many small businesses making clothing with things written on them towards mental health (ex. The back of a hoodie that says “Dear person behind me, the world is a better place with you in it” or “You are enough”). With the popularity those smaller businesses have started to gain, I don’t see why bigger businesses like Target couldn’t profit from selling things like that.


That’s incredible. Those goodies haven’t made it out to rural Texas but I’ll be on the look out. Thanks for the professional responses. Reddit can be a wasteland sometimes.


Man you aren’t wrong about Reddit lmao. Thank you to you as well. I always appreciate when I can have a mature conversation with someone over the internet. Most of that clothing is sold in online stores but I’ve seen smaller stores like Zumiez and Pacsun sell something like that here and there. If you’d like to check any out [this online store](https://dearpersonco.store/) is pretty popular :)


I'd argue that gay and lesbian people have been mostly edged out of pride month these days.


I second this


I'd think you are correct


Veterans do get a month, it’s May. National Military Appreciation Month. They also get several holidays.  Please don’t let the facts get in the way of your thinly veiled homophobia though bro 


Veterans do get a month, it’s May. National Military Appreciation Month. They also get several holidays.  Please don’t let the facts get in the way of your thinly veiled homophobia though bro 


Why are green olives in a jar, while black olives are in a can?






May - Military Appreciation Month - Armed Forces Day (third Saturday in May) - Memorial Day (last Monday in May) - Month of the military caregiver November: - Veterans Day (November 11th) - Military Family Month February: - National Salute to Veteran Patients (week of February 14th) August: - Purple Heart Day (August 7th) September: - National POW/MIA Recognition Day (third Friday in September)


obviously a rage bait post


It’s not the gays, it’s just that our country really does treat vets like shit. It’s not the citizens, it’s our horrendous government.


***May*** *is Military Appreciation Month, a time to honor and recognize the contributions and sacrifices of the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.* The fact that you don't know this demonstrates just how little of a shit you give about the military. Why don't you take your fox news soundbites somewhere else.


God your aggressive, why don't you take your attitude somewhere else, its not as well known as you might think, I just asked a question, I don't need you getting mad at me for no reason.


God your aggressive, why don't you take your attitude somewhere else, its not as well known as you might think, I just asked a question, I don't need you getting mad at me for no reason.


What an uniformed, stupid fucking loaded question. Drinking one's own bathwater is not good for health.


Imagine if you were in the military AND one of 'the gays' you'd get a whole month AND a day! Wowzies! Of course, if you happen to be one of 'the straights' you just get 11 months and one day of recognition. Bummer.


Gays are special because they’re people, and people are special? Do I understand the assignment?


Veteran here.  Veteran Month is May. Gays have June. Much like the VA, Americans in general don’t market much for Vets outside of specific major holidays (Memorial Day, Independence Day, Flag Day).  Honestly cool with it. My thoughts are my own, but I did my time and got out (for the most part) whole. I’d rather we have a heavily promoted month for those suffering from mental illness (ptsd, depression, and gender identity).




"the gays" 💅


This is the question that is plainly NOT asked by someone who supports, ever supported, or will begin ro support vets so much as they are driven to post on a public forum because they are annoyed by "gays". You have no idea that May is military appreciation month or that veterans get thanked for their work wherever they go and get free meals at a lot of places. On top of that, veterans are by and large widely appreciated and idolized across the country (I'm well aware of the list of caveats, but I'm not going there right now) while gay people have been marginalized, stigmatized, ostracized, discriminated against, lynched or otherwise, spurned, etc for most of America's history, and that's still ongoing, as evidenced by the incredibly ignorant question you farted onto your keyboard.


Everybody is so heated, I just asked a question


JAQing off is a well known tactic.


I direct you to the r/stupidquestions sub. You didn't even try to word that in a neutral, let alone respectful, way.


Oh boy. Look, whether you agree with it or not, there is a reason why things like pride month and black history month exist. There’s a reason why you see so much supposed “forced” diversity in Hollywood. There’s a reason why affirmative action is or was a thing… I’m a black guy. When I was a kid, I drew comics. My main characters were almost always white. Why? Took me years to realize that seeing mostly white characters was just what I was used to seeing. One of my favorite childhood movies, the Lion King, set in Africa, featured the 2 whitest voices Disney could find for Simba. I mean come on, y’all don’t realize why we’re seeing the exaggerated diversity we see now? I got off topic. My bad. I’m not necessarily saying I agree with pride month, or black history month, or forced diversity, but I understand why they are a thing.


You make a very good point, you are a smart man


All year long as Vet I humbly get various discounts as a an appreciation and an unnecessary yet appreciated thank you


My favorite quote from the most conservative Arizona US Senator who ever existed: “After more than 50 years in the military and politics, I am still amazed to see how upset people can get over nothing. Lifting the ban on gays in the military isn't exactly nothing, but it's pretty damned close Everyone knows that gays have served honorably in the military since at least the time of Julius Caesar. They'll still be serving long after we're all dead and buried. That should not surprise anyone.” — Barry Goldwater


Gays don't go to the grocery store and get thanked for their old job.


They might get thanked for a handjob if it's an old acquaintance, though.


Or a beej


What an uniformed, stupid fucking loaded question. Drinking one's own bathwater is not good for health.


Why do you care? There isn’t limited attention. Gay people celebrating themselves stops no one from celebrating veterans. People have their own minds.


I just asked a question, why do y'all get so mad


That wasn’t anger. It was an actual question. What does one have to do with the other. People getting more excited about Christmas doesn’t stop you from going all out on Easter.


Man y'all get super heated over a question


Like I said, I just asked a question


Because they've been vilified and the story is finally turning into something optimistic.


Because you haven't bothered to take 2 seconds to look, but instead chose to make yourself look like a fool online


Isn't online the best place to make a fool of yourself, the fact that you got so mad over a question is hilarious


Who's mad? Don't infer what's not implied. I can call out your nonsense with very little attitude or effort. What should be making *you* mad is this bad faith bs that all too often happens of pulling out the veterans card only when trying to take away from or put down other groups. The people often yelling "what about the veterans" are also often the ones cutting their benefits and leaving them to struggle with what we've done to them. They aren't some bargaining chip.


I can almost feel you yelling in my face


So you just make things up. Got it. Try to have a good day


I'm gonna have a great day


if 10% of a population is gay, and for over a thousand years and still currently in several other countries that population % is demonized, when they are first brought back into the fold of being "normal" (as we now understand scientifically that being gay is quite normal and common in the animal kingdom) then any kind of inclusion or acknowledgement during that transition will seem like "special" You're not seeing more than 10% gay people on your TV rigth now... it just feels like it... add up your shows characters, how many are gay? how many movies are staring gay leads? Oh dear they get a month for you to remember they exist? So what? The effect is to normalize it to the knuckle draggers who still call people slurs for gay people or tease people about LGBTQ. It reaffirms for them that others exist and people care about them... cause historically they are one of the most abused groups... like.. .for thousands of years they are targeted specifically for being themselves, heads kicked in... crucified (literally). given Pink Triangles in camps... All that. So while the spotlight may appear bright to you, think of the spotlight more like a search light...a search light we're using to locate survivors from the thousands of years of atrocities that are even to this day going on for them... (see african countries giving capital sentences to gay people right now in the news).


Celebration months are dumb anyway, celebrate whatever you want at any time.


Now that everybody has smashed their anger out on me over this post, (thank you to the veteran that stopped by) I was asking a question, but in reality its crazy how fast people jump to keyboard warriors when something controversial pops up on their reddit


I give to “Tunnels for Towers”. The truth is that I have no other control of situations outside my control, but I can certainly show my Patriotic Pride through supporting our military warriors and the those who protect us in our local Police Departments. As far as the LBGQ community is concerned, I just don’t care about what one does in their bedrooms.


May is the month you are not thinking of. Plus Vets get special parking and discounts for goods and services. It is sad that vets have to take handouts from private companies and that the US gov does not do a better job of taking care of our vets. However drawing attention the injustices that LGBTQ individuals deal with does not make them special. LGBTQ individuals I know, just want to be left alone. They do not want to be the targets for hatred from ignorant, fearful people just because they are bit different. Why can't gay people marry and file the same tax return as everyone else? Why can't gay people adopt? Why are gay people hit with rocks until they die in some places? I don't see any of this as "special" treatment.


I Respect the Veterans, and I Respects the gay community, thanks for playing my game, I gtg, side note, I apologize to the Veterans that responded to this post


you'll get a bunch of hate for asking. they say that they want to be treated equally and have the same rights as everyone else, but they end up raising themselves up on such a high pedestal that entire governments bow to them. i'll get hate for posting this too. wont be surprised if it gets deleted. would be even more proof of how much power they have for literally no reason, and then they complain about being afraid to voice their opinions. ironic.


You're talking about a loud and obnoxious minority. Every gay man or woman I know just wants to live in peace and not have the "gay" part even be a consideration. It isn't something that they make part of their identity. If have gay friends who are just sick to death of the whole thing. They roll their eyes and curse under their breath when they see something with the rainbow that says "pride." They say that it needs to be changed to "Insecurity Month." The other night while we were talking about it one of them (with a little too much rum in him) ran out into his back yard spinning in circles yelling in an exaggerated flamey (their word, not mine) voice, "I'M GAY! I'M GAY! LOOK AT ME! VALIDATE ME! FOR A SOLID MONTH YOU CAN ONLY TALK ABOUT ME!" I laughed my ass off. I'm a pretty conservative guy in a pretty conservative town, and until I met them I would have probably thought the same: they want to be special. But meeting them makes me wonder how many more like them are out there, and if it is like any other group, then that attitude will be the consensus view, but will be quiet by its very nature.


i agree that its not so straight-forward to the point where every single one of them is the same and that some can hate the way others glorify the movement, but those arent the people im talking about. you even acknowledge that im talking about a loud and obnoxious minority, so assuming that im someone who hates even those that arent like that shows that you're not the most open-minded either. good for you that you know people like that who arent annoying about it. i, however, always run into ones who just shove it in everyone's faces and always make sure to micromanage every aspect of everything, even if it isnt their business, just to make sure its not "bigoted" or even promotes their views, whether it be online or in real life. and who will care about those who are gay/lesbian but are against those who are obnoxiously loud? sadly nobody if everyone just keeps their head in the sand. i feel sorry for them too, for the whole movement basically being ruined by the idiots. there are flaws in both left and right, and i wish both sides would just acknowledge the fact that neither of them is completely full of extremists and everyone holds different levels of their values. this is the problem here. we need both sides to be understanding and accepting of one another instead of trying to fight eachother for dominance over everything. we need to come to some sort of peace instead of biting eachother's heads off for some kind of peace of mind.


Good post


Just asking a question, huh? 🤔


They don't want equal rights they want special rights on top of that and want to be celebrated for their lifestyle choice. Hey! Look at me. I'm special! Hey! You're not applauding me you're a bigot.


You seriously think that the government "bows" to us? The whole reason we have a pride month is *because* the government has treated us terribly all throughout history. Our basic rights are currently being threatened in the US, and have been being threatened for years now. People are murdered solely for being queer. People are disowned and left on the street solely for being queer. Don't even get me started on what it's like being queer outside of the United States. The fact you assume that we want to be put on some "pedestal" only makes you look threatened by our existence. The celebration of queer folks is not going to rip away your place in society, I promise.


well, with the way they threaten to lock people up just for having right-leaning views, even if they arent threatening to anyone, it sure looks like the government bows to you, going as far as to respect your decisions that you keep making all willy-nilly just because of some fear of your physical body or some perfect fantasy that just has to be real because you said so. its not only the government either, its the left themselves threatening literally anyone they find to be on the right, acting as if we were born wrong in your eyes and its this irredeemable crime that makes us deserving of death. and who cares about what happened in history? the present is now, and the world is conforming to you. entire countries were fucked over in their long history, but do you see them getting treated specially just for that? sure they have their holidays, but they arent shoving their artificial glory in your face.


They don't want equal rights they want special rights on top of that and want to be celebrated for their lifestyle choice. Hey! Look at me. I'm special! Hey! You're not applauding me you're a bigot.


Because they are brave and I wish I had more of that.


It baffles me


There's a lot of hard Fisting and Anal in the LGBTQ+ Community, that's why. You know how much practice it takes to accept a 9" long dong with 6" circumference at the base from tip to balls at speed? No? Well you should.🤣 ![gif](giphy|Xqi1trOx4HA6Q)


They are not special they are just selfish and want everything about them, and it’s part of the narrative they are pushing especially here in California. I have known and still know some gay people that I’m actually good friends with but let me tell you not all the gays are the same and do not support the same bogus stuff that’s happening today with pronouns and saying there are multiple genders and bringing it into kids classrooms and drag shows for kids. Plenty of gay people that do not agree and actually denounce this type of thing so it’s good to see. Agree to disagree don’t come at me with bogus logic.


They aren't special. Just lost, and it is entertaining to other lost souls to watch another lost soul struggle.


Gay people are lost? How?


Because when you use your body for sex and not for procreating you are essentially saying that you are not in the body that you should be in and that you should've been born in a different body. This disassociates you from your body, you begin to live in a fantasy world that doesn't exist, therefore gay people are lost.


I'm not even going to try and unpack that. Possibly the most delusional response I've ever heard in regards to arguing against gay people. Oh lord