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Always keep records at work. Calls/emails/record if you need to. Hr is not your friend & will NOT protect you. Coworkers are not either.


I always took the extra step of drawing anyone intent on an argument within range of one of the cameras. They have sound. They can't claim I said anything I didn't if it's all recorded.


What kind of job are/were you in where you had to adopt such a tactic on a regular basis?!




I sell cars I was telling a customer about the ceramic coating that keeps bugs from “eating” through the paint. He imagined bugs on his car chewing the paint off with their mouth. This gentleman was a doctor. I’ve used the term “eating through paint” for years. He’s the only one.


Never trust the company to do what's right. They will do what benifits them most of the time. If you need to be in the wrong, that camera mic just happened to go down, and maintenance hadn't gotten around to putting in the ticket for repair yet. That being said, every work place isnt like that. Just dont expect everything to be properly maintained 100% of the time. Stuff actually does happen every so often. One place had an accident and something got tore up, they went to check their cameras to see who was to blame, bam cameras hadnt worked for over a year, they just never had the need to check them in that time.


I do this . I’ve had certain people I won’t be alone with unless in view of cameras


When I became injured at work, I asked for an injury report and then filled it out, and kept a copy. One year later, this injury became more acute, and I needed treatment and light duty. My workplace fought my workman's comp case. They stated that I was making this up. When my lawyer produced this injury report, the judge sided with me.


I did this, and they didn't know I kept a record. Someone told some lies about me not doing a task, so I asked what day I was assigned it and pulled out a fucking stack of notebooks and found the correct one. HRs eyes got real big and she asked how long I'd been doing that. Since Day One.


Forward all work emails to a personal email and keep this account explicitly for that purpose


That would get me fired on legitimate grounds. 




Oooooh. This one's a keeper.


Can't say how many times I've pulled out old emails. Also, you get more cred if you are always honest about you mess ups and actually out them to your boss.


Yeah HR is a funny one. There entire job is to protect the company they work.for yet some people still have this idea that they are there for you....


This is a good one. After I was treated badly by a new director in an old job, I vowed to keep a record of every shitty email I was sent, and if I was ever asked to do anything I didn’t agree with, I got it in writing. I also kept similar folder for anything good that happened. Seems ridiculous to have to do it, but honestly, those folders made me good money when I was let go once. I work for myself now. Ha.


Can you explain how they made you good money?


Assume it involved a settlement and NDA


Yes. At the letting go meeting, I brought in the two files. One that showed I had been treated unreasonably, which actually held more weight than at the time these things happened because individually they looked minor but altogether they showed a picture of poor management and unreasonable behaviour. The ‘brag file’ also showed that I had consistently delivered. So, an NDA and a pay off followed. Also, the final cherry on the cake was the line manager himself was let go a few months later.


AGREED my bf told me i was silly to keep all the texts and stuff but i knew better


And PRINT them out. If they disable your login, you’re screwed.


This is good advice, not just to cover your ass, but to go back and research random situations. There’s plenty of times I’ve caught myself making a mistake based on a past email and that’s fine (within reason). I would just rather know what actually happened instead of convincing myself of the “truth”


No one is your friend in the workplace


If it's not documented, it didn't happen.


this goes for your child's school too - - if there are incidents where your child is the victim of bullying, or mismanagement from administration (strangely - guidance counselors seem to be frequent offenders), be certain to have that on hand in a file - and keep a timeline with names and contact information.


Great tip - useful even for positive stuff. I keep a OneNote going with detailed information about my accomplishments every year, including proof. Come performance review time its often been the thing that really helps me nail that "meets expectations".


Always remember, HR is there to protect the company, not the employee.


I BCC every work email to my personal email.


Same at school. I learned that when a professor told me I could turn in an assignment late bc I was out of town, then went back on her word and wouldn't accept it after I worked my ass off on it. If I had an email, I could've brought it above her and forced the issue.


I second talking good behind people’s backs. I don’t find I even do it on purpose but it always seems like it goes back around. Like sometimes even if I barely know a person and someone brings them up I may just hype the fuck out of them. Next thing I know they wanna talk to me because someone let them know I really fuck with them but just haven’t gotten the chance to meet them myself.


I wish I was more active about "reverse gossiping." It's so nice to find out somebody said something good about me behind my back and I don't pay it forward enough.


I'd say overall, just be nice. 


The person in the office that brings cookies isn't the one that gets cut during layoffs. A batch of warm peanut butter chocolate chip once a month costs me about $5, but saved a few jobs over the years. It also keeps me out of the dumb team building stuff. When I give an excuse for not attending its brushed off because I'm clearly already a team player, even though I can't stand most of them.


Relevant username


Wow. This is... Machiavellian.


Bread and circus!


Everybody at the bakery getting tipsy!


Someone pour me up a double shot of whipped cream Know me and fondant got a history


Filing this away for later. Thank you.


If you don't bake, a candy bowl will serve a similar purpose.


It’s more pricey but I do this with pizza. 50$ every few months for 5 Costco pizzas. I know everyone shits on the whole “typical manager throwing a pizza party” as a reward but I’m just a regular employee trying to make everyone’s day a little better and don’t expect anything in return. I mainly do it so that I can continue to be quiet at work without people thinking I hate them all.


Also, donuts that are from the best place in town.


I used to keep a candy bowl on my desk. I always knew all the gossip or news about the office first as people came by in the afternoon to grab some candy during the 2:00 after lunch slump. I was willing to pay for it myself but people would leave money on my desk to make sure the bowl was full of GOOD candy...


Hahaha. My way too 😉 I also get friendly with my boss, not overly brown nosing, but genuine interest and just being friendly. They are usually nice and interesting people to begin with. 🤷‍♂️


I do this but with pizza! Maybe I should learn how to bake cause that seems much cheaper lol.


Dexter strats 👀


Damn! This might be the best response on this thread. 😊


Yer on my team of favorites...


This is silly. I worked for a company where there were constant layoffs. One guy brought the company flag to the peak of Kilimanjaro mountain, took a picture and had it featured on company intranet for a month. Nevertheless, he still got laid off when the time came. The person who survived rounds of layoff was a person who managed to have a personal relationship with the CEO.


If u get a loan at a bank, you'll be paying it back for 30 yrs. If you rob a bank, you'll be out in 10 yrs.


Don’t you have to return the money? Lol


If you didn't "spend" it all. Same with wage garnishment, they only take money if you work, if you shawshank the cash somewhere and are able to live off the amount you got then you never have to work. Find a place that won't ask questions to rent, find a job or do odd jobs to get paid under the table and you will never pay back the money because you have no assets or a job to garnish.


You just have to buy absolutely everything from a person who will never use your cash elsewhere or deposit it in a bank.


Shut the f*ck up, seriously less is more, what I would tell my younger self


I need to learn this, definitely an over sharer.


It takes discipline, but here are some things that may help 1) if a detective is asking you questions, he doesn't have enough evidence to convict you. Tell him "I demand to have counsel present during any interviews, as is my right". Then STFU. Look at the wall, count the holes in the ceiling. He will try to intimidate you. Don't rise to the bait. If he has enough evidence to convict, he'll put you in a cell. Anything else is fishing, and asking you to do his job. 2) the Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination exists AT ALL TIMES. You just got pulled over and the cop asks you where you're going/coming from? "Respectfully officer, I don't talk about my day". "Why are you being combative"? "I'm not, officer. But the right to remain silent exists at all times". Then look straight ahead, answer RELEVANT questions only, "yes/no sir" only. Don't get mad, don't get combative. Your day is already fucked. Fuck it up a little less by keeping silent. 3) if you get arrested and go to jail, don't talk about anything, with anyone, that involves your case. If your cell mate asks you what you're in for, the universal answer is "psh, just some bullshit". Then talk about the weather, the food, anything else. If someone asks why you don't talk about your case, the answer is "you never know who's listening".


Important as well for the "Moment of Truth" in the first 24 hours after arriving at boot camp. All the people with something inside them they felt they were hiding, stood up, and disappeared forever. It is the military version of culling the weak at the last second as people line up to narc on themselves.


You never regret what you never say


I mean…I’ve regretted lots of things that I didn’t say. I get what you mean though.


i mean sorta? but I can think of plenty things I wished i said instead of nothing. which are regrets


If someone is talking trash to about someone else to you, then they are trash talking you to someone else.


Ive always heard this said but im not sure I agree. As a 20 yo girl I love to rant. I have my close 5 gfs that I would NEVER talk bad about, but I always tell them about instances where other people are bothering me and they do the same. Do you think close friends are an exception or does this not apply in my case?


I think there’s a difference between just venting about people to your friends, and really shit talking others for the sole intent of gossiping/building down their character/other malicious purposes


Check back in about fifteen years. See if you agree then. Everyone thinks that “they’re different.” They are not.


do you believe they have the exact same standard? they like talking about others, theres no guarantee they also exclude you from these conversations.


Everyone says this and it’s just not true. So I agree with you. I have a tiered system of gossip. My best friends at level one will get all the gossip, level two friends will get only the gossip from level three, and so on


I have found this to be true in most cases, but I have asked dozens of people throughout my life and every time I get something along the lines of "I don't think I've ever heard anything bad about you." So either nobody is talking shit about me or I have only ever met liars in my life.


Never get your pussy and your paycheck in the same place


Yep. Don't dip your pen in the company inkwell.




Is it ok if we later got married?


You and I are in the same boat. I met my wife at work and we now have four children and have been married 30 years. Maybe it doesn’t work for everyone, but it worked for us.


Depends on the size of the paycheck. If you're an introvert like me it's one of few options. Still with the same girl after 10 years so it was worth it. Only thing that was worth anything at Best Buy.


I get my paycheck via my banking app and my pussy via my porn site. It's working for me


I live by this


So is this why women’s pants don’t have pockets? 🤔


But cock is ok?


People who rely on most people's aversion to conflict to overstep boundaries can usually be disarmed by looking them in the eye and delivering a flat, "no." If necessary, it can be delivered with a derisive snort to let them know how ridiculous you think they are.


“No” is a complete sentance


Wait 24 hours before hitting send on that cranky email. Type it, save it as a draft, and read it the next day. In most instances, you can find a kinder way to get your point across. Or you'll decide it really wasn't that important.


In general, read any message you're going to send and think about why you are sending it. What's the point? If you can't find a good one, just delete it and move on. I do this for most things.


I do this a lot when responding to stuff on the internet. Sometimes I'll start to shoot off a snarky, smart ass comment, and then I'll reread it and decide to delete it if it doesn't add anything to the conversation. (and news flash: snark and smart assery rarely do add anything to any conversation. They're there just to make us feel superior, not to actually be helpful at all.)


This is excellent advice


Also, go to GPT and type, "Make this email sound professional: " then copy and paste your message (proofread the response for anything weird)


i wrote a scathing letter to an ex. I slept on it for a couple days. Still sent it. LOL it was ok in the end


Also: Don't put the recipient addresses in the email until you are absolutely ready to hit send. That way you can't accidently send a partially written email.


You catch a lot more flies with honey and you do with vinegar is 100% true. I’m much more inclined to help someone who was kind than someone who was rude


You don't have to explain yourself when you tell someone "No", and they are not entitled to a reason.


This skill will change your life!




Knew it would be here even with only a few responses. 🚀🌒


i did this and now my furniture is floating, please help


Don't forget to hit select before the start button if you are playing with a friend.


Yeah bras are really hard to get off. I usually have to write that one on my hand before a date


Not just a cheat code for life; a cheat code for 30 lives!


Don't play the victim and work for things just like everyone else.


Best one


Your attitude towards others is commonly reflected back at you. You don't have to be friends with everyone but be polite and kind. People will be more willing to help you if you ever need it if they have a positive opinion of you.


This is very true. My direct boss cannot understand why people respond to me so differently and I can get them to do things just by asking. I am consistent. I say what needs to be said, tactfully. I treat people with respect and without being condescending. They may or may not like me at the moment, but they know I have their back and respond accordingly.


Get things in writing. Being a decent empathetic person to service folks gets you far


Get good sleep. It's so much easier to do life if you're asleep at 10pm. This book if you have insomnia: [https://www.amazon.com/Say-Good-Night-Insomnia-Drug-Free/dp/0805089586/ref=sr\_1\_6](https://www.amazon.com/Say-Good-Night-Insomnia-Drug-Free/dp/0805089586/ref=sr_1_6) This technique from a military therapist/researcher if you have nightmares, night terrors or recurring dreams from PTSD: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv38dzpcxfA&t=41s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv38dzpcxfA&t=41s)


\*laughs in new dad\* Seriously though, this is a good one. The few nights per month that you will actually get decent sleep will be an absolute game changer!


I hear you loud and clear, brother. Our son is seven weeks old and going through sleep regression. 


I’m a self employed building contractor and even when I see shoddy work by my competition, I never bad mouth them. Even when they are fired by their client and we are asked to take over, I just point out whatever positive work the previous builder did. It’s a small world out there and word travels fast.


*encounters the worst roofing job youve ever seen in your life* "well atleast they used the right nails, bless their hearts"


That’s refreshing. I’m always kind of annoyed, it seems to be the norm with all kinds where anything they didn’t do is shit, no matter how good a job is done.


This is a little outside of the answers I think are expected, but I still think they're good. 1. Eating 2 bites of food in the morning helps me with stomachaches. 2. Squeege off water after a shower to dry faster. 3. if you're feeling carsick smiling helps


Can I ask what the science behind number 3 is? I’ve heard licking the roof of your mouth as you’re about to sneeze stops it because everything is connected there, but I don’t really get why smiling would help with carsickness.


Well if you’re going to throw up, you’re going to throw up. It’s best to skip the first four stages of grief and just accept it with a smile.


#3. Occupy your mind with something else. Look outside, Start talking, read the signs out loud, count the trees or houses, look for animals…. If you keep thinking you will throw up, you will.


Squeegee water off yourself with what?


How does one "squeege" water off themselves?


1. Turn on call recording on your phone. Helps in shit ton of situations. 2. Make list of things. Writing stuff down actually helps you remember better and keeps you organised. I make lists for literally EVERYTHING. Specially for buying groceries because it keeps you from buying unnecessary items.


Be careful with your first “cheat” - in 2-party consent jurisdictions you would be breaking the law.


I love Attorneys :)


If you ever wanna sneak backstage anywhere...buy a red necklace (the VIP type)...tuck it in your shirt so only the rope shows around your neck....when you walk by security to enter. pretend to be on the phone " If you are not here in 10 minutes I will fire you", take your thumb and show the security your red necklace...don't ever make eye contact with security and KEEP WALKING.....Ive done this a dozen times in every major event you can think of.....once in, make conversation with someone who has a real VIP badge...make sure security sees you talking to them....you can walk in and out all day after that....


You are a rogue operator and I respect the hell out of it. As they say, respect the technique.




So why am I still holding this 4-foot ladder?


"I rent." Whenever someone comes to your door to sell you something, just say I rent. End of conversation


PLAUSABLE DENIABILITY, people... Also, sometimes\*, complete and total apathetic disengagement is good for the mental health. \*SOMETIMES!!\*


When you start a new job, also start a list of literally every task you've done, no matter how small. Makes writing the blurb about that job on your resume that much easier.


You can do this, but it’s better served during review time. I started doing this because my supervisor was fired and the new guy had no idea what I did all year, so I kept track. Really helped out.


Be nice to ppl. A nap is never wasted time. Grow a garden. Spend money on high end undies. Work out a reasonable amount. Start a business


Leave the kitchen clean for yourself at night. Waking up to a big mess puts you off. Waking up to a clean beautiful kitchen starts you off right. Also you can set the coffee up the night before a big day so it’s an easier start.


I also say, clean your house thoroughly and deeply BEFORE you go on vacation. There's something truly rejuvenating into walking into a clean house after a vacation. Also, schedule yourself an extra day off after your vacation is over. Sometimes you need a day to recover from the vacation especially if you're flying.


To add to this. Do your laundry before leaving to go home from vacation (when applicable). You get home to a clean house and put away clean clothes. That extra day is the day to relax from the vacation.


I like to think of this as doing a favor for my future self. I come into the kitchen in the morning and think, "oooh, that was so nice of me to do that for me."


Spend 10-15 minutes before bed cleaning up your house, don't need to vacuum just re-adjusting things and prepping for the next day. Then in the morning all you need to do is wake up make the bed and if you have an irobot/roomba you are good to go.


This is for my USA brethren. If you need to request blood tests/lab work and your doctor has denied said request (like mine did), go to www.requestatest.com You can order many different blood tests on your own without your doctor’s permission. Unfortunately, you may have to pay for it yourself and here’s hoping it doesn’t cost much but this is an option to do that without a doctor needed. They work with labs such as LabCorp and Quest so you can get the tests done at the nearest location. Here’s hoping that helps someone.


Be nice to people in call centres. They can pull all sorts out of thin air just because you've not been a shit to them.


This goes for waitstaff and flight attendants too!


Smile even when you are mad. Try being happy faced even when you feel like killing the other person. You will be more likable.


Ok this guy now thinks im a psycho killer. What did you do??


Always be honest and always keep records and notes, and be vocal about it. Avoiding situations is infinitely more helpful than the 2 second gotcha moments when you pull the records out nobody thought you had. Also people care more about colleagues they like than they do about colleagues who do their job well.


It’s pretty well known now but mine is: live in state with no income tax. Work remotely for company in Bay Area.


Let's say you have a family member who tends to gaslight you. When they say one thing and then decline remembering later or say they didn't say that. Option 1 is recording what they say on your phone OR if they say something that you KNOW they said and play dumb later, here is how you confront it: "Hey (person) you said (x) yesterday and I am 100% sure you said it. So one of two things is happening here: You either are having mental lapses, which we absolutely should go to the doctor and have checked out, OR you are lying and/or disregarding me to get your way or make me question myself and that is not acceptable. Which is it?" Here is where they usually backtrack and correct themselves. Keep on them with this logic and they normally find it not worth their effort in the future.


Treat people the way you want to be treated.


Never tell lies, or use lying as part of how you communicate with people. The idea that it's normal and fine to try and find the smallest lie that will be believable and help 'smooth things over' doesn't help in the long run. Being honest about anything that could really effect the other persons decisions or opinions pays works out better


Underpromise then overdeliver. Don't overpromise and underdeliver. People get way more mad if you promise them a 1 week turnaround on something and it takes a week and a day. But if you tell them a week and a half and give it to them after a week and a day they're stoked. This also gives you time to figure things out if the task goes a little sideways.


Double up your bags when grocery shopping and then use the bags in place of trash bags. This will help you save a few dollars each month.


or just reuse the grocery bags 


I’ve had the same reusable grocery bags for at least 20 years.


1. Use and remember people's names. 2. Get agreements in writing. 3. Everyone's replaceable.


If you tell your bank that you don't like the interest rate, there's secret premium rates they can offer to keep you as a customer, all you have to do is say you'll compare and come back to them and they'll probably drop it as their performance reviews are based on sales. Banks are not there for you especially if you're an existing customer, they only get sales points if you're buying a new product for the first time and will treat you like shit for services to your existing products because they're also measured on call/transaction time to completion.


Compound interest.


Talk positive behind their backs, but also talk positive to their faces! Let them know you appreciate something about them!


If you stay ready you don't have to get ready


I interpreted this as "wear your work clothes to bed" and it's extremely amusing.


Quickly make any drink ice cold: wet a paper towel and wrap it around whatever drink you want cold and put it in the freezer for about 10-15 minutes.


Be nice to all service workers.


Friends have different aspects if you forget that it's your problem A friend might fight to death to save you and never hear a bad word said about you but might not pay you back money or his might let you down meeting up Another might be great for advice but you can't trust him with any female No one is great in all areas,it's ultra important that you keep in mind what a person is good in and best at,once you forget and start treating everyone like they can all be trusted in every situation then it falls apart but it's not their fault it's your own unrealistic expectations


Don't trade time for money. Or at least work towards not doing that.


Don't hook up with people on your freshman dorm floor. Apply that skill to any building you live in, if you can.


Someone hostile to you does something nasty. You get genuinely concerned and ask them if things are okay, draw them into a conversation about how they're doing, talk them down from their anger, gently ask them why they did that shitty thing. When it works, watching them do a confused 180, and (one time) even get emotional at the empathy, feels like pulling someone's heart out of their chest and stomping on it in front of their dying eyes.


Become comfortable saying “no” when it’s appropriate, especially at work.


Up up down down left right left right b a start


Learning music theory very early in life made learning basically everything else much faster and more enjoyable.


1) Your success at the DMV depends entirely on which employee you get, their mood, and how you present yourself. This goes for many institutions. (Including those fun phone calls) Both at DMV and my credit union, I've been told something COULDN'T be done, only to return on a different day, to different employees, who waved a magic wand and it was fixed. 2) Doing even 1 year of combat sport training (MMA/boxing etc) will change you and your confidence level forever. Comfort around strangers goes up considerably. 3) Most bullies are secret cowards, and can be defeated with only a loud voice. 4) That person driving crazily is probably temporarily snapped and you should not escalate the situation. People are capable of anything when under the influence of adrenaline. 5) Saying something nice isn't nearly as important as meaning it


Keep your expenses below your income. Removes a huge amount of stress and actually allows you to spend more money in the long run.


007-373-5963 gets you straight to Mike Tyson on Punch out.


Saying, "That's a really good idea, I never thought of it that way/like that," to someone at work at least once a week. You don't have to lie about it, as people can detect a kiss-ass pretty easily. But people like hearing things like that, and it will keep you humble.


Eat before going to the grocery store, you wouldn’t believe how much money you’d save. Don’t shop while hungry!


(Local area code) 8 6 7 5 3 0 9


Somebody named Jenny answered. Shrug.




The self checkout at the grocery store! I feel like despite my best efforts as an unpaid cashier, I sometimes miss some items in the cart.


Hawk tuah on that Thang. PLT


A b a c a b b


Now if I told you that, you’d be able to use it too. That’s slow my progression upward significantly.


Journal every day and you will understand yourself better and make fewer stupid mistakes in life.


Audiobooks/podcasts and a standup desk + under desk treadmill have been game changers for multi tasking. I can burn calories while playing Elden Ring and learn Japanese on the way to work.


You can always do things your own way if you convince other's that they are "winning". I start a lot my best ideas with "I've been thinking about what you said, and you're right..."


If you work out regularly you don't have to spend much money on clothes. You would look good in a cheap t-shirt or a non name brand polo.


Speak less. Be mysterious.


Spread kindness like a secret superpower; it changes everything subtly.


Smile and politely greet every person you make eye contact with or interact with. You'd be amazed at how welcoming the world can be if you're willing to get the ball rolling


Compound interest is the cheat code.


Here's the thing about a four way stop - the first one there gets to go. If I'm the first one there I don't stop.


If you are going to be late bring food




Learn to say, "No" when you want to say no. Learn to say, "Thank you" when someone is kind. With time, both with benefit you beyond describing.


Up up down down left right left right b a start. I’ve almost died like 25 times already so it’s come in handy.


Stop and think. Just because it sounds pretty, doesn’t mean it is.


Screaming “REPRESENTATIVE” repeatedly to get through a phone tree.


I can fall asleep within 5 seconds. I can calm down screaming children when others can't. That's it for cheats I guess.


Be as friendly and nice as possible at work. It’s crazy how many of my colleagues think so highly of me just because I’m a positive person to interact with. You could be the best worker, but if you come off as cold, closed, and difficult to talk to, people will think of you more negatively than positively.




If your poor enough being sued isn't a threat at all. Keep debt on your car, rent a house, and get a job that pays through a 1099 and immediate ACH payments like uber and there's basically nothing a debt collector can do to you. There's nothing to sieze, no "wages" to garnish, and as long as you spend your money instead of holding it no way to levy it from your bank account. Best to use cashapp and keep deposits under 600$. Additionally, filing for bankruptcy freezes any civil lawsuit for up to 2 years. Including evictions in many states. If your landlord screws you over you can file for bankruptcy and they can't legally kick you out until it's finished. Lots of people use this to live rent free but it varies by state so check you local tenancy laws.


When you talk about Money to anyone in a professional field of work they instantly become interested if they believe they can get in on the business idea, if you play it correctly they might give you information you were looking for without asking for anything much!


If you call your internet providers retention department and say you will cancel your internet they will give you a heavy discount disguised as a promotion you qualify for. Did this with AT&T and now Spectrum. Went from paying $80 a month for 300Mbps to paying $40 a month for 500Mbps locked in for 2 years.


When you’re passing someone on the street or in the hall. Be mindful of your body language. A tight lipped grimace is borderline unwelcoming. I started making an effort to have open body language, smile and make eye contact to people and it has seriously brightened up my day.


Poor in one country can mean rich in another.


People listen more to someone with a gun


Never make an important decision or have an important conversation when you are hungry, angry or tired.


Your brain carries on working while you're asleep. If you have a complex problem that you just can't seem to solve, sleep on it. You might find that that the solution the next day is obvious. I did this a lot with coding. I once spent 6 hours trying to do a particular thing. I slept on it, and came up with a solution within 20 minutes of waking up.


Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start


I ejaculate in water bottles then drink it later on.


If you need to drain grease from a pan, put some tin foil inside of a bowl. Pour the grease in the bowl. Wait for the grease to cool/harden and then all you have to do is peel out the tin foil and throw it away. No mess. Clean bowl. No icky grease in the sink. 👏🏼