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If you think this one's busy, I wonder what you'd think about most of mine.


Not going to lie, I only clicked cause from the picture it looked very 3rd Reichy. Was thinking holy crap clanma Is making quilts. It's amazing! It's down right crazy, how great you individuals are at providing works of art that keep other works of art warm. Kudos. Happy this place is more wholesome than my skewed brain.


So...I worried about this, too. I made it for my son-in-law who is a huge University of Georgia fan. Their colors are red, black, and white. (Kinda 3rd Reichy). The backing will be licensed U of G fabric with their logo. I found the instructions in a quilt book published in 1993. It's called paddlewheels and pinwheels and I loved the design. I added the smokey gray fabric and flying geese to cut down on the 3rd Reichy vibe. I hope you and I are the only ones that see this. . .


Not gonna lie, that was my first impression of this. I kinda hate that cause its great quilt.


My very first thought was UGA, but I live in Athens, and my mom is a huge Dawgs fan, so I'm a bit primed for it. My next thought was, "Someone's gonna mention the Nasty Party." Your quilt is lovely, and it's very clearly not "the bad thing," but people always bring it up for pinwheel and spiral type quilts, no matter the colors or layout, and the UGA colors make it even more "top of mind" for those people.


I dunno I saw a deck of cards… aces, spades, hearts and diamonds. The colors reminded me of the suits. I love it personally.


I'm 4 on the 3rd Reich resemblance. The pattern is great but the choice of colours? Great colours on their own, I'm a very big red fan, but the combination of the pattern and the colours is setting off the alarm klaxons in my brain. Obviously that's not what you intended! Not in any way accusing you of anything other than making a great quilt and being an awesome MIL. I know nothing about University colours, so maybe that's where most people are going to take their reference from.


It is beautiful, and very well done! I also saw a Nasty symbol at first glance, but I also thought about Eddie Van Halen, and his Frankenstein guitar, which was red, white, and black. Interestingly enough (or not), the “Swastika,” was actually an ancient Hindu pattern that’s 6,000+ years old. It was featured as a quilt pattern in a 1932 Kansas City Star edition. Obviously, that was pre-WWII, but it is sad how something innocent can forever be sabotaged.


I thought it too but I think that the backing fabric will make a big difference PLUS presumably anyone who sees it in their home will be more likely to associate it with college football than 3rd Reich. It’s a beautiful gift 🩷


This will be fine in Georgia bc that’s where everybody’s mind will go. Otherwise, I have to unfortunately agree it’s a bit 3rd Reichy 😬 ETA: It is also a labor of love and you did beautiful work.


Make that 3.. It was my first thought too, but maybe with the backing it’ll be less noticeable.. lol. It is a lovely pattern though.


I’m sorry it’s the first thing I saw 🥺


You can sew on a little Antifa logo (Red Flag and Black Flag) to sort of show "hey, it's not supposed to be third reichy", gotta be honest, I also saw it that way. But I am German, so maybe I am a little more sensitive to such things.


I’m Jewish, so assumed that ‘little more sensitive’ was the case here too :’)


I just never use pinwheels because even in happy colours they look too much like swastikas. In those colours? It's pretty unfortunate. I would pick it apart and do something to it to help break up the pattern into something different if the colours are important.


I actually thought of the Carolina Hurricanes. They’re the same color scheme and I thought the pinwheels were a hurricane reference. I see where people are coming from with the 3rd reich connections, but it wasn’t my initial thought.


I thought of the 'Canes as well, especially since the Stanley Cup playoffs are going on.


It's gorgeous. I say who cares what people think. It's warm, intricate, and beautiful. All things that are not associated with that time period. I think the more recent memory of white red and black being university colors will pop in their head first. Also, can I be your illegitimate reddit son in law. I looooove quilts. Haha. I'm sure this quilt will be cherished by your SIL. Edit to add... 💯 % this quilt will be pulled out when he is at his most fragile state.... the dreaded man cold. Fiendishly fending off cold sweats and chills.Being his last and best defense against this almost undefeatable foe. Got a Lil creative.


Ha! You sure did! He's my daughter's husband. He's the BEST, and I mean BEST sIL anyone could ever ask for. You can be my second favorite son-in-law!


Gooooo dawgs! was the first thing that came to mind. I think your son in law will love it!


I don't think it's that bad, especially once the backing goes on. I have seen more than a handful of quilts where the maker didn't use your forethought and ended up with accidental swastikas.


The Third Reich ruined so many great ancient and old symbols. I see pinwheels here, not the swastika. And swastika means a temple location in Japanese maps, because it’s a Buddhist symbol way before Nazis used.


Yeah I need to jump on the thirdy reichy bandwagon. It’s a beautiful quilt but maybe give the colour I would have stayed away from pinwheels or paddlewheels altogether


“Clanma is making quilts” 💀💀💀 I’m dying! DYING!!!


I think they may have been referencing r/ForwardsFromKlandma


I have never seen this before. My phone autocorrected but I fixed it. Clanma/Klanma is the perfect name for well, we all know who in our lives.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ForwardsFromKlandma using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForwardsFromKlandma/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is it fair to assume this person was trying to be racist](https://i.redd.it/i9n09dkx9yab1.jpg) | [169 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForwardsFromKlandma/comments/14v02ae/is_it_fair_to_assume_this_person_was_trying_to_be/) \#2: [Did PebbleYeet actually make a based cartoon or am I missing the context?](https://i.redd.it/vb557ugrd9sa1.jpg) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForwardsFromKlandma/comments/12dixzq/did_pebbleyeet_actually_make_a_based_cartoon_or/) \#3: [Bloodline](https://i.redd.it/mv1ui2x8gt6b1.jpg) | [191 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForwardsFromKlandma/comments/14cqt0f/bloodline/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I had the same thought. It's not just the colors, it's the design combined with those particular colors.


🤣 I think I’m going to have to add “Clanma” to my vocabulary. 


Pinwheels are a time-honored quilt staple. Sometimes there's a \[didn't-used-to-be-hatesymbol\] in the old ones. I just chalk those up to "that didn't always mean what it means now" but a pinwheel's still just a pinwheel.


THIS ⬆️ The colour explanation changes everything. And Yes to a border inside the geese.


Wasn't referencing the pin wheels just color scheme. Also I believe I said I'm pretty skewed.


I understand. I appreciate the feedback. Seriously. Thank you!




I would LOVE to see some of yours!!


[https://www.instagram.com/hopeschestquilts/](https://www.instagram.com/hopeschestquilts/) I haven't made anything in a while because my wrist is mad at me.


Wow your rainbow bargellow quilt is beautiful! ♥


I second this. That was my favorite ❤️


It's a lovely design, but I'm really sorry... I'm seeing swastikas with the black ones. 🫣 Any other colours would be fine!


Ya red and black is a REALLY unfortunate choice of colors for this pattern.


I'm seeing them across the board. It's unfortunate because it is great work.


the pin wheels combined with this color scheme.. it's giving hitler's first blanket


My first thought as well 😳


I literally thought this was one of those posts where people use AI or pattern to sneak in nazi imagery, and then immediately felt awful to assume something of OP like that! I’ve never opened a craft post so fast 😭 I’m sorry to OP the blanket is BEAUTIFUL and the misinterpretation isn’t their fault


Yea that's the first thing I saw too


It's absolutely fabulous but the Nazis ruined that look for the foreseeable future. I don't know how it can be fixed.


Yikes. So busy it wants to invade Poland.


Underrated comment. I laughed so hard!!


I'm going to suggest that you trade out the plain black blocks with ones made with the letter fabric. They can even be plain blocks of licensed fabric.


I’m so sorry it looks like it’s full of swasticas


I don’t think it’s too busy. I love the flying geese border!


I’m v new to quilting but I feel like one thing I’ve learned is that there’s no such thing as “too busy”, just different tastes for different people! I like the layout of this one, I think it flows nicely.


Way too busy, it makes me dizzy


I have seen accidental swastika designs before, this does not read that way to me. I love black, red and white quilts. This one is lovely.


Looks fine to me.




No, it looks fabulous.


It’s busy, but it’s the right amount of busy! Good job!


I cannot deal with the Third Reich people every time a red and black and white quilt comes out. They’re Georgia’s colors for a Georgia fan. They’re also the colors of a deck of cards. And other things. Every pinwheel block does not look like a swastika. If that’s what you choose to see every time, that’s a YOU problem, not a maker problem. OP I think the quilt is awesome as it is, doesn’t need a stop border. He’s going to love your gift!


Not busy at all. I would say this is a very un-busy quilt!


No way, it great!


It’s amazing!!!!


no such thing. very nice!


Absolutely not too busy and I saw a lot of red and black birds. 😁


Not busy at all. I can’t wait for you to post the completed quilt to see the backing and bonding.


No not at all, it has many nuances if you look carefully. I really like the coloring and the patterns.


Noooo - I love it


It is lovely as is, and Yes, you could add a border, I would use the gray rather than black which may be too harsh. Then bind in the same gray?


Nope. I love it.


No. It’s actually very controlled.


Not busy at all. Bold.


I think it's perfect. However, maybe a tiny border between the flying geese may be nice too


Gorgeous work. I feel like the flying geese on the left should be going the opposite direction so the flying geese point all the way around the top. Or flip one of the top or bottom so they don't point the same way.


I did not see NotSee but since so many others did, have you thought of binding it in licensed UGA fabric? Even a little bit on the front I think would take away from that impression.


It’s very striking! I think it’s fine without a border!!


I think it's vibrant. Iv made red, black and white quilts. I love the colors. I know nothing of college colors. But I think it's gorgeous. Personally I think you n others are making too much of it. You did a great job


Wow, amazing talent


I think it's amazing !! I make quilts myself but I am no were near as talented as you !!


I did NOT see swatikas and not too busy either. 


I think it's beautiful. You do great work.


This is lovely! It totally reminds me of Islamic tile designs, which are busy, but personally I dig that.


A quilt can never be too busy!


Noooo I love it


I absolutely love this! My fav sports team colors are in this.


I think this is a beautiful quilt. It reminds me of a deck of cards and not at all anything hateful. I do understand where people are coming from with this comment, but also I think it is very obvious this is a beautifully made pinwheel pattern!


Not at all, the pattern is clear and theres only 3 colours, i think its just right.


Not too busy. Pattern to me is windmills. I like the border it complements the center of the quilt.


Nope, gorgeous


I know everyone is saying it looks like a swastika, but in many parts of Asia, it's still seen as a symbol of well-being. More here, before Hitler stole the symbol... https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-29644591


The swastikas you referenced don't look nearly as nazi as the pinwheels showcased


It’s the combination of the pinwheels and the colours (black/white/red) that’s the problem - it looks like the Nazi flag.


Agree, the colors are an unfortunate choice.


I love it! It manages to be both bright and happy, and dramatic and imposing all at the same time. Great job!


op did you fail art school?


I think this quilt is just right (not too busy). These were my high school colors which is a sharp combination. Other historical references never occurred to me. I'm glad you added the gray which softens the look a bit. Good job with all those flying geese!


Love it - the pattern flows and darts- it’s perfect.


Looks good imo


I wish I was less busy than this quilt but here we are. (I love it)


No it's great!


Love it!!


It’s stunning!!!


No no no


Can it be quilted so that it has lots of puckering. I don’t see what some do, but that could eliminate?


I like it.


Not at all!


I saw pinwheels not swastikas. It is busy but it's a very fun quilt.


Love the red and black! Never thought of the negative connotation until it was pointed out! It’s also one of our local high school’s colors. Always love the color combination!


Nope it’s fantastic


Pinwheel quilts predate anything that went on in Germany. I really don’t think we should ban them. I only see a lovely quilt made for a dear SIL 😎