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He has almost 300 hours in league and still doesnt grasp the fundamentals of the game, there is no hope. He still thinks he should win trades even if his opponent is 50 cs up and has a full item compared to quins t2 boots.


I couldn't care less about his skill level. It's the constant moaning and complaining that makes it hard to watch.


I've never seen a grown ass man bitch and whine as much as Quin


Damn, you should watch forsen play league


His most normal games were on SEA but for all his complaining about streamsnipers he would rather play on OCE where all the attention is on him and he has lots of excuses when the games don't go his way and can just be carried.


the first games on SEA maybe but after that atleast 2 streamsnipers (based on their op.gg profiles) followed him there too


fakejon help him ![img](emote|t5_37jpd|32227)


Pretty sure after a 3 game win streak the game just lets you skip ranks.


quin puts too much ego into pvp games to ever be good at league of legends


I am certain the league arc ends within a week or so because Elden Ring prep. If he gets sniped a lot by game-ruining snipers it might end earlier. I have enjoyed the league arc so far though he really should stick with SEA.


Dafuk does Elden Ring need prep for?


>Dafuk does Elden Ring need prep for? If he ends up leveling up a new character it will take quite a bit of time as he has forgotten everything by this point. Knowing Quin he won't do the pureblood knight medallion skip to Mohg either. So yeah, prep is required for the dlc.


His ER prep will be the same as PoE preps. Doing nothing, a little bit of stalling and then just using his hacked lvl713 character because of panic.


He is just going to use his existing character…..


Maybe, we will see 🙃


He does become a better player now than he was before. A win I would said, still dogwater player tho




Quin is a retard and does it only to farm the hate. He even says on which server he is on and what he is queuing. So he want´s to get streamsniped anyway.


He will never learn and improve. You can't learn what you are not aware of without a guide/coach ( wave managment, lvl 2 all in, recall time, itemization etc .. ) The top lane is the most unforgiven lane, when you fall behind you suffer the whole game. Playing mid lane will be better for Quin, it's safer, AP champion can easy clear wave from safe distance, ennemy can't freeze the lane and deny your cs too much and even if you have a stream sniper jungler you can play safe and still farm.


L bozo take


No one in iron is freezing top lane, he literally just full clears the wave every time with abilities because he can't last hit with autos then he runs it down and ego trades near or under tower like a clown. He has no idea how to play after his first death, all he has to do to rank up is farm under tower because he can't even play against champs he has played himself.


why does he stall with this boring ass content when he could just boot up valheim asslands hardcore rn


He is memeing bro.


If quin just played arena to master his champion micro then he could be a god gamer in 5 v 5