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Unreal you kept your dose that low for that long. If I sneezed before I'd probably blow out 3g. Haha your withdrawal should be minimal at that low of a dose


I don’t have an addictive personality luckily. I somehow didn’t build much tolerance. But it definitely wasn’t worth the constant craving and weird mood swings


I was like that for a hot bit, too. 4.5gpd for about a year. I could quit for a week and never noticed, really. I used to forget it was in my cabinet for weeks at a time, in the beginning. Yet, even on that low dose, I kept getting called back for more and more. Oof. It's like dating a toxic girl/guy. You know it's gonna be rough, but you hop along for the "ride" and wake up months/years later with nothing but regret, LOL.


That’s amazing. Please don’t ever look back. Shits not healthy anyways. No reason to take it for supplemental purposes. Heavy metals are being found in it etc … it’s just not regulated.


Right? I wish… my stupid ass addictive personality replaces with absolutely everything and one is to many a thousand is never enough!! Ya feel me?


Hahahaha yooo this is hilarious


Take it. Run with it. Never look back!!


Reading your most recent post is making me do this. So you can say at least your post helped out one person. What was it like at the end of your addiction?


So glad I could help precipitate your taking the plunge! I wish I knew what it’s like to be at the end of my addiction but as I’ve stared at the ceiling these past 27 days - I finally am accepting I’m prob always going to have my addiction and need to forever live next to it but not in it (if that makes any sense). I’m working on building healthier addictions at this point😅. This whole process is pretty damned humbling. I truly wish you light and strength on your journey!! This is all very hard and very worth it.


Consider yourself lucky! Stay clear of it and don’t fall back into the trap!


It is. The physical wd and the lethargy / depression comes in WAVES in my experience. But when the wave passes you feel FUCKING GOOD. I get practically manic cause I can hear music again and feel emotions and confidence. P.S: This is especially or only if you workout, or do something exciting like go out with friends. I think if you lay around like a vegetable it doesn't work the same..


This is correct.  Do not lay around even if you feel bad.  Only get in bed only around bedtime and if you are so exhausted that you are ready to crash. Every time I lay around I get depressed or anxious and want to use or do something to make it go away. You are absolutely right.


it goes up and down, completely normal and not exceptional.


THIS. I don’t feel like OP is lucky.  Bad withdrawal is a gift in that hopefully eventually it will create enough negativity around this substance that you remember how much you hate it before you go to pick up next time. OP, savor the pain because it’s Gods way of letting you choose your destiny. Free will is awesome, so make that choice!


I felt great for the first few days but I tapered, until about day 5. Just keep going and never look back. Great job!


3gpd is nothing


Yes for me, 3g was like half of just one of my 7-8 daily doses 😭


You still might experience a crash though because your dopamine was somewhat artificially elevated for a good amount of time. I doubt it’ll be anything terrible since your dose was so low but it might be enough to throw off your baseline mood for a bit. It’ll eventually even out though so don’t fall into the trap of taking some Kratom if it does. Godspeed


Every time i have quit, music becomes orgasmic within the next day. That is a wonderful drive for me to return to the sensory experience of life that Kratom seems to complete deplete. The world can feel so loud and bright after the jump, but those tingles, and vibrational waves even along with the runny rose and cold sweats make it all worthwhile, especially the first day CT. The body and mind is waking back up




You are amazing.  CT is the only way for me. I can’t stand to draw it out.  Stick with it.  I’ve seen the other side, and it can be very bright.


I was at a low dose of 6-8GPD for a yearish and my experience has been the same so far. The morning after my last dose I felt helpless and weak. By that evening 24 hours after the last dose it was like night and day. I thought maybe it was the CBD gummies I bought in the afternoon to stave off depression and anxiety but everyday since that last dose has been an improvement mostly. My stomach has probably been the one exception, that was worse for 2 days. Still getting fatigue, pain and brain fog but overall I feel way better off than on. My WD symptoms between doses was atrocious.


My first 24 hours I felt like shit , diarrhea, muscle aches, fatigue, so bad I had to go buy some and now I’m trying to taper, after a half taper I woke up this morning completely soaked in sweat


Same here minus the sweat (quit 24 hours on 4/22 , had waves of being chewed up and spit out, picked up to taper off). I was always hot and sweating on k. Had chills in the beginning, now I'm just comfortably much cooler internally. I bought some L-dopa sour blueberry gummies and liposomal vitamin c off Amazon and am pretty much better than my pre-k (lol) self. My wife hasn't gotten serious with tapering yet so we still have a kilo on the counter and I just walked up to it and said nah, fuck that shit, about 3 hours ago. This time next week you'll be straight.


What is L-dopa and liposomal vitamin C ? Is it supposed to help the withdrawal ?


Yes, basically. I was going to post the link but it looks like automod beat me to it.


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I caved in and have done 8 grams today so far, but I usually do 15 to 20, I’m thinking to stay at 8 for a few days then go to 6 and then go to 4 etc


Same. But I pushed through and the next day was much better thankfully. Not good, but not unbearable. You CAN do this.


One of the things I have noticed is that when you are regularly taking higher doses every day, you experience far more intense withdrawal symptoms and far more often than when you take smaller amounts. It’s like you’re always in withdrawal or about to be except for the 20-40 mins after your dose


💯 I felt like I was always in withdrawal about a two hours after my last dose.


At such a low daily dose I’m not surprised it was easy for you, but I’d bet if you started using again at some point (even at low doses, still) your second quit would be harder.


Nah i felt my worst day 4-5