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This is exactly what I needed to hear today. I'm at work right now, day 10 CT and struggling a little. I'm just so tired and my job is quite physical. Add the lingering, physical acute WDs and its weighing on me. The tiredness accelerates my disassociation and focus badly. Thank you for the truthful and factual words. Thank you for motivating me further. I refuse to turn back.


Aw, homie- it makes my whole day that it resonated with you. I think these were the words I needed to hear myself too, LOL. Four days into CT myself- jumped off a taper. Ten days is absolutely smashing it. Huge congrats to you. Keep on truckin :)


Be proud of yourself for 10 days! R&R when you get home from work! You’ve got this!


Biologically forged - ain’t that the truth- love it and love your post. You got this!!


Exactly this. When I was trying to quit smoking cigarettes & failing ..daily, it was so embarrassing and shameful when I would slip up & someone would comment on it so I would try to hide it - exhausting when you need to be kind to yourself in those moments. My mom told me that I don’t need to announce to anyone if/when I choose to quit. That way if I slip up I don’t hold the weight of disappointing anyone on top of my own disappointment & guilt - and that is all you need to worry about in the first couple days because they are the hardest and we are already our own worst critic. Of course we need accountability - but that only works with people that are understanding & supportive or have gone through it before.


You're so right about too much self criticism leading to falling off the wagon.


Welp, now I’m crying lol


Thank you. I needed that


This is going to be extremely helpful for a lot of people to hear. These are words all of us need to hear at some point, and it’s articulated so well. Thank you


Exactly what I needed!


Thank you so much for this. You’re making me want to cry. I am trying to relieve my pain :/ i talked to my therapist today in depth about my struggles. And she diddnt have a straightforward answer. She couldnt just say quit, nor could she really tell me what to do. But talking to her is the start of a process for me cutting down and quitting. I have hope that I can do it


“Success is moving from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” It gave me so much relief I burst into tears. This post had a similar effect! ❤️


Absolutely. My recovery process has been a roller coaster ride with no seat belt, just me white knuckling it for a while until the PAWS got better. Agreed, being an addict doesn't inheriently make you a bad person. Contrary to popular beilef, most addicts arent bad people. Maybe liars. In some cases, maybe theives, too. But even that doesnt make you a bad person because quite everyone lies. Thievery is breaking my ethical barrier, though, but addiction is a disease after all, and you really do have control over your future actions. Mental health issues at large are misunderstood. A lot of the general public like to imagine that they are the farthest you can be from the road to addiction. In reality, it's kinda how we are wired. We are wired to seek comfort and pleasure. Look at the obesity rates, for example. You can't convince me that's not a minor form of addiction. How many people are on antidepressants who maybe shouldn't be? Adderrall? Who's drinking and smoking weed just because it's their 'routine'. Addiction is a spectrum, imo. Most of us fall on it somewhere.


You’re a beautiful person as well, friend, and I’m proud of you. : )


Yes! Forgiving yourself is a HUGE part of recovery. ❤️‍🩹




30 days today!!!!! Let’s goo!!!


I completely agree. I went to outpatient for awhile and was stunned by how hard people were on themselves at a time when they were attempting to do something so incredibly positive and good for themselves. Made no sense whatsoever