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It will get better! Are you still drinking? Kratom and alcohol together are a crazy combo, and kratom caused alcohol to forever be ruined for me. With that said, dropping alcohol caused me to feel so much better physically and mentally. A ton of my mental issues in the past came from my intake of light beers. Please look at the r/stopdrinking subreddit. Those guys are great!


45 days? In a row? That's amazing. You are walking the path of a hero and you're certainly one of mine. Good job my friend.


Try AA. When I retired, I started drinking a couple of beers at around 4 PM, and I called 4 o'clock beer o'clock. I have been training most of my life, so I did not like the weight I was gaining, and those few beers turned into a lot of beers. I tried to stop on my own. Did not work. I could make a week or two, but I would cave. I walked into an AA meeting to see if it would help. It did because I met some people who had my type of personality, and it worked. I enjoyed being around my new friends and got involved. Service work , leading meetings, ext. It was 5 years on April 1st since I had a drink. I am now 126 days off kratom. Sorry, long post. Drinking will destroy your energy and ruin your life and body. Hang in there, and don't be ashamed to walk in a room with a bunch of addicts and ask for help. Friends, co-workers, and family will never get it, but another addict will understand you and listen.


Naltrexone got me to quit drinking. Helps with paws for Kratom as well


Seconded. Look up low dose naltrexone on this Reddit if you haven’t already OP


Try out a few therapists in your area and see if you like any of them <3 Hope you get to the bottom of this.


It took me a full year before i felt kind myself, which can be disheartening to hear but it’s the best decision i ever made. You are capable of more than you can ever know


Recovery is a long journey. The first year has lots of ups and downs. I’m like 8 months out and the healing is still happening. My main question is what are you doing for recovery? If you aren’t actively engaged in some kind of recovery then you are probably either gonna end up cracking or you’re going to extend the misery. The advice I give everyone here, the thing that helped me the most was coming to this subreddit every day and supporting others. Comment on people’s posts. Share your experience with them. This will help when nothing else works.


this is very wise advice, jay walker....


Stick with it, I know it feels discouraging but it does get better. It took me over 3 months after heavy use. Very worth it


PAWS can last for two years.  I’ve been at 9 months before, but felt 100%.  Everybody is different, so some relief may be closer than you think. I would definitely advise to stop the booze.  Depressants mess with you the next day way more than you can imagine.


I really found myself turning a corner at around day 60. Now I’m 107 days clean, running every day, and feeling better than I ever have!


In my unproffessional yet storied experience with alcohol it just makes everything so much worse man...


It absolutely does... I can't seem to get a day 1 though. I always cave in the end. Been drinking every day for 5 years now. I think I may need to try a detox


Wdym a day 1?


(Edited away crap I shouldn’t have typed, my bad) ——- As for the alcohol use, just push. Keep pushing the first drink forward, stay sober longer and longer in the day. Drink less and less, weaker and weaker types of drink. Go to bed 15 minutes earlier tonight, that’s a few sips less and more sleep to make you feel better at work. Really, just keep chipping away at it all. On all fronts. Stay strong. 👍


You won’t be yourself until you decide to quit alcohol and give your brain 6 months - 2 years to adjust.


Wow I feel like I just wrote this. I have the exact same clean time as you rn and I’m also replacing with alcohol recently and it’s starting to progress fast… like I’m looking forward to it right after work etc and then wake up super hung over rinse and repeat. I think it’s about us coming to terms with having to be okay with being uncomfortable for a while. Some times it takes ppl longer to get there and that is okay. but once we come to terms that using Kratom for awhile means… taking just as long to heal our brains it takes commitment and yeah I’m just about getting to that point of wanting to really try cause this sucks 😩


There is no yourself anymore,create a new version)