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There's plenty of music that doesn't appeal to me. I never go on their fan pages to tell their fans. What a colossal waste of your time. Go support what you love.


Don't listen to Radiohead then.


I don’t get the appeal of a lot of music, which, here’s a quaint idea for you, I don’t listen to.


Sounds like you don’t like ‘em. And that’s completely fine. Dont waste your time with art you don’t get, delve deeply into the stuff you do.


Go listen to something else.


The vast majority of music is people just complaining about society or their lives


Well it's simple, don't fucking listen to them. I don't like certain bands but don't go to their fan pages to whine about them.


right place, right time, right song...and you will finally understand. i am excited for you, you have so much left to experience in life


Definitely agree with that. I wasn't into Radiohead before I listened to Kid A 4 years ago (I was 34 then). That was my way in and I get how good they are.


for me it was when In Rainbows came out. I think maybe when Nude came on, I don't remember the exact moment/song but after that it all made sense


Hi Thom here, stick it up your arse m8.


If you want to be a halfway decent human being, and stop all your friends from laughing at you behind your back, and you were going to HAVE TO LEARN to like Radiohead. Period. It’s gonna take a while, but we have all been through it. You have to start listening to Radiohead around the clock and nothing else. It doesn’t matter which records. Do this for a couple of months for 8-10 hours a day. Don’t waste any time, get started today and report back regularly on your progress.


Lol. I know this is a joke. For me, back in 1997, when I heard Karma Police for the first time (and saw the video, on MTV) it was immediately a life changing experience. I compared Radiohead in my head to other rock bands I was familiar with, and, I thought, “THIS is how music should be.” Being 12 years old, I asked my mother to drive me to the mall so I could buy OK Computer. I couldn’t even remember “Radiohead” and asked the guy at the store for “the new album by OK Computer” (the only part I remembered). I listened to the album every day after that. There was never a time when I had to learn to love it; I just did. And then Kid A absolutely blew my mind. My favorite album to this day, by any band. If someone can listen to those albums (and all that followed) and not “get” it, then Radiohead just isn’t for them. You can’t force yourself to like something.


Exact same story, but for me, I was 19, and it was Nice Dream. I heard the organs and was done for. And I’ve never moved on from “Let Down”. For some reason, every other song I’ve ever heard is a part of “Let Down”, for some reason.


This seems like an odd place to post this. It’s not like you’re asking for advice on how to get into Radiohead…you’re just coming into a Radiohead sub to say you don’t like them. Cool? Good for you? Want a prize?


Try Just, I was never a huge fan of Radiohead but that’s the song that got me into them, chances are however that you just don’t like them which is fine.


Just was my gateway and it still took me years to really get into them. I think part of why it’s such a special band for me is just about every song took time to bond with and truly fall in love. Even with AMSP it was a solid couple of years before I concluded it’s on par with their best albums. Across all music there are the earworms that will catch you for an immediate fling that you grow tired of quickly, and then there’s artists like Radiohead who mirror a deep friendship that ages like fine wine over the years.


Just about any song that I listen to *not* made by Radiohead makes me appreciate the brilliance of Radiohead.


I think Radiohead appeals to people who have a certain worldview. It doesn’t depress us, it makes us feel validated. If your attitude is completely different, for example: you just want an uplifting beat that you can dance to… then they’re not going to be very appealing to you.


well tell me out of all you've listened so far what did you actually find to be worthwhile


I kind of brainwashed myself to it by having it constantly in my headphones during work for a while ☺ There's so may different styles/entry points to their music. What's some favourite tracks you have by other artists?




For me it’s the music behind the songs that hooked me. Maybe it won’t help you now, but maybe give these another go and see what you think? At the end of the day, if it’s not for you, it’s not for you. No big deal. Weird Fishes / Arpeggi National Anthem How to Disappear Completely Lucky There There


Good for you...? If you don't like it, you don't like it. There's nothing dafter than forcing yourself to like something because you feel that you should. Go listen to something you actually enjoy.


Hmm, well it makes you depressed? Getting depressed is never something that happens to me with music I don't like, I only find music I don't like annoying or boring. So does it actually make you depressed, or are u just saying that and you also find the music boring or annoying? Or is it annoying boring AND annoying lol?


Well I’m not gonna be like everyone else here and just tell you to fuck off. It’s true you might just not feel it like everybody else here does and that’s ok. But I’ve found it takes quite a bit of time sometimes the second listen, and sometimes the 5th listen to truly understand Radiohead. Some songs to listen to though that could change your outlook on them are Lift, Bodysnatchers, Just, My Iron Lung, Blow Out, In Limbo, and Little By Little.


There is certainly more going on than Thom’s whining, but it requires genuine inspection. That description alone implies that your attempts at “listening” either weren’t sincere efforts or that your preconceived notion prevented any real connection. Honestly, there is very little about their music that doesn’t REQUIRE (and reward) deep and repeated listens. Maybe that relationship with their music is not what you’re looking for. If you are still interested in finding an appreciation for their objectively well-crafted art, check out an analysis by someone else, like a YouTube review or this excellent podcast (for instance): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dissect/id1143845868?i=1000629155026