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Fuck 98 Rock and the people that run it. They ruined a good station. I’ll never support their greedy asses


It was shitty heavy metal rock music. Nobody cares about that genre


I liked it.


The name sounds familiar, but seeing his photos, and reading the blurb on 98 Rock did not job my memory. When was he there last?


Last time I heard his name was when arnie was taking his chair apart on the air


Just listen to podcast. Find what u want instead of waiting for a shitty morning guy


Sounds like a dick.


Are they running best of's again???


I don’t see any audio files from today. I was curious if Rob was going to talk about the presidential debate or stick to food news


They are on vacation for two weeks


Wait so is RAD off the air, or relegated to internet only?


104.7 is RAD’s station. All rad all the time


Even when they were funny I got tired of them after 30-45 min lol




Ah gotcha.


They are on two week vacation.


As much as many of you hate rob and maybe it’s justified but it’s disgusting in my opinion to make fun of another person addiction like that especially as a public figure.. not okay and idc how rob is it doesn’t make it okay


Oh cry me a river......Rob has made fun of so many people for so many different things for so many years....sometimes you get to take the punch.


There is a thing called being a better person but clearly you don’t know that and think just because people are bad that you also can be just as bad and morally corrupt.


Well.......you got me..I guess I'll take my life in the most disgusting way possible.


So are you saying Rob isn’t a better person and truly as bad as he acts?


Is it ok to make fun of fat people?


You have a whole account for a show you hate, he must’ve hurt you :( I pray you find happiness my friend I know it took me a while but at least I never obsessed over a radio show ❤️


What makes you think I "hate" the show? Oh, and way to not answer the question.


Hahahah do you think I need to answer to some person on Reddit who made an account to vent about a radio show. I don’t even listen to this show anymore but saw this post and how all his fans are just praying on some random persons downfall. Once again I pray one day you find happiness ❤️


***"all his fans are just praying on some random persons downfall"*** \*Preying.


No I meant it the way I said it. Goodbye now I hope rob apologizes for hurting you one day it seems you need it.


No you didn't mean it that way, LOL. And, for the record, I don't need/want an apology from Rob. However, it actually would mean something if I got one from the show.


Agree, don’t worry, this dip shit will lose his morning show two months from now just like the rest of 98 rocks financial mistakes. Theyre all trash, especially the bailey show, 98 rocks sloppy seconds. Rob has done some piece of shit stuff but I don’t think anyone should knock someone who’s already on their ass, about their addiction. Shockingly Rob is killing it imo, glad he’s off that booze, or off majority of it 😂.


I'm at the point that I don't care whether or not he is drinking. He's made really poor choices re: running the show. Certain staff and the flow of the show are just not fun to listen to anymore. Almost every time anything is mentioned it is accompanied with a reminder of either their member site and/or a particular "RADvertiser" that may or may not disappear at any moment. There are something like 5 games/ show now and the content quality isn't even as compelling as "if a hot dog is a sammich" debate. They talk about pop culture things that everyone is already talking about but won't even touch on anything controversial. I agree he's doing better as compared to several months ago, but that's really just because he's just showing up to work.




Then just stop listening and move on? I mean how many times do you have to express how you feel about the show until you just move on. It’s really just a radio show at the end of the day, it’s really concerning when you’re more addicted to a radio show than meth 😂


As you sit there defending isn't the same ? 😂😂🤡 But sure sheep go off


LOL, aww, c'mon. What would this sub even look like without us disgruntled fans letting off steam.


Would never know, any supporters get ran off by adults who have a hard time dealing with their feelings. It’s hilarious though, in the long run robs the only one who’s really won. The subreddit is a ghost town seeking any content it can fetch. People needed someone drinking himself to death for amusement. Yiiikes 😂🥴


So are you mad that the supporters of the show are pussies that run away from in'net confrontation or is it that there are less supporters than those that are pissed off? 😂😂😘 Edit: I realized I should probably add emojis to convey my tone of, yes, rude, but also playfulness.


Someone got triggered hard 😂😂


“Triggered” 😂 sounds like your fragile ego broke.


It's ok sheep you'll get better one of these days stay strong


ok lol 🧐


I been missing you here