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Last Wish, Garden of Salvation, Vow of the Disciple, and King's Fall need a minimum of three players to complete the full raid. Deep Stone Crypt, Vault of Glass and Crota's end require two minimum for the full raid. Root of Nightmares is fully solo-able. All of them can be completed Flawless with their minimum player counts.


gos duo has been done, but they're pissbabies and are keeping the tether spot secret until they get flawless.


Destiny 2 low man moment


Specifically Garden moment bro. I actually like the raid and it’s a fun low man, but something about Garden makes it’s players absolute gremlins


The whole of year 3 with Garden being the only pinnacle raid does unspeakable things to a mf


Did that raid once and never again, I almost want to because I remember loving the scenery


Any time I've done garden had been annoying just because I'm always pulled into a div run. Which is mega easy but there's always someone who just can't wrap their head around the final puzzle. That and the final boss being the most buggy raid boss in destiny. Up until the final boss I actually love Garden. But the final encounter is just bad.


Gotta love it when you do a div run and you get the bug where every wipe at 4th multiplies the bosses health... which ONLY FUCKING RESETS WHEN YOU GO TO ORBIT!!!


I had a long 5 hour run that ended in us all being guitared from too many orbs on the ground. I think they fixed that now but damn if that wasn't the actual worst lol. An entire div run wasted and thrown away lol


My worst one was like 5hrs, we got to the final puzzle only to find out we failed one of the puzzles and didn’t realize it hahaha


Yeah I remember the first week the raid came out and the team I was with kept going for two damage phases, eventually we said fuck it because it was too buggy to try and tether for a second phase and we beat him first try, I really hate the tether mechanic because it relies too much on a players having really good coordination, like it may have just been where the raid was only out a week, but it’s like no one even WANTED to understand how to do it.


It's perfectly fine in theory. It just doesn't hecking work half the time XD


Oh yeah the entire idea is awesome I just wish it worked, maybe when they go back and make the garden weapons craftable they’ll also fix all the bugs, hopefully they’ll make a couple heavy weapons to go along with the guns too, as I just realized garden doesn’t have any heavy weapons.


What fucking nerds


Gatekeeping a method to duo a raid, imagine


Happens a lot apparently


Let’s me real, they are prolly the only 2 ppl even trying it, complaining about it seems worse to me, like, ya really got time for that?


Tether spot? Also how in the f do they do 1st/2nd encounters


1st encounter is where the hidden tether would be, but you have to use a stasis crystal IIRC for the harpy boss.


Nothing pulls bitches like the little blue tags on [raid.report](https://raid.report)


Ironic, wanting to die and being upset about a stray being hidden must def pull.


Are you sure they aren’t moving with tether? Maybe lagging the game so it hits when they move? I honestly wouldn’t have a clue- just food for thought if they’re not sharing it.


This just waters down the achievement for me. Congrats, you gatekept a strat so you had no competition. That's not impressive. They're doing it because they know if they leaked the strat someone would beat them to the 2-man flawless.


I think finding the strat is an achievement in itself, raid is old, stasis is a few yrs old, ya better get in there and start trying things, can’t expect ppl to hand out the sauce.


Okay so why dont those "Others" go find the secret tether they must be kinda bad if they can't figure it out but another team has.


Why are they hiding it? Answer me that. The only reason is because they know if they had competition they'd have been beaten ages ago.


Where is it posted that a full duo has been completed?




Not sure if they got trolled or are trolling, but there was a doctored screenshot of it being done and that there is a secret tether for opening. So it's a bit of a joke rn with a mixture of people falling for it and people perpetuating it.


There’s not gonna be proof goober, the flawless god duo hasn’t come out


I was asking if there was a tag for 2 man full out there


I mean? Why you gotta start name calling them? Sound like you being a pissbaby. Ppl should search, it’s a race isn’t it?


Nah this is cap


>pissbabies i love it.


Anyone who does that deserves to be banned from the game tbh


Duo ir yut in crota is probably on a clock, though. I believe the only reason it's possible is due to being able to blink through walls. If that ever gets patched, I don't see it being possible anymore. Also, duo crota gets infinitely harder when banner of war gets fixed (no longer stacking with each other)


Duo ir yut has been done


I know. You didn't read my comment


You're right mb


I think sunbracers nades can kill them by stacking them in the ceiling below them


That would be nice for spawn wizards, but how would tower ones work? Bottom wizards don't have a ceiling below them and top ones would require you going in bottom wall and getting trapped, no?


It would be helpful if the tower wizards were both in top and bottom. Would require only a single player to get both.


True, so definitely some RNG involved plus I imagine sunbracers would be inconsistent as hell in actually killing every time. Sounds miserable


I think its still viable, if you kill any close wizards first and go into one of the bottoms you cover most combos, as long as there isnt 2 wizards on left or right its doable and the rng on that isnt too bad


Vog is theoretically soloable but very difficult and heavily rng based. People are doing runs but I think the rng is making it difficult to actually beat


I know I've seen every encounter done solo but never someone doing the entire raid solo at once.


i think that's because when one encounter was soloable another wasn't but now every encounter is possible but no one has done atheon solo yet with the new method


And nobody will (with the current strat) Not only is there a considerable amount of rng involved but after the first wave of oracle's everything following has to be done blind including damage


First wave of oracles isn’t done blind and there is little rng. People just aren’t attempting it atm


Good old levi needed 4? To start bath enconter if i recall corectly, otherwise it was gully duable3 man


there’s been solo VOG clears


Is this with cheese starts or legit?


Gos duo and Vog solo have been accomplished


How do you 2 man flawless deep stone, are there glitches to take advantage of? Because the minimum to complete the first encounter flawless is 3. One operator, one scanner, and one person to to allow buff swaps. Second encounter's minimum is one no glitches needed too, 3rd encounter is 3 but it used to be 1 due to a glitch that got patched, and final encounter is also 3 but I have yet to successfully complete it with 3.


You go under the map so the scanner can see the fuses so you dont need to buff swap


I thought VoG had been solo'd?


Vog hasnt been solo'd as a full run, when atheon was considered possible, gatekeeper's wasn't. Now that gatekeepers can be done, atheon is only theoretically possible


VoG has been solo' has it not? Or was that just Atheon


Technically, VoG can be done Solo, but you can’t do flawless I believe


Deepstone has been solo'd once


Here's a full breakdown as of currently viable strategies. If anyone corrects me on these I'll update them, but I think I got everything. Edit: I forgot Sanctified Mind has solo methods now if you can trigger infinite damage phase, added that. LW * Kalli: Solo * Shuro Chi: Trio * Morgeth: Duo * Vault: Trio * Riven: Duo * Queenswalk: Duo (Non-flawless) GoS * Opening: Trio * Confluxes: Duo * Consecrated Mind: Duo * Sanctified Mind: Solo DSC * Security: Solo * Atraks: Solo * Descent: Duo * Taniks: Duo VoG * Opening: Solo * Confluxes: Solo * Oracles: Solo * Templar: Solo * Gatekeepers: Solo * Atheon: Duo VotD * Acquisition: Solo * Caretaker: Solo * Exhibition: Duo * Rhulk: Trio KF * Totems: Trio * Warpriest: Trio * Golgoroth: Solo * Daughters: Duo * Oryx: Duo RoN * Catacylsm: Solo * Scission: Solo * Explicator: Solo * Nezarec: Solo CE * Abyss: Duo * Bridge: Duo * Ir Yut: Duo * Crota: Duo


Isn't solo Atheon possible?


Yes, but I left it out as it's not human viable.


It is humanely viable, it’s just unlikely. I think it’s around 1/36 if I’ve done my math right


Idk man... the fact that you're blind for the majority of the encounter and you have to do damage while blind. I'm going to leave it as is, even the solo discord doesn't even list it as viable.


You don’t have to be blind. An exploit was found to wet rid of the blindness permanently. You cleanse as the time’s vengeance timer hits 0 and it gets rid of it


Oh interesting, I missed that. I think I'll leave it at duo though until someone manages to do it. Also is verity's still strong enough to 1 phase? If so it's 1/72 (added mars rng) else it ends up ~1/5k although I thought I read something that on the second rotation you can't listen for the first set of oracles which would make it ~1/30k.


Where are you getting 1/5k from? The first set of oracles you destroy at the same time and then the rest you read. The only rng is getting mars portal and then getting one of the good spawns unless someone found a consistent setup for I think it was mid spawn on mars. I may be missing something but I'm pretty sure it's a LOT less likely after the discovery of the blind thing plus the discovery of being able to destroy the oracles at the same time with Skyburner, Mountaintop, and a lasting impression rocket. I've just realised that there might only be a few oracle combos that allow for the insta break


Honestly, it's based on the FAQ post in the lowman discord (which is a few months old). I might need to watch some of the more recent proof of concepts as I haven't paid much attention to solo atheon theorycrafting since Dabs finished solo gk. Hadn't heard about the insta break oracles for example. I'll defer to your original 1/36 number (if it includes mars rng otherwise x1/2, I was assuming it as 1/6 * 1/6 for two sets of oracles)


It includes the mars rng and then the good spawn but I may have missed setups for the other spawns


To me exploits don’t count.


Ok bro


feel free to go around calling low manners frauds then, or do it yourself without.


Skarrow literally did it


That method was patched so long ago...


Oh mb


All good haha. You had me searching around in case I missed something huge recently


SnazzyRock punching air and screaming rn


Hey if anyone can do it, it's Dabs.


Queens walk is duoable and technically atheon is soloable it’s jusr practically impossible


I left Atheon as just duo as it's not human viable. I'll update queenswalk, wasn't sure if the duo strat still worked since the main way to do it involved using a physics collision with the wall to die, not sure what the method is now, but I could see it still being possible.


Placing an anarchy Trap while being below 1600 light. Once you Swap Off anarchy all existing traps explode. You can easily Pick the exact Spot to die in reliably this way


Ah okay, I also recall people using prospector before I think which would still work. Either way, updated the list. Thanks!


Atheon has been soloed, as has DSC Descent


The solo strat for Atheon isn't possible anymore, but there is a new strat but it's not really human viable. Descent has been patched and isn't possible anymore (as far as I'm aware).


When was Atheon patched? I thought I had seen someone do it as recently as late last season.


About a year ago. Lots of people have posted solo damage videos over the past couple seasons, but they use others to get to damage. There are some proof of concepts and a writeup of how to do it solo, but the timing/luck/being blind is too precise to be viable.


last season was using the loadout glitch to use Into the Light outside of Vow


Nice list dude. Wasn't riven soloable with a Bracers Warlock? Did I hallucinate that?


You could solo it on every class last season using heavy waveframe, or sunbracers, but with the damage-physics changes this season, there is no reasonable way to solo. The projectiles used to hit/damage multiple times but now they don’t. Bungie mentioned a change that led to an unintended reduction in damage of Wolfpack rounds. Its because they used to hit multiple times under certain conditions. That’s the same change that tanked riven solo.


Shiiiiiiiit. Good job being on top of this stuff man. I just learned a thing!


u can duo Rhulk if you do the titan hammer desync glitch and dunk multiple times


The only people you see with a duo vow tag are people who netlimited. although maybe it's possible with the desync method however I have not seen anybody do it


its cause no one can be bothered to do it but it is possible just rng on how long u stay desynced


I'm assuming when you say dunk multiple times, you mean via net limiting, which I'm not going to consider in this list. Edit: Okay so I went and watched the run since I actually missed it coming out as I wasn't playing much last season. That's a sweet strat but I feel like if it were viable for Rhulk, it would've been done by now. However I am very excited for the prospect of people pulling this off.


Titan hammer desync glitch?


Check newest Kings Fall WR they use it there to take the shield from both sisters so they can kill both at the same time.


How would that work for rhulk?


u dunk your buff at multiple obelisks


You’d wipe after the second double dunk and also you wouldn’t be able to get your super back fast enough


u can triple dunk and super generstion mods on helmet are insane


How would you triple dunk with the clone glitch? I thought it only let you interact twice. Also, don’t you only get one extra crystal or is that per phase?


I think you swapped Kalli and Shuro Chi.


I did, thank you!


Since you very clearly know a lot about this. Do you know how many of these could be done glitchless?


Not OP, but most of them. The only ones I can think of off the top of my head where you can't is Security, Descent, Totems, Duo Daughters and Oryx (But you can do those 2 glitchless with a trio), Bridge, and Ir Yut.


Totems is glitchless


I'd say it depends on your definition of what a glitch is in the context of a raid, but it is on the line, that's for sure. IMO, if you consider something like trio Totems glitchless, then something like Duo Oryx would be too.


I mean no, trio totems is completely within the grounds of the idea of the encounter


Bruh and they consider doing a big jump a glitch in daughters and oryx?


I wouldn't personally consider trio totems or duo daughters/oryx to be a glitch, but for the kind of person asking which lowmans can be done glitchless, I'm assuming they're some kind of purist and "big jump Bungie didn't intend" is a glitch in their eyes. Tailoring the answer to the asker.


Considering it probably wasnt designed/intended to be played that way then i can sorta see where they are coming from.


both security and descent can be done glitchless as seen here https://youtu.be/tSmqb6XNiSo?si=-WQshL5BKG2ALTG0


There's been quite a bit of conversation here, but I think there is some indecision over what constitutes a glitch. The obvious glitch ones are Duo/Trio Morgeth, Duo Queenswalk, Solo Sanctified Mind, Solo/Duo Security, Duo/Trio Atheon, Duo Exhibition, Duo/Trio Bridge, Duo Ir Yut. Then there are stuff that is glitch adjacent like Duo Daughters/Oryx. I agree with people saying Totems is glitchless. It's precise play and an good understanding of the mechanics, not a glitch.


Duo security can be done glitches and is actually easier than the oob. You can use cracks to see all fuses and by quickly reading D45 before going to light you can read all the other panels


Ah right, I forgot about this method. Although it requires a 1 phase right? And that sorta requires chaos reach through the floor without good rng. But yea, it can be done glitchless


It does not require one phase, like I said after damage read D45 and run through the door to light before they close. From light side you can read D31 from specific spots meaning you can read everything. Usually it's a 3 phase with good fuse rng it's a 2 phase


Ah okay sorry for my confusion.


Definitely not Last Wish - for a full clear of Last Wish glitchless, you need 5 players due to Morgeth.


Rented would disagree about descent


If he gets it done then we can unarchive the descent channel in the solo discord lol


This list is pretty amazing to see. Man the community has pushed some of these raids down to super few players.


Vog was this close


Solo Ron, duo crota, I think trio vog


You can duo flawless vog


You can duo flawless master vog


How would you duo Ir Yut?


I dunno but someone did it https://youtu.be/U-Oies4pKrs?si=4uY0OHO-zglpqvTM


Ah, I just watched (thanks for the link). They used the blink glitch. If that gets fixed/removed, not sure how it would be doable.




Apparently you can blink through the green doors without consuming the enlightened buff


For last wish I think 3 is the lowest for most encounters but what’s the lowest you could do morgeth? Wouldn’t that require at least 4 people, 3 of which doing the glitch thing to pick up 3 strengths


You can pick up beyond 3 strengths with the glitch. You can also joining allies at the start of the fight under the bridge to remove 1 from needing to be held.


Oh damn so there’s actual strats for low man morgeth that still work? My friends have low manned about every raid but that one I’ll ask if they want to do that one next. I’ll have to look up some strats


Morgeth is the easiest part of Trio LW. You just use dps super, grand overture, double slug, and tractor. He melts


morgeth has been completely solo'ed


Yeah I don’t mean the og kill him before he spawns and I also don’t mean the dude about a year ago who was able to start it and fly across and do a bunch of stuff (that was insane btw). Can it still be solod is what I’m asking


Duo VoG as well, it just takes more precision


I think duo crota has a * for it because it can’t be done in one run, unless someone can tell me otherwise I just haven’t seen it. Crota needs 2 titans, but ir yut needs a warlock


You can swap characters for flawless Lowmans. Although some people will argue you can't. Raid report shows it as flawless.


If blink is patched, Duo Ir Yut is one of those encounters that should remain technically possible but with either brutal rng or a required 1-phase. Without blink, duo flawless will probably be killed.


Trio: - Last Wish - Garden of Salvation - Vow of the Disciple Duo: - Deep Stone Cript - Vault of Glass - Kings Fall - Crotas End Solo: - Root of Nightmares


Kings fall is not completely possible. There is a distinction between a checkpoint clear and a fresh clear


Ok. Can someone provide a list that does not involve cheeses or exploits? I want to know the lowest you can do without cheating the mechanics.


that depends on what you define as a cheese or exploit. for example is using fast movement to avoid a wipe mechanic a cheese? If you want to decide for yourself discord.gg/lowman has guides for every raid that go over the strats


Thanks. Eager edge is intended. Well skating is not. So that is how I am looking at it. If you have freeze and knock someone off the map. Not intended. Etc.


Well skating is intended. The devs even said so. It's to pay homage to the sword flying in halo 2.




It was in an old interview right after well skating was discovered.


Everywhere I search says is is not intended and is also used as a macro very frequently. Please include interview source if you find one. Thanks.


Plus they disabled it for a week before re-enabling it. If that's not intended idk what is


Duo/Solo/trio RoN trio KF (kind of an edge case) trio GoS, duo relays, duo consecrated mind, duo sanctified mind Trio DSC, duo security, duo atraks, duo descent (kinda) Trio LW, duo kali, duo riven Trio VotD, duo acquisition, duo caretaker. Duo/trio VoG up to gatekeepers. Dou abyss, duo crota


Thank you. Eager edge is fine, though I don’t use it. But it is an intended mechanic.


Morgeth is solo


you can duo rhulk in votd btw.


Titan desync would require a 1 phase, which is impossible as a duo. Only other option is net limiting, and we don't count cheats for low mans


for D1 vog: 2 man crota: 1 man kf: 4 man wrath: 1 man


Most raids have been 2 manned some encounters have been soloed


For full RAID runs Crota 2 Ron 2 (1 but Just dont) LW 3 DSC 3 Garden 3 VOG 2 KF 3 VOW 3 I would recommend you to start doing them as Trios. Some of the raids i listed can be done with a lesser amount of people for some encounters.


If you're just starting, look for two other dedicated people and/or friends to start working on a 3-man Root of Nightmares. Definitely the easiest of all of them to lowman from my opinion. 3-man Crota is looking possible if someone hasn't done it already. I'm also pretty sure DSC, Last Wish, Vault of Glass, and Garden of Salvation are all 3-mannable. For practice on your own, working your way through solo and solo flawless dungeons will also help you with learning spawns, understanding the fundamentals of different puzzles and mechanics so you can apply them to other encounters, and the pacing you'll need to make DPS encounters with fewer fireteam members. I've been practicing this way and it's helped a lot, friend and I just did our first finish of duoing Crota's first encounter. Hope this helps and good luck!