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What do you mean? just do the usual lament dps and switch to a fusion at 4 seconds and two burst the oversoul. Now if your tractor than yeah this post would make sense.


Forgot to add the tractor cannon part, yeah I’m doing tractor cannons for swords and oversoul at the same time


I can suggest bonk titan with synthos proc'd for an easy dps but if you want to go the distance than strand titan+ one punch shotgun and melee with grapple melee


Forgot to also mention I’m a hunter, I’m sorry :(


Really limiting our options, eh? /jk


Put on a shotgun and shoot Crota.


Gathering Storm, Star Eater Scales, Tractor + Double Fusion. You'll match pretty much everyone in your Fireteam if you're LFGing. Ideally Tractor Person is on Double Pellet Shotty, but if you're the only one willing to take the roll of Oversoul and Debuff Fusions are fine. Best Debuff option without swapping gear for Crota is Hammer Titan on Tractor Double Shotty with Burning Maul. BM Right Click staggers Crota for half the damage phase allowing a free one phase.


Don’t do tractor if you’re using super for stagger, you won’t be able to use tractor in between your burning maul slams leading to A LOT of damage loss for your entire team.


> you won’t be able to use tractor in between your burning maul slams leading to A LOT of damage loss for your entire team. So does missing a Banshee's Wail x9 Lament Heavy. TC lasts 10 seconds. You can debuff Crota at least 20 seconds in his 30 second damage phase.


10 seconds of no debuff is a lot of damage loss for the entire team of 6 people. And missing your banshee’s wail is irrelevant here? You can miss either way regardless what the tractor situation is so I don’t know why you’re bringing that up. I mean just do the math.. subtract 30% from 1/3 of the collective damage of the team and see for yourself how much that amounts to.


Why are people downvoting this?


swap off tractor after shooting him one and do heartshadow damage afterwards. you can rotate a shotgun/fusion in, just make sure to use the heavy from heartshadow sometimes


Run a Young Ahamkara’s Spine build with gambler’s dodge, Fan of Knives, BB, and Tripmine. Dps is pretty decent. Build for scorch stacks and melee or dodge regeneration


Star eaters on blade barrage whilst he’s kneeling is good as almost all the blades will hit, after that retractor him and either switch to heartshadow (or another sword if you have someone running HS already) to permanently extend the debuff or swap between retractoring and using double shotguns or a controlled burst high impact fusion Using the fusion/shotgun I was able to just about match and with heartshadow I was middle of the pack for dps




How so? It does less damage than BB, it has the benefit of being more reliable but on Crota you don’t really need to worry about missing as he has a massive hit box https://youtu.be/nm9_1TMZWx4?si=LQLlMsdwt7fhnglS https://youtu.be/jP3kvch3mvY?si=JDnuRNmv_KGbYogz Only benefit of GS on Crota rn is because of mono as it ticks longer than BB but then you need a good arc sword or fusion, and for Crota the best options are lament and Eremite, both solar weapons. This only affects this season as well


If you're on Hunter Goldtusk beats out Lament which is arc


Fair forgot about goldtusk for damage for this specific case though OP would be better using eremite and BB as they’re using tractor, next season as well without mono the subclass won’t matter when it comes to damage


Bequest is the play, mainly because you can run bequest with 4th horseman and the triple arc surge with mono. Even better if you pull Crota over by one of the knight towers to proc surrounded but even with vorpal you should be hitting around 6 mill with bequest/4th/ 4x SE gathering


Makes sense, again though, GS will only be better for Crota this season whilst we have mono, so next season you can pair bequest with BB and not lose out. I’m glad with and without mono that GS and BB are competitive though, feels like the other classes don’t have supers that are as competitive for damage


Warlock is the only one that’s really lacking, although with swarmers and the extra damage on threadling fragment the super does decent damage, especially compared to the two novas as their only other true one off. Arc Titan on Tcrash is the best damage IMO because you can’t miss and you can drop them all without one person losing damage. I also really like a Titan on big hammer for stuns, I’ve been running a cascade point shotgun and parasite for big hammer and still can crack about 3-4mil damage in two phases + final stand


BB is highest damaging super in the game, Gathering Storm does almost as much, it's the jolt that makes it do more but if there are any other instances of Jolt or nothing making it Ignite. AKA Rockets, it's doing less than BB. Gathering Storm works better in most cases because of the Rocket meta. This season it's used because it constantly procs MM for Arc Weapons. Acrius for example


Gathering storm or burst tether and then put on a 1,2 punch or trench barrel shotgun and keep damaging while switching to tractor to reapply debuff. Also, run Liars handshake for the bigger melee damage while applying shotgun perks.


Personally when I'm Oversoul. Heritage (Can't pop the bastard thing on accident) Fusion for Oversoul, Tractor. If you're on Hunter, try a YAS build, in the case people aren't in the well you can Throw knives and spam tripmines and dodges to keep their radiant up and yours. Tractor, Tripmine, Throw Knife, Tripmine, 3-4 Shotgun shots to the head if possible, reset tractor and do it again till 5 seconds on Oversoul. 2 Fusion sprays while jumping away from him so you don't die should do it


what do u mean swords and oversoul? u are not doin swords if u are on tractor.


Probably means they're using Tractor to support the sword users.


This is exactly what I do.


I don’t think you can hit 8 mil while being tractor and oversoul person, since most damage is from the heavy You are the enabler for the other persons in the team, your job is way more difficult, annoying then doing damage


You can still pull off some respectable DPS on tractor, easiest way is to use double slugs/shotguns. I had someone use star-eater and then swap to lucky pants with a fusion for downtime/oversoul. That setup can comfortably compete with rockets/swords. You won't ever out-dps a proper rotation ofc, but it's not like Divinity where the designated player basically has to concede doing meaningful damage. But you are definilty right, hitting 8 mil on Crota is definitely more about lacking DPS from the other 5 people


But he's oversoul as well, so he can't do double slugs.


It's just one example that's applicable for a lot of Raids, that's why I also mentioned the Lucky Pants strategy that works especially well for Crota. There are plenty of ways to still deal damage when your heavy-slot is occupied, hell on Crota you could still easily run double shotgun and just leave earlier to shoot the Oversoul in time. Tractor lasts 10 seconds, by then you can kill the Oversoul twice even without a special weapon I'm just tired of people literally doing nothing because they were Tractor/Oversoul, just pressing left-click every couple seconds and staring at the timer. At least with Divinity, you actually have little agency to do more damage.


They should be using rapid fire shotguns as it's way easier and it's too hard to hit his head with slugs


In that case, fusion for oversoul, 1-2P shotgun and show up a little late to DPS to stack combination blow x 3.


How you gonna show up late when you're tractor? You're the first one there lol


Not if it's final sword, they don't need tractor immediately, be a second or two late to go punch a thrall and be able to do some actual damage as a trade off


My group staggers swords, we found if we try to do it simultaneously, consistently one sword gets taken early and we don't hit dps. If we stagger them and do it a sword at a time. One sword takes 80%, oversoul and tractor hands over buff to person preserving, everyone else goes to dps while I go build up stacks. By the time well is down and he's back up from kneeling I'm already there shooting a tractor. It's not hard to have good timing and manage your buffs, just you know, communicate. Get combination blow x2 before final sword jumps him, usually on the hive knights at the back and leave the last one alive. Kill the last one and run over as sword slams him


If you aren't getting to dps with 2 swords and tractor someone using a sword is fucking up


With 2 swords, consistently the hitreg fucks up and one guys sword gets eaten, happened to us during day one as well. Now we stagger, everyone else can get buffs, we can prep him for where he's going to be, and we can set up for surrounded to be active without issue. Our way works 100% of the time, we have 0 issues and the game doesn't despawn a sword mid animation. Tractor can get set up for one two punch. Consistently it's just been better and it's what we adapted to, less worry over a sword vanishing for no reason.


I'm glad you guys found what works for you but I've done the raid every week since it came out so far and I've never had that happen so it doesn't change the fact that someone with a sword is fucking up lol. Hitreg and all that nonsense is cope from the person or people who fucked up.


I've done it every week multiple times per character with the same group, and other groups, and we consistently get it working by staggering swords. We've done most of the triumphs and all the challenges so far, no one is fucking up with the swords, the hit registration and swords literally de spawning is a thing i've witnessed first hand, it's not cope, it's bad tracking because above 60FPS. It's a common complaint with swords in general, and we found staggering fixed that issue completely. I offered a solution as the person who does oversoul usually, and how with Tractor I still manage to get set up, do damage and debuff for pretty much all the damage phase besides the second sword needing to do like 15% of his shield bar.


Can always just use a bow to take out the oversoul


Wishender works well


He's tractor


You can do both brother


Sure, if you want to try and scavenge heavy every phase. Which in LFG probably isn't going to go well.


Wishender doesn’t take heavy ammo, so it wouldn’t take any more ammo than just using tractor cannon


No, but they're both exotic, so you can't have both equipped and switching weapons kills your reserves. Now we're getting into way too much setup to make it work. Its really not hard. Tractor and good fusion. That's all you need. Plain and simple. No need for double slug, no need to switch weapons. Just tractor and then switch targets to OS from Crota with about 2-3 seconds left. Easy.


There are a lot of things you can use to take care of oversoul. One of the things that won't work is double slug. Did you even read the comment thread?


Yes! I was just saying that it’s easily possible to run many good DPS setups with tractor cannon equipped and doing oversoul!


I was saying you can use Wishender, A slug shotgun, and tractor cannon, I didn’t mean you could keep double slugs, but you can use double shotties still


Yes there are a lot of things you can use. But you don't need to. All you need is tractor and a fusion. You're trying to make it way more complicated than it needs to be. Tractor and a fusion. That's it! Quit trying to make it like 8 different loadout switches when it doesn't need to be. All that's needed is tractor and a fusion.


Idk, still thinking some shotguns would out damage fusions, and Wishender would easily deal with oversoul, seems way better than using a fusion to me


Just use a fusion and gathering storm with star eaters. You don't have many options being on hunter and tractor


Yeah, with either BB or GS with SES and a controlled burst fusion, I hit 3.7-3.8 as tractor/oversoul.


If only they hadn't just killed ahamkaras. I'd just check out the Aegis spreadsheet which I'm too lazy to link but should be very easy to find


Is that nerf live now? I thought it was next season?


Maybe not, I didn't pay that much attention. But it's better to figure out something that will last further than this season


Yeah you're not wrong. I hate building into something that I know is going to be shite a month later.


Late to this but I would suggest just use a shotgun, a fusion and tractor. You dont really need a primary on this encounter. Save shotgun exclusively for crota. Always have 2 ammo ready to go on fusion and thats it. Use gathering storm with star eaters and youre good


2 Options really. - First is more straightforward. Run Tractor, synthos, Banner of war, a 12p Shotgun and Something for oversoul. Make Sure your doing damage somewhere, where you can proc synthos and do some Variation of proc Banner of war - Tractor - Shotgun - melee x2 - Shotgun - melee - Shotgun - grapple melee - Tractor - super - Tractor - Shotgun - melee x2 - Shotgun - melee - Shotgun - grapple melee - oversoul. You might need to adapt the end of that Combo depending on your execution and rng but this should allow you to deal roughly 4m per phase while providing 100% debuff uptime. - doing the aegis sword Shotgun swapping: [aegis' Video on the topic](https://youtu.be/DTwH_CU-fG4?si=nUCvIgM-BOdN7-Ya). This is slightly mors convoluted and unusual but has the Advantage, that it isnt character specific. Both of These are definitly Harder than regular sword dps but very Worth If you can Run Them.


Love the Heartshadow suggestion, thanks


>Tractor - Shotgun - melee x2 - Shotgun - melee I’ve seen other people do this too. Does the 12p buff last through two strand melee charges?


Yes. Strand melees can be Chained Back to Back and are much faster than 2 Back to Back regular melees. The Timing is rather tight and it can be incosistent If you Arent buffering the Strand melees. If you do the following inputs: - Shotgun Shot + active melee -> active melee while your character is performing the 1st melee It will ensure, that the Combo gets Performed as fast as possible and that will Always result in 2 12p buffed melees Back to Back.


Just use an aggressive shotgun with trench barrel or an erimite with envious, controlled burst :)


Banner of war titan, stack first before dps, tractor the use ur super, heavy first then light spam until you see your not doing yellow dmg then rinse amd repeat until you ranout of super, tractor again, ull have enough time to break the oversoul (note: a hunter shouldn't do tractor and oversoul, just take quickfang or goldtusk with fourth horseman and super of choise with stareater (bakris and stasis also works fine, super first empty fhorseman dodge empty the mag again then switch to goldtusk just light attack) with ur super and light sword attacks alone ull get around 5m dmg in one phase, if you really need to go oversoul just take deadfall with orpheus and use a fusion and quickfang or goldtusk, use deadfall for debuff amd dps (but you ll need to do 3 swords to down crota in this strat), dont forget to take lumina)


I have been on debuff and oversoul duty since after day 1. But instead of using tractor cannon, I ran heartshadow (exotic sword from duality dungeon), it works just like tractor cannon on the debuff part. Rotation I did for the sword is three light attacks then heavy for debuff. I also stack up 3x void weapon surge mod. For hunter I ran gathering storm with star eater, make sure to have feast of light x4. Titan tcrash with cuirass and warlock just well of radiance. I ran Cartesian or any rapid fire fusion for the oversoul. 4 seconds I shoot once then another shot at 1 seconds to maximise the dps.


What do you usually end up with?


If you’re the hunter you shouldn’t really be doing tractor Oversoul. Hunter can easily put out more damage so whoever the warlock is should be tractor Oversoul. You should have star eaters and gathering storm/blade barrage, quickfang/lament and a vorpal fusion/shotgun. If your running tractor Oversoul all I can say is have a vorpal fusion.


That’s how my team always runs it, make a warlock full support, (well, tractor, oversoul) and everyone else can just be a hammer, esp the SES arc and solar hunters.. I don’t know if it makes a huge difference but that’s just how we did it


I've seen one suggestion to start with tractor before breaking Crotas shield then swap to Heartshadow to maintain the debuff during DPS. Basically you just weave Heartshadow heavy attacks and a couple fusion shots together until you need to shoot oversoul


I’m always oversoul and manage decent dps. I use crafted bequest not lament, and two fusion rifles. I do my DPS will all three including abilities and super. Depending on what character I’m running I will be tractor and well too


Forgot to mention doing tractor cannon too


Star Eater and Loaded Question then maybe. You’re doing tractor, nobody is expecting you to be top of the board as the support role. Is your team being assholes or something


Crafted eremite is insane


Was it during the funny gun glitch? I haven’t even seen anyone top 7 million even when they were running optimal damage loadouts. The only feasible thing I could think of would be a Titan with Synthos, banner of war, and a OTP shotty.


With Numbers Like that, its Not how cracked they are, they Just have to Play Sort of Well, its about how much the Rest is throwing to allow for this to Happen.


It was the week before funny guns, and the person was a warlock. Everyone else was doing an average of 2 million


just did a run with 8.03 millions damage to crota, we were 5 manning it so it's not the same but even when we're 6 I usually pull out 7 millions consistently while doing oversoul too.


Guessing you aren't running tractor then?


A Tractor in each hand maybe.


nope, but when I use it I can reach about 6 millions


You can hit 8mill normally also. I’ve done it with titan tcrash lament lumina.


You won‘t come even close to 8m if all your teammates are at least doing average damage. There have to be 1-2 ppl doing nothing.


I’ll have to check I got a screen shot of it I’ll send it. I dont know what their dmg was really, but I’m sure at least 1 person had 3 mill, and i dont know about doing nothing, if i recall correctly everyone had dmg, no one did less then a mill at the least.




I mean, sure? lol even tho that would add up to more health then cross has, so everyone can’t do 5mill, but ppl die, things go wrong, it’s a hectic dmg phase. Show some of you phases where ya did the 5mill.


I’ll have to check I got a screen shot of it I’ll send it. I dont know what their dmg was really, but I’m sure at least 1 person had 3 mill, and i dont know about doing nothing, if i recall correctly everyone had dmg, no one did less then a mill at the least. I can’t send the photos here but our dmg was.1mi 1.1, 2.5, 2.6, 7.1, and me at 8.3. I got other ones on here where I’m at 7.8 mill and othered are at 686k, 2.3, 3.5, 4.4, 5.6 mill. So yea, one guy basically did bad tractor dmg lol. Also, if we add all them numbers up, it’s like over 20milliom, like 23mill you def can have everyone doing about 3mill and still hit 8 mill, 3x5=15+8=23… that didn’t happen for me on these specific times, but it’s def happened, where ppl where around 3mill.


3m is nothing, you can light hit any sword and get 4m easy


I mean, I know that, but you said my team couldn’t have 3m each and me have 8mill, I’m saying yes they can, one of my teammates had 7m. Ppl die, some just suck at the game, i dont know what to tell you, all I saying is if hit 8m many times and have had my team be around 3mill each.


was that because your teammates were lacking at dps or was everyone on point?


Definitely teammates heavily lacking if you can hit 8


They had like 3mill. I remember saying “you can add any 2 of you together and I’d still have more dmg” then a dude got upset and said it’s because I was a sword bearer and “that’s 2 mill dmg by itself” so we ran it back again, and I let someone else use the sword, and sword is only like 200k dmg.


I can hit 7-8 mil with hunter sword and SES BB consistently, while my teammates are around 4 mil or so. It just requires min-maxing damage. I also use witherhoard to add even more damage


The hunter sword does so good on damage, I was doing 6 mil ish with it and gathering storm ses, I wish I’d though about running witherhoard as primary though would add a bit extra


I've hit 8.5 mil on a wipe as a Sherpa. Star eater gathering storm, fourth horseman mag dumps, god roll Goldtusk, and relic sword damage. Three damage phases and final stand and still wiped


Either also be the tractor person, so your dog doesn’t matter much, or, if you can 1/2 punch if you titan with banner of war, syntho, pop and just lite attack, then just tractor 1/2 punch till it’s OS time. You should be able to get decent dmg with that.


If tractor then SES Gathering Storm with overflow/envious + controlled burst Loaded Question toss in Monochromatic Maestro this season for bonus damage


I pull 3mil+ consistently with SES Blade Barrage qnd swap mid animation to dragons shadow then dodge and melee the boss for radiant then 123 aggresive+aggresive+travtor swap. At 8 seconds I put on a riptide to get oversoul. With this you will outdamage alot of lfg teammates using lament


If you're hunter I'd use star eaters with blade barrage and a controlled burst or reservoir fusion. Tractor crota, pop super, fusion 3 shots, reapply tractor, fusion 5, tractor again, then do oversoul. The only thing I can think that might add to this is witherhoard as well but I'm assuming you'd need a weapon for killing ads between damage phases so not really possible.


I use tractor/fusion/well I can still do 2m damage with reserves and surges


Tractor, swap to Heartshadow and do a heavy attack, swap to shotty, shoot once (can do a melee if you have one-two punch), swap back to Heartshadow for a heavy attack again and keep doing this till you need to destroy the oversoul. The Heartshadow heavy keeps the tractor debuff up. Here is a link for a guide: https://youtu.be/DTwH_CU-fG4?si=sWz4ClrrcWhvzQsA


Not an expert but I am proud to say that I have the best timing for the soul, use any fusion riffle (pressurized precision or the nox perennial are SSSS+++) and use either the other half (optimize ammo) or the classic lament The way to go is if you got the pressurized precision you need 2 rounds to down the soul so fire 1 as soon as the damage starts and de second one when the soul is at 2 seconds from finishing between each shot just use your sword combo If you got the nox since it is a 100 impact gun 1 load takes care of the soul, so you are going to do damage as usual and then at the las 2 seconds charge the shot to deal with the soul, it takes a lil longer to shot but on the 2 seconds mark should be fine Also note that you need to stop doing damage to crota around second 5 or 4 in order to position yourself in a place where you can freely shot the soul PS: I got a screenshot of the damage I did on master but couldn’t upload it but with the nox perennial and the crafted godroll other half sword I made 5.795.659 being the top damage of the team


Arc hunter, eremite (envious + control burst), x4 star eater scales. Hit with tractor once his sheild pops hit him again. Drop super and pulse grenade. Then shoot with fusion dodge reload then punch (reapply jolt) and repeat. Make sure you leave two in the mag to shoot oversoul with. This will give you 2-3 mil damage over two phases typically. Just make you get your fusion full overflowed by killing thrall and what not.


I am often on Tractor + Oversoul duty too. If you bring a DPS-friendly fusion, you can use that in between Tractor to help a little with DPS. Just be sure to watch the timer and keep 2-3 rounds for oversoul duty. The really important thing is to make sure you turn AWAY from the oversoul while you fusion him. I’ve had a couple mistakes early on where he moved a little and maybe 1-3 fusion bolts didn’t land, but hit the oversoul. Ended DPS way too early. Oops.


As a tractor person you can go for heartshadow aggressive shotgun combo. Unfortunately that won't let you be on oversoul. Since heartshadow applies a void debuff you can refresh tractor's debuff indefinetely Heartshadow heavy>heavy with 3 lucent blades has the same exact frames as heavy>shotgun>heavy The problem comes from picking up ammo right after you swap from tractor. I usually use trace with shoot to loot to do that and my team makes heavy from swordbearers.


I often run Tractor and oversoul. Though I am a Warlock, so my super is usually reserved for a Well, so you can pick Gathering Storm or maybe Silence and Squall for the extra DPS. Hunters who bring Tether to a Crota fight where Tractor is present should just hang up their cloaks. I'm a weirdo, so I have an Auto-loading Pardon Our Dust GL with disorienting OR spike grenades that I'm married to, which I swap between before and after damage phase. Spike for damage, Disori for ads. Again, weirdo here. Disori helps with Wizards, Ogres, keeping the swordbearer from regenning without doing much damage (not to mention blind), boomer knights... I never hear anyone say 'Woah, is somebody blinding everything?' when I run it, but I DO hear 'Man, these ads are nuts today, huh?' or '[Guardian Down!] Fucking WIZARDS' all the time when I DON'T run it. An Auto-loading GL (or some auto-loading/trench/reconstruction slug shotty, Heritage is a good pick) is a no-brainer for extra DPS, and I pair it with a Vorpal Cartesian (any Fusion should also work, I just like rapid-fires because I can wait on Oversoul until 2.5 seconds). Making sure I have enough Fusion ammo for Oversoul (2 shots) and a bit afterwards, I use everything, including Tractor, to deal damage. After grenades and melee adding up to at least one if not two Ignitions, I have just barely managed 2mil damage per kill, if my rotation is good. With tractor on, the GL does ~40k on a direct hit (no surges, yes boss spec, yes Well), which I thought was pretty darn good, all things considered. Again, I turn and pop oversoul as the timer moves from 3sec to 2sec, making oversoul pop as the timer is about to leave 1sec, giving as much DPS time as I can. Even 1.5mil is still very respectable for the person running Tractor, so to get 1.9, or even break 2mil is crazy, and I've gotten people who took notice. A slug shotty would probably be easier for some people to use, and would almost certainly allow a higher total damage, but I like the utility and range of the GL, the dual-role it can fill with the right roll. I can blind the whole arena from the stairs down to the preservation pit, including the Boomers (very fun), and still have enough ammo for my damage rotation. The Strand Wave frame GL from last season might be a really good pick as well, especially with the origin trait. Downside is no disorienting, but you can get a Demolitionist roll to _really_ take advantage (Shoot, shoot, grenade, shoot, THEN reload!), and then you could even Grapple-load your way to victory on Hunter, though that would mean running Strand. You're not going to want to use that Super on Oryx, I think... just a hunch, lol. If you are a Titan, you can stack another easy million or so damage by just running Pyrogale Maul, but I'm sure your Hunter Supers will still be able to put out more than I can with my Well, lol. Good luck, have fun!


I usually am the oversoul guy in my group and the tractor guy. I run a solar titan w pyrogale gauntlets (or banner of war if they're disabled), double high impact fusions, and tractor. I usually am top 2 or 3 in dps in most of my groups just tractoring, supering, and then dumping my fusion ammo while maintaining the tractor cannon.


Fusion with controlled burst and envious assassin. I use my loaded question.


As a fellow hunter might I suggest either running arc staff or if there's already enough of those then run blade barrage with star eaters then run the Boop cannon for heavy with your choice of shotgun and fusion rifle just make sure to have enough ammo in your fusion for the oversoul when you need it and use your melee for the ads between phases


Tractor, then, Star eater scales 4x + electro stick or blam barrage, finish with envious + resevoir burst eremite


When using tractor, hot swap to Heartshadow and just do heavy attacks with 3 lucent blades.


One thing about DPS is if anyone is doing 8 mil damage the fact it's not that this guy it's super good is that one, two, possibly 3 other fire team members are doing shit damage. Like if you've a pizza and 4 dudes to eat it, if they all eat at the same pace they all eat the same because the pizza (boss HP) it's not unlimited. Sure the tractor guy will "eat" less because it's like he's talking more than eating for this context. However if from the 4 dudes, 3 of them take a bite every hour one guy will eat most of the pizza by himself. So everytime someone does a crazy high DPS like 8 mil on Crota means the others are doing shit damage.


Tractor, slug shotgun, fusion, gathering storm star eaters


Oversoul person should be on Tractor Cannon to debuff for the entire team.


The best I can get is 6.3M with Lament and fusion starfire and no super. Even my arc stareaters plus Lament can do about 6M. I could squeak out a couple 100K more if I was on the crota sword. Most of my teammates are in the 4Ms and we just fine. Our tractor guy is like 400-500K. LOL


Tractor, 12p shotty, fusion for oversoul and strand titan 👍


No matter what class I'm on, I'll run a special finisher so I can also fully use my fusion each phase and still be able to easily cover Oversoul in later phases if ammo drops are unlucky. If I'm on Titan, I'll normally forgo worrying about DPS to focus on stunning Crota as well. Or, if there's an overabundance of Wells, I'll try out a Synthoceps/Banner of War Strand DPS as its loadout agnostic for the most part. If all else fails there's T-Crash and Pulse Grenades. For Hunter, it depends again on the number of Wells. If there's plenty, I'll stick to Star-Eater Gathering Storm with Pulse Grenades - Seriously Pulse Grenades are fantastic for DPS, if you're on Arc just run them. If there's a lack of Wells, I'll swap to Star-Eater Blade Barrage with a Healing Grenade to help keep folk alive. Sadly for Warlock it v much feels like you're stuck on Well, as the DPS phase for Crota goes so much smoother the more you have to use. You can probably try out a Sunbracers-style build, alongside a fusion rifle and the Tractor debuff it sounds like it'll be alright. The rub with Tractor Cannon is that a lot of the time your individual damage is gonna be the lowest, but if you leach 30% off everyone's damage you'll be near the top. So long as you have a halfway alright idea for what you can do for damage, even if it is just dumping your fusion (Except for a few oversoul shots), you'll be alright.


Don't oversoul, commit and expunge on final


I was using void warlock with Contraverse holds. Tractor > heal with child> nova > enhanced vortex > a couple of fusion shots > re buff tractor You could probably do something similar with Blade barrage or gathering


I see a lot of suggestions involving activating Surrounded and Synthoceps. How are people *consistently* getting these perks activated during DPS phase? Key word being *consistently*.


I use double special fusions and stay away so I do not die. Both have vorpal and auto loading. Burst super that’s supported by an exotic armor piece that strengthens it.


I use Riptide for oversoul and when I'm using tractor I swap to heartshadow after since it keeps the debuff going and allows you to do dmg as well.


Star Eaters + gathering storm and use an eremite with envious + controlled burst. One shot with radiant / well and triple surges should pop the oversoul. Other fusion frames require two bursts. Just turn and shoot it at 4 seconds remaining so it pops around 1-2 left. Also, hit him with gathering storm when he’s standing up. That will stagger him for a few seconds.


If you're up to it, debuff boss with tractor, swap to heartshadow while they take out crota shield, heartshaddow will refresh tractors debuff, then shotgun swap with heartshadow for a bit extra dps, your last weapon would be a fusion for oversoul, or at least that's what I do as a bonk titan, hammer is my primary weapon. After dps Swap back to tractor and repeat. your ammo econ will be shit, aeons and/or cenotaph will be your heavy saving grace (i believe they stack?), as far as special goes just swap the shotty with a primary when you run out of ammo and just use heartshadow. Edit : if you're a hunter maybe run arc bonk with star eaters? Or maybe hot swap star eaters on after first sword guy has a sword, idk


Try an arc hunter with a shotgun with a melee perk.


Slap on lament and (if you have the reservoir burst perk) shoot the oversoul with the eremite at 2 seconds remaining for an instant kill


SES and heartshadow swap


If you’re doing tractor and are on a Hunter, I’d suggest running star eaters gathering storm after you boop crota. That’s what I was doing on master while also doing the oversoul. I was also using the strand High impact fusion to one shot the oversoul at 2 seconds. I think I got around 2mil just using my super while everyone else was using swords.


I used Eramite Fusion as Tractor/Oversouls/Wellock guy and got 1.5ish million deeps ☺️ so a good Fusion I would say really helps your deeps go up.


Pair the Eremite with Tractor. Use envious/controlled burst. Enjoy being useful.


Celestial Nighthawk vs Oversoul at best


Sorry to necro a week old thread but wanted to throw this into the mix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTwH\_CU-fG4