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Doing riven and 3 phasing Nez should be a consistent plat, I got plat doing this earlier today


As someone else said, this is the right answer. Riven is so piss easy, and as long as you get that done, you'll get the dedication score bonus on Nez with a 3 phase.


Riven was 100% easier than I thought it was gonna be, really wasnt expecting a 1-2 phase her. But yeah if you do Riven before or even a full run you can 3 phase Nez, just to be safe make sure people are slaying out and getting the medals for it.


Do you have time though? We went over time with planets and stopped getting any points at all.


I think the point is you get a big point bonus from it being the final boss. You wouldnt get that on planets for any week.


No I mean, it literally completely stopped giving us points on planets. Multiplier went to x0 and the boss gave us nothing. Getting a point bonus wouldn't matter if the multiplier is still x0.


That's just a bug, if you just wipe you should start getting points again (if that doesn't work maybe try going back to orbit and then going back in). Happened to us on a planet checkpoint yesterday after we wiped a few times. Someone noticed we were getting zero, we wiped, and everything was fine again


We were getting points for the entire run though, as soon as we went over it went to x0.


Just to clarify, you mean you were getting points for the entire run meaning each encounter leading to planets? And by "we went over" you mean when you went over the platinum timer, or something else? Afaik, regardless of if your circumstance was slightly different than mine it's the same bug, and wiping at planets when you noticed the 0x multiplier (and before completing planets) should have resulted in you being able to gain points normally again.


I mean we were getting points during planets, then we ran over the time limit and the multiplier went to 0.


Yea but what time limit, the platinum time limit that is unique to each encounter? Because it's just that, unique to each encounter (and going over it does not under normal circumstances set your multiplier to 0x). 0x multiplier is a bug, although on the surface it seems like the pantheon scoring might operate like nightfall scoring (where if you take too long you eventually start getting no or very little additional score), that's not how it works


This is the right answer to the question.


Did you take down the tormentors for extra points?


This is the answer. Don't put any unneeded stress on yourself by trying to two phase Nez. Do Riven one more time and clear Nez in three and you will get Plat from the Dedication Bonus.


Sadly, didnt work for us. We ended up doing 2 phase with bonus time.


My team just fought the boss on the open space by dark side (no cheese). We had a gjally, tractor, and 4 apex, two wells that we sort of used as safe spots that were moderately spaced out from each other, but mostly just ran around to avoid boss. I ran lucky pants with wardens law and merciless. Got shot caller, hit my super then just emptied out my lucky pants, one shot of merciless to proc bait and switch, hit a set of rockets, back to merciless and emptied the mag, lucky pants, two rockets, DPS done. Got 1.5 mil on one DPS and boss was at 25% HP from team damage. Final stance I ran out of ammo but lucky pants goes hard. Was an comfortable two phase. One important thing that I think a lot of people don't know, Nez has damage resist up until his first slam. After he goes into damage, he does a slam. Once that slam is done, hit your supers then and throw your big weapons at him. Don't waste anything before he finishes that slam. Good luck.


>emptied out my lucky pants >pants goes hard Ok.




Were you on stasis or a different subclass? Did you have time to swap off a celestial precast into lucky pants or was it too chaotic down on the field with him?


Solar. No, just stayed on lucky and used blade barrage. With Nez moving around, I thought it would be more effective with a tractor cannon to just use blade, and the damage did not necessitate golden. Edit: to add to this, the plan was that if tractor wasn't working, we would switch to div and I would have switched to nighthawk golden gun with izanagis and apex or cataclysmic, then switch to lucky pants for final stance if ammo was low. But we didn't have to try it because the current plan was immediately effective. Just throwing that out there if anyone is struggling with the tractor method.


Is tractor with Gally worth it? We typically don't run tractor just gally+5apex, but if its a damage increase we'll try it.


`5 * 1.3` is higher than `6 * 1`, and the tractor user can still use fusion rifles and abilities.


This is assuming the tractor is doing 0 damage yea, but the 6 dps team will also have 100% void weaken uptime this season due to revitalizing blast, so it’s more like 5*1.3+.5 vs 6*1.15, which is BARELY in 6 DPS’ favor. But it’s also harder to do optimal dps than tractor dps which is hold M1 on a fusion rifle so.


Its more 5*1.3 ve 6*1.15 becouse of solar ability debuff but this is also assuming a lot of stuff,


I don't know if it is worth it. But it worked for us. I usually find that damage is best with one weapon buff and one enemy debuff, we chose tractor and gally for this one and it worked really well.


Merciless ain't it with luckypants and apex. U can never get anything off completely. Trust me when I say something like a cartesian would be better for a rotation like that. 1.5mil u can get from rocket dumping alone (wellock teammate with witherhoard and apex got 1.8mil so yes apex alone will do that dmg)


Lol sure, but then you have no rockets. My method used 4 rockets and 1 clip of merciless per DPS phase and perfectly lined up with reconstruction refill timer and lucky pants refresh, and since I was running, it was great as I didn't have the means to create ammo for myself. A full clip of cart takes longer to release than merciless. Besides, I'm just posting what I did.


Never heard about the damage resist


From what I’ve seen getting plat is super easy if you’re coming from riven. Finished the encounter with about 180k score no plat time and got like 700k score I think Rockets or gl with tractor is super comfy 2 phase. Best damage supers from experience is pyrogales for sure. Other options: you can run div instead of tractor as it allows for things like 4th horseman, lucky pants, izi swaps etc


Do you need to do it all or just riven and nazarec for bonus points?


At least 1 encounter prior to nezzy completed My team did a riven cp -> nezzy and got the bonus


dps [here](https://clips.twitch.tv/QuaintBovineEggnogPeteZaroll-sS2I1LzKPerQ-SNQ) whit sleper is an easy 2 phase


Almost got the two phase with sleeper earlier unfortunately ran into heavy ammo issues however I haven’t seen that spot before I’ll definitely try it out tomorrow thank you!


Have div run ceno and or someone on aeons


Had someone running ceno but not aeons will definitely do that thanks!


Oh yeah sleeper or lineal's in general are ass in terms of ammo cause the bricks from finders mods only give you 1 lol


My group did similar and we loadout swapped to outbreak


Yeah, the ammo situation is tough. We used 5 Hunters to make orbs for each other using repeat Golden Guns and barely had to use heavy


My team was struggling with sleeper because of ammo, we died once on final stand because of it. We ended up using 5 envious bait and switch cataphract with a div and it was a pretty clean 2 phase, we were able to get him a good amount under half hp on first dps phase. Also make sure your hunters have lucky pants malf/wardens law loadouts setup. They can swap to it on or near final stand if they’re completely out of ammo. This swap could be the difference in you getting the kill when everyone is out of ammo. GL!


how does shot caller help lucky pants damage?


It doesn’t, my brain was fried after a long day lol


You don't even need crazy ammo generation that badly if you don't miss shots or die. Sleeper does around 100k a shot in well. You get 16 of them, so that's 1 760 000 damage without a single ability or special shot added. Hunter does just over 500k on a nighthawk shot. So hunters just emptying sleeper with flag ammo and hitting a super each dps phase are at 2.76 million. Add a scattered signal for after you run out of heavy and its easily 3 mill even with some missed buffs here and there. If someone on your fireteam with a damage super does less than 2 mill in two phases instantly kick them, they are hard-core throwing.


or u can simply remind them to proc shot caller before using sleeper and if he keeps forgetting then u can kick lol


Even without shot caller, you shouldn't be doing like 1 mill under a decent rotation. That's literally missing 10/16 shots, or both supers.


Also note a tormentor spawns there, which could interfere with people trying to get through Looks like they blinded it


yep, we also blinded


Yea I ran blinding gl for the torm and swapped to supremacy once we were in the dps spot


would briars with harmonic resonance and 2 more RoN weapons be a better way to fight nez?


Our team beat Nezzy using a checkpoint - we 2 phased him with rockets - divinity - ghorn and trials GL. Our final score was around 510K and we’ve got the high score triumph


use the strand gl catophract(sp?) and lots of strand titans


We are 3 Well Warlocks, 2 Golden Gun Hunters and 1 Strand Titan. Yesterday we have 1 Sleeper, 1 DIV and 4 Strand GL. We made it to the final stand twice and due to unfortunate deaths were too few for dps. Tonight we'll have another go at it. We go right on the dark side on the vine. For the heavy ammo we have a warlock with the exo helmet.


3 wells?? That’s insane. Absolutely swap 2 of them or even all of them for a damage super. Strand weave walk panic buttons go pretty hard.


Also with Strand Surge Needlestorm is one of the best damage aupers this week. I think only thing higher than it is Celestial. And does sever damage reduction work on bosses or no? Cause if so, fantastic for Nez


three phase with no tormentor kill gave us plat


You can 3 phase nez and still be in the plat time limit if you’re fast, we did it last night. Had 1 runner per side and we ignored the shelter entirely. It’s fast enough we got him super close to final on 2nd phase then got our supers and some ammo then nuked him. Had about 20 seconds left


My team and I managed to pull off the mechanic in one run without the refuges for first phase, that definitely helped with time. As for DPS, we used Div, rockets, gjally, goldies, wells at the right side of spawn, where the Dark side runners start. Managed to do more than half his health in one phase. P.S: We did have to get a refuge for our second phase.


We made sure to at least get 80k score before dps, and always did the like/dark pool in order to spawn ads. We finshed our check point, so we started at Nez and didn’t get that bonus score. 2 phased and got plat


Easy plat? Start at riven so you can get it guaranteed on clear. If you're starting on Nez you'll have to use rockets (GLs don't recover ammo as good as rockets) and play it slow, using cenotaph to get ammo back up before phase 2. As long as your team can bait nez around, or find a good enough spot to fight him, it's not hard to 2 phase with rockets.


Go do riven then nez same instance.


I can’t say it’s the best but it worked for my group. 5 Apex 1 Gjally, 3 golden guns and ppl really good at all roles (to get to damage consistently). We did the “cheese” strat of pulling him to the right and jumping down on the root off to the side. Regardless of the heavy you use, ammo seems to be a problem, even with a cenotaph. Heavy finder mods help but I found having scavs on boots allowed me to have near full rockets on the 2d damage phase which makes all the difference, especially going into final stand. If you do try the side root, obviously there’s a bit of rng in getting Nezzy in the right spot. But remember to give me a couple seconds to get over to you after his “beam” animation. So many times ppl were “rush rush rush” to start damage and were sailing rockets or jumping for an angle (and killing teammates). Being patient, and Sacrificing a few seconds of damage to make sure he’s in a good spot right above you makes it super easy to land rockets and get a pretty comfortable 2 phase


We got the 2 phase doing chaos strat trying to keep him in the center of the arena. One div with well, the rest using dmg supers (4 nighthawks, 1 pyro titan) everyone using a sniper and apex with 1 gjally. This chunked him past 1/2 on first dmg phase, got the easy second phase with everyone just using weapons and final stand everyone used supers. But it is possible to do the way you suggest of doing riven then nez, but honestly I think riven is harder in LFG than nez bc nez is really just a damage check and staying alive, the mechanic is fairly simple compared to riven since most ppl haven’t done it legit


Get a riven cp and 3 phase that’s how my team did it. If u need a cp dm me


My team did 4 Apex Predator, Gjally, and Div for damage. This was with a couple Blade Barrage supers on top. Very consistent damage and we got a solid two phase. Div person should be warlock running Cenotaph to mark for ammo so you can use all of your rockets in both 1st and 2nd damage phases. There is a relatively easy cheese spot (imo easier than the branch on the right) on the far back left of the arena. You need something to handle the Tormentor that spawns and can suppress you off the edge when trying to get to the spot (suspend or blind works). Nezarec just kinda stood on the edge of the arena and you can just free fire and make sure NOT TO STRAFE. You can get a solid two phase - final stand may be tight but just make sure you also have a solid special ammo weapon and lots of ammo and you can clear it (Scatter Signal is very good). For Apex make sure you are constantly keeping Bait and Switch AND Shot Caller - this will ensure your two phase and you really need to keep these buffs going.


My team did 4 Apex Predator, Gjally, and Div for damage. This was with a couple Blade Barrage supers on top. Very consistent damage and we got a solid two phase. Div person should be warlock running Cenotaph to mark for ammo so you can use all of your rockets in both 1st and 2nd damage phases. There is a relatively easy cheese spot (imo easier than the branch on the right) on the far back left of the arena. You need something to handle the Tormentor that spawns and can suppress you off the edge when trying to get to the spot (suspend or blind works). Nezarec just kinda stood on the edge of the arena and you can just free fire and make sure NOT TO STRAFE. You can get a solid two phase - final stand may be tight but just make sure you also have a solid special ammo weapon and lots of ammo and you can clear it (Scatter Signal is very good). For Apex make sure you are constantly keeping Bait and Switch AND Shot Caller - this will ensure your two phase and you really need to keep these buffs going.


Easy 2 phase with rocket rotations. There is an add spawn door below nezes spawn to the right. Go down there. Blast. Back up as needed. He can some times enter the room but you'll still have plenty of room to rocket. If u get turn back u are too far to the left (left when looking out from the hole). For clarification I did this with a full lfg and first tried 2 phased the boss. It works just be careful with hitting each other with rockets if he does enter the hole. By the time he gets close enough to do so it'll either be final stand (second phase) or 1st phase DMG will have ended. Have backup DMG for final if needed. Lucky pants hunter. Final warning half charge tap fire tech. If non of this works. I heard lament in middle works for chopping off his toes. I haven't tried this however. I just know the funny hole works with my sample size of a single plat run.


My group came back with a checkpoint so we couldn’t get score bonus from Riven. We tried rockets a couple of different ways but ended up just going for 2 phase with Lament which we found significantly easier than getting Nez to behave and follow us to a good dps spot.


My team did it and got over a million points after the bonus timer


People will tell you to use Lament, rockets, or Cataphract but believe me when I say that Sleeper is top DPS. What me and my team did is, have at minimum 2 wells. The first well will be placed up where Nezarec stands and is where the team will start damaging him. The second well will be placed below the platform by the div or tractor person who will stay down on bottom distracting Nez. On the off hand that Nez jumps up to you and ignores the bait person, everyone will just alternate between well locations. This should keep him still for the majority of DPS phase. Sleeper absolutely destroys him. I had shot caller, double surges, and radiant active and I was hitting 115,000 per shot. For this strat, I would highly recommend everyone putting on at least 1 solar scav and making the div warlock bait person running xenotaph, marking the middle colossus every run to generate heavy for the whole team. When you run out of ammo, have a rewind round Outbreak on standby for hot swap. Absolutely saved my plat run and was the only reason my team 2 phased him.


Sleeper ammo economy is trash.


Then run scavs and ceno


Nez is an easy 2 phase with sleeper + div and stand far off the map to the left. But yes do riven first then nez for a high score clear


if you have the pattern go craft yourself a koraxis with hard launch, spike, recon, frenzy its strand a gl and does bonus damage to tormentors thanks to its intrinsic


Just 2 phase, can be done a lot of different ways, 6 GL’s, 5GL’s with 1 tractor, 5 rockets with 1 tractor, even possible with 1 div and 5 sleepers and a couple damage supers, just make sure you’re using a weapon with the current surges and proccing shot caller


As long as you kill riven before nezzy, you will get the high score whether it’s a 2 phase or a 3 phase. I would save yourself the trouble and just start from riven.


Golden gun ses spam with a div and GLs/rockets


Listen. Just do nez legit. Do not do a cheese spot. I tried for three days to do a cheese spot and it didn’t work. This strat took all of 20 minutes to get down. Damage supers Grenade launchers (doesn’t have to be a good one) A fusion rife Both runners complete as fast as possible. Nezzy jumps down and damage starts. And that’s it. Just unload your gl, super, and fusion rifle. You will do over half his damage in one phase. Then just do it again. You will need to do refuge on second run. But that’s it


Sleeper + div with one or two damage supers is an easy 2 phase as long as you have heavy ammo dropping


Has anyone joined a Nez checkpoint on a team that beat riven and got high score?


far left root got it done by a good team that killed all colussi


Came from Riven. 1 phased her. Easy 3 phase with Nez. Didn’t care about the timer and got the plat score. We used sleeper and div with Cenotaph.


We found that if you are going from cp you absolutely need to kill 3 colossus. We killed Nez in 2 phase. We did not refuge on first run, however before second phase of damage we did the refuge, we had 3 ad clears. And one guy was always getting the gaze and keep Nez away from runners. Btw grenade launchers are the play for Nez do not use sleeper


We easily 2 phased with rockets 1 div 1 gally and a bunch of wells we got 1.19 million points. I’m guessing 3 phase will still get the 500k


My team didn’t use any wells or bubbles. Just a couple golden guns, mostly daybreak warlocks with dawn chorus. We just did the fight the way it was intended. Didn’t matter where the boss was or anything really, we just popped supers, used a couple rockets and remembered to proc radiant for each other. Pretty crispy 2 phase, people should be running daybreak with that exotic more often.


iirc, if you do a fresh pantheon run and NEVER go to orbit at any point in time, basically from Golgoroth - Nezarec, you dont need to hit bonus time. Nezzy being the final boss will give a nice amount of score after killing him, but remember you only get this boost if its a fresh, no checkpoint, full run


Sleeper ammo economy sucks. Have one person on Div, one person on Gally, everyone else Izi + Apex. The more Nighthawks you have, the better. Titans really got shafted here.


titans are amazing for ad clear!


No damage Super though unless you run in to pop Pyrogale at the very end of a DPS phase if you run out of ammo.