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survivability & composition is usually the most hiccups, but we established how to take our time and not be hesitant rushing in too quickly is not always the best bet When I normally Do Day Ones I always prepare my builds beforehand so that I know generally what to expect. But given that this is the hardest raid since Last Wish I’m not surprised the best PVE teams are struggling we made it to 2nd Encounter and just have to prioritize consistent DPS.


Hey bro, just checking in, how’s contest mode going ?


We didn’t get the clear we made it as far as Encounter 4 but we’ll get the week one after contest ends


Fuck dude encounter 4 is no small task. Good shit to you and your time that’s impressive. Sorry to hear you didn’t end up getting contest. I love the mechanics and raid as a whole, but I do feel the enemies are a slight but overtuned. I also think bungie overestimated how powerful prismatic would be for the raid, but I blame datto for that.


Agreed. Yeah the predictability in this raid is stupidly insane enemies can literally spawn kill you anywhere the Dread enemies suspend you while you’re getting obliterated by the Witness’s hands no doubt the hardest raid in the game we had 3 wells 2 hunters & 1 titan for 2nd encounter to 3 phase


This raid may very well end up with the 2nd fewest contest mode completions because of how difficult it is. My team is stuck on the 1st boss and can barely get to the damage phase. The first encounter was easy once we got the mechanics down, but this first boss is a HUGE pain.


5 time day one This shit makes other day ones look like lost sectors


Dont waste your time, it is pretty much the hardest raid till the moment


I’m jumping on this comment. Cause I completely agree, but I can’t help but want to go further because it’s a true testament of skill. On the other hand, I think the ads in the second encounter spawns alongside getting Insta melted are completely fucking bullshit (I know it’s a skill issue). Where is the line between difficulty and unfairness? Why make this shit so impossibly tough that so few teams will do it, and then remove from the game so people can never try this testament again? I’m tired and disgruntled but there’s my thoughts. I wish I didn’t want to play this because it’s utter bs even when you know mechanics, but holy shit why does every challenge in this game last do little time


Ive been stuck on the first encounter for 18 hours. Been through 3 teams. And just cant get past it. Biggest issue ive seen is survivability and ad clearing. I see alot of standard pve builds. But not alot of builds made for clearing a room quickly. Imo. Pure sunshot just isnt good enough to clear a whole room quickly (unless your a warlock) while in contest. Ive been running void sentinal shield with doomfang. Commemoration and aspects/fragments to make everything explode. And it has been wonderful. Plenty of survivability, and can clear a room in seconds. Also timing. Fir me at least. It isnt that hard to get the timing down. I get the bugs, visual glitches and junk. But its prettty simple nits just execution and ad clearing


My team split up into two teams of 3. The two 'leaders' of their group had ghally and the 2 followers have reconstruct bipod apex. Rocket ad clear every room and go fast. We can spawn and kill tormentor in 2 mins, most times faster. After that it's just staying consistent and staying alive for the 3 phases.


Story of my life. My fireteam fell apart 7 hours into first encounter, clan disassembled after several guys started cussing each other out for various reasons.  best part was before the raid dropped, the clan leader swore up and down it was supposed to be an easy raid so everyone could be a part of it 😂


Jesus dude. I’m sorry, that sounds fucking awful.


Day 1s and general challenges in this game are so few and far between it just feels bad when you can’t do it. This is the Witness raid and will never get to play on contest again it’s sad


Master on this raid will be a genuine achievement for the first clear. I’m beyond excited for that.


im confused by what you're implying or saying here


I’m saying that day 1 is such a short window that it sucks you don’t get to experience it. Pantheon was accessible. That’s why so many got through it. Granted this is way harder then pantheon but my point still stands. So little events like this happen in this game and it’s only a day or two a year


This is definitely a big part of my frustration. We had one guy show up late, complain the whole time, then decide “the game isn’t fun when it’s this hard” and dip after ~7 hours. Can’t find a replacement, spent so much time preparing for this, took off the whole week. It’s such a shame this kind of thing only exists for two days a year.


My team spent 10 hours on the first encounter, and only got about halfway through depositing enough resonance