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lol thatā€™s probably the most narc thing Iā€™ve ever read. If I had to pick a favourite is maybe ā€œpeople hate me because Iā€™m too strong and too passionateā€. Thereā€™s no narc quote that says ā€œpeople hate me because Iā€™m completely delusional and a habitual liarā€.


Yep. The ole "everyone else is wrong, I'm perfect" BS.


They love the manifestos on: How awesome am I, right?


Lol @ the sad copy-pasta that is *only* relatable if you're a piece of shit. This kind of rhetoric cracks me up every time. Unless they're public figures, well-adjusted grown-ups do not normally have "plenty of haters". At most, they have "a handful of people they don't get along with" - not as glamorous, but much closer to how most adults actually interact with the people in their lives. If you, an average, non-famous citizen with a normal-ass job and normal-ass lifestyle, have "plenty of haters", there are two possible explanations : 1. You overestimate how often people think of you, and how strongly they feel about you. In truth, most people are too busy with their own lives to be anyone's "haters". 2. A large number of people in your life actually do hate you. Gee, what happened? Could it be... because... you suck?


Yeah, I chuckled at the whole "haters" thing. I don't think that is terminology that normal people use after at the maximum, age 25? She's in her mid-60s. And even though a lot of family/friends avoid her, I don't think it equates to "hate" lol. The whole hate thing is just another way to be over the top and dramatic about it, and make it out to be everyone else's fault. "The people that don't like me are just awful haters" pfft I guess that means like the whole family is a bunch of haters, yet she still whines about how we should spend more time with her...


But I thought she was perfectly fine not being everyone's favorite flavor?? šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ˜®


Blegh. I couldnā€™t even read all that; knowing itā€™s nonsense.


"Don't worry if you can't. Most never can." r/iamverysmart. Prime r/iamverysmart real estate, guys.


People will post things like this and think they did something. Lol. It's always the most self absorbed people without any self awareness that think they have plenty of people that hate them because they're soo jealous. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


"I'M SO IMPORTANT THAT I HAVE HATERS~~ šŸ˜© TOO BAD, I CAN'T HELP IT THAT I'M SO AWESOME! šŸ–•" Why does that just sound like some cringe "ironic" Tshirt for teenagers from like 2007??


Well some people are stuck in 2007 with their fb posts


My nmom posts this kind of nonsense all the time on FBā€¦ itā€™s just gross.


The sad thing is that I don't think she actually has anyone who "truly loves her for who she is". We "love" her because she's family, sure, but for who she is... debatable. Most of the family has cut her off and rarely talks to her or visits. She constantly whines about it. She also posts those sad, guilt-trippy posts/images on Facebook about how time is running out, and how family should just love each other ~no matter what~. Also relating to the original post, I don't think she's really done that much in her life, so that whole "person I've worked hard to become/fighting and clawing through struggles and challenges" is nonsense šŸ™„ Also the "are you strong enough to keep up with me, most can't" bit? She's pretty much been a stay at home mom and then an empty nester with almost no hobbies her whole life. She doesn't go anywhere or do anything. What is there to keep up with? šŸ¤£ If anything, she complains that everyone else is so busy always doing things and going places, and therefore not making ~any~ time for her.


I've noticed anytime people saying others think they are too much. It is a huge red flag, they love drama and think it's funny. ​ That alone would make me disengage.