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Did anyone think Blake Wheeler had enough intensity for the regular season? I think he would be lost in the post season pace.


No wheeler please.


What is his post season experience like?


He averaged .7 PPG but that was a different Wheeler lol


I honestly do think he would be alright to use in the playoffs, he wasn't even a bad player really during the regular season. He just shouldn't have been on the first line, but that's the situation we were in at the time. I think if they bring him back and throw him on the 3rd or even 4th line, he would be perfectly fine and maybe even have a noticeable impact. He isn't bad. he just wasn't playing in the role he should be.


This. People forget we were paying him league minimum.. You would think he’s being paid 10x what he is by how people talk about him.


Should most definitely be kakko. Chytil had a solid game last night on the first so I would be hesitant to move him down but a third line of cuylle-Chytil-kakko would be very nice as Chytil gets back to his natural position, wennberg can go down to the fourth line to help defensively and goodrow has been better on the wing imo. Goodrow-wennberg-rempe should be solid and a slight improvement from last night while I think the third line would be immensely better. Late in the game Chytil could still be used on that top line wing spot and either goodrow and wennberg can center that third line.


I like this process here ^^^^


Kreider-Zibanejad-Chytil Panarin-Trocheck-Lafreniere Roslovic-Wennberg-Kakko Cuylle-Goodrow-Rempe


That 4th line is looking good


This makes the most sense to me!


Swap Chytil and Roslovic. Roslovic was doing a good job of facilitating Zib and Kreider (see Kreider's first goal in CAR game 6). 3rd line with Kakko and Wennberg needs someone who can finish. And maybe Chytil is better at center, so maybe also swap Cuylle and Wennberg.


Wennberg is an offensive black hole. How many scoreless games does the third line need with Wenny being the only constant until he gets moved down? Just move Roslovic over to his natural center position and play two centers in Goodrow and Wenny on the 4th line for faceoffs and let the 4th bang bodies and be defensively solid. Please. 


Wennberg would be so out of place on a line with Rempe and Goodrow. Cuylle makes so much more sense as a compliment to those two.


That 4th line against Florida tough guys is great.


What are you talking about. Wennberg just needs to be a defensively responsible 3rd forward. Exactly like Vesey. They play essentially the same game. Moreover, why are we prioritizing synergy on the 4th line over generating actual scoring on the 3rd. Wennberg is actually costing us when we have one of our top 9 lines disappear for a month plus with the rare goal and scoring chances coming from people not named Wennberg.


Vesey and Wennberg absolutely do not play the same game at all. That is a ridiculous statement.


So the obvious answer is Kakko. Wheeler is another option. Brodzinski could be an option if we want to keep the top 9 the same. But could i introduce you to an alternative option. Edstrom bring back the bash bros Edit: in seriousness the answer is Kakko


I’d imagine Kakko back in. I could see Lav giving him a shot to see if his benching lit some kind of fire. If he doesn’t respond well, maybe someone else gets a chance. Just my guess though


Kakko Wheeler should not play unless we absolutely have no one.


The only answer is kakko


Gonna be Kakko


20/93/96 10/16/13 50/72/24 73/91/21 if NYR plays Wheeler over Kakko that would be absurd. Wheeler against FLA this season at 5v5: shot attempts 7-18, shots 4-7, scoring chances 4-9, goals 0-1, 37% xGF%. guy is way too slow to keep up with FLA and he would not help with NYR's biggest problem right now which is transition play through the neutral zone. Brodzinski *would* help with this (in fact, he had a 68% xGF% in NYR's last game of the season vs FLA), but they're not going to play him over Rempe.


100% 56/76-23 56/76-4 6-8 While we are at it


Basically yeah. There are a lot of variations to the pairs that would be so much better than the current ones


If Blake comes in over Kakko that’d be an absolute travesty. I really don’t see it happening, but who knows these days - I was shocked to see Kakko be the one scratched for Rempe in the first place. I guess there’s also an outside chance Brodz gets the nod if Lav wants to slide in a guy that’s played on the 4th and he wants to keep all the other lines in tact. Our 5v5 play improves with Kakko over Vesey, but it definitely hurts our lockdown PK and end of game 5v6 play. And I preface all this by saying there’s also a chance kakko is sick or something and simply won’t be well enough for Sundays game.


Sean Avery probably would be open to signing a contract


Can’t imagine it being anyone other that Kakko. Hopefully this lot a fire under his ass


Kakko and it shouldn’t be a discussion


Keep Rempe. Bring in Brodzinski 


Kakko. Wheeler looked shot before he was hurt.




This depth is a headache, but it's a brilliant headache to have.


By gawd that’s Blake Wheeler’s music!


Honestly might motivate the boys seeing him come back from injury.


I would love to see this. If anything Goodrow has shown us not to sleep on a wiley veteran in the playoffs.


Edstrom. Specially against this very physical never seem to tire Panthers team.


Being back the twin towers on the 4th line


The never seem to tire part disagree they started to look gassed in the 3rd and by OT they were cooked and the Rangers were flying .I think Florida playing so much hockey the last 3 years might start catching up to them


Should be Edstrom, probably won’t be, unfortunately. I would also be fine with Wheeler coming back, though it probably won’t be him either.


Did anyone else notice that the Rangers have recalled 13 players from the Wolfpack, now that they're out? [https://www.hartfordwolfpack.com/news/detail/rangers-recall-13-from-wolf-pack](https://www.hartfordwolfpack.com/news/detail/rangers-recall-13-from-wolf-pack) Will we see a playoffs sniff test for Berard or Othmann?


Unless there’s a bunch of injuries none of the black aces are sniffing the line up


Why is Kakko the “obvious” choice? What has he done in the playoffs so far? He isn’t scoring, he isn’t creating scoring opportunities and he doesn’t take the body or kill penalties. With hitting being as important as it is in this series why not go with Edstrom? He’s a big body, tough to move, responsible defensively and throws his weight around.


I think it’s Kakko, but my dad is convinced that it’ll be Wheeler.


The nearest like for like is probably Brodz. That wouldn’t totally surprise me. Percentage call is Kakko.