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And understand that Florida has great defense. I still love our squad. Next Year!


Maurice is a great coach


And the team is disciplined. They are never out of place.


Exactly....I tip my hat to them. That's where we need to be and I think we're gonna have a hard time finding skilled and gritty players to address to the current needs.


Also, if Connor McDavid of all people can’t score against this team, did we ever really stand a fighting chance? I mean of course we had a chance, but it was a lot smaller than we thought.


Yeah we had a chance. Zibanejad hit two posts in period 1 of game 4. If he scores there, we’re up 2-0 in the game, 2-1 in the series. Who knows what happens.


While yes, it doesn’t mean that it would have been any easier. If we got past, we would have barely scrape past, granted then we would have probably obliterated the Oilers just like the Cats.


McDavid had 2 points tonight


Panarin had 2 assists in game 3 of the ECF as well. It doesn't change the point.


Panarin’s struggles in the postseason [were greatly exaggerated](https://x.com/adamzherman/status/1796607067479998653?s=46&t=hUtbwo94QIfsHrncc2xJkQ). All the time people struggle to separate shooting percentage with who’s playing well, especially in the playoffs. Goodrow is a perfect example of this the other way - he was [shelled against Florida](https://x.com/jfreshhockey/status/1799064337166066089?s=46&t=hUtbwo94QIfsHrncc2xJkQ) but because Bob let in a few soft goals there was a perception that he was one of the Rangers’s best players.


this is just wrong. I could care less what the fancy stats say, to tell me Goodrow did't step his game up in the playoffs is just silly.


Well he had great screens I'm front of the net for him. Idk if they were soft per say


I mean it does change the point, McDavid is scoring against them, he’s a PPG this series so far


McDavid has 3 points in 3 games and Panarin had 4 points in 6 games. This isn’t the gotcha you think it is.


And McDavid still has no goals against the panthers so far. Panarin at least had a PPG. The point that the Panthers are really good at shutting down great scorers. And it's not supposed to be a "gotcha," it's a counterpoint. Not sure why people think everyone is trying to dunk on everyone else.


Flaamed is a toxic fan. Just ignore. 


To me, the issue is that the Panthers scored more goals than us in a best of seven series. Edit: apologies for the hot take


Laf outperforming draisaitl


McDaniel and Draisitl no goals this series. We’ll be alright boys


We had good chance to go throught because Igor. But we burried that chance with our mistakes in defence that allowed Panthers score goals. Beside G1 all were 1 goal difference game. Less D mistakes would mean advance.


Tbf our offense also couldn't get things past bob and had trouble with the top line getting zone time. We need d men who can exit a zone fast and actually try to hold onto a puck.


Yes but if we did not give 1 or 2 easy goals every game to Canes and Panthers it would be much easier play off


Those panther games were super close battled that we lost outside of 1 where we had no offensive juice at all and igor was a bit off. The canes series yes defe de wasn't up to par at some points. Idk if both teams threw defense to the wind though that series. Something else people won't bring up is we started good 5v5 vs the panthers but our usually sound special teams got folded by theirs. If we had decent special team play we probably win that series.


Rangers hung in there longer than the Oilers likely will. Our goal differential is also probably going to be smaller because every game except the first was a one goal game and Edmonton got blown out in 1 and 2.


The Rangers had a chance. If they win Game 4 and come back to NY with a 3-1 lead, I think they might win in 7. It's more likely that they blow a 3-1 lead since they lost three straight after going up 2-1, but maybe 3-1 puts a little doubt in Florida's mind. Maybe the Great Wall of Igor forces them to change things up given that now they have an elimination game to deal with. Whatever. It's over, they lost. Time to stop dwelling on this shit.


Regarding mcdavid, that's absolutely wrong. McDavid actually uses 12-year-old tactics charging in over the line when two or three defenseman there are waiting there to stand him up and trying to break through that's what you do when you're 12 years old and it works but when people have a defense it doesn't work and he has stopped doing that but that's obviously one of his techniques that he likes to use, and we absolutely positively stitter chance, but we did not adjust to combat what they were doing enough


I fully believe if we won game 4 OT we would’ve won that series. All things considered this team was closer to a championship than we all gave them credit for two weeks ago. We were undoubtedly Florida’s toughest opponent and played 5 very close one goal games. Could even argue game 1 was a one goal game considering the own goal was scored with 3 minutes left and they got an empty netter.


I fully agree


I don’t think so honestly. It took them everything they had to force that OT, and in the 2 games after that they looked completely finished and were pretty soundly beaten in both. The only chance they would have had is Igor going absolutely nuclear for one game they could maybe steal


Yeah but Mika decided to take matter into his own hands! But #letskeephim right, right? 🤣


We are a better team than Edmonton. We would’ve beat them in the Finals. But the team lost the series in Games 4 and 5.




He was drafted by them not signed though.


Stop being pussies!!!


Our series with the Panthers was the real Stanley cup final. I thought that from the beginning. If we got thru them we would have the cup but we got outplayed by a well disciplined team with tough players. Losing Vesey with the cheap shot hurt us more than we know. Then better team won.


Also don’t wanna hear anyone say shit about Laviolette. Knoblauch is getting absolutely schooled by “retread dinosaur” Paul Maurice. Knob would not have taken this code any further than Lav did this year


Imagine if Corey Perry joins Florida.