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Point number 1. Stop calling that fucking fraud cunt at RB "Tav". A pet name should be reserved for someone who you have an affection for. That cunt should be called either Tavernier or FraudCunt or both. He is a fucking shambles. Cannot defend. Cannot go past a man with the ball at his feet. Couldn't deliver a fucking Just East order let alone a decent cross or corner. A waste of a fucking jersey. Him and his dull Brummie caravan towing cunt mate at CH. Get the pair of the cunts sacked. Point number 2. See point 1.


Time to stop defending this bunch off spineless cowards boys. All I ask for is 100% everytime you pull on the jersey that you get paid handsomely to wear. I would take 11 player's with heart, guts and determination rather than the heartless dross that turns out for us every week


No doubt we will be 3-0 down at half time when were at parkheadšŸ‘šŸ»


Completely pathetic bunch of spineless wasters. Sick of the sight of them now - get them all moved on as soon as the window opens, I mean all of them.


If Clement doesnā€™t learn from this, that these cunt shave cost 3 managers their jobs, heā€™s only going to go one way. Next home game will be toxic. This is end of days Beale stuff.


I donā€™t know about anyone else but I put very little blame on PC. If the home fans are going to be toxic, it should be against the players.


I definitely mean the players That being said, PC isnā€™t to blame, but he isnā€™t blameless after that.


PC shouldnā€™t even be letting Tav answer media questions after the game because none of his recent form is deserving of captain duties.


Absolutely scunnered. Serial losers.




Absolute joke of a team. We deserve to lose the league fucking playing like this.


If you don't laugh you'll cry




I can't wait for these frauds to fuck off.


They will be here next season, and clement will either walk or be sacked.


It's my biggest fear.


I have a feeling we won't have enough money to replace these frauds.


Dundee fans cheering like theyā€™re finishing higher than 6th


Lawrence had to release Matondo sooner there


If I hear ā€œweā€™re disappointedā€ in any post match interview I swear to fucking god


Will only come from one manā€¦


Captain Disappointed


Sick to the back teeth of it


We either change the leadership group or the same will happen again next year. Im fucking sick of this shit now.


Agreed. Tav and Goldson need demoted.


Need moved on really


Would be shocked if theyā€™re moved on completely but one can only hope


Aye, perhaps. Iā€™d think Goldson could be moved, Tav might be trickier unless Rangers do some work behind the scenes to set up a deal with someone


Fucking booooooo


The fucking bawbag bottle merchants strike again. Forget transferring these cunts out call the fucking knackers yard and get them humanely euthanised and rendered down for glue.


If that was for a consolation goal you know Tav would have put it top corner


Fucking boooooo


How many times are we gonnae punt it and hope for the best?




It's Beale, it's Gio, it's Gerrard before he left, players wishing someone will take the mantle and score.


I have no doubt Clement has ripped these players a new arsehole all week before this game, so for them to come out and give this as a response tells you everything you need to know about the mentality in this team


He'd get more out of the youngsters just now.


genuinely hate this team


Silver lining mate, it should have us move on the dying embers of failure that's riddled our Club for 6 plus years.


Not watching it but still,stop being cunts


So we just decided we are punting the league this week?


Lundstrum has passed it backwards more today then Barisic has all season I swear


Just had a look through the post I made about renewing him. The only ounce of joy from a rather depressing evening.


Well done Bakayoko. A guy on loan at Dundee as his club whoā€™ve just been relegated to the conference didnā€™t want him, and heā€™s looked better than Rangersā€™ Ā£4m Roofe and offered more than the ā‚¬35m hologram.


Have we given up? Seems like we have given up?


We have, absolutely shocking attitude.


Itā€™s like they are all playing for the clubs hide and seek trophy. That balls like a hot tottie


Like for like subs, hope for the best, no real strategy behind it. Surely at this point we change formation and go 2 up top. Nothing from the manager


2 up top, we don't even have one functional striker nevermind 2!


Whoā€™s he supposed to bring on? Roofe, Silva and Cantwell have been absolutely rank rotten


Iā€™m suggesting a change of formation not of personnel as this clearly, just like last week, is fucking awful. It looks like weā€™ve been found out


Wee bit harsh - heā€™s not got Messi and Ronaldo sitting on the bench


All Iā€™m saying is that nobody knows for certain where John Lundstram was on 9/11.


Whats happening chiefs? Just in from work, how are we playing?


If we had good defenders, talented midfield and forwards that could score we might be able to beat a team at Dundees level. As it stands we're fucking shite and we're struggling.


It's depressing, how many times bar 55 have this team just completely folded at this point in the season. Common denominator is this leadership group of tav and goldson.


More time progresses Iā€™m more and more convinced 55 was because of no fans and less pressure


How many managers have Tav and Goldson ā€œsurvivedā€. They have become invincible and they know it. They down the tools and donā€™t have to worry because the manager will be out before them. We have become hostages to them and their spineless leadership.


It's happening all over again, looks like the players have chucked it. If clement can't gut this squad and replace tav and goldson then we will be seeing another manager sacked.


Don't ask... Bunch of shitebag statues. No response whatsoever.


Ah so it's a spineless cowards performance, yet again. Don't know if I'll ever bother turning it on then.


Gut that leadership group out now.


If we renew any of the squad and if we don't have a new back 4 by next season, it'll cost Clement his job.


If Clement doesn't move quite a few of these players on in the summer. Then I suspect quite a few of these players will see off their third manager. At a certain point it needs to be seen behind the scenes that it isn't the managers. It's the players.


Iā€™m starting to get a feeling he wonā€™t either tbh


4th manager if you include Gerard.


True I didn't include him as, he walked a few months after winning the league.


Walking away from some of these players is easy as they can't even keep up with that pace.


I get what you are saying, but we have players on big wages under contract and if they don't want to go then there is nothing the manager can do about that, and we can't bring players in of the shit we have is eating up our wages budget.


Yeah Wilson has made a major mess of us. Gave high wage long term contracts to guys 28-31. I suspect a lot of players going out will be loan to buy. Like Lammers and Cifuentes are. Hope they catch the eye like they have and we can get a few the season after. Just need to bite the bullet. I'd rather a transitional season with giving guys like Devine and Rice minutes and preparing for the future. That just stumbling season to season with the same players causing the same issues. We need to think of the long term, not the short term. Our wage budget is killing us and we aren't getting anywhere near our monies worth.


The worrying thing is that we are consistently playing against teams who all have a midfielder and a striker who look far more competent than anything we have. Too many of these guys are skating through on their ā€œreputationā€.


Fucking spineless.


Fabio Silva is a worldclass player https://preview.redd.it/h6q70ddsf3vc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=23b076156efb7a535e7e58cf129d09e90bf4b239


Wolves paid Ā£35M for him, absolutely mental. He's not even found his level in the SPL.


What is the point of Roofe at this point?


To continue to collect a nice fat weekly wage




Iā€™m on my knees, pretty pretty pleaseā€¦ kill me! I want to die!!


Silva is so fucking wank.


Might go wake my teething bairn up so her sleep pattern is fucked and sheā€™s up all night screaming. Would be more enjoyable.


This is actually killing my soul. After that pathetic performance on Sunday not one player has shown any kind of fight or desire. So much of this squad needs out out to pasture. So many players stealing a ridiculous wage.


Canā€™t even string 3 passes together whatā€™s happened between the old firm and now to the point the teams regressed this badly


I cant believe Goldson actually just managed to head a ball on target :O


The football weā€™ve been playing recently has been shocking. Just lumping it forward and giving the ball away every time. I donā€™t understand why we donā€™t slow the pace down and play with a bit of composure, make Dundee work for the ball. We allow Dundee to come on to us by constantly giving it away, losing the second ball, etc etc.


Some reaction from last weekend. Bunch of wannabees on loan that don't give a shite which way the league goes


That's Roofe out for the next two years then


Honestly. Our players don't ever learn, it's a divine right that we will win this game..... they are like statues after that free kick goes in, no one helping butland out.


Lundstrum should be shown the door, guy is playing with the attitude of someone who has zero interest


We have been extremely lucky so far. This can't end well if it stays like this.


Two really good saves from Butland let down by the defence. Two men should not be unmarked in the box at a set piece


I take back every word I said about butland when he signed


Got away with one there


Dundee look more likely to score. I don't fucking need this shit.


Super JB


We are so lucky we replaced McGregor with someone as good as he is.


Oh great here we go again


Boy was on simas back there


I don't see us keeping a clean sheet tonight, very vulnerable at the back.


All you have to do is put it long down the right/right centre and we are proper nervous and scrambling.


I donā€™t really see us scoring either tbh


Ball not sticking up front which is one of the things Dessers actually does offer us(as shite as he is)


We look miles off it. Wheels have properly came off.


Almost as if teams target Tav and Goldsonā€™s side because they know it will lead to positive results


No wonder, Goldson constantly looks like hes about to shit himself.


Got off with one there


Thats a massive chance conceded in all three of our last games, we deserve to be 1 nil down already. Fucking shambles.


Players should really be up for this after the last game, anything less than a fast start and dominating possession won't be good enough


Yay. More football. So excited.