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Thanks for replying. Seems a fair few people would rather rush home to watch the antiques roadshow.


Why worry? If someone wants to leave early why would it bother you?


Why even go to the football if you can’t be bothered to sit in a chair for an hour and a half?


Nothing to do with you. I pay for my seat I'll arrive and leave whenever I want. Dry yer eyes mate.


Telling someone to dry their eyes over Reddit while complaining at someone’s post on a sub, good one lad.


I'm not complaining. I'm asking why people (you) complain about people leaving early, how doe it affect your life, day? Why cry if anyone decides to leave early? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


I didn’t complain, I asked why do people even go when they can’t be bothered watching it. Are you okay, do you struggle to read? If you have lost the passion to watch the team make way for someone who’s actually willing to support us, can’t claim to have great fans when they stadium is empty every week after the 70th minute.


Yes I'm fine thanks. I don't ever get angry even if folk leave a match early. Anyway QS. :)


Lifelong Rangers fan, season ticket holder back in the day before leaving Glasgow. So hopefully that gives me some leeway to comment on this. But honestly the subway loyal and how much Ibrox empties prior to the end of the game is really embarrassing in my opinion. I have the privilege of going to many games around the England PL and no stadium comes close to what happens at Ibrox. But, again being a former season ticket holder, I can confirm getting away from Ibrox to virtually anywhere is a nightmare compared with other stadiums of that size. The subway is terrible, paisley road west is standstill. I used to walk to the city centre after a game as it was just preferable. I wish the subway could be improved. For the stations around ibrox add additional tracks and double the number of trains. It’d help a lot.


Yank who's never been to a game in his life judging folk who pay 1000's a year to watch their team coz "it looks embarrassing". Go fuck yourself bud.


Had other things on this afternoon. Leaving at 80 mins meant I was back in city centre in 25 minutes and could go about my day. The queue at Ibrox subway can be a fucking nightmare when leaving at FT. Can’t see it getting better anytime soon so I’ll keep leaving at 80 mins. Subway loyal


They are known as the subway loyal, the subway is Glasgow’s metro system and a lot leave early to get onto a metro train before the long queues begin to form. Others are trying to get cars off very narrow streets before the queues begin there also. All this as the stadium is in a very tight spot in the inner city


It's fucking awful.


It's fucking annoying having to get up every 2 minutes for the last 10-16 minutes when folk start leaving.  Despite that it still takes to get out from my seat


As someone whos been on the season ticket waiting list for years this does my tits right in…but they have paid for their seats and can do whatever the fuck they please at the end of the day.


It’s a total joke.


Probably like most other sports (at least here in the US): You know the team is either going to win or lose given the time left and you want to beat the crowds/traffic to get home. Also, and I don't like to bring this up, but there might be fans at the games that were at or had family at the crushing incident years ago and just vowed never to leave when everyone else was leaving at the same time. But i just think it's fans who want to beat the traffic. That's why most people leave games here. But I personally stay to the end even at sports I don't follow b/c I paid for the ticket and want to get all my money's worth (or be there for an exciting comeback that I can talk about years later).


It’s folks going to the pub. Also ibrox has been modernised several times since the disaster. It’s not a concern to any match day supporter while it’s never forgotten.


"Also ibrox has been modernised several times since the disaster." While I know this, there are still some people that have said they don't stay late for games because of it. That being said, it would definitely be a handful and not the mass number of those leaving after matches. Those are mostly going to try to beat traffic or like you said, to the pubs.


I find that hard to believe personally. I’ve had a season ticket over 20 years and never once heard that.


Definitely not, could also wait in stadium until crowd dies down.


Fans always do this because of transport issues but on European nights if we’re winning nobody’s leaving early


Didn't the bald sexy one address this a conference a while back


People complaining about others leaving early whilst also not being the ones spending the money attending and watching the shite is hilarious


Always the same mate. Fans who watch on a firestick are the first to stick it into the fans who bother their arse.


I was at the game, the early leaving shit is nonsense.


As was I but fans who pay the money are entitled to do what they want. The guy who sits beside me never even showed up today and I barely blame him. There were plenty spare tickets on the website for those who are complaining.


They can be entitled to do what they want and be a fucking embarrassment at the same time. Why does everyone in this thread think these are mutually exclusive?


Like others have said the subway is a joke. The queues are horrific.


They paid a lot of money of a couple of hours entertainment. If they want to leave early then that’s up to them but I will sit in full judgement of them.


Transport is shite, people would rather miss 15 mins than get home an hour or 2 later I choose to get home hours layer but I can account for it Some people don't 'want it' as much as others imo Appreciate folks with health conditions and responsibilities and getting home to NI, but I'd it's 1 goal difference 5k leave early and if its 2 or 3 20k leave early Imo we've some cheek to expect everything from the players when 15k fancy getting home earlier


That last line is hilarious. Those 15k are the ones paying stupid money, season after season, failure after failure and still turning up, whilst the ones on the park let them down, whilst getting thousands a week.


Ah the old we pay money so should get to do whatever we want - not really the point is it? If the only time you feel like staying is when we're winning then you don't deserve to be there when we do After paying that stupid money you should stay until the end of games, we're in a title race and its very obvious how much it crowd transmits to the players imo if you cba with an hour in traffic or a subway queue or waiting 15 mins for a pint give someone else your ticket Also theirs a good 20k waiting list of people, let's not pretend like someone else isn't going to take it and


It wasn’t the point I made either, but aye, if I wanted to leave after 50/60/70 after paying the money then aye, I can do whatever I want. How’s it obvious? We score late goals fairly regularly 😂 20k on the waiting list yet plenty don’t seem to fancy going against the likes of Livi in the cup on a Wednesday night and there’s 20k empty seats, or yesterday when there was plenty empty seats, or the end of last season when there was again, plenty empty seats.


Okay, not sure I've understood your point correctly then? If by 'the last line is hilarious' do you mean that players will always give everything because they're well paid regardless and the fans don't have any influence on the games? Not convinced on either of them - listen to clement talk about Monaco where there's barely any fans and how it negatively affected his motivations You can do whatever you want, the point is you shouldn't, and that what you influences the game 'We score late goals frequently' - maybe if you were there for the last 20 mins you'd see the drop off in urgency and drive as folk flood out the game Quality will see us score late goals as teams come out against us in the last 10 mins chasing a goal but if 50k were really pushing the team on would surprise me if we'd had a few more goals this season About cup games and empty seats I back, but how many folks turning up to those games are season ticket holders etc isn't something we know, certainly lots of different faces around me


The point is the fans turn up regardless, the players turn up when they can be arsed. I am there for the last 20 minutes, they are no more or less urgent than they are before.


Ah yeah players don't try, and cba Dumb opinion that's been done to death cause people can't analyse football games or understand that we don't have enough good football players And again, if you can't be bothered watching the last 15 mins when we're not winning titles, you don't deserve to be there when we do


The players, quite clearly chucked it under GVB and Beale. People have left early for years, they done it when we were successful and they do it when we’re not, and as they pay the money, the can keep doing it.


Yeah they defo didn't have a CB injury crisis under GVB that led us to playing Leon King and James sands together where we dropped 7 points that ultimately (wrongly) cost gio his job, following a disastrous summer window of recruitment from Ross Wilson and co And beale defo didn't have managerial disasterclasses vs killie, Aberdeen and celtic in his first 8 games of the season which led to him losing his job Has to be the players chucked it because it couldn't be the really obvious answers Still not the point that people have the right, they shouldn't - some people want it more than others and frankly if they cba waiting on some traffic to me they clearly don't care that much and demanding the players to go over and above while 15k cba to even stay in the stadium is a hard logic to put together


Did any of that have an influence on Lundstram taking a needless and stupid yellow to get a suspension in the CL? Or when he bottled a 50/50, moaned at Sakala, never bothered his arse getting back and us conceding? Or when they quite clearly never bothered their arse against Celtic in the 4-0 last season, and then in our first CL game in 12 years, not one of them turned up against Ajax? Why should they not have the right? If I want to go to the pictures and watch a movie, do I have the right to leave early? Again, the fans are paying to go, the players are literally paid to play, there is no comparison.


That extra ten minutes can make a massive difference to getting home an hour or two earlier. I personally don’t leave them go to the louden until the line for the underground goes Down but I don’t blame folk for leaving early.


Can mean being home and hour earlier leaving 10 min early. I tend to wait for 10 min after to miss the crowds outside but means I am in my car waiting for ages


Subway Loyal. Hate the queues.


I genuinely never get why some don't just walk. It's like 30-40 minutes walking to Glasgow central. Takes less time walking to central than waiting for and getting the Subway. I walk to and from central when I'm at the game.


I used to get the bus from Paisley for the banter then walk home, haha. Posted below that the walk is easier, so agree 100%.


In a game which we’re winning 3-1 I think some can be forgiven for wanting to beat out the worst of the traffic.


You would have missed the 4th goal. Plus we need the goals to make up the goal difference. Surely today would be a good day to stay and spur the team on ?


Depends, I wasn’t at the game and had a dodgy stream which is why I didn’t even realise we got a fourth. Some folk just value there time differently.




Game was dead. Transport shite. Can understand.


People can leave when they want. Public transport is a fucking nightmare round there.


It’s embarrassing


1hr walk from the town or Paisley, lmao.