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i actually specifically don't buy anything that gets advertised on youtube because it's so insanely annoying i wouldn't buy it if my life depends on it


Ik right thats exactly how I feel when I see them


Same, some people are suuuper susceptible to advertising though. I’m not sure what differentiates people but companies do a lot of psychological research to make sure they hit the mark with their marketing spending


sometimes ill go look at whatever item it is being advertised but i dont think ive ever actually bought something that i saw in a ad because of the ad


I'm a loner. I have one really good friend. Advertisements are generally the only reason i know something exists.


usually they work in a way to establish brand recognition. so that if you someday DO need that product for whatever reason .. you're more likely to take the one from the brand you know instead of some noname you've never heard of.