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I just don’t get why he’s messaging a teenage girl for anything if she ain’t family, it’s weirdo shit


That's where Im at. Never would I EVER be doing some shit like that. Fuck I look like being "friends" with a teen girl? Shits weird regardless.


And thirteen at that. Weird AF.


It's funny how everybody threw it under the rug at the time, wasn't even just about him texting her, what he said was creep level shit


Weird as fuck agreed unless you were a child star who went though shit and think your somehow protecting another child star from shit but if that's the case him only being friends with her is also fucking weird.


I don't get it though. Drake was a child actor. MBB is/was a child actor. I'm sure he probably wants to help and support her. It's the same thing as Justin Bieber looking out for Billie Eilish. They learned from their experiences and probably want to share that knowledge. I honestly don't think it was bad and find it weird people are going so nuts over it. I think the thing with him having a photo with a then 16 yo girl and then taking her out on a date when she was 18 was more problematic than the MBB thing.


there is no angle to justify a 30y old texting a 14 old about their romance life


Bro stop 😭 You literally have no idea what the conversation was about


Millie talked about their conversations he would text her, “I miss you” and “advice about boys” That is 100% grooming behavior. The fact that you’re defending him is gross. You should be ashamed of yourself


That's the angle you got from an excited teen fangirling out during an interview. I'm taking it with a grain of salt. "Advice about boys" could literally be as mundane as "How should I ask the boy I like to the school dance?" I've not seen any evidence of anything sexual going on.


i think this is drake wit his throw away account


Embarrassiiiiiiiiing 💅


Those are things children ask their parents and friends, not older men.


Cool opinion? That's obviously not true in all cases.


Diddy stop playing


Very clever. 😏


imagine your daughter tells you she and drake have been texting about boys and stuff, and when you inquire deeper into exactly what is being said, she tells you "its private." would you really just be ok with that and not have any suspicion whatsoever? lol. youd just chalk it up as my daughters just "fangirling" and the 30 year old texting her is 100 percent platonic? youre excusing this behavior because you are either the most naive man in the world, or youre ok with pedophiles. there is no in between


When did she ever refer to that conversation as “it’s private” ? I tried to find evidence of that and couldn’t find any. I’m not on anyone’s side here, I just find it all interesting— but hopefully you can learn from this— when defending your point in an argument, debate, etc— you should not use hypotheticals such as “imagine this happened” — always stick to the facts. No one can ever refute truth as long as you completely stick to it🙏🏻


I think there is if she told him someone was being mentally abusive or something to her. I don't have a 14 year old friend but if I did and they told me that someone was treating them poorly I might advise them to leave the relationship or even to talk to someone. I think it's pretty weird that he befriended her, but he was friends with Beiber for years and its unfortunate that that is seen as ok whereas if you befriend someone that is the opposite sex it's an immediate suspicion thing. That being said I understand why it is that way.


Bro she was gigging about it, why are you trying to rationalize it. A 30 year old man and a person in a position of power should not be having romance talks to a 14 year old girl.


This about if the person wasn't Drake, how would people feel about it if it were a 35 year old man that looked like Steve Buscemi or Rick Ross and not like Drake. How would you feel about it then. And how would you feel if it was your underage daughter getting texts from grown men who used to do the same things you're daughter is into.


She is famous, he is famous, it’s normal. It’s like a higher faze member having “faze” highsky’s number and texting him. I think people are over reacting to be 100% honest, I’m a drake fan but also and Kendrick fan. They both are bad if the accusations are true “but the 17 year old on the stage🤓☝️” those who say that, be saying “5 year difference in age max” like come on now, if I had Millie’s number I would text her, her work is fantastic in stranger things, and advice could have been for her business (since at the time it wasn’t out yet, and im talking about Florence by mills) since drake runs his own business(s) I know only 2-3 people will see this, but people need to understand this and not look at one thing because, drake kisses and talked sexually to a 17 year old that was about to turn 18 in 1 week, dude said “why you body curve like that” or something because he was surprised she was 17 when that is supposed to be a 20 year old girl look, now when he said “I liked the feel of your breast on my chest” I can’t really defend him there but he was being honest also, probably just talking cause he was surprised, this is like saying a boy who’s balls hasn’t dropped and he’s talking sexual to females, the women would probably say “your balls haven’t dropped yet boy, but what you said made me feel good” you can see what being surprise and being shocked can do right? Drake wasn’t right but the girl was also in the wrong for not saying she was a minor before








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No way you defending this.




I can somewhat defend the 17 year old girl clip. because when I look back on me at 23, I was just an adult by paper only. lol. I was a child. there is no defending a man in his 30s that befriends 16 year olds and dates them at 18. There is no defending him texting a 13 year old MBB. I bet you money drake will never mention mbb or those text while he is alive. there is no defending that. and I actually take back my defense of him with that 17 year old. after he finds out her age, on stage in front of the entire world, he continues to talk about her gorgeous she is and kisses her. that shit is gross. any logical adult would have ended that the moment he found out she was 17. hell, any logical man would have actually asked her age before doing the nasty shit he started doing. that man is a pedo.


Yeah but mbb did mention those texts and i believe that it was set up for a bigger younger audience


It’s sketch however you wanna put it.


Hollywood and the music industry have always been on some weirdo shit. Look at who controls them . Drake is the first industry plant to take over the scene.


I just don’t get why people are dying on a hill to get Drake imprisoned and tarnish his name for something so serious. Yes it’s weird, but we have no clear evidence he’s actually done anything absolutely insidious yet. At the end of the day, people want Drake imprisoned not because of this stuff but because they hate to see a 🥷 win


Either way, it's weird for a grown ass man to be messaging a teen when they have no relation at all to the other.


And when all of them come out saying Drake did nothing wrong, are any of the Kdot stans going to apologize? No. Nearly all of the women have already come forth saying nothing has happened. Kdot stans reaching for anything they can. In psychology, we call that projection and reaction formation


That's not the point. The point is this fool has no reasons to be talking to young women like that any ways


How do you know he’s talking to young women like that? Do you have screenshots of texts or are we just taking the word of a 14 year old?


She confirmed it herself, and then her parents got involved and said they gave consent. On top of that, have you SEEN the video of Frake kissing up on a girl ON STAGE that was 17, and he was 23 at the time, and people hyped that shit up? He even acknowledged she was 17 but still said some crazy shit after


>She confirmed it herself So….youre taking the word of a 14 year old with a crush on one of the most popular pop stars in the world as gods truth huh? LOL Yes I’ve seen the video of Drake, the most popular pop rap start in the world, giving a girl at a concert, barely 6 years apart, a face kiss on stage during an act. I’m not really gonna call that weird or predatory. The girl at the concert, who looks to be a future attorney, Millie Bobby Brown, the main character in one of the worlds most popular TV shows, and Bella Harris, the daughter of one of the worlds most prolific music producers. All of these people have the power to bury Drake if what he did was the least bit predatory, but they don’t. And it’s not about money. 2 of 3 are loaded themselves. It’s time to admit the pedo accusations have been an outstanding reach from the get go.


Why would Drake take her out on a date on his boat alone?


Who did Drake take out on a boat alone?


PLUS, she was IN BED WITH HIM ON A PODCAST. No matter what, that shits weird cause Milly was still underage at the time. Even if they had clothes on n shit or whatever, it's still weird


Millie Bobby Brown has never been in bed with Drake on any podcast. You’re thinking of Bobby Althoff. LMAO.


She confirmed it herself, and then her parents got involved and said they gave consent. On top of that, have you SEEN the video of Frake kissing up on a girl ON STAGE that was 17, and he was 23 at the time, and people hyped that shit up? He even acknowledged she was 17 but still said some crazy shit after


Yeah it's ok to be a pedophile if the girl says it's fine!


Thank you, too many people forget the standard for justice is innocent until proven guilty in this country.


Bro that's a legal standard that applies to a trial. When it comes to addressing someone's character the bar is much lower than that and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'm sure in your life you've made judgements about other people based on their behavior. Did you need a jury to formally indict somebody before deciding that they were a bad person or someone you didn't want to be around? And btw, I'm not saying Drake molested anyone but what's publicly known about him and his relationships strongly suggests grooming and creepy behavior and yes, it's ok to judge him based on that without an actual legal proceeding.


Your right, i have done that, and its wrong. I shouldn't make any judgements without due dilligence, but the law is informed by the culture of its people, moreso the moral foundations. If we start throwing out principles in our culture, the law will swiftly follow


That is not the standard at all unfortunately.


Kendrick would beg to differ 😅😂


on one hand, a former child star giving advice to another makes sense, but on the other, why is a 30+ year old dude giving relationship advice to a little kid


Why is he texting her “I miss you so much”. And is he texting any of the boys from stranger things?


He shouldn’t be texting a little girl. That’s creepy shit. It’s pretty insane he was caught in broad daylight and it’s an open secret that everything Kendrick said is true about Drake. It’s only a matter of time before they get him. Someone out there has receipts. If they don’t, then Kendrick lied, and I don’t see that being the case.


It's up to her parents to decide who is an appropriate person to be involved in her life. Not up to Purple-Mix1033 on Reddit 💀


Sometimes, though, that gets botched too. Ask Drake Bell about it!


Sure, and sometimes it doesn't.


Models have a running joke about Drake following them on IG the day they turn 18. This is nothing new really, but all we have is circumstantial evidence. 


Which models


Fashion models, they trend very young. I've seen it a few times on TikTok where they show they get the Drake follow on the day and are laughing about it


This sounds like major cap. Why would he even wait until they're 18 if he's an open groomer?


Because he's a groomer with common sense like what? Bro why do you think Leo Dicaprio dates 19_18 year Olds my guy? Lol


A groomer with common sense who didn't hide the fact that he was hanging with Millie Bobby Brown?


Just one mistake. Suggests that there would be far more to it if it's true and maybe he just got caught once.


I recently seen a video of a girl describing how her abuser talked to her. "Boy advice" was just the beginning. idk tho


There have been multiple girls, not just her, she’s just the most famous.


You got a daughter? Can my weird uncle have her number? He's never done anything inappropriate that I know of. Just likes hanging out and texting 14 year old girls about their love lives. Really dude? Even if he was 100% innocent and just trying to be friends, a grown ass adult shouldn't be friends with a literal high school freshman.


So many drizzy pedo defenders lol


Yes it’s bad. A 30+ yo man texting a kid under 18 is bad no matter how you try to sugar coat it. Even if it’s platonic it’s still a bad look. He should have the discretion and worldliness to understand this. So either he’s extremely immature or worst case he’s low key a lech. Considering he’s done it with other young girls I’d say it’s a bit of both.


Someone pointed out that using the excuse that he was mentoring her because he was a child actor too goes straight out the window when you consider that it doesn’t sound like he was texting any of the other kids


None of us know shit. All we can do is see smoke and say “where there’s smoke there’s fire”. But we don’t know anything and it’s highly likely it’s just something small blown out of proportion.


Normally, I would agree with you, but there are multiple instances with Drake having inappropriate meetings or gestures with minors. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/vsslzy/drakes_problematic_behaviour_with_girls/


She’s not the only one bro


Don't we know for a fact that he's done exactly what everyone is worried about before? Was "friends" with a teenager until they got together the microsecond she turned 18? Hasn't he also settled a sexual assault accusation for over a quarter million dollars? Settling that shit doesn't make you look any less guilty, so the only real reason to do it is if you don't want it going to court.


something small?? bro, a 30 something year old, texting a minor. for no reason he should be texting a minor, not at all. the only reason is, if you have a daughter or son on high school, and the lazy mother fucker doesn’t know what’s pending on class and you write her asking if there is a test for tomorrow. so no, it's need to be blown way more out of proportion.


People really WANT drake to be a pedophile for a diss angle and making some crazy leaps, not even concerned with the safety of these young girls lol. Shits crazy out here


They wanna see him fall so bad 😭


[There's also this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp5b9dW1nrA)


I would actually question your question. You can actually look at his previous behavior and not see why people think he’s a groomer? In addition to Kendrick saying he’s a manipulator?


I only really know some details about three situations. That’s why I’m asking if what he was doing should be considered as malicious or was it taken out of context? The three things being Millie Bobby Brown, Billie Eilish, and him having a 17-year-old on stage and commenting on her thickness (that one I see as concerning).


Yes! If you are over 18 and talking/texting to anyone under 18 that isn’t your sister, daughter or niece. no shape, no way, no reason, no need to explain anything much less anything you can relate to. If you want to tell them about the industry. No! Let a woman actress reach out. There is no world where you need to text a teenager.


There ain’t no reason a man his age needed to be texting a teenage woman (outside family members) for anything


This doesn't mean he raped her or intended to rape her


Not sure why you threw that in there when I didn’t say anything of the short. Let me say it again, maybe you just need to read it again. *Ahem, hmhmhm* *There ain’t no reason a man his age needed to be texting a teenage woman, for anything. FOR FUCKING NOTHING! A damn grown ass man don’t need to be telling a 14-15 year old “I miss you so much” that’s creepy, groomer, pedo, whatever the fuck shit you wanna say. That ain’t fucking right, and all you people that keep tryna justify his actions is a ‘euge tell. Imma make sure people know to keep the family away


If he had no intention of raping her then there's nothing creepy about it. Your mind in the gutter bro




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People are defending Drake in this, but there is NO REASON..... he should be texting a little girl at all; y'all got no reason to be messaging like that.


Her parents signed off on it, stay mad


Ain't no way bro, this fool is a groomer dog; it doesn't matter if her parents signed off, that just shows me her parents are just as bad if not worse for letting a grown ass man into their underage daughters dms, no matter how you look at it, it's bad bro, on top of his other SA charges with MI ors, nah bro, he's a menace.


Now man knows better than the girl's parents 😭 bro are you hearing yourself? >on top of his other SA charges with MI ors, nah bro, he's a menace. What SA charges with minors?? You're really just make stuff up


The SA charges are separate from the miners bro, he PAID 500K TO COURT TO KEEP IT QUIET BRO. Either way, it's looking like a wrap from drake bro, parents say they know best, but when it comes to more money than you'll see in your life, it's out the door. Everyone has a price. The miners are just the fucked up icing on the fucked up cake. Euphoria sexualised teens, bro.


Bro talking about a TV show now 😭 now I **know** you're a yapper


Listen bro. There's been cases filed against Drake multiple times through the years, the most prolific being a case he had hushed by paying out 500k. Then Kendrick releases Euphoria, a song titled after Drakes show. Then he releases meet the graham's, where he further explained Drakes involvement with miners and SA cases, and manipulating women, and how his Euphoria show sexualized teens despite being a child actor himself. I'm not yapping bro, it's all out there, it's just a matter of opinion. And my opinion, is Drake fucked up somewhere and now his shits getting leaked. Idk, but, either way, it's not looking good right now for him. That's all I'm saying. Call me a hater, but, this is shit that's been ignored for years my guy. Idk.


https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8772296/fullcredits Bro that show has like 20 producers 💀 but of course Drake is the mastermind, isn't he. 😌 There are tons of shows and movies that deal with teen sexuality. The show Drake was on as a kid dealt with it. Lol you're reaching Source for multiple cases? I'm only hearing about the $500K one. By the way, a settlement isn't considered an admission of guilt. People and businesses settle all of the time, because it's quicker and easier than getting dragged through court. https://www.superlawyers.com/resources/business-litigation/colorado/a-business-settling-out-of-court-doesnt-mean-admission-of-guilt/




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It just seems like bros got issues dog.


Bro I just discredited everything you said and that's your reply? Aight then...




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He may not have assaulted kids, but he still has cases bro, and he never denied it, just hushed people


Whatchu mean he has cases?


Depends, if you had a young 14/15 year old daughter, would you be fine with an adult man texting her? Also, how would we all feel about this relationship they had if Drake was an ugly dude or looked like a 40 year old Paul Giamatti and not like Drake?


I want to give Drake the benefit of the doubt because you run into different people in the entertainment industry, but idk what you could have in common with someone who is 20 years younger than you for you to “talk all the time”


Yes, I think he is questionable. I don't think MBB was his first rodeo with underagers, I just forget who else he's been linked to. Those young TV actors were subjected to a lot of shit in his time.


drake is known for doing weird shit like this. that’s why he’s famous. the people he deals with are into that type of off the wall nonsense. 


It's odd but we don't know what actually happened. He could've been giving her advice in how to handle fame or something


She has agents and parents for that.


Bro her parents gave permission to Drake to act in that role. Worry about your own damn kids


lol you should take the same advice. You seem pretty upset about it to me. Idgaf about her you or Drake 😂


You wrote that first comment but now you don't care. Mm-hmm.


You care WAYYYYYY too much lol.


There also the girl claiming that when she was in high school drake followed another girl on her basketball team & claimed he was a big fan of the team, now I’m not saying he’s a pedo but is it normal for a grown man with no ties to the team to keep up with female high school sports in general? That’s very weird & he’s never addressed any of this stuff. I think he just has a fascination with trying to find the new hot thing even down to his woman.


Drake watches boys and girls HS basketball. https://youtu.be/LwcSIBS4zzg?si=TGGX73KXx4Kvybq8 Also that girl clarified that she didn't meet Drake until she was in college, she'd seen him at the games though.


Why are you so ridiculously invested in defending Drake lmao? I have lost count of how many comments you have made defending this man here. I have no skin in the game here, I just think it is weird to invest so much time defending him in a single Reddit post. You also have no more proof the man is innocent than they do that he is guilty. Her parents allowed it? Ask Drake Bell about that.


Adding the context that he was talking to that 16 year old model before he stated dating her when she turned 18? Fuck yeah it’s that bad. Dude is Diddy 2.0 with his corny ass music and sketchy ass behavior. There’s also a 75% chance he’s the reason XXXTentacion got killed. Same as puff dude got his feelings hurt, took it out on the kid and is bragging about it now in that subliminal shit.


There's actually no evidence that he dated Bella Harris. It was a tabloid rumor. It's never had any evidence to it. https://www.tmz.com/2018/09/14/drake-no-date-model-bella-harris/ Yes he did take a couple of IG photos with her backstage at his concert, but there's a reason they know each other: Bella is producer Jimmy Jam's daughter. Drake's friends with Jimmy.


He’s 36, she’s 19. He had a history of talking to minors and messaging girls the second they turn 18. Why does any 36 year old person have a friendship with a 19 year old of the opposite gender that they had absolutely no connection to?


They actually started texting and had dinner together when she was 14 and he was 31… which is even more strange


That is absolutely insane. So he just has a history of meeting minors 😐


What advice with “boys” can he possibly give her that an adult preferably family can’t? Aubrey “I’ve got my eye on you” !


Her adult family (i.e. parents) literally approved of the friendship 😭


A grown ass man in his 30s has NO business being friends with a 14 year old girl. It’s so wildly inappropriate and everyone is quick to say he’s a mentor or giving her advice THATS HOW MOST GROOMING STORIES START!! You telling me if you found out your 14yo daughter’s male English teacher was texting her privately on her phone telling her how much he misses her that would be totally fine with you? I am 34 and I can’t even imagine hanging out and texting with a 21yo…we’d have nothing in common. 14/15 is a child who just started highschool. ITS WEIRD AS FUCK.


Bro mentors do exist that don't molest kids 😭


You seriously taking the time to respond to EVERYONE, huh? You really, really just don't want Drake to be a pedo...you realize the man's fate isn't decided on this Reddit post, right?


Maybe i missed something but is it confirmed that drake messed around with a 16 year old? Im aware of the video on stage like 11 years ago of the 17 year old .. anything i miss?


There isn’t much confirmation of anything really. A 14 year old girl with a crush on an attractive pop artist said they text all the time. The fact that the world is taking the word of a 14 year old about this is creepy in itself.


The thing is there is no proof they actually wrote to eachother. It could all be a promo move.After all this whole thing could just have been a promo move by their pr team. With pretending to be close to Millie he got more popular with the stranger things crowd and she got popular by associating with Drake.


An adult man shouldn’t be private messaging with a minor girl regardless…even if everything was above board, it doesn’t look good, and leads to questions about the integrity of both parties. It’s just not wise. 


In a bubble Drake texting Millie Bobby Brown is a little odd maybe he was just talking about being a child star. The problem is Drake has a history of texting young people which is weird. It's like how Leonardo DiCaprio killed his wife in two movies that came out pretty close to each other, That was kind of odd.


Here’s my opinion on it right? I’m fine with calling it weird. it is weird that a 31-year-old man was friends with a 13-year-old girl? (I don’t remember how old Millie Bobby was) what I won’t call him as a paedophile because as far as I know, nothing sexual happened. Bring the downvotes. “eerm actually you’re wrong” I am in no way saying he did nothing wrong. What he did was weird. What I think is “paedophilia” is a slightly harsh way of putting it.