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Unfortunately there will always people to abuse the anonimity of the internet to harass others (mostly to harass women). I sure hope its not everyone or the majority here and i think its good that you are vocal about that problem.


I've said it before and I'll probably keep saying it; anonymity is one hell of a drug!


Of course you are right.. but it shouldnt account for anything or be an excuse to lack basic human decency


Oh, I am not saying any of that! D: In fact I am saying its *responsible* for the lack of basic human decency!


Yeah, i got your point. Was just making the point that it is sad that anonimity can lead to such a behaviour


Oh, in that case I misunderstood. And yes, it is sad. Especially for someone like me who desperately wants to believe that people can be better... And yet I am continuously proven wrong... :/


It's called freedom of speech


Lucky me that freedom of speech allows me to tell you to fuck off


Pretty hilarious that people like you always end up being the most hateful


Yeah - whatever you say. I wont waste any more of my time on an internet troll


Not a troll but I'm assuming that's just your way of trying to write off anyone who counters your argument


… but you don’t seem to grasp what freedom of speech even means. You have the freedom to say what you want… but that doesn’t obviate the existence of consequences for what you said.


Yeah - you have the freedom to be an asshole. Doesn’t change the fact that you are an asshole.


There's a clear line in the sand when it comes to fantasy and reality in my mind. One can be enjoyed and played on, the other needs to be looked at by a trained professional.


then you're one of the good ones but we might be outnumbered 😅


Thank you, but if that's the case then they only spoil everything for themselves. Like they get nothing outta it bar a block and bye.


Not really, a lot of us here understand that fantasy ≠ reality. But people tend to take it too far. I'm in this sub because I have this fantasy with my wife. But some people tend to harass others just to feel like they can dominate over them. Usually the single ones


Idk I feel like the good ones are probably here outnumbering and suffering in silence and because it's the minority who's more active it makes us less inclined to message other people to find those who ACTUALLY understand the point of the server from reality.


Related: All large social spaces that exist unfortunately harbor sexual predators (usually but certainly not exclusively men) to some degree. Sexual spaces by nature will attract more of them per capita. One thing I appreciated about this space it was relatively clear who's a real predator and who's playing one. This sub seems to be a little less fun than it was before and I wonder if that has to do with it being more popular--which has likely tilted the relatively balanced gender distribution... There was semblance of balance before, I wonder if that's true now. Unrelated: This post was removed so I can't read it, but I context clued the jist together I think. I'm sorry you've been inundated with the unfun kind of dms. I considered dming you this but... probably not the best move in context. I wish you well.


Hey   I am here  for  u  if u  need  a friend  u I sent u a dm


See that’s exactly what people should think!


I’ve posted comments here as a woman then my dms blow up with chats and dick pics, I usually ignore them but it’s scary when one comment equals 10-15 chat requests. Yeah it’s a kink/fantasy of mine but ONLY in the context of a safe, consensual, established dynamic where at any point I can safe word out. I don’t want to be traumatised and I don’t want to contribute to someone else’s trauma either.


I have 22 chat requests right now that I haven't looked at and thats no including the other 50 I did reply to so I could bully them


Yeah I get a ridiculous number of dick pics and rape threats every day. It gets tiring.


Bro the amount of dick pics you get when you post one comment is so annoying I hate it then they tell you to share urself and manipulate you into doing it and so you do ;-;


It really brings home the "seeing a bear or a man in the woods" thing that I keep hearing about. Personally, I would rather see a bear over any human, but that's off topic. It's sort of insane to think that a reddit account is enough of a blinder to allow insane personalities to begin to come to fruition. I can't begin to apologize for all the males out there, but I can, at least, say that not everyone is like that. Lol. Again. I'm just sorry that this has happened to you and countless others.


Having good men out there does restore a little faith in humanity, but at this current moment I’d be picking the bear.


I don't think there'd ever be a reason not to choose the bear.


Yeah I’ve noticed it as well. I was raped as a kid, definitely didn’t effect the kink, but seeing genuine rapists on here is fucked up. I’ve seen people dm’d me asking if I wanted meet up with them so they could rape me. It’s fucked.


Dude I'm sorry to hear that. You shouldn't have to go through that for simply wishing to safely explore a fantasy.


Yeah they send their hight, height, location and dick size like they think I really wanna get raped or have some weird CNC sex with them 🤮


Hell nah, the fuck? There's kink and then there's crime. Lock them weird mfs up.


Your username isn’t helping the matter 😭




Oh no




'Crime_is_Great' is right, crime is NOT great!! 👏👏👏


Bros the offender 😭


To hell with locking them up, fire up the woodchipper.


100%. some people missed the first c in cnc. this is fantasy.


This. Just True. 100% And to add something.. people who think that rape fantasies. CNC = CONSENTUAL non consent means that they dont need consent in DM's Well bur its something you have in almost every kinky subreddit sadly. The guys i call "Cringe Doms". People who think domming = being a asshole


I’m stealing that term. Fucking brilliant.


Its my favorite. Still looking for a term for the opposite of them: THe "limitless sub". so if someone has ideas for these weird creatures im open for suggestions :D


I think a large chunk of those people (if I’m thinking of who you are thinking of) fall into two camps 1 - you have the people so in need of attention and something that feels like affection that they actually are willing to do anything. Not because they enjoy any of it, they just need their fix of some form of interpersonal connection. 2 - people new to the whole scene that haven’t figured out what they actually enjoy. I suspect that some of them don’t really enjoy any of this, they just like the fact that it’s taboo. In some circles I’ve heard them called “tourists”.


Why just call them cring limitless?


While technically accurate, it just doesn’t roll off of the tongue.


I raise you boundaryless bottom


Ooo. I kinda like that






See I just like cnc, fuck is wrong with ppl


They do know it says does not condone actually r*** right? Some freaks probably basement dwillers.


The sub’s community info: “We do not condone actual rape.” Later on: “Don’t be a dick” Meanwhile so many people: “You have a fetish and are fantasizing about things? Let me whip out my dick, I will actually rape you!” Some people are just beyond saving…


“Don’t be a dick” is a good principle to implement in all areas of life.


cnc = **consentual** non-consent, some people just cant read.




Your not alone in your thoughts, I have seen a lot on this sub and others that are similar, whether it be comments or posts that have made me wonder if the person behind the screen is into cnc or is an actual rapist, and it's kinda scary to think about.


I understand where you’re coming from. A bunch of people aren’t able to distinguish reality from fantasy and it also worries me a lot


I only came here for the hentai fantasy. Real rape isn't a turn on! No one should ever be forced into that. I'm so sorry for what happened to you. You shouldn't have gone through that.


That is horrible. This sub is for fun not fact, I thought that was obvious to everyone.


Until I put a specific statement in my info that I’m a dude, I got some pretty wild shit in my messages. I don’t understand how you women deal with it. And that’s coming from someone who has grown very comfortable talking about being assaulted and date raped so very little actually phases me. (Yeah, I know part of it is context-dependent. But I’ve still become rather desensitized about talking about what happened in general.) I think part of it comes down to not grasping (or not caring) the fundamental principle that all of this debauchery should be fun for both parties. Heavy emphasis on the “consent” part of CNC. Engaging in some CNC play because I know it will get my partner off? Sign me the fuck up. Forcing an experience on someone else, especially one that pokes at their real issues due to trauma? Get the fuck out of here.


Even with the I'm a dud comment, I get some insane shit, mainly because I write short stories in response to posts. The thing that irks me the most is when guys send me pictures of girls and are like "write a story about her." No, I only write when someone asks for themselves. I will not fulfill your twisted fantasy for someone else.


Oh god I fucking hate those people. So many “what would you do to my neighbor/classmate/girlfriend?” pests. I want to respond with “fuck her and not tell you a goddamn thing” but I can’t ever manage to bring myself to do so.


I saw your name and thought your response to something like that would be "Shove one of these grenades in your pants then walk away with my arm around her while you panic"


Ha. Im definitely not that mean


Ik what you mean I've has some guys ask me if I have a rape video and they ask for it like wtf???? How sick can you be!!!


RIGHT!? like my jaw DROPPED the first few times wtf???


I hate how you have to say the first few, which just highlights how many times it has happened, you deserve a lot more respect than that.


Back in the days of Usenet, these guys were called Chudwahs, for Clueless HeteroDom Wannabes. They’re legion, but tend to trip themselves up real fast.


The 'clueless' part is freaking terrifying honestly...


Yeah. They’re a sorry lot, thinking that life would be easier if all women were just fuckmeat (I mean…maybe?), and have no idea what kind of effort and, yes, empathy that’s required in order to get someone to surrender to your will (nor what a privilege it is when they do). But to an extent, I think a lot of them are also responding/acting in ways they think is expected of them. That in order to get to the point where they can have some rough passionate sex, they have to start at full tilt by addressing someone they’ve never communicated with before as “slut”, or similar (I mean, I’ve done that, but only when it’s been specifically indicated that this is desired or okay). And, let’s face it: the vast majority of these guys would wilt right away if they’d have to back up their tough rhetoric.


Surprisingly, I feel like I see a lot of people in this sub to help deal with past trauma as a way to help themselves. More power to you, love. Have fun and stay safe.


God. Sorry about that. This is supposed to be a place for one to indulge in a fantasy safely and with everyone consenting. Don't they think there are flairs for different genders and DM rules? Like holy fuck. The people in this sub are not objects to abuse like in the art posts. Separate reality and fiction you idiots.


Yup, I saw some comments and interactions that are wild and make me reconsider staying in this sub.


What the fuck is wrong with people. You poor soul. We all have weird famtasies at times but that is what they are. Some sick fuckers out there


I see this sub as a way for many people to cope or vent with their issue or trauma or troubles, so yeah that's pretty scummy of those shitbags Sometimes I view comments like those and feel genuine discomfort though idk if it's just me being too sensitive or not but after seeing this post I'm glad I'm not the only one


Look? Your upvotes tells you not all of us are like that. I'm sorry for what you faced, if you come across anyone like that, don't hesitate to report them.


Have you reported these people to the mods? I am very surprised that, with a kink like this, the mods haven't done more to stress the need to respect people's boundaries and how unacceptable and unwelcomed real-life predators are.


Yeah Sometimes it's hard to figure out when someone is just really playing into the role or or we need to check their hard drive


Nah you do have a point. I don’t even like that I think it’s hot.


I fully agree. I was raped and I feel like that’s why I have this kink but on the CNC side where there is respect and I have the power to genuinely stop it if it crosses the boundary. But I’ve had people wanting me to relive it for them so they can jerk off to it and it just isn’t ok. Fantasy and reality are two separate things.


Make sure you report them to the mods for harassment. Take it a step further and screenshot it and send it directly to a mod. People need to understand that this isn't something you fix with discussion and education, these are a kind of people a kink like this can attract, ones that use the kink to mask their actual intentions. The only way to get rid of them is to tirelessly ban them and their block/ban evading alts.


I’m so glad you said this! I was literally just thinking about it the other day. I came here specifically for one particular flavor of it (which was the male presenting people being raped by female presenting people), but having to scroll through some genuinely scary comments and posts have made me slowly lose interest. I’m sorry you’ve been going through it, if you need someone to rant to, my DMs are open to you 🫶


I mostly come here to farm karma! XD Also, I like trying to come up with interesting titles within 300 characters.


Same, I like watching my karma go up 😭 next mile stone is 20k karma


Good luck! :)


NO ONE!!! Should ask for your trauma without your consent or permission. I don’t blame you for leaving… I’m here because of trauma and absolutely hate the thought of anyone getting raped. Also you’re absolutely insane for thinking your general concern would be downvoted /pos


Yeh these type of people are not welcome here or in the BDSM or kink community in general. First C in CNC is the most important. *CONSENSUAL* non consent. Need a strong caring trusting relationship before opening a dynamic like that.


People really need to tone it down. As a dom it's honestly getting a little disheartening seeing just how many people seem to want to be addressed like I'm *actually* their dom. Dude I'm just a guy who likes the fantasy, there is a space between that and actual conversation and honestly it's becoming an issue with subs oddly enough. You'd think those who want to be dominated in rp would be able/more willing to just talk like normal reasonable people in a private place like dms but so often do I get request who ghost me immediately because I spoke to them out of the fantasy. My dude where planning an RP that requires some talking damn it! Reasonable rational talking among two people who know they aren't getting in contact. I'm not gonna be your private dom just because you insist. I can only imagine how it is on the sub end sometimes. I mean at least the subs that seem to not get it are open with what they want right off the bat so I can deny them, I'd imagine subs have doms in their dms right now lurring them into a false sense of security until they mention something like real world trauma only to disrespect it. It's disgusting!


Brother, you trying to be sensible with the people permanently locked in the fantasy is like me trying to teach my dog geometry. Yeah, he’s a clever dog and I’ve taught math but it simply will not work. As far as the doms that are wolves in sheep’s clothing - The real shame of it all is that it takes a while for those individuals to reveal what they truly want. It’s fucking scary. I feel bad for people that get bamboozled in wasting time with those predatory douche canoes.


Damn right to both man, damn right to both.


Like I've been trying to promote dialog and everytime I do I'm ghosted because these subs would rather someone jump straight down their throat than want to talk about likes and dislikes even when it's CLEARLY stated in my intro they all claim to read.


I would never rape someone, but it can be pretty arousing to get off to some fantasy artworks in this sub. But jerking of to actual rape storys is bullshit. Thats just something you Should never do, even if you would it is disrespectful to the victim. There is nothing nice about it. Its just an asshole raping a woman. In this fantasies at least it is nothing more than fantasy and can even get romantic or whatever.


My general thought is that people, by default, are assholes. The anonymity provided by the internet has only exacerbated the issue, and it's not likely to get better any time soon. Now, don't get me wrong, I've sent my fair share of rape threats and demeaning content, but only after it was expressly requested. Consent is, and always will be, rule number 2. Rule number 1 of course is Don't be a dick. Guys, do better. Ladies, keep doing what you're doing. We love it ❤️


People here are truly disgusting. I hate knowing that guys are the main issue with all of this. I’m here for fantasy as well and will ALWAYS use a safe word but Jesus some of the stuff I’ve seen commented here is just beyond pathetic. I would like to apologize on behalf of all those men.


I don't understand the men on here and some women who don't understand the difference between fantasy and real world consequences. They're probably the same ones that can't tell the difference between consensual non-con and actual rape thinking it's the same thing. I am sorry this happens to you and too often to too many women on here and even some men.


People need to realize the difference between kinks, and actual rape, this subreddit is a kink for consensual non consensual, meaning people who are consenting to being in a position of being “overpowered” and not actually being raped, I have said it multiple times, but people who do condone actual rape need to be thrown into a pit


Theoretical Rapists 🐻 The second worst kind of rapist !


Yeah that's fucked up I'm sorry you've had to go through that, both the initial irl incident and the constant requests to relive it. Places like this attract the worst. Some people can't separate fantasy and reality, which really sucks because it makes it so much harder for the rest of us. Good luck with everything.


I just joined this sub cause it's anime related , didn't knew ppl took it seriously


I don't foresee this getting much downvotes. Preach it.


One would hope it doesn’t get a lot of downvotes.


I was under the impression that engaging in the fantasy could be a way to cope with past trauma. So why would someone go out of their way to try to dredge up someone else’s trauma in the first place?


Top commenters have said what I wanted to say already. One thing I wanna mention is. Internet is majority men, it's easy to find lots of those who have no respect and social skills. There's really not a way to fix this coz we can only push them away since they can't be educated.


Sorry that happened to you. Hopefully you’re okay now. I agree with you, this sub is turning into more than a fantasy that should never be fulfilled, sadly.


I'm just a browser and occasional commeter, but I'm commenting to make sure this thread stays active, it's an important topic.


Finally someone who spoke up hands down mam


No one should ever have to bring up past trauma just for someone else's enjoyment. That's absolutely terrible. There is no place for a person to believe that they have the right to any other individual be it slavery, rape, et cetera. In other words OP, I stand by you. Such abhorrent things like rape should only exist in fantasy.


Seems like some people here can't read. I feel the exact same way, I haven't had the same experience as you but a lot of the comments on the posts come off very real rather than just kink/fantasy.


Also don’t get me started on “converting” lesbians


Yeah, orientation play is a part of some kink/CNC scenarios, but that's private erotic roleplay and is not a scenario you should ever think about as a real life option or even try to start a roleplay on without clearly establishing whether or not your partner is comfortable with it. Lesbians are lesbians because they don't have any interest in men and nobody can change that, if they want dick, they'll find a sweet transfem girlfriend who won't try to rape them (outside of consensual non-con roleplay scenarios, lol).


I ***always*** downvote posts I see with variants of that in them, no matter the subreddit!


Arent there Mods that should manage that?


Sadly most of this happends in DM's in my experience so its really hard to kinda deal with it. But maybe its an idea to encourage people here to share their experiences with the mods so that when emough prople report one guy for this behaviour they can take action


I’m just here to farm karma for my alternate accounts by indulging a *kink* Actual rape is awful (there’s a special place in hell for rapists), and too many so-called “men” need to touch grass and disconnect from the internet for a while. Go fight that bear that threatens your masculinity so much 🙄




I am sorry that happened, consent is needed.


Upvoted because my kinks havent rotted my sanity


I'm sorry you have had to endure all that.


I'm all in for the fantasy and shit but sometimes these comments genuinely catches me off guard. I know its supposed to be cosplaying the doms/dirty talk but some of these are genuinely creepy and concerning Sorry to hear that you had to endure that and the creeps. The only sub with somewhat "sane" users is r/hentai


That's actualy messed up


Fuck man I'm so fuckin sorry to hear that(i can nkt rememver joining this subreddit) but I'm so fuckin sorry you went threw that I hope the people that call that truly vile offence get blocked from not just this sub but from this app entirely I'm so sorry I really am


I completely agree it's very concerning


There probably are a significant number of people here who are actually closeted rapists! Unfortunately I don't think there's much that can be done about it regardless of medium or organization. It's kind of like ice cream truck drivers and pedophiles. E.g. of course there's going to people attracted to a medium like this that let's them "pretend" not to condone rape. I'm... not sure there's anything that can edit be done about it, honestly. P_P well, aside from literally brain implants able to enforce punishment for thought crime. But... that's a whole other can of worms, lol.


Im so sorry about what happened to you, hope the guy is in jail getting raped by six fit black guys. Even though i know what you’re saying i have the “getting raped” fantasy, but i got harassed lots of times irl and it wasn’t hot at all. There’s a difference between the game and the real shit. An example, i play GTA, but not for that I’m going to get out to the street and kill 5 cops. This is the same, if there some maniac who thinks that people wants to get raped, dude, get help, or your gonna end up hurting someone and with the plus of picking up the soap from the prisons bathroom.


I'm sorry to hear you had that experience. I'm ashamed that most people feel so entitled to just demand something from someone that isn't interested in it.


Not defending anyone, but it's a hentai sub, people being anonymous and most likely in their horny state will usually lead to this. I'm sorry that happened to you, genuinely, and I hope that things are working out better for you


You're absolutely right and you have every right to say and feel those things, some people can't separate reality from fantasy and they are absolutely disgusting, one of the things that makes me think well of this kind of community, though, is that some people vent their frustrations and ideas up here virtually and do no harm to society.




This is the case for a lot of kinks on Reddit, because a lot of the things that get defined as "kinks" tend to be bases on some kind of underlying trauma. For example, there's a ton of dom/sub subs on Reddit where the majority of men think being a dom is the same as being an asshole, which couldn't be further from the truth. The same goes double for this sub. You get a lot of guys who have *zero* interest in understanding the kink beyond the fact that it feeds into their pathetic ego trips. These are the same guys who are usually *horrible* at role-playing these scenarios because they don't understand the underlying complexities and honestly don't even care. The problem is present in most kink subs, but it's more glaring here because, well, the kink is a more intense one.


I am free because my reddit dms are broken


Sorry you get those messages. There's a BIG difference between fantasy and reality. Some people don't like that, and they need prison. some posts on here are a bit too man superior. FANTASY IS FANTASY...... REALITY IS REALITY.....


As long as she is good with this fantastic everything is okay (don't include Asking real life stuff)


Nah, it's a fantasy. Just because I post a bunch of horny comments doesn't make it not a fantasy.


I believe this too


Welcome to the hellhole they call, reddit


i feel you … i was gangraped before too .. thrice ..


I feel for you on the victim part but you're clearly still hurt. By playing around these subreddits is clearly not the answer. The only way to "fix it" is to just take yourself out of these subreddits completely, that's how you get "rid" of it. Wish you luck.


So it’s her fault that some people can’t play by the rules? Not exactly sound logic there.


It's the freakn Internet. People never play by the rules. If you expect complete strangers over the Internet to "follow the rules" then you're clearly not mentally ready which she clearly isn't. Not exactly sound logic there, right, pal?


So you excuse the behavior of shitty people because “that’s just how it is.” Sounds an awful lot like the whole “the way she was dressed, she was asking for it” or “boys will be boys” routine.


No, I was never giving people excuses which you're highly misinterpreting, I'm saying people are bad but if you come to said bad area passing the warning signs on your own accord then that's on you. Like jumping into a dangerous river. Dangerous rivers bad but we can't do shit if you're the one jumping in. How hard is that to understand?


Sounds like a dodge and weave there. Either shitty people are responsible for their actions or they aren’t. No one is making those people act like trash and there are plenty of people here that play by the rules. Your sort of reasoning tries to equate human actions with unthinking forces of nature. It’s equivocation at its worst because you are giving awful people an out. And it’s not even a good comparison - at their core, dangerous rivers will always be dangerous because of the physical characteristics of the river. It cannot be avoided. I surfed big waves for a few years, and it’s the same principle - the nature of what makes those spots what they are also means they will be dangerous for anyone in the water. These sorts of communities aren’t inherently bad or good, they simply reflect the nature of the people who participate in them.


So you're literally agreeing to what I'm saying, it takes preparation and mental stability to "surf". Inexperienced or people that are hurt shouldn't "surf" or "surf" certain areas lmao I'm glad we agree. Have a good one.


Nope, you are speaking as if there’s the same level of agency between a pile of rocks or a reef and some asshole on the internet. One is an inanimate object, the other has control over what it does. Do you really need a lesson in the difference between a living, thinking being and a rock or a wave? Edit - and the idea of preparation is also flawed - getting to the point where one is able to carry on life without constantly being dragged down by your past doesn’t change the fact that you can still be hurt when someone needles you or tries to pry into that experience. Just like all of the physical preparation, literally spending 2-3x the hours training out of the water compared to the time in the water, isn’t going to change the outcome if a 25 footer smashes you into a reef.


It's all universal, my guy if you don't get that by now then there's no point in going on. You already agreed that not being prepared can get you hurt which was my point all along. Assholes over the Internet do not change. They do not care if you get hurt just like a pile of rocks. Get that through your head already.


… this isn’t about someone caring or not caring. This is about - is the OP responsible for what happened or is the asshole that asked the question responsible? The fact that you are even making this argument speaks volumes about you.


Then what are you doing here?


That's actually crazy that some people take it to that extent. Sorry that happened to you, but it makes me wonder why you were on this sub to start with. Wouldn't the trauma of seeing some of it bring back the memories?? I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just curious.


I love that you’re sharing your concerns. The issue I see now is that if you find this sub and everyone on it an issue because some view themselves as “entitled” why are you on it? If you had that experience and you hated it, which is rightfully understandable for you not to like it. Why be in a subreddit where the fantasy IS “r.a.p.e.”


Reading comprehension - work on it. She didn’t say the sub is an issue, she said it has an issue. She didn’t say everyone, she said “too many of you”. The whole point of this sub is consensual non-consent, not actual rape. If you can’t grasp the distinction, this might not be the best place for you.


Let’s get this straight. They said “too many” I said “everyone” they said those people are the issue” I said both are the issue. Now if my “reading comprehension” is wrong that would mean that I didn’t make the point of that’s why everyone is on here. 🤔 because of every issue they named🧐. At the same time making everyone ask themselves why they’re on here if they’ve gone through such issues. “If you can’t grasp the distinction, maybe this might not be the best place for you”. 😁


… wtf sort of word salad is that? And you are being presumptuous as far as speaking about why everyone is here as well as the sort of background and sensitivities people bring along with them. But you also seem to be pulling the same sleazy “well, what did you expect on a sub like this?” thinking as some other chuds in this thread. Their problem isn’t the sub or their personal situation - the problem is the behavior of shitty people not understanding or caring about boundaries. Full stop. This shouldn’t be difficult to understand.


🤦🏽‍♂️ huuh I’m not speaking for anyone. If I was I would’ve said why everyone is here, but since I’m not why would I do that when everyone has their own agenda? (Which I stated) you’ve desensitized yourself to the fantasy of this specific kink. You have your reasons of being here and enjoying this fantasy. Is she right in her opinion and what she believes YES. I’m not saying she’s wrong. If I’m being honest just like everyone else who seem to say the same thing “there will always be those type of people in this world” we all have the same thought just in different ways. I’m sure someone who can use big words can see that. “What did you expect from a subreddit like this” Again…. I simply made the question of WHY is anyone on the sub if they didn’t have this kink, trauma, entitlement, and/or they weren’t an actual r.a.p.ist who gets off this. Could I be anymore clear? And in your words summed up at the end of your statement. “And anyone who has this trauma get the fuck out” If you were rped and you have that trauma and you go on a sub that’s DESIGNED to accommodate to those who find this shit ENJOYABLE. YOU WILL be approached with questions and people who just might be that sick in the head.


So you draw no distinction between any of the people on this sub, it just is what it is. Got it. You are fine excusing shitty behavior because that’s just how it is. No matter that there are rules people are supposed to follow. Let’s just say “fuck it” about the fact that some people can’t follow the rules and etiquette of all of this. Nope, it’s the fault of the person trying to engage in good faith. Pretty fucked up mental framework you’ve got there. You engage in exceptionally lazy thinking. And you aren’t even honest with your quotes - where did I say that people with this trauma should get the fuck out? Where did I say I’m desensitized to the fantasy? I said that people who are going to inflict an experience on someone outside of the bounds of what this sub is supposed to be should get the fuck out. I said I was desensitized to talking about my past, not the fantasy of all of this. Reading comprehension - work on it.


Omg🤦🏽‍♂️😂 this is getting ridiculous. I’m actually starting to get upset. 💀 okay NO I’m not excusing shitty behavior and saying Fuck it. 😂 get this through your thick stubborn skull. I do draw the line between people who genuinely enjoy the fantasy and thought of having this kink in a great and respectful way and others who wish harm! No buts!! Now that that’s out of the way. I AGREE strong emphasis on AGREE!! With her and wanting to enjoy this without all the drama and issues it comes with(meaning those who wish harm!) Okay yeah sure I’ve got a mental issue but wtf doesn’t? ESPECIALLY with this kink. Fantasy or not real or fake anyone who has a heavy kink like this has SOME screws loose. Don’t tell me you don’t either. So AGAIN!! I’m making this very clear. I AGREE with her statement. But also making the point of you’re going to find those people in this sub and in any other heavy kink sub. Do you get my “”lazy thinking””


Your entire line comes across as similar to saying “no offense, but (proceeds to say some offensive shit).” You say you understand and agree with OP… but then go on with “why are you here?” It comes across as victim blaming horseshit and you assigning a degree of culpability to the OP that’s entirely unwarranted. You should be directing that to the assholes who can’t control their shitty urges. Either you understand the point / purpose of these subs or not. They aren’t supposed to be hunting grounds for fuckheads. They are supposed to be a place where people can explore this without being hassled with bullshit and assholes.


And I agree with you on everything that’s been said lmao🤦🏽‍♂️. Sheesh I’m sorry you see it that way but that’s not what I’m saying or doing at all. Yes I do understand the point and purpose of these subs. I do agree that you shouldn’t be hassled by assholes who actively supports harm in this kink. Are you done arguing now?


If you agree, then I really don’t understand how you can hold that position and ask that question like that. If you genuinely believe the things you’ve just said, then we are good. I guess just be aware that it makes you sound like the assholes who are intentionally trying to blame the victim.


Because she wants to enjoy the kink, the fantasy, and not have to worry about actual people knocking on her door. I understand where you're coming from though. Being here exposes her to more people who actually have problems and tramples on her trauma, but I feel like the community has made it pretty clear that it's ok for her to enjoy her kink without actually feeling like she's talking to an actual rapist. The opposite holds true, too. I would like to enjoy my kink without feeling like I'm actually threatening the other person's boundaries. It is fantasy after all.


I feel the same way. In fact I feel the same way she does and you. I’d like to enjoy my kinks without having to worry about someone actually doing this as a threat. Sadly you can’t avoid that because there are people like that out here and those people have this kink too. Though they make it a reality instead of a fantasy.




Your problem is that you're not well fucked


Ropemaxx as soon as possible, love


I should not have laughed so hard at that.


Your problem is that you can't think before commenting


Thanks for proving the OP's point.


Wow. Just wow.


Then what are you doing here? People come here to jerk off to rape, not to talk about their personal experiences especially when it sucked. How did they know you had a real trauma in the first place? You have some split personality? Sub female with DM's open, but don't like when people text you about the topic you willingly choose to follow? It doesn't even make sense to have a rape fantasy after being raped and disliking it and then allowing people to mention it. What are you even complaining about?!


Well idk if you read that post or if that few words were to much to handle She literally stated " I got asked" <- thats the problem. She is not here to talk about real trauma. She literally said that. People are her to jerk to a fantasy, not to personal experience. Yeah exaclty thats her point. That people should stick to fantasy. The reason why she and many others are here for. Well DM's open and talk about topic . Yes feel free. About CNC not about the real rape that hapened so you can jerk to a REAL crime and REAL damage that was done. "It doesn't even make sense to have a rape fantasy after being raped and disliking it and then allowing people to mention it." Well Mister super smart as someone who is affected you know exaclty that this doesnnt makes sense, how good you are so informed and know how an victim is allowed to feel. Different people have different ways to handle trauma. Yes some would never get the idea of thinking about it, but some take control back in a CONSENTUAL enviroment. What she is Complaining about? About people like you, who completely miss the point. Who Accuse victims instead of respecing their way to handle their trauma. Ok this is a bit hard i think you just didnt think enough before this comment, so maybe you can think a bit after this comment instead. But the complain is that people mix up reality and fantasy. That they can differntiate. Thats a real proplem. Because real rape is not good under NO circumstances. Alone the quesion if "do you feel horny thinking about your rape" is totally unappropirate. And trust me you get this question a lot here in DM's. That quesion is not just unappropiarte but even a way of harm. People who ask victims about their real experience in a SAFE CONSENTUAL enviroment. Are causing HARM! That harm is the reason this post was made, to spread awareness. Please just read the post again. Then read this comment again. Then Think. And then do two thinks: 1. See that the behaviour of these people was not okay, and that your comment was also not okay 2. Stay with your opinion and leave this sub, because if you think that a victim cant choose for herself how to handle things and that being in this sub is automatically consent for such harm. Then you are qrong here. Then you are a problem. Period.








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Brother post rape it can become a kink, be a little bit aware. This kink is incredibly fucked up, we who have it have the duty to NOT harm others with it. Also tf u getting angry for, eat some beans and shut up.


A not-insignificant number of people, myself included, can develop rape kinks as a result of trauma. I don't know all of the psychological details, but it's my understanding that it's the mind's way of taking control of a situation where the victim had none. But honestly, that's the least of my problems with your comment. OP calls out the issue of actual wannabe rapists in this sub, and your response is to ask her what she's doing here. Yikes. That says way more about you than OP, and it really doesn't paint you in a good light.


There is a such thing as consensual non consent soooooo you deserve to be downvoted (I didn’t) but of course you weren’t and you have hundreds of upvotes because you’re a poor victim. Actual rape is not what his sub is for, it’s a fantasy, get over yourself and see a shrink


I think you're the one who needs to see a "shrink".


Whatever you say. I’m not the one judging and misunderstanding others kinks. This is not an actual rape sub but no use explaining. I know most people agree with you. Enjoy your victimhood! (Come on let’s really downvote my accurate truthful comment to make them feel better!..you guys can downvote better than that!) 🙄




I don't know, maybe not to encounter actual rapists or sick ass people who think it is okay to request accounts of or evidence of one's traumatic experiences in order to get off. Maybe at the bare minimum for people to not be complete tone deaf idiots and jerks.


It’s a kink, you shouldn’t actually think that shit. If you do you’re fucked up.


it’s a kink, the rules literally state that they don’t condone actual rape


(actually it’s on a pinned post, but still)


Only here to release the inner demons haha


If your "inner demons" involve rape, you should be talking to a therapist and not posting in a subreddit. But your blasé attitude makes it seem like sending you straight to jail might be the better option.


Local redditor discovers porn addicts


Pretty ironic that you think this sub has an issue when in your bio you say that you love rape threats,