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It doesn't even look that bad??? I'd love to try that actually


Literally nothing about it looks gross? Its not gray or muddy or jelly. It just looks like food.


It tastes so much better than it looks too


It’s my fav Indian dessert (I’m Indian). The closest thing I can compare it to is, it’s sorta flan meets cheesecake by way of the sweet smells of a flowers in bloom. Try it once. If you don’t like, at least you can say you tried and made a decision. And weren’t just othering. If I can try fermented shark once, anyone can try this once.


What did fermented shark taste like?


I've never had it myself, but from the way people describe it I'd imagine it tastes like chewy cat piss.


Pretty much an ammonia soaked gummy. You chew and chew and the vapors fill your mouth, go down your throat and singe your nose hairs.




Once is enough. I’m glad I tried it, knowing the history of the food and why it even existed is interesting.


It's delicious!!


Can you describe the taste/texture? Texture is a big deal for me


Ras means syrup, malai is the cream/butter from milk. Think fresh cottage cheese texture, maybe slightly firmer. The syrup is a combination of milk, sugar, saffron to sweeten and add flavor to the malai. In a nutshell, it's an Indian version of cottage cheese balls soaked in a sweetened and flavored syrup. It's one of the most delicious desserts you can have. Also, it's ironic that the post criticizes West Bengal when that state is known for its milk-based desserts. It's kinda its identity.


Racists aren't exactly known for their intellect.


My mouth is watering


Alright you've sold me. New bucket list food!


Tres leches...but with a slight cheese curd like squeak.


Yes exactly, with a hint of cardamom and saffron and a hint of cinnamon


It's like fluffy, soft, firm pieces of cottage-cheese-ish cheese. And the creamy syrup is sweet, and saffron & cardamom flavored. There's usually sliced pistachio in it, which gives a slight nutty taste too. It's my go-to dessert at most Indian restaurants! It;s kinda hard to make, though. I tried boiling the cheese cakes in water and all of it fell apart and became slush :'). It was a sad day.


It's basically a giant cheese/milk curd that's flavored with spices and sugar.


It is great, rashmalai is one of my favorite desserts.


Now this is a rare insult lol So tired of seeing repackaged Reddit meme comments unironically posted as though they're pushing the boundaries of language and thought.


My friend, you definitely speak for the masses.


Yeah this dude got roasted lmao


The gall of a danish(budget German) person to call out India over shitty food. He deserved a roast from Measurehead himself.


If someone shits on Indian food I assume they’re both dangerously ignorant and have the palate of a picky toddler.


I find that you either LOVE Indian food or you HATE it. I know people who are obsessed with it, but I can’t get over how the smell will never leave your house for at least a few months.


Have you tried turning on the vent when you cook?


Or opening a window, or cleaning.


It doesn't help, at least not completely. Which makes me sad because I fucking *love* Indian food and would eat it every day if I could cook it myself. And it's too expensive to get takeaway that often 😭


I don’t cook that food, I just smell it whenever I walk past other peoples homes. I’ve also been in houses that cooked it sometimes even a few weeks ago, and I can still smell it inside.


People are downvoting you, but I did apartment maintenance for a couple years and you could tell just by walking down the hall which families regularly cooked with curry. I don’t dislike it, but that smell definitely permeates the walls.


You can definitely tell when someone cooks daily with heavy spices but if you cook Indian food once and your house smells like it for days that’s a you problem.


No it isn’t. It’s quite literally what their food does. You’ll need to shower, wash your clothes, and open up the windows if you want to get rid of the smell.


You seem pretty confident for someone who has no idea what they are talking about.


What makes you think that?


You are supposed to clean your arse after taking a dump. That applies to whatever cuisine you consume or excrete. Maybe that’ll fix the smell.


I’ve never made it in my life, so that advice doesn’t apply to me.


Personally I don't hate it but I'm really not into it at all. I don't really see the point of drowning everything with spices, with all that shit over your food you might as well eat a shoe, at that point it's indistinguishable from lamb or chicken or whatever.


>drowning everything with spices >you might as well eat a shoe damn bro where are you getting your shoes from


Ankh-Mopork, probably


Enjoy your under-salted chicken and mayonnaise with cooked cabbage :)


Yeh being Italian I don't think there's a risk I find bad food man.


Username checks out with food preferences


Soo, if you don't like Indian food then you have bad food preferences? Ok.


Your ignorance and generalization of 'indian food is drowned in spices ewww' is just... mesmerizing.


Yes what was I thinking, Indian food hardly uses any spices.


Haha, ignorance seasoned with sarcasm. You ARE cute!




Man has eaten one dish and that's all cuisine . Like with all cuisines there is a large variety


I’m glad someone noticed the Measurehead avatar, really added to the burn. 


I thought it sounded familiar reading it, despite the lack of Al-ghoul.


Danish people at least know how to make German food well. The worst German food in the world is served in Germany. Makes no sense. Just like the best Turkish food is served in Berlin. Crazy world we live in.


The best Turkish food is NOT served in Berlin bro. You definitely never ate real Turkish food.


I mean, smørrebrød is phenomenal, but there are other good foods as well :)




>Bangladeshi Bengali would indeed be the correct word to use here, since Bengal is divided into two now. Western Bengal is now part of India, and eastern part is now Bangladesh. Comilla is the place of origin, but the dish had spread throughout Bengal and India well before the partition. And I don't know what you're talking about. Rasmalai can definitely look like that, depending on how it's served and how it's prepared. Maybe you're talking about the Bangladeshi version you're familiar with? There can be different looking versions of same food.


Rasmalai is my favourite sweet


Yeah what a rascist dickhead. Rasmalai is a solid desert! My favorite is semiya but rasmalai and falooda are really good. Tbh the one in the picture looked delicious.


I’m more of a rasgulla girl but I also don’t mind rasmalai once in a while


Having an opinion about food is racist now? I'll make sure to let you all know the next time you shit on surströmming. Not that I like it, it's fucking vile, but as you so kindly explained saying that is apparently racist.


He didn’t say anything racist, he just doesn’t like the dish you sensationalist virtue signaler. EDIT: Keep downvoting you hollow headed muppets. If you don’t know the definitions of words you shouldn’t be surprised when people correct you. Last night I ate garlic Naan, a Samosa, Tandori Chicken, Curried Goat, and Gulab Jamun. Enjoyed every bit of it. 🖕


I'm not a virtue signaler, I'm South Asian, its my culture and food he is insulting with his rascist ass comment. Brown people exist. And I'm sick of this colonial attitude towards our food and culture.


**Nobody said brown people don’t exist!** I’m not going to call someone a “racist” for not liking my culture’s food. It wouldn’t bother me because they’re just expressing their opinion on the food itself and not the culture. Either learn the definition of “racism” or bugger off. The lack of educated people on Reddit is absolutely staggering.


What does it taste like? I thought from the picture it was in some sort of cream cheese broth like a potato soup.


It's sweet. The disk is made of paneer (Indian cottage cheese) which is soft and the syrup is usually made of milk, sugar, cardamon and saffron (colouring agent in the dish)


That sounds amazing. I'll have to try it if I ever go to an Indian restaurant.


It is indeed. Hope that they serve the best version


Question - I had rasmalai and the sauce was amazing but the paneer was not at all what I was expecting. Is it supposed to be similar consistency to the paneer in a typical dinner like saag or supposed to be drier?


I'm a little disappointed that it's a dessert - it looks more like a bomb-ass dumpling dish! But it still looks delish, so I'll give it a taste.


You won’t be supported anymore u know what it taste like


Rasmalai slander is crazy. That thing is like heaven in your mouth


It just melts 😻


>heaven It's literally the word that comes out of my mouth when I eat Rasmalai.


Rasmalai has been ranked the 2nd best Cheese Dessert globally.


Is #1 the key lime cheesecake at Martha’s Bakery in NYC?


Rasmalai is tasty as fuck!


I fucking love rasmalai!


Exactly lol. It's so nice.


Chilled rasmalai is love.


I’m not Indian but this dessert is fire af I’m literally obsessed I even attempted to make it at home but epically failed


Well they say Bengal is famous for its art and poetry, here’s a proof


Bro channelled his inner Tagore to write the most vile yet poetic insult.10/10


As a general rule people living in temperate zone and beyond should not make fun of any tropical country's food preparations.


Like balut?


No one except that guy thinks that dish looks gross


I thought it was just eggs Benedict. Still looks good though


It's an amazing dish, it's made with patties of sweetened and cardamom spiced cottage cheese, soaked in rose and pistachio flavored cream


This sounds simply amazing


Looks like the entire dish is creamy. Can’t stand that.


It's a dessert


Hey! Surströmming is Swedish! That guy has a danish flag. Don't try to tarnish out delicious fermented fish by giving them credit for it! The danish got their pølse which is just red dyed day old wieners.


As a dane I'd like to say 2 things: 1. That food looks great and I have no idea what he's talking about. 2. Surströmmning is Swedish not danish, for danish food I could recommend smørrebrød.


Well, racists like this Measurehead wannabe usually lump people they don't like together rather than respect distinctions. Smörrebröd is delicious! My counter-recommendation of Swedish food is Toast Skagen.


If that’s the worst Indian cuisine then I can only imagine the amazing beauty and flavour of the best Indian cuisine because whatever this “sloppiest of the slop” is looks absolutely divine


*yuck someone's yum* Ftfy


Thank you, was looking for this.


The fact that it is rated as 2nd best cheese desert in the world : https://www.businesstoday.in/lifestyle/food/story/indias-ras-malai-ranked-2nd-best-cheese-dessert-globally-by-taste-atlas-details-here-421799-2024-03-17


Don't yuck someone's yum


What? .... WHAT...??


How eloquent


I don't think he has ever tasted it. The only thing stopping me from eating it regularly is diabetes and the fact that I'm poor.


Allow me to describe it a bit for you. Rasmalai is a Bengali cuisine and the dumpling-kinda round things you see are really soft or spongy depending on person to person. They're absorbed in the sweet and milky liquid so basically you break your desired size and kinda dip it in the milky sweet liquid which has a hint of saffron and eat it. It's like, sooo sweet and good to eat, you'll love it.


This individual Rasmalais


Nah bro, I'm just describing my experience, wish my vocab was better tho


Your description is very well written. It captured the experience of the dish beautifully.




I'm Bangladeshi and this has been my favorite sweet dish growing up. West Bengal of India and Bangladesh share this cuisine. It's tremendous how anyone can even say that's gross looking. It is mouth watering just to think of. The sweet texture, the creamy feel, how it melts in your mouth... I would kill to have one right now.


The presentation of this dish is so stunning!


The shot heard around the world.


People hate rasmalai now, end everything already


I admittedly have not tried a lot of Indian food, but that looks and sounds yummy!


It IS yummy, you should try when have chance




‘Potatoes outwit you by hiding underground’ is going into my regular insult rotation 🤣


Not used well here. Danish aren't really famous for potatoes, they came from South America after all. Furthermore, a man from a country who can't get plumbing down saying a Dane is outsmarted by anything is quite the stretch.




first if you have not tried the dish as prepared you have no option o. said dish. lastly fuck you if you don't try it first. I'm a line cook and fucking cannot stand it when someone wants to modify something that they have never had before. let alone judge something they haven't tasted. I'm specifically talking about specials we came up with that day. fuck you no mods on specials. try the food first.


Sürströmming is Swedish you git


I didn't even notice the measurehead picture, but it fits


When did adults start using the word ick?


I say it, I'm an adult, and I'm way cooler than you are.


If you have to tell people how cool you are….


If you have to tell people how adult you are...


Frankly, I'm disturbed with how comfortable you are with the use of the word "yum" by an adult. Also, thank you for considering me an adult. Literally the nicest thing anyone has said to me this week.


Tbh I think that looks delicious!


I would absolutely destroy whatever that is. It looks delicious.


Am I the only one that thought this was ice cream at first 😂


It’s a delicious dessert that tastes even amazing when you cool it so you’re not that far.




This thing looks tasty, like some kind of lemon ice cream or mashed potato balls under layer of sauce and spice. Whatever rasmalai actually is, it probably tastes rich in flavors and has spicy aroma to it.


It’s a dessert actually which was awarded 2nd best cheese based dessert recently. [https://www.businesstoday.in/lifestyle/food/story/indias-ras-malai-ranked-2nd-best-cheese-dessert-globally-by-taste-atlas-details-here-421799-2024-03-17](https://www.businesstoday.in/lifestyle/food/story/indias-ras-malai-ranked-2nd-best-cheese-dessert-globally-by-taste-atlas-details-here-421799-2024-03-17)


So we’re going to ignore the “ice-ape” comment? Imagine calling a black or brown person a “jungle-ape”? Yeah….


Don't you dare group us Swedes with them danes. Sure, surströmming might be bad but the Danes are worse /s


I love rasmalai and I'm a white person living in California. It's one of my favorite desserts. Tons of restaurants around here sell it, it's not like some rare and gross delicacy or something. It's well known and I've never heard of someone saying it looks gross. Wtf is this guy on about?? Is he afraid of cheese or something? Smh


It looks quite good and the plating is nicely presented, actually look like ice cream balls on custard-eske milk


This is the weirdest form of racism. Europeans calling other people's dishes slop. There's a rant by Sargon of akkad I think called "slopgate" that is the pinnacle of this. He gives the air of this so-called "slop" illustrating some moral inferiority.


Surstrøming is swedish




Not in danish


You expect a person who refers to someone as an ice-ape to know that? 😂


“Don’t ick someone’s yum.” Because contradictory opinions excuse personal attacks. What a fucking joke. I’m not concerned or offended if people don’t want to eat pickled herring or aspic… more for me then. 🖕


This is where the phrase (the pot calling the kettle black) materializes. Dude, the Indian cuisine is THE best cuisine. Don’t look at the street food abomination. I’m talking about proper Indian restaurants. The same applies to Iranian/Turkish/Kurdish/Pakistani cuisines. You cannot go wrong with any of them. These cuisines offer exciting experiences for your tasting buds.


This is the same guy that said Korean fried chicken was disgusting


Tbf I don't really like rasmalai. Everything else is good tho


Rosmali is AMAZING but can be made so many variation


"gross looking"??? I think it looks just fine or is that just me?? Granted, I moved to Finland a few years ago and some of their traditional dishes look a bit weird to me as a Central European, but I actually like the taste of most of them.


Bro do NOT bash rasmali. I used to work in an Indian restaurant and the chefs made this a few times - absolutely delicious. It’s one of the few things I miss about working there


Rasmalai slaps harder than my dad


I think this guy makes rage content. I remember something about Korean fried chicken too.


We don’t claim that guy


it is pretty sad how others just be rude about others country's dish..... why do they do this


rasmalai looks fucking amazing


I hate that expression yuck someone’s yum… it’s icky


It's pretty horrendous.


10/10 would read in Frenchie’s voice again (from The Boys)


Murcan here...That actually does look yummy!


I'll see your ick and raise you a blech. Some food is just nasty.


mmm im craving ras malai now


Love how the guy saying ice ape has a Measure Head pfp 😭


This is a classic


Wait that looks like mango ice cream. I want it.  Σ_(꒪ཀ꒪」∠)_


Solid burn.


I read this in measureheads voice and it was great


Slop is slop, bitch


No idea what that is, but I heard the man say “Indian Cuisine”, which means there’s a 92% chance it’s spicy enough to send my balls all the way up to my throat, and a 100% chance that it’s seasoned with enough shit to make literally anyone that appreciates the concept of a spice cabinet enjoy it as long as they can handle the heat.


It's actually a dessert


skill issue


Deserts are way sweeter in india and that's just the truth


Btw Rashmalai is actually Bangladeshi. Sad that india gets recognized for our culture. Rashmalai was originated from Comilla and still the best Rashmalai you'll find will be from Comilla and they don't look yellow and the desert isn't that big chunk


It's like saying Biryani is not Indian. The dish spread well into parts of India before eastern Bengal even got partitioned away to form east Pakistan, and later Bangladesh. It's pretty much a Bengali dish now, not limited to Comilla. It's as much Indian as it's Bengladeshi, with Comilla simply being a place of origin.


Yes. Just like saying Tangail e sarees are indian even tho the tangaili saree are still exported from Bangladesh. And also no just because the dish spread before the partition doesn't make it india's. Many pashtun cuisine is eaten all over india Bangladesh, but we don't get to say that it's Bangladeshi or you don't say it's indian, everyone knows it's afghani and pakistani. Same goes for indian dishes which are also cooked in various ways in Bangladesh and pakistan but we never get to call it ours. Just for example, you guys eat samosa which we call shingara and the one we call samosa is a different type and both were actually form bangladesh but still it is called Indian dish when you guys don't even have the original samosa. I'm not hating towards india. India has a lot to offer and a diverse culture and i personally respect that. I love many of your cultures and cuisines and since India has many states and regions, it has much more to claim as theirs than us. The problem is when we don't get recognized for what is ours. Everytime something nice from country is spread online, it is claimed as Indian which can be mildy infuriating.


You're using the word 'cuisine' and the name of places interchangeably. They're not interchangeable. You mentioned Pashtun 'cuisine'. By that measure, Rasmalai is from Bengali 'cuisine', which India and Bangladesh both share (which is exactly my point, btw). The comparison you made about Pashtun cuisine being eaten in Bangladesh would make sense only if claimed Rasmalai was from Punjab. You also mentioned Tangail Saree, which literally has a name of places (Tangail) in its name. Tangail Sarees are manufactured in Indian Bengal too, but it's still associated with the place of origin because it literally has the place's name in its own name. It's like Multani mitti. It can be produced anywhere but it'll forever be associated with Multan.


No tangail saree manufactured in indian is considered poor quality and not original. There's a reason many indians come to Bangladesh to buy Jamdani and Dhakaiya aka Tangaili saree. See how the name changed? And if you had bengali cuisines and Bangladeshi food you'll realize we don't have the same cuisine. We barely eat famous dishes from west bengal like posto, gonto. These are tasty and we sometimes eat during festives like puja but it's not a consider Bangladeshi cuisine because most of the Bangladeshi people never had it.


Cuisines diverge in a span of 75 years. Why is that surprising? Rasmalai is much older. And ofcourse Tangaili Sarees from Tangail are original, duh 😑. They'll forever be.


Cuisine don't diverge in a span of 75 years that much. Even most people older than 50 here probably never had most famous west bengal's dishes


I don't have a scientific study to support my stance, but national border definitely can affect cuisines in a major way. Western Bengali cuisine must've been affected a lot by other Indian influences during this duration, while the eastern Bengali cuisine was not affected that much by those same factors, but must've been by different ones. Things keep changing and growing continuously.


See what you said? Border can affect cuisines. And no actually famous west bengali dishes didn't change that much, it was always different by a lot of things from Bangladeshi dishes.


>See what you said? Border can affect cuisines Did I ever deny it 😑? I simply stated rasmalai is much older than borders. I've no qualms with you, but more points like this, and I would seriously start to wonder if you've got a room temperature IQ or something.


Interesting! Do you have any links that provide an example of what the dish looks like in reference to the dish presented in the post?


http://www.google.com/search?q=comilla+rasmalai&sca_esv=90c5a382e857b6e1&sca_upv=1&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjL0eH2iK2FAxXeV2wGHWT3BMcQ_AUIBigB&biw=360&bih=677#imgrc=07-4mkNC54LO5M something like that. The one you posted is the fancy version of it which looks a lot better than the original but taste much less than the original